

'Is that a confession?' 



"Kris.. I.." You were flustered. Your cheeks unknowingly turned a few shades redder, making Kris laugh at your reaction. 

"That's one side I never saw." He teased. You hid your face in your hand from embarrassment. "Don't hide. Chaekyung ah. There's something I've been wanting to tell you." 

You looked into the blonde's eyes, and you felt it again. That electric current-like sensation going through your body. "What is it?" You mumbled.

"I like you." Kris said. "A lot."

"Wh..What?" You stuttered. You couldn't believe what you just heard.

"But Kris... I'm-"

"I don't care if you are human, half-blood or a pure. I like you Shim Chaekyung. I don't care about those rules. I just want you." Kris said, firmly.

Your lips curved up, happy at what he said. "Really? Aren't you scared that your parents might not agree? And the other boys? I mean it’s-"

“Why are you so paranoid?” He grabbed your shoulder. "It doesn't matter. All that matters to me is you." He reassured.

"Thank you." You said, leaning into his chest. 

"So does this mean... you're willing to be my girlfriend?" He asked.

You pulled away from him and looked at him. "That… I think I'll have to think about it." You teased, earning yourself a tickle session from the tall blonde.


“Morning.” Kris whispered into your ear as he sat down next to you at the dining table.

“Morning.” You replied, slightly smiling with your head down.

“You two are acting a little weird today.” Chanyeol said. “I have been observing.”

“You’re thinking too much into it.” Kris retorted. “Just eat your breakfast.” The younger boy pouted and continues to finish what was remaining on his plate.


“Are you sure you can manage?” Kris looked at you.

“I’m fine. I still have my other hand.” You said, waving it in his face. ‘Besides, I’ve got someone to help me.”

Kris raised an eyebrow. “Someone? Who?”

You looked around, searching for someone. “Oh! There he is!” You waved to the boy walking towards your direction. “Henry!” You exclaimed. A little too passionate for Kris’ liking.

“What’s he doing here?” Kris groaned.

“Going to class with me. You're jealous." You teased.

“What?! Of course not.”

“Good. Cause there’s nothing between us. He’s just an older brother.” You said.

“Older brother?”

“Yeah. He’s well… just like me. I’ll tell you later.”

“I’ll pick you up after your class.” Kris said, swiftly pecking your lips before anyone saw.

“Alright.” You replied, your cheeks turning a few shades redder. “Bye. You should head for you class too.” You waved and walked off with Henry.

“Don’t worry. I’ll take good care of her for you.” Henry assured with a bright smile.


“What happened to you?” Henry asked, looking at the bandage you had on your right arm.

You told Henry what happened last night. He had a similar encounter but he was luckier than you. He managed to fight the two that was harassing him without much injury. It’s not the first time the both of you met with such incidents and it couldn’t be coincidental that it happened to both of you who happen to have the same background and traits.

“I think someone is after us.” Henry said.

“You think so too? I can’t be coincidental. I think they are out to kill us half-bloods.”

“I think it’s just half-blood from our family.” He said, sounding a little too serious. “Anyways!” Henry exclaimed, sounding normal again, “You both are officially together?”

“Yeah…” You said, blushing a little.

‘That’s great! I can tell you guys are meant to be.”

“Thank you Henry.” You said.


“Asking me to follow my heart.” You smiled.

“No problem.” He said, gently patting your shoulder.


Class ended later than usual and you spotted Kris already waiting outside for you, looking a little impatient.

“Sorry. The lecturer just kept talking.” You apologised.

“It’s fine. Let’s go, the boys are already there.” He said, taking your books you have on your hand. “Want to join us?” Kris looked at Henry.

“I would love to but I’m already late for my next class. Some other time maybe.” He said.

“Dinner?” You suggested.

“Sounds good. Call me again then.” He said as he rushed off for his next class.

"Let's go. I'm hungry.' Kris complained. He grabbed your hand and started walking, with no intention of letting go. Slowly, he shifted his hand, making his fingers intertwine with your. You wanted to pull away but he held on even tighter.

"Kris... People are looking..." You said, with your head hung low.

"Let them look. What's wrong with holding my girlfriend's hand?" He said proudly. You lifted your head up and looked at him. His smile was so sweet you can melt anytime. "This way, I can let the whole world know you are mine."

There were gasping from the other students as you and Kris walked down the hallway. Everyone was looking, making small talks to themselves. Girls were glaring at you and you could almost hear their heartbreak. "They are together?" "Are you serious?" "Oh my gosh no!" You did a little victory dance in your head. You were dating one of the best looking guys in school and the best part? He loves you as much as you love him.


You were reaching the cafeteria and you became nervous again. You tried slipping your hand away from Kris but he grabbed onto your hand before you could let go. "You need to stop doing this." He said. "I will need to glue your hand to mine if your do that again." You were at the enterance of the cafeteria and could already see the boys from afar. Who wouldn't since the 12 are always together, attracting much attention from the girls. Kris gave your hand a little squeeze and walked towards them.

