That kid right there

That kid right there

Kai and Kyungsoo has always been the best of friends. Not lterally, but they always hang out together in the play area.


The flowers bloomed as butterly flew from one flower to the other. 5 years old JongIn hop off the bus, running into his Pre-school. "Kyungsoo hyungggggg!" JongIn screamed and all the other kids looked at him. Some of them even started crying. "JongIn-ie, how many times must I tell you not to scream? You will be able to see KyungSoo during break time." Ms Jung said and JongIn just looked at her blankly. He went off to place his bag and waterbottle and started playing with the other kids.






"Alright kids! We are going to learn to fold a heartshape today! Take a piece of paper each~" Ms Jung passed down colored papers and each kid took one, except JongIn. Ms Jung taught the children how to fold a heartshape and everyone did it pretty well. Well, for JongIn it's easy since his a genius. He took out the other piece of paper and started folding another heartshape. "Wow, who are you giving the other heartshape to?" Ms Jung asked. JongIn just ignored her and focused on folding his heartshape.




It was break time, JongIn took his heartshape and waited by the fence where he met KyungSoo. "Hyung!" He shouted and Kyungsoo ran up to him. "JongIn-ie!"KyungSoo smiled and squished his cheeks. JongIn winced and took his folded heart and gave it to KyungSoo. "Is it for me?" KyungSoo asked and JongIn nodded. " Really? Thank you!" KyungSoo squealed and gave JongIn a sloppy kiss on his cheeks. He grabbed JongIn by the wrist and ran off to the tree near by. They sat down together under the shade and leaned on to each other. "You know, you should really talk more, instead of only calling "Hyung!' all day long" Kyungsoo said, hoping JongIn will eventaully talk more. But JongIn shook his head and covered his mouth. What JongIn wants to hear all day is KyungSoo's cute voice and contagious laughter.


The bell rang again, indicating the end of break. The teachers came out and bugged the children to go back into their class. "Break's over! Let's go!" KyungSoo grabbed JongIn by the wrist again and ran off. That was pretty much what JongIn enjoyed all the time, waiting for KyungSoo by the fence and Kyungsoo grabbing JongIn's wrist to run off to the nearby tree. He loved all of this moment and wished it could stay forever.


The school bus came and JongIn went in. He reached home and placed his bag on a shelve. His shoes neatly beside the shelve and his waterbottle in the sink. He puts his folded heart onto the coffee table and walked straight into his room. Before he managed to open the door, SuHo dashed towards him, lifting him off the ground and settling him down the couch. "Now, now. You are not going anywhere. So, how's school today?" SuHo smiled to his fullest, hoping JongIn could reply him, more than a word. "Fine" was all JongIn said. Suho sighed and looked at the folded heart on the coffee table. "Aigooooo, is that for me?" SuHo took the heart and placed it on his chest. JongIn nodded and was getting ready to run off. SuHo pulled him back down and said "Don't go yet! Lunch will be ready in a minute" JongIn just sat down and wait for the arrival of his lunch. As they eat, JongIn would sometime ask weird questions like "Daddy, why am I a boy?" "Daddy, why aren't you a girl" " Appa, why must I have short hair?" and SuHo would be more than elated to answer those questions. After lunch, JongIn placed his plate into the sink and hides in his bedroom all day long till dinner. He comes out for dinner and went back into his room again to either play or completes little assignment given by his teacher.



That was JongIn's lifestyle and throughout the entire day, he speaks less than 20 words. Days went by exactly the way it is.




Wednesday, 7 January.

The bell rang again and JongIn raced off to the fence again. JongIn waited and waited but KyungSoo didn't appear. KyungSoo was later than usual. Just when JongIn was about to walk off, he heard Kyungsoo shouting for him. "JongIn!" Kyungsoo panted. "Oh, I'm sorry! My teacher told me to stay a little longer to help out in something." Kyungsoo apologised and JongIn just brushed it off. The two of them walked to the nearby tree as per usual. JongIn then noticed KyungSoo was limping. The two of them sat down and JongIn looked at Kyungsoo's leg. KyungSoo was busy talking about what happened and stopped when JongIn poked his leg. "Ouch!" KyungSoo winced and rubbed his thigh. JongIn looked at him with a concern look. " My appa hit me too hard because I was being naughty. But he was apologetic after that. Don't worry ok and please don't tell anyone" KyungSoo smiled and ruffled JongIn's hair.  JongIn gave a peck on KyungSoo's wounds and the bell rang. "You go off first JongIn, I need sometime to walk to the classroom" Kyungsoo and JongIn just walked off. But, the smart little JongIn decided to hide behind a pillar to make sure his hyung manage to walk to the classroom and not get hurt. "KyungSoo!" A teacher came by and asked what happened. Kyungsoo smiled and said " I fell down, it is nothing much" JongIn's eyes widened but still walked back to his classroom.



