I'm All Yours


"You seem jealous" Baekhyun says with a slight smirk as he stares into the mirror in front of him, fixing his jacket


"am not" Jongdae replies, a complete and utter lie


"You're not jealous. That's why you're sitting there pouting like a 5yr old" Baekhyun retorts, voice laced with sarcasm, while rolling his eyes


"But it's not fair"


"You know he loves you"


"Yea, but it's getting harder to believe since he acts like that with everyone"


"Well you of all people should know that he only goes as far as hugs and arms around the shoulder"


"Yea, but. . . " Jongdae weakly starts


"No buts" Baekhyun says sternly, turning to face Jongdae


Jongdae pouts and pulls his legs up onto the armchair he's sitting in until he can wrap his arms around them and rest his head on his knees as Baekhyun turns back to the mirror. He knows he shouldn't be acting like this when he's already 22 years old but he can't help it.


To Jongdae, Park Chanyeol is Mr. Perfect. He's tall, handsome, athletic, can play guitar and drums, is always cheerful with his gleaming set of pearly white teeth that make up his smile and has a voice that makes you wish he would whisper sweet nothings into your ear. To Jongdae, Park Chanyeol is awe-inspiring and amazing and probably wouldn't even bat an eyelash towards Jongdae under normal circumstances. To Jongdae, Park Chanyeol is his first love . . . . and boyfriend.


Jongdae and Chanyeol have been going out for almost a year already and it's been one of the most extraordinary years Jongdae's ever experienced. Besides one little thing, Chanyeol loves skinship.


And It's not that Jongdae minds doing skinship with Chanyeol. In fact, Jongdae has actually really enjoyed the moments when they lace their fingers together when walking side by side, the short and chaste kisses they share in the time they spend together between classes, the cuddles whenever they have free time and the short but sweet hugs that they've exchanged when passing each other on campus. The thing that drives Jongdae absolutely insane beyond measure is the fact that Chanyeol does skinship with not only him, but almost everyone.


Whether family, close friends, or even acquaintances, if you catch Park Chanyeol in a cheerful mood (which is more often than not) then you'll most likely be pulled into one of the giant's embraces which consists of him squeezing the life out of you then letting go and casually slinging his arm around your shoulder.


Jongdae never liked thinking of himself as the possessive or jealous type but when his boyfriend does that with others, he can't stand it and he doesn't know what to do.


On this particular day, Jongdae's at his best friend's, Baekhyun's, apartment, currently curled into a ball on one of Baekhyun's armchairs as Baekhyun is trying to get his outfit perfect. They had made plans to go to the new cafe near their college while Baekhyun attempts to cheer Jongdae up from his temporary depression that Baekhyun is convinced is caused by the sudden increase in busyness in both Jongdae and Chanyeol's schedules, causing them to meet less frequently, rather than Chanyeol's over-friendliness with others.


With one more tug on his dark blue t-shirt and smoothing the last stray hairs back into place, Baekhyun deems himself ready and grabs Jongdae by the arm, forcing him to get up, before dragging him out the door, locking it and heading towards the elevator, Jongdae in tow. Pressing the down button for the elevator, Baekhyun finally releases Jongdae's wrist and glances at him curiously before settling into a comfortable silence.




Jongdae and Baekhyun are leisurely walking down the street side by side, elbows and shoulders occasionally bumping into each other, when the cafe comes into sight. A small smile appears on Jongdae's face as he picks up the pace, eager to finally taste their apple and cinnamon rolls that were sold out last time, Baekhyun just a step behind him.


Soft chimes sounded when Jongdae pushed the door open and stepped inside, into the cool air conditioned room, before stopping dead in his tracks, eyes widening. Baekhyun, not paying attention, walked straight into Jongdae but Jongdae still doesn't budge,


"What the heck, Jongdae? I thought you were really eager to come here, why are you stopping all of a sudden?" Baekhyun asked, completely baffled by Jongdae's sudden mood change, before finally seeing what Jongdae saw.


There he was, the unmissable and unforgettable back view of Park Chanyeol standing in line at the cafe. His arm was around another man, he was an average height but nothing compared to Chanyeol, but this wasn't like Chanyeol's usual skinship, this time he had his hand around the unknown man's waist and was pulling him tight against his own body. Chanyeol was resting his head on the other man's before leaning closer and whispering something into his ear that made him giggle.


Baekhyun put a hand on Jongdae's back consolingly and suddenly felt guilty for not comforting Jongdae earlier.


"Jongdae" Baekhyun said, voice filled with worry and concern, his gaze not leaving Chanyeol and the other man for even a split second.