"They're finally- " Chanyeol paused when he saw the both of you walking towards them while holding hands. His eyes widen, mouth slightly ajar, not believing what he saw.

"What? What's with that expression?" Sehun, who was seated opposite him asked. Chanyeol pointed at your direction and all of them turned towards you.

"The two of you..." Sehun said, pointing at the both of you. Kris smirked when he saw their shocked expression and all you wanted to do was to dig a hole and hide from embarrassement.

"See! I told you something was weird between them this morning!" Chanyeol exclaimed.

"It's about time the both of you got together." Xiumin said with a smile. Everyone was shocked. So was that an okay sign? Xiumin is the head of the pack so did he mean that he knew it all along?

"So guys, please take good care of her." Kris said, pulling you close.

"We have always been treating her very well. Right Chaekyung?" Luhan said. You nodded slightly. You felt really happy that everyone excepted your relationship with Kris, even Xiumin seems to be okay with it. 'Maybe it's not so bad afterall.'


"Chaekyung's not joining us?" Yixing asked as he sat down at the table opposite Kris.

'She'll be coming a little later." He replied.

The boys settled for dinner at a BBQ place after school that day. You waited for Henry in school before heading over to meet the boys. You found it incredible how you could connect with Henry so easily even though the both of you met only the day before. It was really like finding a long lost brother, someone who could relate your situation to.

"Hi everyone!" You chirped. "Let me introduce. My brother, Henry."

"Brother?" A few of them said at the same time.

"I'm Henry. Nice to meet you all." Henry greeted.

"Henry? Since when was he your brother?" Chanyeol asked. He knew Henry but he never knew he had any siblings.

"Since yesterday." You answered. "He's not my biological brother but.. someone who is just like me." The boys looked at you confused. You looked at Henry and chuckled. "You'll see it for yourselves later."

Henry sat next to you during dinner and was rather chatty with the boys. You were glad that he could fit in well and the boys are receptive of him, even Kris, but still, they didn't know why he was your 'brother'. You found out that he was actually in the same guitar club as Chanyeol and they would go around busking, attracting much attention from the girls. 

"Actually, the two of you do look a like." Sehun said. "Your hair colour is the same, and..." He paused, realising why you said Henry was someone just like you.

"And?" Tao, who was seated next to him asked.

"Their eyes..." Sehun replied, his pupils shifting between you and Henry, " Are blue." Almost all of them stopped what they were doing and looked at the both of you, almost not believing that both of you are half-bloods and from the same family. Talk about conincidence. Henry was a little embarassed because his identity got know by everyone else, espcially when the 12 boys are pure wolves and they come from families who are higher in status. You too, felt this way before but the boys' actions assured you that they won't treat you any differetly, neither will they to Henry.

The 14 of you walked down the streets after dinner since it was still early. Along the way, you felt someone was following your group but you weren't sure. You kept turning back but you didn't see anyone. 'What's wrong?" Kris asked, squeezing your hands a little.

"Nothing... I just have a feeling that someone is following us." You said. You turned around again but there wasn't anyone suspicious. "Maybe I'm thinking too much." 'That's weird.' You thought. You shrugged the idea off, thinking that maybe you were just too tired.


You all headed to the carpark and your uneasy feeling came back again. You tightened your grip on Kris' hand, making him look at you worriedly. He tugged your hand a little, ensuring that everything is alright. However, your gut feeling was right this time. A group of guys was walking toward you all and stopped, blocking your way. The guy smirked and scanned through the 14 of you.

"What do you want." Xiumin said, stepping out to the front.

"Them." He pointed to you and Henry. Kris immediately pulled you behind him and the boys surrounded you and Henry. 

"Can't do." Xiumin replied, stepping up infront of the boys. "You will have to go through us first."

The guy scoffed. "So this is how you all want to do it." He took a step closer, in front of you and Henry  "I don't see why you guys are protecting them when you know they are going to end up like their parents in the end." He smirked. Your eyes shot a glare at the guy, whom you recognise from the day before. You curled your hands into a fist, trying to fight the anger building up in you. 

"This bastard." Henry murmured, wanting to step up to confront the guy but he was stopped by Chanyeol.

"So the almighty Exo is going to protect these two half-bloods now uh?" The guy walked around, circling you and Henry. "But I might say, she is very good looking. It would be a pity if she died so early.." He said as he brushed his fingers against your face which you slapped away lightly, or at least you thought so.

"Don't touch me." You protested, your eyes turning into a brighter shade of blue. He just scoffed and walked away.

"Hand them over and we'll end this the painless way." He said. The boys didn't move a single bit. "You know, the accident your parents were in?" He said looking to Henry, "it wasn't a real accident. It was planned. And your parents," He shifted his vision to you, "Well, obviously, they were asked to be killed by someone too." He knew very well about the charateristics of your breed, even better than you do. He was provoking you and Henry, wanting the two of you to make a move and he succeeded. Within the next minute, you and Henry charged up to where the other group was.