"Daddy" JongIn asked while poking his food.


"Yes?" SuHo looked up from his food.


"KyungSoo lied" JongIn said.


"Oh really? Then KyungSoo must be a bad boy." Suho said. JongIn just shrug and brushed it off.



Thursday, 8 January



As usual, JongIn and kyungsoo sat under the tree. As usual again, Kyungsoo was talking about his lessons and JongIn just by the side listening. Just then, Kyungsoo decided to be funny. He stood up and beginning to act like a moneky. That made JongIn giggle. Kyungsoo decided to act like a pig and soon the two boys started laughing boisterously. But they didn't know a soccer ball was flying towards KyungSoo. KyungSoo turned and the ball his in right at this stomach. KyungSoo fell to the ground and the culprits screamed " I'm sorry!!" and ran off. JongIn dashed towards Kyungsoo and helped him up.


They walked into the toilet to clean up KyungSoo's wounds. KyungSoo lifted up his shirt to check if the soccer ball had caused him any bruises. Just as he lifted up his shirt, JongIn's eyes widened and jawdropped. "Where did you get those from!" He pointed at those red , blue and black marks on KyungSoo's body. "Ah, I was doing painting yesterday so..." Kyungsoo said and JongIn laughed again. JongIn cleaned up KyungSoo's wounds and the teacher came in. "What are the two of you doing here?" The teacher asked. JongIn was afraid and didn't speak. KyungSoo then said " We were just using the toilet". The teacher nodded and urge the two of them to go back to their classrooms.


"Daddy," JongIn at the dining table called again.


"Yes?" SuHo still showing off his billion dollar smile.


"Do people paint without their tops on?" JongIn asked.


" Well, apparently no" SuHo said after a short pause.


"Why did KyungSoo lie?" JongIn shot. That was strange, SuHo thought. Usually JongIn wouldn't ask more than two questions neither does he ever repeats them. But, SuHo was too busy with his work to bother that much since JongIn already made his way to his own bedroom.



 Friday, 9 January


 "JongIn! Next Monday is my birthday!" KyungSoo squealed. JongIn looked at him and then turn back to his rubrik's cube again. "When is your birthday?" KyungSoo asked and JongIn replied "14th January". That made KyungSoo squeal. "Oh great! We can have a gift exchange on 13th January!" KyungSoo punched his fist in the air. Then JongIn noticed KyungSoo wearing love sleeves. He looked at it and poked. KyungSoo gave him an innocent look and said "It's c-cold today, don't you think so?" KyungSoo shuddered and JongIn thought that it was weird. The sun was glaring at them as sweat trickle down JongIn's cheeks. But he couldn't care less. The bell rang and they ran back to their classrooms.


"Daddy" JongIn called.


"Yessss?" Suho replied, engrossed with his work.


"I want to make something for KyungSoo hyung" JongIn said and SuHo was certainly surprised.


"Sure, make a card then. You nee-" SuHo was shut by the slamming of the door. JongIn already returned to his bedroom and he could hear the cutting of paper.




Monday, 12th January


"Kyungsoo hyung!" JongIn screamed and KyungSoo walked slowly towards him. KyungSoo was pale and he looked like he could faint anytime. JongIn gave him a worried look and KyungSoo just grinned. They slowly walked towards the tree and sat down. "If you are worried about my horrible pale face, don't worry. I just don't feel too good today" KyungSoo said in a weak tone. JongIn was really worried by then. He took out a silver ribbon and stood up. He looked at kyungsoo, beckoning him to stand up too. KyungSoo took one end of the silver ribbon and JongIn took the other. They twirled it around the tree and tie it down. "Memories" JongIn said and Kyungsoo clapped. " JongIn! That was brilliant!"




SuHo clicked "Send" and finally, his overloaded job was all done. He sprawled his limbs and fell back onto the sofa and sighed in relieve. He turned and looked at his Son's bedroom which the door was left ajar. He walked in and thought, it has been long since I really answer his questions that enthusaistically. He then looked on the table and noticed a pink colored card and on it wrote "HAPPY BIRTHDAY KYUNGSOO <3 <3" That gave him a great idea.



Both SuHo and JongIn sat down on the couch together.


"JongIn, how was KyungSoo? Did he lie again?" SuHo asked. JongIn nodded and Suho asked why.


"It was extremely hot today, but he lied and said it was cold since he was wearing long sleeves."


"Anything else?"


"He lied yesterday to the teacher. The soccer ball hit him and he used the bathroom to clean his wound. But when the teacher came in, he didn't tell the teacher he was hurt, he lied and said we were just using the toilet."


"Any other things?" SuHo was excited to listen to his Son talking so much.



"He was limping. He told the teacher he fell. But he told me..." JongIn yawned before he finished his sentence.


"Aigoooo, our little JongIn must have been sleepy. It's ok, you can tell me tomorrow!" Suho smiled and brought JongIn to sleep.