At the sound of Jongdae's name, Chanyeol's head jerked upwards and glanced around excitedly before spotting the source. Happily whispering something to the man he was with, that made him giggle again, Chanyeol turned and started heading toward Jongdae and Baekhyun. Baekhyun still had his hand on Jongdae's back when he suddenly felt it trembling and realized it was Jongdae, who was suddenly staring at the floor as if the floor held the key to all his problems.


"Jongdae! Baek!" Chanyeol shouted happily as he drew nearer towards them, arms waving frantically as if they would miss him if he didn't. When Chanyeol finally reached them, he held out his arms, waiting to be embraced by his lovable Jongdae whom he hadn't seen in ages. Feeling like Jongdae was taking too long, he was about to step forward an initiate the hug when-


"Sorry. I just remembered I have to . . . err . . do stuff. Bye" Jongdae murmurs, turning and rushing out the door, leaving a sympathetic Baekhyun and perplexed Chanyeol behind.


"What's up with Jongdae?" Chanyeol asks, turning to Baekhyun, making Baekhyun wonder if Chanyeol's level of stupidity was even possible.


Baekhyun's heart breaks a bit, remembering the sight of his best friend trembling and rushing out of the cafe, tears filling his eyes and threatening to spill. He just couldn't take anymore of his friend getting hurt so he decides to tell Chanyeol everything, even though Jongdae may never speak to him again.


"There's something . . . .I need to tell you . . . about Jongdae" Baekhyun begins hesitantly, unsure how to start


"Well if this is gonna take long, let's sit down first." Chanyeol offers before walking back in the direction of the man he had his arm wrapped around, Baekhyun following meekly.




"Seriously? I suspected it but I never thought it'd be this bad" Chanyeol says, completely bewildered


"Yea. . . wait, if you suspected it why didn't you do anything about it?" Baekhyun inquired, sipping on his cup of coffee


"Cause I thought it was cute" Chanyeol said sheepishly


Baekhyun wanted to smack him.


It's been about an hour and a half since Jongdae ran out of the cafe and Baekhyun decided to tell Chanyeol everything about how Jongdae's been jealous of all the skinship he's had with others. Apparently, the unknown man that was with Chanyeol was a close friend of his, named Kim Minseok, that had recently come to visit. He was shorter up close than at a distance and was surprisingly cute despite his chubby cheeks and the fact that he was older than Chanyeol, Jongdae and Baekhyun. Seeing what had happened to Jongdae and how Baekhyun was so tense when following Chanyeol back to the table he had reserved for them, he decided to leave and bid Chanyeol goodbye with a short hug. 


After ordering a coffee for both of them, Chanyeol leaned forward, eager to hear what Baekhyun had wanted to tell him. Although it took long, Chanyeol had stopped Baekhyun almost every 10 minutes asking him to explain certain parts, Baekhyun was finally done talking and was sorta glad he was able to get it off his chest but still unsure if he did the right thing.


Setting his coffee down, Baekhyun got up and stretched, turning towards the door.


"Where are you going?" Chanyeol asked, panicking a bit, unsure what to do since Jongdae's probably not going to talk to him again


"I'm going to try to fix your mess. So you owe me big time, k?" Baekhyun said, a slight smirk revealing itself on his face, before he walks out the door.




Jongdae's eyes are red, he's run out of tears to cry and his face is puffy. His heart and body aches so much and he can't stop the trembling. He's curled up in a ball under his blankets and he just wants to stay there forever and never come out. He doesn't want to remember, but his mind keeps replaying that one moment. 


That moment where Chanyeol wraps his arm around the waist of another man. The moment where Chanyeol leans his he'd against the head of another person. The moment where Chanyeol whispers into someone else's ear and makes them giggle.


Engulfed in waves of pain and sadness, Jongdae doesn't hear the front door open and close nor does he hear the footsteps getting closer towards his door until his door opens. He doesn't notice any of this until a weight is pressed down on the edge of his bed and a hand is placed on his back through his blanket. He stiffens, going completely quiet besides the occasional hiccup from all the crying.


"Jongdae" a soft voice comes from the general direction of the intruder


"Baek, go away. I'm not in the mood" Jongdae tries to sound okay but his voice betrays him and cracks halfway through along with the hiccups that interrupt him after every couple of words.


"It's okay, Jongdae. It's okay to cry. It's okay to feel upset. It's okay" Baekhyun says gently, as if he'd break Jongdae if he spoke in any other way.


