Sept.4 Penguin

Mate for Life

We can really learn a great deal from penguins, a group of flightless birds that stays with one mate for life. Penguins really embody the essence of faithfulness and fidelity.  The Adelie penguin's reinforced teamwork between males and females is both flawless and heart-warming.  Females lay two eggs a few days apart into a nest that is built from rocks. The pair takes turns to incubate their eggs while the other partner goes off to gather food.  Even after their eggs are hatch, the parents continue to take turns where one watches the baby penguin while the other collects food.


♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥


"Kyu, are you happy?"


"Why you ask suddenly?"


"Well... look over there...."


Kyu while only turning his head as he carefully makes sure the eggs under him is warm and save, check out the sight that has his Siwon ogling over.  It makes him press his lips together at the picture in front of him.

"what? you wanna hold hands?!"


Siwon shook his little penguin head as he stare down the little rocks underneath him, while sulking, he just fed Kyu as the other have to stay put, the job of hunting bestowed on him (well at least for now). 


"Why Siwon... you jealous of Hang and Chullie hyung?!"


"nope... "


"then why are you stressing sweetie?"


Siwon didn't answer he just continue to kick the rock under his foot from side to side.  Thinking whether he should tell his mate what he's really thinking.  Its very unlike his nature to be jealous and selfish, but when he comes to his mate, he can honestly say he'll throw out every instinct out the door for him. 


"I'm not sressing... "


"Yesyou are... you know how I could... you know how all other forty penguins here could tell...?"


Siwon look up as he question his wifu.  Kyu sigh as one of his flipper pointed back to Siwon's.  Simply the older didn't even realise how both his flippers are raised and waving around outstretched, as the feathers at the back of his neck rises, or how his eye dilated a little, all common sign exhibiting anxious.


Siwon consciously close off his flippers with a grunt, he stumble his web feet moving away from his side and now standing right in front of Kyu, blocking both of their views to the two silly hands holding penguin's, then fell silent. 


Seeing his hubby not answering, Kyu could have guessed what's making his darling Siwon this silly.  Picking up a rock with his beak, Kyu aim at the two loving and holding hands couple.  Throwing right in between the two head that's about to lean against each other.  The two instantly flinch and jump aside, making Kyu giggle and proudly yell out


"Yah! no one wants to see you lovey dovey... get behind those rocks or i'm gonna keep chucking at ya!"


Siwon abruptly pick his head up as he heard his Kyu screams, he could see his Chullie hyung was about to march over and perhaps kick one of their eggs (softly) but luckily Hang was there to hold him back.  The two grumble and before Siwon could say a thing, another pebble was thrown near them, while one stompingly march off, the other could only promptly follow.   


Siwon turn back seeing a beamingly laughing Kyu and how his laugh turn into a soft timid giggle as soon as he notice Siwon staring closely at him.  His hubby for 3years still manage to make him blush no matter what. 


The slightly bigger and older penguin could only pouted as he thought how silly he was, being jealous over some couple.  But when he thought, their little perfect world will be interrupt by others, he got sulking again.


"Siwon-ah..." Kyu cooed while taking a hand of said penguin.  "We've agree to start breeding from our third year..."


A little whine was made as Siwon wiggle on the spot "I know... but... once these brats are out, you wont have time for me.  Everything will be about them, if they're warm enough, if they have enough food, could they swim...." he could continue on if it wasn't the hard slap landed on his other arm from a fuming Kyu.


"Is that to mean you won't have time for me as well?!"


Siwon shocked and bug eye at such ridiculous thinking. There's no way in his lifetime, he'll could even tolerate Kyu away from his sight. 


"no...NOOOOoooo... hell no... you are my life baby...the air I breath, the water I swim...I.."


Kyu glares soften a little, but he still wasn't too sure, it'll be Siwon's turn in another day time to fend the eggs, while Kyu goes to hunt for food.  Maybe Siwon wouldn't be this disconnected to the eggs as soon as he have his time with them.  Narrowing his eyes, Kyu comfortably sit further down on them., rubbing his tummy against them. 


Seeing the sudden sadden mood of his Kyu, the older penguin could only slap himself for being this insecure and immature.  They've been together forever as long as he could remember.  Although they weren't mature to mate till three years ago, when they officially became a couple.  The two agree to enjoy their first two years as single, care free penguin's before breeding.  And now the time is right, with Kyu nurturing the first batch of eggs.  Siwon still having doubts though, he can't blame Kyu for disappointment in him.  Yet, no time for Kyu after these chicks is just simply outrageously laughable. 


