

 "Are you sure you can do this?" Kris asked worriedly.

"Trust me." Yixing said as he patted Kris' shoulder.

You laid on your bed, closing your eyes trying to get some rest but your mind wouldn't let you. There was a knock on the door and it opened, allowing you to see Kris, along with Luhan Yixing and Xiumin who were following behind him. Yixing was holding a tray but you couldn't make up what was on it. "Are you feeling alright?" Luhan asked.

"Just... tired..." You answered.

"We need to remove the bullet from your wound." Kris said but his expression didn't look so good. "But..."

"But?" You repeated after him.

"We don't have anesthesia..." Yixing said, feeling a little bad.

"That's why I said we should just bring her to the hospital." Kris said sounding a little angry. "I don't see what's wrong with that."

"You know the complications." Xiumin said. "We're different from the rest and you can't just send anyone with a gunshot wound to the hospital. They'll make a police report along the way."

Kris sighed and furrowed his brows with his arms crossed infront of his chest. You know Kris was worried about the pain you needed to go through but you didn't want to put the other boys in a difficult spot as well.

"Just do it, Yixing." You said.

"Are you sure? It's gonna hurt quite a fair bit..." Yixing replied.

"But there's no other way, right?"

Yixing got Kris to help you to remove your jacket leaving you only in your tank so he could treat your wound properly.

"Just breathe normally." Yixing said. He put on his gloves and a mask. Yixing was a medical student but the things he knew were more than what was taught in the textbooks. He learnt the skills from his father and he was the one treating everybody's wound when they are injured. After all, a wolf's body is different from a human one.

He firstly used an alcohol swap to clean your wound as gently as possible. There was a stinging pain but it was still bearable for you. He examined your wound carefully and picked up a pair of forceps. He looked at you and you nodded. You had a higher tolerance of pain compared to the others so you could still bare the pain when the forceps came into contact with your raw skin. But it wasn't that easy to get the bullet out. Yixing was twisting and turning the bullet so that it could separate from the flesh. You grab onto the bedsheets, so tightly that your knuckles were turning white. Luhan passed you a towel so you could bite on it as well. After sometime, Yixing managed to remove the bullet. Your body relaxed as you felt the bullet being taken out. You shut your eyes and tried to regulate your breathing.

"I'll need to stitch you up." Yixing said. "Bear with me for a while more okay? I'm sorry..."

Kris sat by your side, letting you hold onto his hand as Yixing stitch your wound up. You squeezed his hand every time the needle pierced through your skin.

"Done." Yixing said as he removed his mask and gloves. "I'm sorry, Chaekyung. It must have hurt a lot."

"I'm fine." You replied weakly. "Thanks."

"I'll try to get my dad to send some medication over so you can apply over them." After making sure that you were alright, the three boys left the room leaving only Kris. "Oh one more thing!" Yixing yelled and walked back to your room. "Try not to let the wound come into contact with water for these few days."

Kris walked over to your cupboard and took down a small towel from one of the drawers. He wet it with cold water and gently wiped your face with it, letting you cool down along the way. You close your eyes relaxing yourself. You were really tired and all you wanted to do was to sleep. You wished everything that happened today was just a dream and the moment you wake up, everything was back to normal. You felt yourself being carried up. Opening your eyes slightly, roughly making up the person carrying you was your boyfriend.

"Where are we going?" You murmured.

"My room. We need to change your bed sheets so you'll be sleeping in my room tonight." Kris said. He placed you gently down onto his bed and covered you with the sheets. "Get some rest alright? You must be drained." He gave you a peck on your forehead and climbed onto the empty space next to you. "I'll be here, don't worry." He assured. You nodded and closed your heavy lids. Kris' hand was gently your hair, making sure you fall asleep before he did.


You opened our eyes slowly and you felt a sharp pain on your right shoulder. ‘Where am I?’ You realised that you were no longer in Kris’ room and both your hands and feet were tied up together. The place was dark and the only source of light was from the small ventilation opening. There was a musky smell surrounding the room. As your eyes got used to the darkness in the room, you realise there was someone else in the room together with you. You inched over slowly to the person lying on the ground.