Suddenly, Jongdae's blanket flings off and onto the floor and he's wrapped around Baekhyun, who's soothingly patting Jongdae's back, while Jongdae's face is pressed into Baekhyun's shoulder. Jongdae's sobbing and tears are flowing from his eyes once again.


"I wonder if he still likes me. . . . I wonder if he even liked me in the first place" Jongdae sobs, voice shaking hard


"Of course he loves you, Jongdae. Now shhh, don't worry about it anymore. It's all gonna be okay." Baekhyun reassures "It's all gonna be okay"


Jongdae snorts disbelievingly.


Baekhyun holds the sobbing Jongdae until he falls asleep and tucks him in.


"Now," Baekhyun sighs "to put my plan into action" Letting his lips pull into a grin, Baekhyun lets himself out of Jongdae's room, making sure to quietly open and close the door in order not to wake the sleeping boy, and pulls out his phone, rapidly texting someone.




The sun's barely up and the air's still chilly. Holding a guitar in one hand, Chanyeol uses his other hand to pull out and check his phone one more time to make sure he's got things straight, this is the one time he doesn't want to mess up.



From: Byun Baek

Did I ever mention that Dae's a er for romantic stuff? He'd fall head over heels for anyone who'd serenade him, buy him the number of roses of the amount of days you've spent together or leave him little notes everywhere.



To: Byun Baek

srsly? He likes romantic-y stuff?



From: Byun Baek

Yea, and he loves chocolates. Not white chocolates or bitter chocolates though. and his fave song is what is love and baby don't cry



To: Byun Baek

k. I'll keep that in mind



From: Byun Baek

yea, well it's not like it's any relevant info right now seeing as how Dae pretty much hates you rn ;P



To: Byun Baek

Shut up. Im workin on it



From: Byun Baek

You better be



Chanyeol sighs.


"I hope this works" he says to himself as he slips his phone back into his pocket.


Chanyeol positions his guitar and starts strumming. He's currently right under Jongdae's bedroom window and he hopes Jongdae'll be able to hear him before one of his neighbors files a noise complaint.




Jongdae wakes up to the sound of a guitar and singing. It sounds nice. The tune of the guitar going perfectly with the deep baritone voice. The song being sung is one that Jongdae recognizes right away, it's "Baby Don't Cry" and it's one of Jongdae's favorite songs. Glancing towards his clock, he's wondering who in his neighborhood would be playing at 4:08 in the morning. It sounds a lot closer to him than any of his neighbors should be so he decides to take a peek out the window.


Opening the window, a gust of chilly air blows in, sending shivers down Jongdae's spine. Jongdae pokes his head out the window, not caring that his eyes are red and his face is still puffy from the crying. 


His jaw almost drops.


Standing in his backyard is Park Chanyeol, playing his guitar and singing "Baby Don't Cry", and staring at Jongdae with such a strong gaze that Jongdae flushes red and pulls himself back into his room. Jongdae presses his back against the wall next to the window, closing his eyes and trying to stop his face from looking like a tomato but that only makes his heart beat faster. The scene from yesterday almost forgotten until it plays through Jongdae's mind once again.


'Why is he doing this?' Jongdae wonders to himself


Now Jongdae's not sure if his heart is aching because of sadness that Chanyeol was being so close with someone that wasn't Jongdae or happiness because his boyfriend is currently serenading him.


"Baby don't cry tonight~" Chanyeol sings, making Jongdae's heart flutter a bit.


"Baby don't cry tonight~" Chanyeol continues, making Jongdae wonder if he even knows the lyrics.


"Baby don't cry cry cry~" Chanyeol keeps going, making Jongdae giggle a bit


"My love will protect you" Jongdae finishes, startling Chanyeol since his strumming stops for a second before continuing.


The rest of the song was sung in a duet between Chanyeol, who's strumming his guitar and only singing parts he remembered, and Jongdae, who's still hiding in his room but occasionally sneaking peeks out through the window at Chanyeol. When the song ends, Jongdae's disappointed since he wants Chanyeol to stay a bit longer but he's not willing to face him yet.




As Jongdae's walking home from school one day, he realizes that he hasn't seen or heard from Chanyeol since the serenade a couple days ago. Jongdae knows he's been to class and to work so maybe Chanyeol's avoiding him?


'Maybe the serenade was a goodbye and he's moved on. I'm definitely not good enough for him. Maybe he hooked up with the guy he was with at the cafe' Jongdae thought to himself, frowning at the endless amount of reasons why Chanyeol would be avoiding him.


