You..who I need the most

WOLF : the story
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'Hyung, we'll be visitting D.O hyung this evening.'

   Luhan stared at his phone screen emotionless. He doesn't know what should he do. Should he joined them or not. Luhan was puzzled. He was chained with burden of his action. Of his power. Unconsciously, he dialled Sehun's number. So do he pushed the green button. He didn't realised it until his voice roaming through the line.

"Hello. It that you there, Luhan hyung?"

But no answer. Luhan stumbled his word.

"Hyung? Are you there?"

"Sehun~ah..." There's a vibrate in his voice.

"Hyung! Where've you been?" Sehun was almost crying when he heard his voice.

"Sehun, I'm sick." Luhan started to cry. He dearest is on the line. He had really want to call him but he worried he might despise him.

"Hyung, what is you tried to say. Hyung, you worried me. Please don't cry." 

"I'm sick , Hunnie.. It hurt me so much. Sehun~ah,  dowajuseyo.... Help me.." Luhan cried heavily. 

"Listen here. Tell me where you are! Hyung!!!!" Sehun was pleading but Luhan turned off the call.  He can't do any harm to Sehun. Those thugs must have been searching for him. They might hurt his precious person to lure him out.  He don't want any harm. Enough with D.O as the sacrifice. 

   The room atmosphere suffocate him. Miserably he dragged his leg to the basketball court. And there he is playing ferociously without caring of his wound. He keep playing and playing until his leg couldn't support him anymore. He fell on his knee. Clutching on his rib. Panting hard and coughing blood.


"Luhan hyung!!!!" He screamed as Luhan turned off the call. Chanyeol and Lay rushed toward Sehun when he suddenly screamed like crazy. Sehum felt like all his energy were all drained out. He nearly  make his phone crushed to the ground. Luckily Lay quick reflex had save itnfrom damage. He nearly collapsing but Chanyeol managed to capture him.

"Oi, Sehun! Get to your sense." Sehun seem like he was half concious. Baekhyun and  Chen rushed to help. Luckily

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Chapter 3: Updste update update pleaseee~!!
Chapter 3: aaaaaw i rly like this version khukhukhukhu
Chapter 2: Update! I like this story, but you should make chapters longer! ^^