
Mate for Life



Swans form monogamous pair bonds are a well known fact to many.  Their bonding and partner last for many years, and in some cases these bonds can last for a life time. Their loyalty to their mates is so storied that the image of two swans swimming with their necks entwined in the shape of a heart has become a nearly universal symbol of love.


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"Kyunni... look what i have for you here..." This cause the younger white swan to frown at the sight bestow upon him.  While his Wonnie held it/them up highly and so proudly as well.

"ahem... its pretty..." Thats the best he could muster, although seeing his black swan Wonnie's eagerly delighted eyes nearly makes him laugh out loud at his goofiness, yet with his mundane reply it certainly turn everything sulking.

"PRETTY?!... its gorgeous don't you think?"

An annoyed pout was somehow obviously came across Kyunni's yellow beak and a scowl follow as Kyunni avert his eyes to the numbers of eggs he's currently nesting.  Wishing he could just get up and stomp over his overly hyper Wonnie.  If only their babies wasn't near their hatching stage. It's been nearly 40days since the last egg was lay, roughly two more days to go making Kyunni and Wonnie more and more excited as the time pass.  But having the normally active and young SwanKyunni, sitting and pretty much doing nothing else as he keeps them warm have him fairly sensitive and a little insecure.

" don't like them?" The sudden and too dramatic upset tone of his Wonnie, made those narrowed eyes quickly pop wide and Kyunni shook his head a few times in defends of his feelings towards those 'gorgeous' when Wonnie lock his eyes to Kyunni's.

"aniyo... they're very pretty.  I like them... but...."

"But what Kyunni... they're the colour you love... Sapphire Blue... you know how you've been complaining about these twigs always the same colour.  Brown and dried up.  But these...these ribbon's are really gorgeous and look... "
Siwon held the ribbon against his Kyunni's snow white feathers, a blush was showing on Wonnie's black feather flushed cheeks. " look sooo amazingly beautiful with them..."  

A lone tear fell from Kyunni's eye in a matter of second, which made Wonnie freak out.  He throw the ribbon on the ground as he swam forward, arriving at their shared nest in the pool.  As he frantically spread his wings as best he could to cuddle his young weeping Kyunni.  Those whatever-gorgeous was left behind as Kyunni peek through his teary eyes and heavy pout.

" wrong... you hurt... you tired... you hungry... tell me... i'm soooo scare right now... i could cry...would it help if i cry too?..."  Wonnie ask in panic as he soothingly nudge his head against Kyunni's all around. Rubbing the top of his head against Kyunni's body to kill any sort of  discomfort.  Making Kyunni moan in content and to be honest, feeling a little silly for crying now.

"Sorry wonnie... it's me, being... silly"

"hmmm... what you mean baby...?"

"i.i...i heard you praise those ribbon as "gorgeous"...when...well...shouldn't i... be.. the..only you for you to use that word... andonceiheardyousayilookbeautifulwiththem... it sounded like you dont think i, am i no longer beautiful without them... i'm... i'm.... wuuahhhhhh"  Kyunni break out into wails and sobs as he listen to himself.  The more he said, the more he's worst nightmare was becoming clearer.  His Wonnie will soon leave him and find some other Swan more beautiful and gorgeous without the help of some ribbon!!!

" are sooo silly... baby...shhh" Wonnie swear he would have pick up Kyunni and embrace him if he wasn't concern about those baby-eggs Kyunni was nesting on.  Wonnie could only tighten his already embrace as he clench those black wings of his against his Kyunni's body.  The sobs were heartbreaking and Wonnie curse for showing such trivial thing to Kyunni knowing how sensitive he is these days.  "You, sweetheart, my darling, my reason to live are the most wonderful and amazing creature i've ever seen.  Your lone presence can defeat so many sunrises and sunsets we've seen together.  No amounts of stars in this sky could compare to those sparkling orbs in yours.  YOU are adorable *kiss* bewitching *kiss* enchanting *kiss*kiss* mesmeric *kiss* breathtaking *kiss* magnificent...."

Kyunni sudden giggles/soft whimpering " you're just saying random words..." and chuckling "...but don't you ever forget it...ok..."  he stuck his tongue out to a stunned Wonnie as he push himself off that strong chest but still holding on.  For a mesmerising moment in Wonnie's eyes as these moments only increases as more and more perfect Kyunni gets day by day.  Before the two break out into a cheek to cheek smile in split second.  Then the two happily laugh for the next few loving seconds as Wonnie reassure his Kyunni with kisses and hugs and nudges.  

Kyuhyun is speechless, his mate always find ways to make him greasily quiet.  The white swan could only adjust his sitting position against his eggs to mask his own embarrassment as their laughs die down into a soft glee.  

Wonnie peck his loving Kyunni a few too many times before stepping off their nest and swim in circular motion around Kyunni's as he dress their dull nest with the forgotten ribbon he picked up from the ground.  Kyuhyun watches affectionately as his Wonnie carefully fixes the ribbon around him till he's satisfy.  Yet Kyunni was more than pleased at just the upmost serious attention Wonnie was showering him with every twig and how the ribbon wrap around/drape/hook on it.

"You're so handsome wonnie...i've got the hottest swan in the world" Kyuhyun suddenly blurted without a hint of shyness.  Yet sheepishness came forward when Siwon look up and straightly lock at those eyes while he still has some ribbon dangling from his beak.  How those supposedly hidden swan-brows shoot up and that funnie expression made Kyunni less shy and softly giggling as moments passes.  

"" Kyunni whisper as he stretches his long white neck out to reach Wonnie's.  The two brushes their head against each other side by side, a gesture of eternity devotement to each other.  

"" Siwon reply huskily proclaim as finally their forehead comes to rest against one another blissfully.

While a few meters away, a photographer by the name of Donghae took his soon-to-be award winning picture of the year.  As a pair of black and white swan resting their head against each other, they form a perfect LoveHeart for any lucky eyes witnessing of their EverLastingLove.  




What you think? you like this setting?! i'm still not sure...

but i've got a few chapter written up already...keke... 

Hope you could see pass the weird side of aniaml-style Wonkyu.. 

the gist of their love is still exactly the same... just cutie aniaml forms ~.~ 

if that even make sense... hmmmm 

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♥ ♥ ♥

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heartbabykyu #1
Chapter 4: Siwonnie penguin has a bit more growing to do.....

Kyu penguin will do anything to win the bet har? Hahaha.....too bad he forgot to add his silly husband as potential risk
Chapter 4: Aigoooo... Wonnie really can hold himself to make a lovey dovey scene with his kyubaby...
Chapter 3: My fav otp story in my fav animals....lovely wonkyu wolves...
lovinkyu #4
Chapter 3: These animal wonkyu story are so cute and fluffy. I like your fics
heartbabykyu #5
Chapter 3: Fluffy enough for me :)
Love between animals r pretty straight forward

Wolf wonnie n kyunni are such a cute couple
forogh #6
Chapter 3: i love it love it love it love it!!!!
ohhhh they were reallyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy cute! and fluffy!!!
thank you!
Chapter 3: Love so much fluffly WonKyu and so LOL for "Soft, bubbly, warm and cuddly body of Kyuhyun = He is FAT!" XD
Chapter 3: ChubbyWolfieKyu! :3 Me gusta!
Chapter 2: Chubbyfish.....aigoooo chubbykyu.....
nippy2002 #10
Chapter 1: I like this. Very unique story ideas....