That night, suho kept thinking about what JongIn said to him. It made him happy at first, but later he felt that it was odd.



Tuesday, 13th January

JongIn sat down to have his breakfast. SuHo then came to him and asked " Remember what you said yesterday? Can you continue?"


"He told me that his father hit him since he was naughty. Daddy, why did he lie?" JongIn said while munching onto his cereal. This time, SuHo understood everything.


"Come, I'm going to school with you" SuHo said in a stern tone. He grabbed JongIn by the wrist and made a dash for his car. He had come to a conclusion. He sped off  to JongIn's preschool. "Sir, you are not suppose to enter" The guard said but SuHo screamed " I NEED TO SEE THE PRINCIPAL." The guard stopped him again. "DIDN'T I SAID-" SuHo pushed him again. The guard got angry and screamed " SIR, IF YOU ARE THIS STUBBORN, I'M GOING TO CALL THE POLICE"  SuHo looked at him with teary eyes. He breathe in and said in a calm tone "Please, this is an emergency. Please, PLEASE!" SuHo gave a final push at the guard, making him fall onto the ground. SuHo and JongIn sprinted off towards the principal's office. He slammed the door and there was no one inside.  He ran towards the classroom which KyungSoo was in. He entered and was greeted with silence.



"Daddy, why everyone looked so sad?" JongIn asked. The lump in SuHo's throat grew bigger and he squeezed his Son's hand.His eyes were b with tears and soon, it rolled down his face. The principal with a tear-stained face shook his head, suho was too late.

"Son" SuHo finally got his words out.


"KyungSoo... will be late today" He said. JongIn nodded and SuHo brought him back to his classroom.


The bell rang and JongIn as usual waited by the fence. He waited and waited but KyungSoo never came. Slowly, it started drizzling and it turned into a downpour. JongIn refused to go, he stood there waiting, just in case KyungSoo ever came. SuHo saw it and went to JongIn. He tried to pulled JongIn to a shelter but JongIn wouldn't move.


"JongIn! " SuHo scolded.


"I'm waiting for KyungSoo" JongIn said.


" KyungSoo will not come to school today" SuHo said.


"Why?" JongIn looked up as rain continued pouring onto them.


"KyungSoo will never come to school again." SuHo said as tears stream down his face.


"Kyungsoo would never lie everyday in school again, he would never lie to the teacher and never cover up his bruises every again " SuHo screamed and choked.


Somehow everything clicked in JongIn's head. Those bruises, that long sleeves and the weak kyungsoo. Kyungsoo had been suffering and JongIn didn't notice a thing. Kyungsoo was being abused at home and yet nobody could save him.


"Kyu-Kyungie..." JongIn whispered and tears welled up in his eyes. He screamed and ran towards the tree where they would always meet. SuHo chased after him and watched how JongIn untied that silver ribbon. JongIn placed the ribbon in between his hands and prayed to god.



"KyungSoo hyung, I'm sorry for not being able to notice how hurt were you. I believe you are in heaven now. You might be gone but you will always be in my heart. Thank you so much for bringing laughter and joy to me, I love you" JongIn whispered and released the silver ribbon. The ribbon flew and flew far away.


JongIn then took out the card he made for Kyungsoo. He opened it and read it aloud for kyungsoo. " Dear KyungSoo, you are a wonderful hyung and the best friend I ever had. I hope you have a great birthday! Happy Birthday once again! I love you"



That night SuHo took out his guitar and sang to himself. He was mad at himself for being ignorant, if only he was that bit faster KyungSoo wouldn't have died.


"KyungSoo lie~" He strummed the guitar


"to the classroom. KyungSoo lied, everyday in school." His vision blurry because of his tears.


"Kyungsoo lies to the teacher as he tried to cover every bruise"


Wednesday, 14th January


SuHo walked into KyungSoo's house to gather his stuff. It was so old and tattered. Blood stains were everywhere and he could imagine how badly kyungsoo had been abused. KyungSoo's father had been arrested. He went into KyungSoo's room and kept his personal items. He saw a card on the table and read it. Tears streamed down his face as he finshed the last word.





"Dear JongIn,

I'm sorry I can't pass this card to you. I'm sorry for lying, I'm sorry for being a weak hyung and I'm sorry for not telling you I'm being abused. My father hit me badly but I was too afraid to tell the world. By the time you read this card, I'm pretty sure I will be in God's embrace.  You are the best dongsaeng I ever had and will still be the best in the future. Please, talk more! You are a year older now, happy birthday! <3 I love you!  


Best wishes,

Do Kyung Soo <3















~The End ~


Inspired by "Alyssa Lies"


Please, stop child abuse. If you are a victim, please, tell somebody. Everyone is there to help.




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luckydream05 #1
Chapter 1: Oh god, it so sad. I'm crying right now.