“Sehun?” The boy was covered in bruises. “Sehun can you hear me?”

“He’s fine.” A voice boomed through the corridor. You heard the tangling sounds of the keys and the door unlocked. “I just merely gave him some medication so he could sleep. He looked so tired.” You could hear the smug in his voice.

“Let him go and I’ll give you what you want.” You said.

“Very well.” He took a step closer and signaled his men to untie you. He stretched out his hand, asking for the white crystal necklace hung around your neck. You removed the necklace slowly and held it in your palms and turned to look at the boy lying next to you.

“Untie him.” You said.

“Hand it over to me first.” You hesitated and closed your palm, not wanting to hand it over.

“Well, if you want to do it this way…” Aska scoffed and snapped his fingers.

“Chaekyung!” You heard a familiar voice calling out for you. You watched as Aska’s two men brought someone into the room.

“Kris?” You said as they pushed him into the room. “Kris!” You ran over to the boy who fell over.

“Are you okay?” He asked, struggling to get up. He was obviously hurt.

 “Yes, I’m fine.” You answered. ‘What are you doing here?”

“Enough of your loving acts.” Aska interrupted. “Hand it over.” Kris used his body to shield you from Aska but he got thrown onto the floor by Aska. Aska walk over, placing his foot on Kris’ chest and held out a gun, pointing it at Kris.

“You know what I can do.” Aska said and you heard the barrel clicked.


“No!” You yelled and you jolted awake. The first thing you saw was Kris staring down at you worriedly. “Kris…” You stretched out your arms and hugged him, ignoring the pain in your shoulder. “I thought you were gone…”

“It’s just a nightmare, don’t worry.” Kris said as he rubbed his hand against your back.

“It was so real, as if I was there and Sehun…” You paused.

“What about him?”

“He was in my dream. Beaten up and locked in a room… and Aska…” Kris’ face turned serious after hearing his name.

“It’s not a dream.’ Kris said.

“What do you mean?”

“It’s telepathic manipulation. Aska has the ability to let you see what he wants you to see. He can enter your mind.” Kris sighed. “What you saw could either be what the situation is really like or it could be a warning on the kind of things he would do.”

“So Sehun…”

“Either he is really in the state you saw or he would end up like that if Aska doesn’t get what he wants. Aska’s really dangerous. He isn’t just an ordinary wolf Chaekyung.” He intertwined your hands and gave it a little squeeze, assuring you that he’ll keep a look out for you. “Now, we shall get you washed up before heading down for lunch. It’s almost 2.”

You turned to look at the clock on your night stand and you realised you have been sleeping for a long time after yesterday’s incident but you still felt drained and you felt stinging pain coming from various parts of your body. You pushed yourself off the bed and headed to the bathroom with Kris following behind.

“Are you gonna follow me in?” You asked as you were about to close the door.

“Can you manage by yourself?” You nodded and close the door behind you. You struggled to remove your clothes with your left arm but you couldn’t. You walked back to the door and opened it, hoping Kris was still there.

“See.” Kris laughed. “Let me help you.” He closed the bathroom door behind and walked behind you, slowly and carefully removing your top, trying not to touch the wound on your shoulder, followed by helping you to slip off your sweat pants leaving you only in your undergarments. You felt a little embarrassed because it was the first time you wore so little infront of Kris.

“O..Okay you can leave now…” You said, trying to shoo him out. “I can do the rest by myself.”

Kris chuckled at your reaction and the fact that your face was turning red. Kris rested his body against the door, refusing to go out.

“Just let me help you. It’s not like I’m going to do anything to you. Unless…” He teased. You smacked his arms and glared at him, but it still didn't make him leave. "Come on, you're gonna catch a cold if we keep standing here."

