
Half Dark



Some terms you need to know: (These are not related in any language (some) in anyway, I just made them up..)
Inu: Level D demon
Onna: Turner [demons but only has the ability which is stated in the story]
Kami: [except for this.. A japanese word.. meaning "LORD"]



I sighed deeply as I positioned myself in the ground, kneeling and feeling my own sweat running down my face.

Then the wistle came and I ran, the warm breeze mixed with earth and sun was on my face and escalating my senses. And before I knew it, I passed the flags followed with the loud voice of Mr. Park  and the unfamiliar shouts and cheers by the students.

"You did it Jaejoong.. You should really ran tomorrow.." Mr. Park said with a straight face and straight back.

 He was on it again.

I mean--What's up with the hello kitty get up? It was really hard not to crack a laugh facing Mr. Park.

"Sorry sir bu--"

"I believe we can win the festival tomorrow if you're going to join the track team!" He bellowed.

I imagined myself placing a weird smile now since I can feel everyone's stares on me. Yes. I'm used to it... But I hate this kind of stares I'm receiving from them--I feel weird.

And seriously, I can't join anyone's team--I don't want it and neither do the members. I am the school's douche, remember? Everyone practically hates me--that's one of the reason I feel weird facing this admiring gazes.

I don't know why but ever since I began seeing this uh--THING. Somehow--One by one--Step by step.. my everyday life changes. Not just my way of my life but also the people around it.

To be honest, I don't like it.

Happenings like this doesn't seem normal.

Who am I kidding? Of course! Everything about this is not normal!

I mean that.. I feel like something's going to take place soon. And I hate this feeling. I hate this anxiety.

I straightened, surprised when a warm bulky hand was placed on my sweaty shoulder.

"You should!"

"....." I know a weird smile was forming on my face as I turned to Mr. Park--trying not to look on his P.E. pants and blue shirt with hello kitty printing. 

"I really can't sir.. You see, my aunt needed help at home so... I won't be going tomorrow to the festival..." I stuttered. I can feel the guilt that I'm even using Aunty now..

Mr. Park looked at me steadily and I froze on where I stand... 

Sometimes, I just feel like he is reading my mind--well... That's because his stares are more or so--CREEPY.

After awhile, I excused myself.

I ran to one of the outdoor sinks--for water, you could guess.

I stood, and when I was about to bend down to wash my face--my world became blurry. 

"Ugh..di--dizzy..." I leaned. "! W--what's happening?"

I stayed like that for a moment, closing my eyes tightly. Feeling myself.... Then when I thought, it's okay to move, I raised myself only to face a grin--

"Oooooohhh... Hey Kim...."

I suddenly straightened. I glared at him and at the two guys at his back kicking dust while approaching where I stood.

"What do you want?" 

This people really want to mess up the ONLY CALM day I have... The only day where I don't have to deal with demons as soon as I wake up--where the ghost girl thought I should take a day off after seeing a monster eating one of the students--The DAY which she thought she should use one of her techniques to cast a blinding mist on me so that my eyes can BLOODY rest from the horrors of the real world..

I gritted my teeth and my hands formed into a ball.

"I'm not in the mood for a fight..." I muttered enough for them to hear.


"You're not fun enough for a fight... Maybe... --a different kind of fun or something.." 

"What?" The guy who happens to be fond of my hair--constantly gripping it (whenever he had the chance) smirked and looked me up and down.

I just ING don't like the way he looked at me. I shivered but I stood my ground. Hell will freeze over before I back down on anyone! I've been leaving like a timid cat for half of my life--right now, I don't want to be one!

"What the hell are you doing--" I harshly said as the so called leader bend down on me and started making weird noises at my neck. 

"Get off you shi--ugh!" Before I can finish that sentence, he slammed me down on the sink so hard, my head buzzed. I can't stop myself from whimpering in pain.

"Shut up!" I froze right at my awkward position when I felt hands on my hip--! I'm going to kill them!

As I struggled free, I felt more hands gripping me--! ! ! !

My bones felt like cracking--my head's painful. Why the hell can't they leave me alone?

I felt something on my eye.....but not only that--a feeling came rising on me--something that I can't name... something that's so similar with hatred but much more terrifying than that..

I'll ing kill them!

Then it came.

Visions--so vivid like it was a ball of memories plastered right before my eyes. So many events--I can't figure it out. It was like a film rolling right at me. Laughter--anger--Joy--sadness--What the hell's happening? 

