Chapter Nine

I'm Not Yours!

Despite his previous thoughts, Kim Jongin's day was not doing well.

At all. (He most probably jinxed himself - damn his thoughts!)

After his encounter with Soojung earlier, everything seemed to be going downhill for him. First of all, his first class suddenly had a pop quiz and he wasn't the type of person who would normally study - obviously - and second, Jinri texted him in the middle of class, complaining about how they hadn't spending enough time as a couple despite being the school's 'power couple'. Normally, he wouldn't mind, but she was the one who giggled and laughed at his replies, causing her to get caught and by extension, for him to get caught. 

Now, his phone was in the custody of his history teacher, he promised Jinri to spend some time with her after school today - which he wasn't looking forward to, seeing as he was already getting bored with her - and Jongin really had no idea how this day could get any worse.

"Stop stabbing your food, it didn't do anything to you! It's wasting food!" He heard Tao's reprimanding voice as the elder watched him with keen eyes as Jongin kept stabbing at his Mac & Cheese with his silver spoon. Almost lazily, Jongin looked up at Tao and raised an eyebrow.

"My day's been sh!t. The food's horrible too," He muttered the last part to himself, remembering how he almost gagged earlier when he took the first tentative bite. Baekhyun gasped and looked at him critizingly for swearing in public, and Jongin desperately wanted to tell him to fudge off.

Sehun was the only one in the group who looked at Jongin with pity. "Must've been the algebra test," He said to Jongin, offering a sympathetic smile. Jongin gave the maknae a half hearted smirk and went back to killing picking on his food.

Chanyeol, the annoying giant in Jongin's eyes that he often was, had been oddly silent during their lunch today. He was eating his food quietly, reading quietly, and talking to Baekhyun quietly. And if Jongin was being honest, he had to admit, it scared him - because as annoying and infuriating Chanyeol could be, a day seemed uneventful when he was actually quiet. And apparently, Jongin wasn't the only one who noticed this because Baekhyun kept looking at Chanyeol with concerned glances during lunch - at least, when he wasn't busy reprimanding Jongin.

"Yah, hyung," Jongin called out pointedly at Chanyeol, causing the other to look at him curiously. "What's got your in a twist? You've been quiet all day. Stop. It's even scaring me." Chanyeol simply shrugged almost lifelessly, before going back to quietly eating his food. "Okay, stop it. Hyung, what the hell's wrong with you? Did Chanhee throw out your video games or something?"

"It's not that," Chanyeol answered after a few moments - still quietly. "It's just... Jessica noona is really pretty. And nice," he added as an afterthought, his eyes growing distant and a dreamy, lovesick smile came on his lips. Jongin wanted to gag.

Tao gaped openly at Chanyeol, and if his jaw was going any lower, Jongin was pretty sure it would hit the floor. "Hyung, you've been quiet all day... Because of girl problems?" The last part came out as a squeak more than anything, and Baekhyun simply stared at Chanyeol with an unimpressed look - who'd blame him though? He was worried something had happened all day, and it only turned out to be because he had a crush on his sister's best friend.

Chanyeol blushed, his ears turning red. Tao tutted. "Hyung, don't you know? Jessica noona has dating rumors with a world class model! Everyone who keeps up with the fashion world knows it," He said in a diva-like way at his elder, his fingers wagging as he spoke. Jongin raised an eyebrow - really, everyone who knew about the fashion world? He knew something was going on when Tao said he was staying at home to watch The Walking Dead. 

"Oh! I heard about that scandal too," Their youngest nodded his head hurriedly. "They seemed to be really close, hyung. You shouldn't go after her, it'll mean heartbreak for you. Besides, she's a lot older. Well, not a lot, but still older and -" By that point, Jongin wasn't even listening to Sehun anymore.

And suddenly, there was a loud squeal that hurt his ears. Jongin winced and turned his head slightly, to see who it was. Probably just another fangirl asking him to give her a chance, he thought mentally, before he felt someone hug him from the back and literally squealed into his ears. Well, that was unpleasant.

"Oppa!" Jinri squealed again, and Jongin thought if this continued, he'd go deaf by the end of the day. "I hope it's okay I'm sitting here with you! And the rest of the EXO oppa's!" She giggled again, still hugging him from the back. Baekhyun just stared at the scene with a judging eyebrow, and Tao looked like he was trying to hold back his laugh at Jongin's miserable look.

Sehun scooted over to give Jinri a place to sit, and the girl beamed at him before taking Sehun's previous seat - only to disregard it after a moment of thinking, and decided to take a seat on Jongin's lap instead. "I'm so, so excited for our date later today! Aren't you too, Kai oppa?" She smiled at him happily, and Jongin nodded a small nod in confirmation, smirk playing on his lips. Now that she wasn't screaming or squealing into his ears anymore, he could tolerate her well enough.