"Fine." You sulked and gave in to him. He took off his top and sweatpants and led you into the shower with him. With your back facing him, he unclasped your bra and removed your underwear, leaving you completely . You were glad that you were back facing him because you knew your face turned a few shades redder. Kris grabbed the shower head and helped you wash your hair followed by the rest of your body. His touch was so gentle but it set electric currents throughout your body. He made sure the water didn’t touch your wound and he was respectful enough not to touch any of your private areas.

“We’re done.” Kris said as he placed the showered head back. “Hold on.” He went out and grabbed a bathrobe and helped you with it. “Wait here for me. I’m gonna take a quick shower.”

You walked back to your room since Kris was having a shower and sat down infront of your dresser. You opened your drawer and took out the maroon box you found from your house.  You opened it and looked at the white crystal necklace that you placed inside. ‘The cause of all these…’ You finally understood why everyone was after this. It made you stronger and made your senses sharper.

“Here you are.” Kris’ voice snapped you out of your thoughts. “I’m not done with you yet. I need to dress your wound.” Kris tapped the space next to him, asking you to take a seat next to him on your bed. You slipped of the right side of the bathrobe, bearing your shoulders. Gently, Kris used the medication Yixing passed to him and helped dressed your wound. You watched him closely as he was at it. You hardly see the gentle side of Kris because always gave the image of being strong and cold to others. The side of your lips curved up unknowingly while you were observing the blonde, your heart fluttering at what he was doing.

"What?" He asked looked up and caught you smiling to yourself,

"Nothing. I just never seen this side of you." You replied. Kris chuckled and carefully placed the gauze over your wound.

"Okay." He said as he kept the items back into the box. He walked over to your closet and picked out your clothes for you to change into. Since you couldn't move your right arm too much, he helped you get dressed before heading down to the dining area for lunch. You found it really heartwarming that Kris was treating you like a princess but at the same time, you felt bad because you have been causing trouble for the boys ever since you moved in and now, Sehun is being taken away because of you.

"Kris." You called as he was walking out of the room. You walked over to and gave him a peck on his lips, surprising him. He smiled and wrapped his arms around you.

"Why?" He said with the smile still plastered on his face.

"I just wanted to say thank you." You blushed a little and buried your head in his chest wrapping your arms around his waist.

“What is there to thank about?” Kris said, running his fingers through your hair. “It’s my duty to take care of you and protect you from getting hurt.” He lifted your head up and leaned in slowly, pressing his lips against yours.

“Feeling better?” Kyungsoo asked as he placed your lunch infront of you. “Eat more. You need to replenish what you lost.”

“Thanks.” You stared at the tray of food infront of you. It was a good mix of greens and proteins with a bowl of rice and soup. You picked up the spoon and starting drinking the soup. It opened your appetite a little more since it helped to warm up your stomach.

“How’s your arm?” Yixing asked. “Did you apply the medication I got for you?”

“It’s better now but I can’t do really big movements with the hand though. Kris has been helping me to change the dressing so I guess it’ll be better soon.” You replied.

You gathered in the living room with the boys after lunch, thinking of a plan to get Sehun out of the place Aska was keeping him. A few of them were trying to make the atmosphere a little lighter but you could still see the expression on their face that they were worried about what was going to take place next. Both for you and Sehun.

“So what are we gonna do now?” Kai asked.

‘We need to figure out where they kept Sehun.” Luhan said.

“I think there’s something you guys should know.” Kris said. “Chaekyung had a dream this morning and she saw Sehun in it along with Aska. So I’m not too sure if it was just a dream or it was something Aska wanted her to see.”

“What did you see?” Luhan asked.

“It was a dark room and Sehun was being tied and beaten up in a corner. Aska wanted me to hand over the crystal but I refused, and they dragged Kris in, threatening to kill him.” You said.

“Are there anything else? Like the surrounding sounds? Things in the room?”

