

"We're heading out now, hopefully he means what he said." Kris said through the wireless communicator. "We'll be out in 15 minutes if everything goes well."

You made it back down to the ground level without any trouble. You peeked out at the hallway, there were only a few people around and it would be a problem for the both of you to dodge their attention. You and Kris swiftly ran through the room, and you were almost reaching the main door. Kris placed his hand on the door knob and opened the door leading to the main hall. There were groups of people walking around the hall and a few of them guarding the main door. Something didn't seem quite right to Kris. "What's wrong?" You asked.

"Nothing..Just..." He paused. 

"Over there!" Someone shouted. Both of you turned your heads back and saw a group of men charging towards you.

"I knew he wouldn't let us off so easily." You said. Kris grabbed your hand and swung the door opening, making the run towards the door. The both of you were dodging the people who were after you. Running towards the main door is not going to work now. You needed another escape route. Kris took a left turn and lead you up a flight of stairs to the second level. Just as you were about to make a turn from the stairs, you saw a figure darting out from the side, blocking the both of you.

"Follow me." He said.


"You know him?" Kris asked.

"Yeah, he's the one that has been tipping Henry off." You replied.

"We don't have much time. Follow me and I'll explain later." Zhoumi said. Kris was hesitant but he could only trust him at the point of time. Zhoumi lead the both of you down the hallway into another room, shutting the door behind. 

"What's going on?" Kris asked.

"Aska found out about the crystal. The fact that only you could activate it with your ring and, well, you." He said. "He's hunting you down." As you were speaking, you heard footsteps outside of the room. Zhoumi signalled the two of you to hide under the bed and pulled the blankets to cover the gap before proceeding to opened the door. You could here the Zhoumi exchanging conversation with the men outside on where the two of you were. You held your breath as you heard the men entering the room, searching almost every corner.

"I don't think they are here." One of the men said.

"Why would I hide them. Faster get going, don't bother me sleeping." Zhoumi replied and sent them out, closing the door behind. After making sure they were gone, he locked his room door and helped the two of you out. He made another trip to the door, making sure it was fully quiet outside before he started talking. Since he knew the place better, he could help the both of you escape. The three of you left the room quietly and headed down another flight of stairs, that brought you back to the groung level. It seem as though everyone in the house was given the order to hunt you down. While you guys were walking, you heard the tolling sound of a bell though the whole house. 

"What was that?" You asked. 

"It's the bell that rings every sunrise." Zhoumi answered.

"Every sunrise?"

"It's to notify Aska." Kris replied.

"That's right. Aska can't go out during the day. It'll kill him." Zhoumi added.

"But doesn't that only happen to vampires?" You asked.

"Well, Aska isn't just an ordinary wolf like us. He injected a kind of drug into his body many years ago, making him stay how he is like currently. It's something that will retain his physical attributions at the age you inject it which he did while he was at his peak. That's why he is way stronger than anyone of us. The only complication is that he can't come into contact with sun light because the UV will wear off the drug which is why he is mostly resting in the day."

"But I guess not for today." You said. "Looks like he's going to hunt me down no matter what."

Time is ticking away and you really needed to get out of the place. As much as Kris wanted you to stick with him, he decided to act as a distraction by letting Zhoumi chase after him so that you can run out to the other boys who were guarding outside. You followed closely behind the two of them, waiting for their cue. Kris nodded to you and Zhoumi and started running. "Where do you think you are going?!" Zhoumi yelled and ran after him, joining in the act. Making sure there wasn't anyone around, you made your move. As quickly as you could, you headed towards the door, hoping to reach there without anyone noticing you.


The boys have been on the look out for hours, eliminating suspicious people who they found as a threat. Tao took Yixing's place since he went back to Exo's house along with Kai and Sehun to check if the youngest was alright. "Aren't they taking a little bit too long?" Luhan asked worriedly. He managed to escape out of the house without much difficuties, "Should we go in and find them?" He suggested.

"We can't just barge in like that." Xiumin said. "Plus, we don't know their exact locations."

"Suho ah." Luhan said through the communicator, "Could you help us locate Kris and Chaekyung?"

"That's weird.The both of them are separated." Suho replied. "Yah Kris! What's going on?" But there wasn't any reply from him.