"Chaekyung!" Kris pulled your arm, trying to stop you. You turned back to him and he got a shock and how bright your eyes turned. Before you know it, Henry already pushed him on the floor, throwing punches at the guy. With that, the two groups starting fighting with each other. The other party was obviously out numbered. Using the advantage, Kris and Chanyeol grabbed you and Henry to bring you both to safety. Before you could reach any of their cars, you felt your hand being grabbed by someone.

"Let's see how you run now." He said, pulling you towards him. 

"Chaekyung ah!" Kris yelled when he realised that you were caught by the other party. He ran towards you and threw a punch the the guy. The two of them ended up in a fist fight.

"Kris!" You exclaimed. Kris ended up being pushed against the wall by the other party. Without thinking, you ran up to him and kicked him hard in the knee from behind, making him fall to the ground. Taking the chance, Kris grabbed your hand and run after adding a few more kicks to the guy's stomach, making him groan in pain. 

"Faster Kris!" Chanyeol exclaimed from the car. As soon as the both of you got on, Chanyeol sped off, bringing the two of you to safety.


"Ah!" Kris flinched

"Sorry!" You drew your hand back quickly. "Does it still hurt?" You were helping Kris to apply medications on the cuts and bruises he got from the fight just now. You felt bad because he got injured because of you. Kris looked at you helping him to treat his would. He was practically staring and enjoying the moment. A smile slowly creep up his face, making you frown at his expression. You leaned in closer to treat the cuts on his face, so close that you could feel his breath on you. Kris puckered up his lips, taking the chance to plant a kiss on your lips. You froze and stared at your boyfriend who was smiling sheepishly. 

"Ouch!" Kris yelled. You used a little more strength to appy the medication on his bruise.

"That's for sneaking up on me." You said. "Sorry... I've been causing so much trouble to you guys ever since I started living here..." You apologised, keeping your vision on the first aid kit that you were packing. "Maybe I should just move back to my place."

"No." Kris protested. "Who's gonna look after you if you're living all alone?"

"He's right." Luhan said as he walked in from the front door with the other boys. They looked fine, just with minor cuts.

"But I don't want to keep getting you all into trouble like this..."

"It's gonna be more dangerous if you are alone." Luhan added. 


"No more buts." Xiumin said. "You are staying with us, and so is Henry. Like I said before, until we get to the bottom of this, you are not going anywhere."

You sighed and nodded. You were really thankful that the boys are willing to keep you safe but at the same time, you didn't like the fact that you had to trouble them any maybe even risking their own safety just to make sure you are alright.


It was a Saturday afternoon but you were stuck at home with nothing much to do besides watching shows, surfing the internet or revising your work. You wanted to go out but the boys didn't allow you to leave the house alone. You walked out to the garden and saw Henry seated by the stair playing the guitar, humming a tune. You walked up to him and sat beside him, looking at the boy play the guitar. He too was asked to stay in the house if he didn't have anything to attend to.

"Chaekyung, Henry." Luhan called out. "Could you both come in? There's something you guys might want to know."

You turned to look at Henry. 'What is it about?' Was it going to be about the people that were after you? Or your family? You questioned yourself. Most importanly, are you going to be able to handle all these over whelming things that has been happening and what is going to happen? You hope that it was good news.


Update! (: Thanks for being so patient everyone. I know the ending is kinda weird cause I was trying to think of several ways to end it and leave more things to the next chapter. I hope everyone's okay with this.  Do give me your honest feedback because sometimes I get a writer's block and start typing out nonsense to try to make the story flow. Thank you all for the subs, really touched by it. Please look forward to the next chapter! (:


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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 16: Love it ^3^♥
kimnana27 #2
I found this story on the timeline since the description was so eye catching about the whole half blood wolf thing. I think it's something new. I finished reading your story in one sit and I could say it was a good story. Good luck with your another story. I upvoted! ^^
mieza_s #3
Chapter 15: Kyaaa..!!!author-nim..i hate you..!!!!i hate you so much..crying so hard right now...such a lovely story..i madly in love with this..but you owe me make me cried..huhu
Chapter 15: Thank god the lovey dovey going together again<3 it was an amazing story authorrr^^ I never expected what will going next and be more and more curious each chap. Keep up the good work of yours okayy! Fighting for your next fanfic!!! Ily<3
AnimeKitty #5
Chapter 4: Omg, It's HENRY!!!!!! :D
twinkle_blossom #6
Chapter 15: Wah~ it was amazing! I loved it! >.<
great job author-nim! ^_^
kittyohno #7
Chapter 5: Awwww the hell I enjoyed the chapter! Authornimmm :P
BigBangTop17 #8
Chapter 15: That was amazing loved it
Wimz_EXOticBABYz #9
Chapter 15: OHEMGEE!! The last 3 chapters are so intense! Nice plot