“There was a musky smell and the only light source was from an opening near the ceiling…” You furrowed your brows, trying to recall the scene in your dream. “It was a store room… with chairs, tables and boxes of things…”

“Sounds? Were there any sounds?” Luhan asked.

“Sounds…” You tried recalling again. “Wolves. There were howling and growling of wolves coming from the corridor and the surrounding. I know it isn’t much of any help but I guess it’s some place in the woods…” You sighed and sunk your body onto the couch.

“I guess we more or less know where he is.” Xiumin said.

“The assassin dungeon, or so they call it.” Suho said.


“It’s where the pack stays. It’s a huge mansion in the middle of the woods far east from where we stay.” Suho explained.

“Seem like that’s where we are heading then.” Luhan said.

“We?” Kai scoffed. “Shouldn’t she be the one that is going? After all they are after her not us.”

“Kim Jongin what are you talking about?’ Kris raised his voice.

“What? Am I wrong?” Kai stood up, “Ever since she came, everything became chaotic. First were the random attacks, and then the confrontation, Sehun being taken away and Henry’s death. Don’t you dare say it’s not because of her.”

“KIM JONGIN! SHUT YOUR TRAP BEFORE I TEAR YOUR MOUTH APART!” Kris yelled. He kicked the coffee table and stood up, threatening to beat Kai up but he was held back by you and Chanyeol.

“What? You’re protecting her just because she’s your girlfriend. What I’m stating is a fact. Maybe it was a wrong idea of letting her move in in the first place. After all, she’s a half-blood.” That sentence was enough to make Kris snap.

“Mother er.” Kris charged over and grabbed Kai by his collar. “Do you know what you are saying?” Kris raised his right hand, threatening to punch Kai but all he got was a scoff from the younger. It made Kris even madder. The other boys were holding on to the two, trying to tear them apart.

“Enough!” You yelled standing up from your seat. “He’s right, it’s all my fault. I should have never stayed in the first place. I’ll get Sehun back, I promise. Give me some time to sort things out and I will go find Aska and give him what he wants. Even it takes everything, I will get him back.” You took your leave and headed back up to your room, hoping for some quiet time to yourself.

“If anything happens to her, I’m going to make you pay for it.” Kris warned and pushed the younger down onto the couch before rushing up to check on you.

"What were you saying?" Xiumin gave him a disapproving look. "Are you out of your mind?"

"I was just saying the truth. I mean... so many things happened after she came and all these are linked to her isn't it?" Kai said. The other boys looked at him in disbelieve, reprimanding him that he shouldn't say such things at this point of time.


You closed the door to your balcony and climbed onto the railing, seated in such a way that you were facing the woods with your legs dangling in the air. You needed some time alone after all that happened, especially after what Kai said. You didn't blame him because you knew him well enough. His temper was never really good and all these things that happened so far must have irritated him even more, plus the fact that his close friend was taken away because of you. You knew he said all those because he was angry, you weren't hurt because you felt the same way too. You took in a deep breath and exhaled, trying to clear your mind and think of a possible way to get Sehun out.

"Hey... Are you alright?" Kris asked. "Don't mind Kai. You know, his temper is like that..." The tall blonde rested himself against the railing and looked at you.

"I know, that's why I'm not mad. I understand why he's like that. Sehun and him are really close so it's normal for him to get mad and, he's right... All these happened because of me."

"It's not because of you, Chaekyung. It’s the crystal."

"My crystal." You sighed. Kris carried you off the railing and stood you infront of him.

"Look, it isn't your fault. They have been targeting you before you even came over to our place. Who knows what would have happened if you didn't move in with us? Aska isn't someone you can deal with alone. We will protect you and even if the rest don't, I will." Kris pulled you in and hugged you tightly. "Stop blaming yourself."


Kris suggested taking you out for a walk since he didn’t want you to start thinking too much and he know you would if you kept staying at home. It was October and the weather was staring to get cooler by the day. You were rather amazed by how Kris could actually stay warm with only a jacket over the shirt he was wearing.