As Jongdae got closer to his house, he noticed something on his front step. As he got up close, he realized they were roses and they were in the shape of a heart.


'who would do something like this? They must have the wrong house' Jongdae thought to himself before noticing a small, red, heart-shaped card in the middle. Picking it up and reading it, it said:


"To my lovely Kim Jongdae,


 I know I have been a little bit distant from you recently and I promise it's for good cause. I hope you like the roses because each one symbolizes every day we've been together. No matter what, I will always love you and you will always have my heart.


 - Your happy virus,

     Park Chanyeol"


Blushing furiously, Jongdae put the card into his pocket and picked up all the roses. Although he was muttering to himself how cheesy all this was, he put the roses in a vase in his bedroom and set the card next to it, feeling extremely happy.




A couple more days have passed and every time Jongdae thinks of Chanyeol, he thinks of the heart shaped note that said that he's been distant for a good cause making Jongdae blush and think about how much longer he'd have to wait before seeing his boyfriend again. The scene from the cafe now pushed back into a far corner of Jongdae's mind.


Jongdae's currently at home, getting ready for school. As he steps out the front door, there's a white box  about the size of his fist with a little note that says "To: KJD  From: PCY" and Jongdae can only assume that it's from his charming giant. He pulls the lid off the box and inside he finds small, individually wrapped chocolates. Taking one out and eating it, it just melts on his tongue and tastes like perfection.


Throughout the day, as Jongdae makes it to all his classes, he finds similar boxes on his desk in each room. All saying "To: KJD From: PCY". No one in the classes knew who had put the boxes there, not even the professor.


By the time Jongdae got home, he had a bag full of at least 10 identical white boxes that all have a little note saying "To: KJD From: PCY". 


Once again, Jongdae finds himself wondering who had been here when he reaches his front step. This time, instead of roses, he finds all sorts of boxes in different sizes and shapes. Some are red and heart-shaped while others are brown and rectangular but they all contain the same kind of chocolate as the one from the morning did. And not only that, the note had more to it than on the small boxes. This one read:


"My love,


Did you enjoy your presents during class? Are you wondering how I got them there without anyone knowing? Well that's a secret! Anyways, the time has almost come for us to meet again so be prepared.


-Yours and yours only,



Jongdae blushed once again, but this time wondering when he'll finally see his boyfriend.


Pushing all the boxes inside, Jongdae goes straight to bed, not wishing to dwell on any thoughts and wanting the day they meet to come quickly.




"Go to the place where we I first laid eyes on your gorgeous face and we spoke our first words to each other



Jongdae took the note off from where it was stuck on his door, staring at it. Jongdae had just gotten home from school, not expecting anything and yet he finds a single note stuck to his door.


Turning around, Jongdae starts heading down the street towards a little bar, called SM Town, near his college. That's where he and Chanyeol first met. It was about a half a year ago and Baekhyun had been in a band that was performing at SMENT Town and wanted Jongdae to come since Jongdae had always been at home studying whenever he wasn't at work or school. Since Baekhyun, Jongdae and Chanyeol were the same age, the three of them became good friends until the day that Jongdae realized he'd actually been in love with Chanyeol. Because Jongdae and Chanyeol would never confess to each other, Baekhyun, who was tired of all the , got Jongdae and Chanyeol drunk and made them profess their feelings to one another. Although it wasn't the most romantic confession, it had still been a good day for Jongdae.


As Jongdae neared SMENT Town, he suddenly got butterflies in his stomach. He reached for the door and anxiously pushed it open, not really knowing what to expect. Jongdae sees no one else inside and is about to leave when he notices a small note stuck to a nearby table that said:


"Go to the place where we first spent the day together in just the company of each other



Confused at what Chanyeol was trying to do, Jongdae turned and headed out the door. Still, he listened to what the note had ordered him to do and he started walking down the street once again, but towards the park this time.


When Jongdae and Chanyeol had their first date, it was during the week of New Years. They had been as happy as a newly wed couple. On their first date, Chanyeol took Jongdae to a deserted area of the park. It was a clearing through a wooded area so no one else went there. Chanyeol had found it by accident a couple years ago and it turned out to be a perfect spot if you wanted to be secretive. The little clearing had grass that was much greener than the rest of the park and a small bench besides an old lamp post. The day of their first date, the two had spent the entire day there. They left in the morning and had a small picnic there that Chanyeol and Jongdae packed together. Then they spent the night looking at the stars as they shared a blanket they brought. And to top it off, people on the other side of the park were setting off surprise fireworks for anyone who liked fireworks and their spot had the best view out of the whole park.