"Just tell us the locations." Luhan said.

"Kris' signal is not moving." Suho replied. "And Chaekyung is-"


The voice haulted the conversation between them. Luhan turned back and was shocked to see you running towards them. "Chaekyung? How did you get out?" He asked.

"Where's Kris?" You asked. "And Zhoumi?"

"Zhoumi?" Xiumin's eyes widen at the mention of his name. "How did you know him?"

"He helped me to get to Sehun and got me out of the house. They are suppose to be out as well..."

"Suho, where did you say Kris' location was again?" Xiumin asked.

"He's still inside the house and he's not moving at all." Suho said. "He's on the fourth level..."

"Fourth level...." You murmured. "Isn't that..." You shot your head up straight with your eyes widened. Just at the moment, you felt a stinging sensation in your chest.

"Chaekyung ah, what's the matter?" Chanyeol asked.

"I need to go back in." You picked up your feet and wanted to run back in but Tao grabbed you before anything.

"Are you out of your mind?!" Tao raised his voice.

"Fourth level... That's where Aska's chamber is." You said and you flung your hand free from Tao's grip. "I'm not going to stay here and do nothing. I know what he wants."

"What? Haven't you passed him the crystal?"

"There's still this." You raised up your right hand, showing them the sapphire ring you had on. "It's a package, if you put it that way. These two needs to come together to work and most importantly, my blood." The boys were stunned at what you told them, not knowing what to do now because no one knew it would come to this. You turned away from them, but the moment you took one step in front, you felt a strong pain in your abdomen, making you fall.

"Are you okay?" Chanyeol asked.

"I don't know why but it hurts all of a sudden." You said while getting back up with the help of the tall boy. The boys' face didn't look too good because they knew why you felt this way. They exchanged looks among each of them, deciding if they want to tell you the reason.

"Like you already know, your can communicate with your soulmate through telepathy, and it's not just communication as in speaking to each other. You can feel the other party's emotions. Like when they are happy, sad... or when they are in pain..." Chanyeol said, his voice drifting softer as he reached the end.

"So you're saying..." You understood what he meant. That pain you felt was inflicted on Kris and you needed to get to him right away. WIthout saying anything, you dashed back into the direction where you came from, back into the Assassin dungeon, ignoring the boys' constant calling of your name.


"Now what?" Tao turned to the older members.

"We're going in." Xiumin said. "Suho, we need Kai's dad and his team on standby."


You broke through the front door and ran up to the fourth level, eliminating anyone that blocks your way. All you could think of was Kris' safety. The trip up felt longer than it should but you were finally there. You stopped in your tracks and took a few deep breaths in, before walking up to the door that was closed. You could hear faint noises coming from the room and it made you worried. As you got closer, you could hear the voices that were speaking in the room. Just then, you heard a gun shot coming from the room. 'Kris...' You thought and dashed towards the room.

"Just like I expected." Aska said as you ran through the door. You scanned the room for Kris and ran towards him. He was down by the side of the room, crouching down with his hand pressing against his side.

"Are you okay?" You asked worriedly, "You're hurt..." You frowned, gently wiping off the blood by the side of his mouth. As you looked down, you saw blood oozing out from his lower abdoment area he was pressing on. "What did you do to him?!" You raised your voice and your head, glaring at Aska who was a few steps away from the two of you.

"I'm fine..." Kris replied, obviously sounding weaker than before. You placed your hand on his that was pressing onto his injury, wanting to see how badly he was hurt but he stopped you from doing so.

"Where's Zhoumi?" You asked. He wasn't anywhere to be seen in the room.

"He's gone. I told him if he managed to run free, he should go look for the guys outside and call for back up..." Kris replied. He was starting to pant more than he was a while ago and you could start to see him getting paler and paler.

"We will see if you can last that long till the back up comes." Aska scoffed. "I don't think you have much time left, Kris."

You were confused by what Aska said. "Don't have much time? What do you mean?" You knew a gunshot was rather fatal but you were positive that Kris could last until you sent him to the hospital.

"Your boyfriend was shot by a lead bullet."

"Lead bullet? Aren't bullets made up of lead?" You still didn't get it.