“Don’t you feel cold just wearing this?” You asked, pointing to the jacket Kris was wearing.

“Not quite. I’m a wolf, remember? I can regulate my body’s temperature to the climate.”

“Oh?” You responded. ‘How come I can’t do it?’ Kris held your hand with his and you could feel the warmth from his hand slowly warming you up. The both of you walked around aimlessly, enjoying the time to yourselves. You both stopped and watched a street performance along with some of the other people. Kris wrapped his arms around you from the back, helping you stay warm with his body heat.

Something didn’t feel quite right. You felt like you were being watched the whole time you were out with Kris. Your eyes wandered around the area, trying to see if there was anyone suspicious. Someone caught your attention in the crowd. He was wearing a black hoodie and starring at you the whole time through. You were positive that you have seen him along the way but you weren’t too sure. He moved to the front of the crowd, making his presence know. He seemed familiar to you but you couldn’t make up his features with the hood covering his face. He placed his hands over his hood and pulled it back, revealing his identity which gave you a shock.

“Sehun?” You said.

“What?” Kris asked. He couldn’t make out what you said since the surrounding was quite noisy.

“Sehun!” You yelled. He turned his back and walked out of the crowd and started running. You started making your way out of the crowd after seeing Sehun leave but you were held back by Kris?

“What’s going on?” Kris asked worriedly.

“Sehun. I saw him.” You replied and broke free from Kris’ grip, running towards the direction that Sehun went. You managed to catch up with the boy and he stopped all of a sudden, turning to face you.

“Sehun ah, are you okay?” You said as you tried to catch your breath. He nodded. You looked him straight in the eye and you could tell that something was not right. Just as you thought, Aska stepped out from the alley beside him along with three of his men.

“I knew this would work.” Aska smirked.

“Sorry Chaekyung. He forced me to do this if not he’ll go over and kill everyone else. I can’t risk the lives of my brothers so…”

“I know, it’s not your fault.” You said shifting your gaze to Aska soon after. “I know what you want but I don’t have it now.”

“Really… Then what am I going to do with him…” Aska said, turning to Sehun who was being held by two of his men, threatening to beat him anytime.

“Don’t you dare do anything to him!” You yelled. “I’ll give you what you want and we end all this nonsense.”

“Really? I’ll hold your word for it.” Aska said, stepping closer to you. “I’ll be expecting you tonight. You should know where since the boys already told you.”

“NO CHAEKYUNG DON’T COME! HE’LL KILL YOU!” Sehun yelled as he struggled within the grip of the two that were holding onto him.

” If I don’t see you…” Aska placed his hand around your neck suddenly and leaned in to your ear, “Not only he’ll be dead, so will your boyfriend and the rest of their pack. Come alone, remember that.” He released his grip and pushed you onto the ground.

“Let’s go.” He said to his men and they left along with Sehun who was struggling to free himself.

You pushed yourself up and rubbed your neck. Aska’s grip was so tight you were choking. “Chaekyung!” You turned around the moment you heard Kris calling you. “What happened? I was so worried cause you ran off just like that.”

“Sorry I…” You paused, recalling what just took place, deciding if you should tell Kris. “I thought I saw Sehun but.. I guess I’m just thinking too much.”

“It’s okay. It must have been really stressed for you these few days.” Kris pulled you into a hug once again, gently your back trying to calm you down. You decided not to tell him anything since you didn’t want him to worry even more. You needed to act on it alone.

Kris made sure you were alright before bringing you back home. You were too distraught to continue shopping anyways.


Dinner with the boys was a little awkward after what happened in the afternoon. You sat quietly in between Kris and Chanyeol, not saying a single word at all and you had almost no eye contact with anyone besides Kris. You just ate whatever that has been prepared for you. You stood up and headed to the kitchen to wash your plate after you have finished and headed back out, walking past the boys who were still eating and chatting away.

“Where are you going?” Kris asked.