"Of course I am, babe," Jongin replied to her almost unenthusiastically, deciding to put his arms around her waist. Jinri, of course, didn't see his expression and smiled at him even brighter. The other EXO boys were used to this - Jongin treating his girlfriend's well for at least a week before he decided to dump them or cheat on them with some other girl. Chanyeol stared at Jongin and Jinri with longing, as if he was hoping something like that could happen to him and Jessica (which wasn't ever going to happen. Most probably).

"We could go shopping later and everything! Oh! And we should also buy ourselves couple rings, oppa. I want the whole world to know you're mine~" Jinri continued, practically grinning from ear to ear now. She put her arms around Jongin's neck and squealed again, putting their cheeks together, and not at all afraid of showing skinship with her boyfriend. Jongin simply gave her another one of his smirks, and let her latch onto him like this.

Of course, as absorbed Jinri was in Jongin and how absorbed Jongin was in... something(?), the two didn't notice two pairs of eyes watching them keenly, one of them hurt and the other filled with anger.

Jung Soojung felt like crying.

Her vision was blurred, and she could numbly feel her hands shaking slightly. She could feel the tightness of , and how everything in the world seemed wrong, so wrong right now.

"I need to go to the bathroom," Soojung whispered as a quick excuse to get away from Luna's table and hurriedly walked out of the cafeteria, heading to the second floor bathroom on the west side of the school building. She pushed through the crowd as she made her way there, her vision still blurry and her heart feeling like it had been broken to pieces. Her head was kept low, and Soojung didn't even dare to let anyone see her in her weak moments.

Almost slamming the door of the bathroom, Soojung scanned the bathroom and after seeing that there was nobody else, she quickly locked the door and leaned against the wall. Alone at last, she let her tears fall, and a small sob came out of her lips. It hurt. It hurt so much. Seeing Jongin and Jinri being the couple that everyone envied, it hurt her and she didn't like how it did.

'He was just toying with you, Soojung,' She thought to herself bitterly, tears still streaming and her shoulders still shaking. 'He doesn't care about you. He never did. He just wanted you to fall for him, and that's exactly what you did. You're stupid, Soojung. You're a stupid little girl who thinks she knows what love is, a girl who thinks that a playboy like him would ever care for a girl like you,' Soojung kept chanting to herself in her mind, and her knees gave in as she started to sink down to the floor. The bathroom was clean, thankfully, but even if it wasn't, Soojung couldn't keep standing anymore. Her legs had felt like jelly, and everything just... hurt.

"I'm stupid," She choked out to herself, small sobs still coming out of her body. How stupid was she to even believe Jongin felt genuine feelings for her? For all she knew, he only thought of her as a toy, or a distraction. Maybe she was 'the other woman' for him, something to keep him company when perfect Jinri wasn't around. 

No matter how much she wanted to though, Soojung couldn't hate Jinri. Jinri had Jongin first, and Soojung didn't even have any rights to feel hurt over this.

Because no matter how close she thought she was to Jongin, Soojung felt like she lost someone that wasn't even hers in the first place.


It's been forever since I last updated, and for that, I apologize. Things have been extremely busy, and it . I know I'm horrible for not updating in so long, but thank you so, so much for those of you that sticked around. And for those who didn't - well, I don't blame you. Ha.

Anyways, this is the new chapter (: I did promise a lot of action, but not a lot of action between Jongin and Soojung. I'm so sorry, but there was a lot of emotions in this chapter and I hope my writing did the scenes justice!

I've set up a goal to update at least once every two days, though. Feel free to slap me if I won't update by two days. Aha. oH, AND I HAVEN'T PROOFREAD THIS AHAHAH SORRY FOR THE MISTAKES.

- mondegreen.

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Emi_changiraffe #1
Chapter 12: Omg please update
soojungie94 #2
Chapter 12: Please update
DoubleChoi36 #3
Chapter 12: update soon pls. ur story is nice:)
Eririn #4
Will you be updating? This story is really good.
anahitatabrizi #5
Chapter 12: Omg finally someone from EXO know who she is !!!
Chapter 12: omg omg omg let there be sestal to make jongin jealous
maeg25 #7
Chapter 12: Please update..really like ur story..:)
fairy_angel #8
Chapter 12: OH MY GOD!!! this is interesting :D please update soon
Chapter 12: And also is Sehun gonna be the second lead?
/dramatic gasp/
It's gonna be so adorable
My ultimate otp is Kaistal but Sestal is like a side ship cos I think they are actually really good friends in reality cos they had a lot of moments (unlike Kaistal who are all shy and stuff and DEPRIVE US SHIPPERS OF FEELS BUT WE LOVE THEM ANYWAY)
I have mixed feelings about Kailli cos I love Sulli but not with Kai. SeSul is cool though.
AND OMG CHANYEOL AND JESSICA, totally saw that coming but still adorable
Sorry for my spam comments but I just really love and appreciate this treasure chest of FEELS
I was counting on Sehun being a genius and actually ask Krystal if she really is Jung Soojung instead of just thinking it like Jongin OTL YESSSS XD
The feels are alive
Thank youuu~