Jongdae pushed back branches and leaves as he arrived at the clearing. It was still the same as ever except now with flowers spotting the ground. Jongdae found another note set on the old wooden bench that was off the edge of the clearing.


"Go to where I stole your first kiss



At that thought, Jongdae blushed. Turning and heading back, he started remembering their first kiss, Jongdae's first kiss.


It was a rainy night. Jongdae and Chanyeol had just finished a movie and dinner when it started pouring with rain. They both didn't anticipate rain so they didn't bring any umbrellas and had to run all the way back to Jongdae's house in the rain. By the time they got the Jongdae's front step, they were both soaked to the bone. Just as Jongdae was about to bid Chanyeol goodbye, Chanyeol leaned down and melded their lips together, his hands on Jongdae's cheeks, pulling him closer and deeper into the kiss. By the time they separated, they were both gasping for air, hair stuck to their foreheads from rainwater and clothes sticking to their bodies. After that Jongdae ran inside to grab an umbrella for Chanyeol, which he refused, and they bid their goodbyes before Chanyeol ran off into the rain.


By the end of Jongdae's thoughts, he had already arrived at his house, where he had started. Wondering what was next, Jongdae took a step towards the door and a pair of big, strong arms wrapped around his small frame.


"Jongdae" a deep voice resonated from the chest of the man who was holding him


"C-chan-y-yeol" Jongdae stuttered, standing stiffly from the weeks of no physical contact. Chanyeol rested his head on Jongdae's shoulder and started rocking them from side to side.


"I can't explain how I feel" Chanyeol starts singing and Jongdae recognizes the song as "What is Love"


"Making a day feel like a minute. With you, I'm the main character of a movie. As if I'm about to film an action scene to come see you, as if i've become a hero" Chanyeol continues, still rocking them side to side.


A well of emotion suddenly explodes within Jongdae. Happy moments and sad moments with Chanyeol flash across his mind and suddenly the scene from the cafe a couple weeks ago is there too. Jongdae doesn't know what to do and tears are instantly forming in his eyes and dripping down his face as he starts to tremble.


Chanyeol panics at seeing Jongdae crying, not expecting that to be Jongdae's reaction to all this. He stops singing and spins Jongdae around so that they are facing each other. Chanyeol's hands cup Jongdae's cheeks and are wiping tears off his face.


"If you didn't like it you could've said something" Chanyeol says gently


"No, I loved it. It's just . . . I'm having too many emotions right now and . . and I don't know what to do" Jongdae blurts out, tears still rolling out of his eyes that are staring at the ground and not wanting to meet Chanyeol's


"It's okay, I won't be doing that much skinship with anyone else but you from now on"


"no, but. . wait . . what?" Jongdae asks, tears stopping and suddenly confused, looking up towards his boyfriend.


"I'm sorry, but when you were jealous, it was so cute that I couldn't help myself" Chanyeol confesses sheepishly


"What?" Jongdae asks, bewildered, and lightly smacks Chanyeol in the chest with his fists. "Jerk" he mutters before turning away again


Chanyeol chuckles lightly before cupping Jongdae's face again and pulling him into a kiss


"From now on i'm all yours" Chanyeol says into the kiss


Jongdae pulls away excitedly


"Really?" He asks happily


"Really. I'm all yours."



Guys im so sorry for being late. I had this all typed out and ready to go yesterday but then my laptop kept saying I had no internet so I couldn't post it TT^TT

I've had this idea for way too long now and I just had to get it out there

I hope you like reading it more than I enjoyed typing it


And to all my lovely subscribers of "Coffee Wednesdays and Staying at Your Place"



As for now, Peace outt kaas (that was possibly the stupidest thing i've said all day)

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Nukichen #1
Chapter 1: Am I the only one shiping Baekchen here? All the stuff Chanyeol did were Baek's idea and Chanyeol, despite being his boyfriend for almost a year still he didnt know Chen's fav songs and that he's a romantic. Besides all the things Baek did for little Jongdae :') cuties :3
Krisyeolsdaughter #2
Chapter 1: man this is so cute <3
Cookiez_123 #5
Goosebumps are appearing, the cheesiness is killing me(XD) and its cute^^ thanks for making this fic, you're awesome^^
K-pop1017 #6
BlackHunnie #7
Chapter 1: it was pretty cheesy but still cute... aahhahahha..

I was expecting some jealousy from the giant this time but aww... that was (cheesily) romantic.. ahahahha..

tnx for sharing :D
Chapter 2: Awwh I like it .. but its really cheesy xD
technicolorGIRL #9