Learning Control

My Black Pearl

Your POV

It’s hard to believe that a girl like me has such a secret as another personality, but it’s true.

I have another personality that’s wild and loves to have fun. though she’s wild she’s under control most days. Others…. I have ‘woken up’ in a jail cell before cause Sky had started fights with the wrong person… Luckily, I haven’t been sent to a hospital…. yet…. My life has been complicated since I was a young child. It had all started when I was young. From what I can remember Sky has been a part of me since I was in the orphanage at least that long. Though she never came out that much now it’s about half a month… well the night parts at least. There a few rare moments when I black out during the day but I’m not completely sure if it could be Sky or even another personality. It’s almost like I hardly know my life anymore and I think it’s all my biological parents fault for who I am. Though I don’t even remember anything about them.

“Mi Ok, are you awake?” Soo Yeon yells from behind my bedroom door.

I sigh as I pull myself out of my bed and shout, “Yeah, I’m awake. Just give me a moment.”

“Sure, hurry up Chanyeol is here for you.”

Oh yeah… He was supposed to give me a ride as much as he can.

I sigh as I plop back down on the bed and I look at the mirror across from my bed so I can see what looks like me but she has a cheeky smile on her face.

“What’s wrong? Afraid he might realize you're me. Don't worry sweetie we may look alike, but we are two different people by far.”

I slap my hands over my ears, but I still hear her voice in my mind.

“You can’t escape me, Mi Ok, for I am you and you are me. We are the same people, but yet we are not. We are different personalities and you’ll have to deal with what I’m about to do.”

Before I can ask more I feel myself being pushed back into my mind and Sky takes over my body.

“Man, how can you stand looking like this?” She asks me.

If I could look her in the face I’d be sticking my tongue out at her.

She laughs, “How cute you know whatever you think is actually what you’re saying, but only I can hear it.”

“Then You” I shout at her with all my anger.

“Ohh… so you can get angry and act out?”

“Of course I am. I am a human being. I feel anger and rage.”

“Yet, never in your life have you ever done anything in the such. You have always sat back and taken what was given to you. That’s what I was created a wild and a person who can get angry and act out when she must.”

“When she wants too not when she needs too. You’ve always gotten me in trouble and I’d like it if you’d just stop. ing stop for once. Let me be who I want not be.”

“Who would that be? Who is a true you? Who are you really? Are you Mi Ok, Sky, or even a mixture of both?”

I’m shocked and I start to wonder just who I am. If Sky is right and I’m not this person who they tell me I am, but really a person I had created or half of who she is and who i am. Still I am Mi Ok and she is Sky. We’re 2 different people rather if which one of us is the true Han Mi Ok. Still I want to be with Chanyeol he’s special.

“Of course he’s special we both like him,” she mumbles as she pulls out a darker version of my clothing sighing as if she’s unhappy with me, “Seriously, why can’t you just wear normal clothing, but no it’s has to be inspired by bohemian and conservative… how is that even possible.”

I sigh as I know I’m not gonna get anywhere with Sky so I simply lean back and watch as she does her annoying magic to make herself look like she’s me.  


“I hate your guts.”

“Well then you hate yourself cause that’s who I am.”

I sigh as she smoothes out the outfit as she grabs ‘our’ schoolbag and makes her way too the kitchen to grab a piece of toast. I sigh when I watch through my own eyes and can’t do anything.

I want to yell for Soo Yeon, but I know that even if I do what do I tell her. That Sky has finally taken over my body. That she is in control of me. I sigh as I simply lean back and think of a plan to get out of my own head and too be my own person again.

“Good luck with that,” I hear Sky mumble under her breath…. my breath.

I’m about to shoot a snide comment her way until I see Chanyeol standing by the passenger side door with a large smile on his face. I feel all words come too a complete halt for both of us.

‘He really is perfect in everyway standing at the passenger side door too open it for us,” I hear Sky say to me and I smile. I just can’t help it since I completely agree with her, but I know that if I keep thinking like this I’m just setting myself too fail. Setting myself up for a world of hurt like with…. No, I won’t think of that time. It’s been 2 and a half years since then. I thought he’d accept me, but instead he hurt me greatly.