"I'm sorry Kyu... i'm being stupid."


Kyu didn't say anything, he continue to stare at his hubby web feet. 


"I was just thinking how we won't get to hold hands like that for at least another three weeks.  When the chicks are old enough to fend for themselves."


Kyu gulp as he nervously look back at his hubby, but quickly look away when their eyes meet.  Making Siwon narrow his sight as he notice something weird from Kyu.  Stepping forward, Siwon nudge with his head around, but Kyu only seem to be dodging his eyes.  And that's really something wrong with it, cos after all these years being together.  His Kyu will only do this when he's hiding something. 


Placing both of his flippers on either side of Kyu's black shoulder, he felt how the feathers lightly tickles under him.  But that silly guilty pressure can wait.  Kyu pouted innocently as he stare back at Siwon, trying to cute his way out as he tilt his head to one side.  It did do the job for a moment as Siwon mesmerise at how absurdly adorable his wifu is, but soon Siwon notice the hair on his neck are rising. 


"So...Kyu... what you are stressing about now?"  Siwon teasingly question as he kept eyes locked in with his wifu.


Kyu was thinking hey changing shift could happen now... i'm feeling a bit tense anyway.  Abruptly Kyu flip their positions, getting up swiftly and swapping place.  Now Siwon found himself snuggling comfortably and worming to adjust to the eggs under him.  Every move just so natural and innate.  Till he found Kyu kinda looking at him with devotion and guilt (?!). 


"Paboo..." Kyu cooed as softly and gentle as possible.


"huh?! I doing it wrong?!"  He nervously ask, as he carefully feel the eggs under him, suddenly he felt linked to them and could feel a strong sense of bond. 


Kyu quickly shakes his head, confirming his position and how he looks gorgeous with such caring expression, making Siwon felt truly like a papa for the first time after the eggs been there since two days ago. 


"so... sweetie..." Kyu started his cooing and tenderness again, as Siwon look at him with anticipation.  "so.. its actually... *awkward simle... three... months... not weeks..." he ended with the most adorable and loving blinks Kyu could ever muster towards his stunned hubby. 


Yet what Kyu got in return was a jaw dropped, sweats dripping, eyes unfocused, Siwon with the most out of spirit expression he have ever seen.  Totally wasn't the right moment, but that's when Kyu break out into waves after waves of laughter.  Having him hugging his own aching tummy from the laughers on the ground as Siwon stares in nothingness. 


After what felt like that three-months of caring, fending, teaching, loving but no lovey-dovey and y time with wifu.  Siwon finally snap back into reality.  And reality is that they're only up to their third day.  Its currently October, meaning it won't be till January that Siwon could have Kyu all to himself again.  


"AISH!!!!" getting up by reflects, Siwon was only push back down by the shoulders with Kyu flippers as he shoot glares at him.  "Kyu~~"


"No whining... it's your turn... I've been on my tummy for the passed 2days now.  I need to stretch... I'll go hunting with Sung, Hae and Kang.  While you stay here.  Don't you take your body off them Siwon!!!"


"But... three....three....monthsss...?!" Siwon got up again, as Kyuhyun pushes him back.


"Siwon, every penguin takes two to three to finally have a grasp on how to be one.  You want to throw our babies out in the world already?!"


"But Kyu~ we don't have to breed till later... maybe we're not ready..." Again, Siwon got up, only with Kyu forcing him back down. 


"We are!! look at Hyukjai and Donghae... if they are... we are as well..."


"Its different, they're older."


"But we're smarter..." Kyuhyun smirk.


"This has nothing to do with intelligence"


With Siwon and Kyu both trying to have their way, it created a small crowd around them.  Their other hyungs from not far nests could only chuckle at their childish behaviours.  Till a sudden sound of cracking and every penguin completely froze in their movements. 


Siwon mouth a silent "holy shxt.."


While Kyu angrily frown, with tight jaws as he inspect his worst nightmare.  Their eggs have really, truly cracked... and its no where near time to hatch.  Kyu heave deeply, supressing every nerve to straggle the older and now scared less penguin mate of his. 


"omo!... WonKyu OUT!" came the loud authority voice of LeeSooMan (their 'parenting help group' expert).


Siwon got up from the eggs (unfertilized, donated by the penguin's next island for the school).  He looked at Kyu apologetically but to be really honest, he wasn't all that sad. 


Kyu elbow his Siwon as the older came behind him as the two lower their hands while LeeSooMan check their nest and eggs.