“The garden. I need to sort out some things. Don’t worry, I won’t think too much.” You assured as you saw the worried expression on your boyfriend’s face. You stole a quick glance at Kai but he was just looking down, eating his dinner.


You lay yourself down on the shamrock in the garden and closed your eyes. The breeze was calming and the silence was what you needed at this moment. There were too many things going through your head at this point and you needed to sort them out, most important being how to get to the assassin dungeon to get Sehun out. ‘Far east from where we are…’ you recalled what Suho said earlier. You clicked on the picture of one of the pages of a book you read in the library earlier. It had the exact location of the place and all you needed to was to get out of the house without anyone of the boys knowing.

You phone rang all of a sudden and there was call from an unknown number. You picked it up after much hesitation and the other party spoke before you could.

“Remember to bring what I want and your dear friend over here will be back in one piece.” The phone was then being held away from the caller and you could hear Sehun yelling in the background.

“Yes, I will. But I need some time so I can sneak out without anyone knowing. I’ll be there.” The call was then cut. You sighed and threw you phone down. “Damn it.” You cursed. You hopped off the shamrock and headed back into the house, getting on with the normal routine. You didn’t want any of the boys to suspect anything.


You were cuddling in Kris’ room watching a movie with the giant. You turned to him when the movie ended and found him asleep. Slowly, you leaned in and kissed him on the cheek, making frowned a little. You placed another one on his forehead and he groaned, slowly opening his eyes.

“Morning.” You laughed.

“Has the movie ended?”

“Long ago.” You got off the bed and dimmed the lights. “Let’s just continue sleeping.” You said, climbing back on to the bed cuddling up to him. Kris hummed and wrapped his arms around you, before planting a kiss on your lips.



You have been lying with Kris for the past hour. Making sure that he was sound asleep, you slowly removed his arms that were hanging loosely around your waist and replaced your presence with a bolster and pillow. Quietly, you made your way out of Kris’ room. You walked over to the stairs and looked down from where you are. The boys were still up and hanging around the living room so it was impossible for you to leave through the main door. You headed back to your room and slide open the balcony door, it seems that it was rather easy for you to climb down to the garden and exit through the forest.

You headed back to your room and took out the maroon box that kept the white crystal necklace. You held it in your palm, examining it before putting it on. You walked back to your boyfriend’s room to see him still sleeping. Gently, you climbed on to the bed and kissed him on the lips.


“I love you, Kris.”

Hello everyone! Sorry for the long wait. Finally, a new chapter!~ (: I hope you guys are enjoying it so far. The action's starting next chapter so do keep a look out! (:

Thank you everyone for subscribing, reading and commenting. It really means a lot to me. (': This is gonna be the last update of 2013 so... I hope everyone had an awesome Christmas and wishing every one a great year ahead! (: See yall 2014~! <3

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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 16: Love it ^3^♥
kimnana27 #2
I found this story on the timeline since the description was so eye catching about the whole half blood wolf thing. I think it's something new. I finished reading your story in one sit and I could say it was a good story. Good luck with your another story. I upvoted! ^^
mieza_s #3
Chapter 15: Kyaaa..!!!author-nim..i hate you..!!!!i hate you so much..crying so hard right now...such a lovely story..i madly in love with this..but you owe me once..you make me cried..huhu
Chapter 15: Thank god the lovey dovey going together again<3 it was an amazing story authorrr^^ I never expected what will going next and be more and more curious each chap. Keep up the good work of yours okayy! Fighting for your next fanfic!!! Ily<3
AnimeKitty #5
Chapter 4: Omg, It's HENRY!!!!!! :D
twinkle_blossom #6
Chapter 15: Wah~ it was amazing! I loved it! >.<
great job author-nim! ^_^
kittyohno #7
Chapter 5: Awwww the hell I enjoyed the chapter! Authornimmm :P
BigBangTop17 #8
Chapter 15: That was amazing loved it
Wimz_EXOticBABYz #9
Chapter 15: OHEMGEE!! The last 3 chapters are so intense! Nice plot