I hear Sky hissing in my head once I’m fully away from the thoughts of him.

“Mi Ok, are you alright?”

I feel my head shake as Sky answers, “No, I just thought of something bad.”

“What is is Mi Ok?”

“It’s nothing too worry about it. It’s in the past so why unbury the trash even more.”

I scoff as I think, ‘I couldn’t have said it better myself.’

“Well whenever you want to rebury some trash just tell me alright, I’ll do what I can to help you.”

Both Sky and I laugh at that as we smile at Chanyeol hoping we’re not setting ourselves up too fail.

‘No, we won’t fail. I don’t think he’ll let us,’ Sky says to me.

I simply nod my head as I head back to my own little drawing board I guess on how to get out of here.  Still she’s pretty docile around Chanyeol I guess I can be happy about that much. If she did what she always would do there would be an issue.

“Mi Ok, are you alright?”

We look up at Chanyeol almost forgot that we were with him.

“Yeah, I guess I’m just a bit tired.”

“Ohhh…. Well if you need help with anything feel free to talk to me.”

I smile as I look over him and I feel as both Sky and I ask him, “Why would you do so much for me all the time?”

He parks the car as he shrugs, “I’m not sure maybe it’s cause I like you.”

“You like me?”

“Yeah. I’d say I like you.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean that that I like you and I want to say it’s more than friends. This like that I have is romantic in a way. So too put it bluntly I’d like to go out with you, if you would like?”

I can’t help but too smile as I look at him, but at the same time so does she.

I can’t help but to scream and cry at her as I say, “You took this special moment from me. It was supposed to be just the 2 of us. I hate being on the sideline of my own confession.:”

I keep crying until I feel the tears start to dribble down my face… my real face. I can feel it my own tears slipping down my own cheeks, down my chin, and dripping on my hands. I even feel him lean over and wipe my tears away with his thumbs.

“Did what I say was wrong?”

I feel my voice come from my mouth as I speak to him in my own words, “No… You had not. I was just thinking that I could never be loved for me… and here you are confessing you like me romantically.”

This isn’t a lie, but this isn’t the truth. The guilt is laced in my brain, but I feel Sky say the same thing too me. That was what she said to him cause she to thought she could never be loved.

I nod my head as she says this, but I don’t think she’d cry like I had.

The hard truth that I live through everyday of my life with a part of myself that I can’t tell a single soul, because I’m scared how they will act when I find out about Sky… my other personality.

I feel pain in my chest cause I want to tell Chanyeol about her… but at the same time what if he only saying this cause he sees her in me… Wait…. No, don’t think that. Don’t you dare think that.

I hear a giggle as I think this and I curse at Sky in my head.

I simply look over at Chanyeol as my stomach growls and he laughs.

“Did you not eat well this morning?”

I shake my head as I curse at Sky, “I woke up a bit late and just wanted out of the house.”

Not a lie I did wake up late and Sky did have us skip breakfast, but it’s still all a lie too Chan.

I sigh as I lean back in the seat too see Chan had parked the car in front of a coffee shop. I don’t even make a move to get out of the car. He seems okay… with that as he walks inside.

‘So what are you gonna tell lover boy about what you really are? Tell him about me?’ I feel her press for control.

I level my head too make sure I don’t lose control of my emotions and start to push her away from the top part of my mind.

I keep focusing on that until I’m a bit startled when Chan gets back into the car.

I’m handed my favorite coffee and a small sandwich. I can’t help but to smile at him as he looks me in the eyes. This feeling in my chest won’t go away. The feeling that I’m betraying someone that I love.

Author's note- I'm sorry that I've been away from sometime but since I've gotten home. I've been working a full time job that's been taking up all my energy. So please be patient and I promise that I won't just drop the stories that I write at least not until I'd find someone who could possibly finish it. 

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Chapter 8: Second one
unknowncosplayer #2
Chapter 8: i like the first one
Chapter 7: Sweet fluffy update.
i'll be waiting authornim XD
Chapter 1: It sounds interesting so far :D
Chapter 1: Wahhh~~~~... I love it! Is there a next part to this??