"You mean you didn't know that he was allergic to lead?" Aska smirked. "And you call yourself his soulmate? Let me educate you a little here. Kris is allergic to lead and if it enters his blood stream, he would most probably die. The bullet used was 100% lead which makes the effects on him even faster. " He laughed.

You turned and look back at your boyfriend who was now resting against the wall, panting and perspiring. Rashes were starting to form around his neck and arms and he looked dazed. "Kris? Kris? Stay with me okay? I'll get you out of here." You said, grabbing tightly onto his hands. His temperature was dropping.

"If this is what you want, here, take it." You said, removing the sapphire ring from your finger and stretching it out. "I don't care about that stupid crystal anymore. It took away too many people that I love and I can't lose anyone anymore." You looked over to the boy who was getting weaker and weaker by the moment.

Aska scoffed and walked up to you. "I don't think you're getting the picture. It doesn't matter if I have the white crystal and the sapphire ring. It needs your blood." He said.

"What are you going to do? Drain me dry and tranfuse them into your body? Take it then." You said.

"Gladly." Aska smirked. He took another step forward, making him even closer to you. You needed the time to attack him and get him out but you were out numbered. If you attacked, his people would definitely get hold of you. You shifted your gaze to the door and something caught your attention. You could see Tao and Luhan quietly sneeking their way into the room. You've got back up. You made eye contact with Luhan and he gave you a nod, signalling that the rest are just outside so you could go ahead with what you planned to.

"Any last words?" Aska whispered. You slowly reached your hand to grab one of the daggers that Zhoumi passed to you earlier.

"Go to hell." You said and stabbed Aska hard in the rib with the dagger, pressing the knob of the blade at the same time to release the mercury in it. He yelled out in pain and stumbled a few steps back, his men coming up to hold him. Slowly, brought his hand forward and pulled out the dagger and threw it on the ground and pushed free from the people holding him.

"You think you can kill me with this stupid knife?" Aska said, bringing the back of his hand up and smacked it across your face. He clicked his fingers, and you were being held up by a few of his men, tying up both your hands and feet and hung you upside down by your legs. 

"Let her go!" Kris exclaimed with all the remaining strength he had, trying his best to push himself up. Aska turned to him and walked in his direction. 

"Don't try to play hero. Don't worry, the two of you will still be together after I'm done." Aska laughed, using his feet to step on Kris' wound, making him yell out in pain. You saw Alfred pushing in a machine with tubes connected to it. The mercury was slowly kicking in. Aska'a movement was starting to become slower and he was getting dizzy. Alfred, on the other hand, was sticking the needles into both your arms despite your struggle. He pressed a button and you saw your blood starting to flow out into the tubes connected. He was drawing out your blood.

"Looks like the stupid knife is making you weak huh?" You scoffed. You weren't feeling too good either, there were two needs sticking in each of your arm and you were losing your blood at a fast rate. The world was spinning around you and you were struggling to keep yourself awake. "Maybe the knife can't kill you but I'm not too sure about the mercury in it. What do you think?" Aska was beyond mad. He instructed Alfred to turn the speed of the machine up so he could drain you dry faster but, his condition was getting worse as well. Just then, you heard a glass shatter sound and you could vaguely see sunlight coming in the room where you were. Another glass shattering was head again. Someone was obviously doing this to make disrupt the scene.

The people in the room was in a frenzy, trying to look for the culprit and some was trying to bring Aska out to another place. Taking advantage of the situaition, Tao and Luhan ran out from where they were and following by the other boys who were waiting outside. "Chaekyung ah, are you alright? Stay with me okay, we'll get you out." Luhan said. You could still recognise his voice but your vision was blurry.

"Kris... Get Kris... He's shot by a lead bullet..."

"Tao and the rest are helping him out. Stay awake okay?" Luhan said. He unplugged the needles from your arms and untied you, slowly carrying you down before untying your feet. He place your left arm over his shoulder and brought you to one of the quiter corner of the room so he could attend to you while the other boys could manage the situation.

"Kris?" You saw the taller boy also being brought over by Tao and Chanyeol. They placed him down slowly next to you and examined his condition. "Kris... I'm so sorry..." You whispered. You placed your hand on his and the other on cupping his face, gently his cheeks. His lips were pale and his temperature was dropping. He looked at you with his heavy lidded eyes, slowly lifting his hand up to hold the one you have on his face.