"too bad... the nest is perfectly built... yep, all the right size rocks and pebbles, and nice location.  But sadly, the eggs have both cracked, and its only the third day.  Sorry Wonkyu I can't pass you this time.  You would have won other, come back and try again next time."  LeeSooMan patted their shoulders once and turn to inspect other couples assignment. 


Without paying attention to the teasing and gleeful stares from all their hyungs, Kyu march off without glancing at Siwon whom already down on his tummy as he glide around, behind, in front of Kyu just for his mate to forgive him. 


Kyu might not felt this upset at their first tryout in this prep-school.  Some penguin even takes up to eight years to graduate.  But unfortunately he heard how Chullie snort and yell right after LeeSooMan outed them


"Now you can hold his hand all~~~ you want... Congrats!!!"


If only those two show-off wasn't making such a stupid cheesy scene right in front of his chees addicted hubby.  Siwon wouldn't have cracked those eggs, and Kyu would have won the bet for whoever gets to complete the course the other loser teams will supply a month of food. 


Now with the thoughts of having Eunhyuk, SungMi and KangTuek winning against him, is beyond pathetic. With Siwon still trying his hardest and desperately trying to get his Kyu to answer him.  The young stopped abruptly, making Siwon glide right off the icy cliff.  He heard a loud yelp and splash sound,  rolling his eyes as he grumpily waits for Siwon to get back on the island and come running back to him. 


As soon as Siwon got back up on his tummy, gliding through penguins once after one, with his dripping flippers, he wobble next to Kyu as the young stare into the open water. 


"Kyu... muffin... i'm sorry... I'll try harder next year."




"m-muffin..." Siwon voice cracked and Kyu knew its only seconds from his mate sobbing for his forgiveness.  Sometimes he can't believe the other is actually older. silly smoochy wonnie... 


"siwon... i'll forgive you... only on one condition."


"Anything baby..." Siwon instantly bounces on the spot for Kyu talking to him again with his stupid dimples face.


"Promise me, when its really our time to breed.  Make sure you have plenty of time for me.  Love me the most and never leave me."


Siwon shakes his water off once more, as Kyu stare right into his eyes.  Slowly he wobble closer to his Kyu as one of his flippers cupped his beautiful wifu cheek, with loving eyes


"That's a promise I made when we got marry.  You are my everything Kyu.  Forever, that'll never ever change."


The two penguin glow in adoration as they hug, tighter and tighter.  Siwon thank god for Kyu not holding grudge for losing the bet.  But he actually didn't see the smirk faces of Hang and Chullie as they walk back to the other nesting couples.  If only Siwon knew how Kyu sold him as their food salves for the next two weeks in order for the two hyungs to tarnish the other teams chance of winning, he might wouldn't feel as blissful. 


Kyu thank god for how Adelie penguins spend their whole lives looking for this one other penguin and when they meet them, they know, and they'll spend the rest of their lives together.  And As for Siwon having chosen such a snarky and cheeky wifu as his mate for life.







Hi my lovely readers... i've done my share of

4 chapt for this month... hope i'll be able to

keep this up ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ 

This story didn't mean to be like this...

but somehow it just did... hope you get what

i'm trying to tell here... basically just imagine

penguin's goes through school to be tested before

they could have their own eggs...

With this i added a bet... just to make it silly...

Hope i didn't loose anyone...

Let me know what you think... i mean it...

leave a comment e_e !!!



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heartbabykyu #1
Chapter 4: Siwonnie penguin has a bit more growing to do.....

Kyu penguin will do anything to win the bet har? Hahaha.....too bad he forgot to add his silly husband as potential risk
Chapter 4: Aigoooo... Wonnie really can hold himself to make a lovey dovey scene with his kyubaby...
Chapter 3: My fav otp story in my fav animals....lovely wonkyu wolves...
lovinkyu #4
Chapter 3: These animal wonkyu story are so cute and fluffy. I like your fics
heartbabykyu #5
Chapter 3: Fluffy enough for me :)
Love between animals r pretty straight forward

Wolf wonnie n kyunni are such a cute couple
forogh #6
Chapter 3: i love it love it love it love it!!!!
ohhhh they were reallyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy cute! and fluffy!!!
thank you!
Chapter 3: Love so much fluffly WonKyu and so LOL for "Soft, bubbly, warm and cuddly body of Kyuhyun = He is FAT!" XD
Chapter 3: ChubbyWolfieKyu! :3 Me gusta!
Chapter 2: Chubbyfish.....aigoooo chubbykyu.....
nippy2002 #10
Chapter 1: I like this. Very unique story ideas....