"It's not you're fault..." He said softly, coughing a few times after.

"Don't leave me okay? You're the only one I have left... We'll get you out of here... No, I will get you out of here." You said with tears that were threatening to fall. "Hang in there..." 

"We can't drag it any longer, We need to get him out of here now." Chanyeol said.

"I... I'm not leaving without her..." Kris struggled to say.

"But Kris..." You said.

"You told me not to leave you didn't you? I'm not going to leave you behind anymore." Kris said.

"Okay. We'll leave together." 

You nodded to Chanyeol and Tao, asking them to carry him up while you followed closely behind them, with Luhan holding on to you. With the other boys covering you, the few of you made it to the door however, you felt a strong grip pulling you back. You turned around and saw Aska staring right at you with his anger filled eyes. Luhan attacked immediately when he saw what happened but he was being pushed aside by Aska.

"You think you're just going to leave like that?" Aska yelled. "I'm not done with you yet!" 

You could feel that Aska wasn't as strong as before but you weren't in the right state to properly attack him as well. You needed to finish him as soon as possible. Your eyes darted around the room and there was a spot where sunlight was shining through. You got the attention of Chen, signalling him to throw something at the windows so that more sunlight could come in. He got your cue and grabbed a chair that was nearby and threw it towards the window. Now the patch with sunlight was larger and you didn't need too much energy to push him to the spot.

"Let's just end this, shall we?" You said, using the remaining strength that you have left and collided your body against Aska's, pushing him where you wanted him to end up. The both of you ended up falling onto the ground with you above him. Taking this chance, you pulled out the second dagger that Zhoumi passed you earlier, aiming where his heart is, you raised your hand up, wanting to stab it straight in but Aska caught your hand just in time.

"You think you can just finish me like that?" Aska scoffed.

"Don't waste your energy, there isn't much left." You replied coldly. You wriggled your wrist, trying to free it from his grip but you end up dropping the knife instead, Aska laughing at the sight of it. Just when you were not focusing, he flipped you over and placed his hand around your neck, choking you and trapping you under him. You could vaguely see where the knife was by the corner of your eyes and you stretched out your hand, trying your best to reach for it. Aska's grip around your neck got tighter and you were arching your body, gasping for air.

"Goodbye my dear white wolf princess." He said, pulling out a knife from his back. You managed to locate your knife and and swiftly as you could, your held onto the knife at brought it to his chest, pressing the knob at the same time. You saw the change in expression in Aska's face. That was it, you did it.

"You.. You.." Aska was shaking, the mercury was taking effect and with the last of your strength, you pushed him away from you, letting him fall next to you. You observed as he started dying away. There was a commotion going on in the room but you didn't know what was happening. You felt an excruciating pain coming from your rib. You looked down and saw a knife sticking out. Aska had stabbed you almost the same time as you did to him. You brought your hand to the knife and pulled it out with all your might, letting out a loud cry in the process. You were losing conscious. Everything around you started spinning again and images were becoming blurry.

"Chaekyung ah!" Someone called. He sounded familiar but you didn't know who was it. You were shivering since your temperature was dropping. You felt a sudden warm over your upper body - someone placed a jacket over you to keep you warm. "Stay with me Chaekyung. Everything's over now. We'll be sending you to the hospital."

"Wher... Where's Kris? Is he.. okay?" You said softly with your remaining strength.

"He's on his way to the hospital. He's fine." The person assured, "So you'll have to do the same alright?"

"That's good..." You smiled weakly. You felt yourself being carried up and being brought out of the room. Your eyelids were getting heavier and your were getting tired. 'Umma, appa... We're going to be reunited...' You thought. You felt the sunlight against your cold body; you were finally out. You heard the doors of cars slamming close and engines starting and that was the last you remembered.


You didn't know how long you have been out but you were glad that you were still alive. You slowly opened your eyes, trying to familiarise yourself with where you were. That familiar scent of your pillows, you were in your room.

"How is he doing?"

"He's out of danger but I don't know when he's going to wake up."

"Are you going to tell her?"

"Well... She has to know eventually..."

"Know about what?" You said weakly. You heard what they two boys were talking about.

"Oh, you're finally up!" Xiumin said, flashing you an assured smile.

"How are you feeling?" Luhan asked.

"Good but not that good." You replied, trying to push yourself up but the sharp pain in your abdoment stopped you. "How long have I been out?" You asked while Luhan helped you up into a sitting position.

"Five days." Chanyeol answered as he entered your room with Sehun and Yixing. "We were worried that you wouldn't wake up given your condition." Yixing handed you a glass of warm water and did some checks on you to see if you are perfectly fine.

"I'm sorry for all these trouble." You apologised. "But how did everything end?"

"Aska's dead, thanks to you, and the assassin pack memebers are being locked up for further investigations. We called for backup when you went back into the dungeon to save Kris." Xiumin said. 


"Kai's dad works with the police and of course, they had a 'special' department for people like us and they have been watching the assassin pack for a long time. Since things were getting out of hand, we figured that it is time to put an end to this so we called them down to handle the situation." He added.

"Oh..." You nodded. "Kris... Where's Kris? Is he alright? Can I see him?" You got a little agitated as you mentioned about him. The boys exchanged looks and you knew it didn't mean anything good. "Why? Is something wrong? What happened to Kris?" Your voice getting louder, you pulled the covers off you and got off the bed, wanting to go over to Kris' room but you stumbled the moment you stepped onto the ground.

"Calm down, Chaekyung." Chanyeol said, holding onto you and helping back onto your bed.

"Kris is... fine." Sehun said. "Just that..." He paused, not know how and what to say.

"Just that?" You asked. "Just that what?" You asked again. No one was saying anything and none of them dared to look at you in the eye. "So you guys are not going to say anything? Fine. I'll go see for myself." You said, pushing your way through the five boys who were in your room. None of them stopping you. You opened the room to your door and was greeted with the closed door of Kris' room. It was just a short distance, only three steps away but why does it seem so difficult. Slowly, you walked over and stopped right infront of the door, taking in a deep breath before opening it.

"Let me do it." Sehun said, placing his hand on the door knob and turning it. You felt scared for some reason. You didn't know what to expect behind the closed doors but you were dying to know how Kris was after seeing him in a terrible state.




Chapter 13 up! (: Finally everything's over, or is it? I hope you all like this chapter. I finally killed off the bad guy but there seem to be another obstacle. What happened to Kris? Did he make it or did he not? I'm going to leave you all in a little suspense now but don't worry, I'll try to update the next chapter asap. Sad to say, this story is coming to an end. The next chapter might possibily be the last chapter of this story. ): I'll see how your responses are and there might be a sequel? But it'll be a short one as well.

Thank you all for sticking with me so far. I know I'm not the best writer out here and I have ALOT  of grammatical and spelling errors here and there (i'm so lazy i don't proof read before publishing... .>,<) but thank you all for your love and support. Enjoy this chapter and see you all in the next one~! ;P   XOXO

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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 16: Love it ^3^♥
kimnana27 #2
I found this story on the timeline since the description was so eye catching about the whole half blood wolf thing. I think it's something new. I finished reading your story in one sit and I could say it was a good story. Good luck with your another story. I upvoted! ^^
mieza_s #3
Chapter 15: Kyaaa..!!!author-nim..i hate you..!!!!i hate you so much..crying so hard right now...such a lovely story..i madly in love with this..but you owe me make me cried..huhu
Chapter 15: Thank god the lovey dovey going together again<3 it was an amazing story authorrr^^ I never expected what will going next and be more and more curious each chap. Keep up the good work of yours okayy! Fighting for your next fanfic!!! Ily<3
AnimeKitty #5
Chapter 4: Omg, It's HENRY!!!!!! :D
twinkle_blossom #6
Chapter 15: Wah~ it was amazing! I loved it! >.<
great job author-nim! ^_^
kittyohno #7
Chapter 5: Awwww the hell I enjoyed the chapter! Authornimmm :P
BigBangTop17 #8
Chapter 15: That was amazing loved it
Wimz_EXOticBABYz #9
Chapter 15: OHEMGEE!! The last 3 chapters are so intense! Nice plot