Before I knew it, everything became black.


Where Am I?

It's all black....

! Something... Someone? Is anyone there?!

I wanted to scream but nothing came out of my mouth.

I ran an endless black... Cold sweat envelope me as I pant.

"Human".... A voice came.

Where are you?

"I'm right here..." I turned and my eyes went wide.

Eyes that's like a pool of blood were boring holes right at me.

My body shook uncontrollably.. "W--what......who are you?" Finally, my voice came out and it was like a broken sound.

"Me?" Laughter. "I'm you...." 

The blackness became liquid... it engulf me little by little as I started struggling in horror.




"--No!!!!" I screamed.


I harshly turned at my side as I panted.

Slowly, I relaxed as I saw the familiar assuring smile before me, "Aunty...."

"You've been having that for awhile now... Is it bad?" Her eyebrows furrowed.

"No..." I cleared my throat. "I-It's nothing...but--Where am I?" I said as I looked around.

"Infirmary... --What happened?"

I was about to answer when my eyes went past her to the girl right at the corner.

Same long black hair...and obviously, same grayish face and blank eyes with no eyebrows--. I can't even joke now.

Maybe, I stared at her for too long because Aunty turn around, confused.

"Is something the matter Jae..?"

I tried to smile despite the feeling of thousands of needles inside my head. "I'm just hungry..."

A smile formed on her lips. "Let me buy you something!" She stood and walk out of the room.

I sighed first--I just felt like I needed one before asking questions. I shot a gaze right at her and after awhile my lips move.

"W..What happened?" I croaked

"You passed out master." As if I didn't know that...

"You know, I'm not asking that..."

The ghost girl looked like she sighed--oh... so ghosts can act like this too? 

"You almost killed the humans you were with..."

That made me stop thinking the reason why she doesn't have any eyebrows. I was dumbfounded as I looked at her, gaping and I can actually imagine my eyes boring questions to her.

"Master... You almost devoured their souls...." She blankly stated.

I couldn't believe what I heared. I can't even shout my mind out--I just looked at her feeling terrified and confused.

"You were stopped before anything worst could happen---"

"SHUT UP!" My voice suddenly found its way on my throat. 

"Master... You almost killed them..." She repeated with a straight face.

I looked at her for a moment as things started to sink on my brain.

"H--how can I do that?" My hands shook as I tried to form it on a fist.

"Master... You've seen what the level D did to a student... You did exactly the same..."

The nasty memory of the teacher absorbing something on his victim appeared on my mind--but something was not right at all--it wasn't the teacher's face that appeared.... it was mine..


I looked straight into the white painted walls, trying to remember what happened.

I spend minutes like that and despite of the crackling sound my brain is making, I finally remembered a scene.

"I saw events...memories... and they aren't mine.."

"That's the victim's memories master..."


"When a demon absorbs souls--memories would come with it. It is a part of the soul--the life in which the victim have live."

I sighed feeling more dizzier than before. I can't grasp this at all. What's happening to me?

"Don't worry master.. It is expected for you to be able to develop this kind of power..."

I threw myself back first on the bed.

"Why won't you explain to me why I can do this?"

Silence filled the room for several moment.

I sighed bitterly, something's threatening to fall down of my eyes. "At my last school... I almost killed a classmate without even remembering anything about it... Really... I was just ordinary then--bullies are okay... I can live with that---I don't how I did it... When I woke up the traces of fury and the desire of something that I can't name was all there is...."

I can't stop myself from muttering this right now. I feel so ridiculous talking about this--Yeah KIM! You should be, why on earth do you have to even mention this to a ghost? Ugh. I can't help myself...It's just pouring. I don't know how to stop anymore.

"It was fine... It was all fine... because, I thought I just have to live with it... but right now, I don't know anymore... I just---right now... It's not only my life that I don't know but.... myself..." I choked.

! What's this on my eye--it's all blurry. 

I stared at the ceiling--thinking about why do this infirmary have to be painted white. It's hurting my eyes that I felt tears on it. What the hell. Even my humor is off. And now I'm blaming the wall for my tears.


"What the !" I jumped out of the bed as the ghost girl suddenly whispered that right at my ear. "Geez! Warn me first, won't you? You scared the hell out of me."
Am I imagining things--why is it that her pool of black eyes looks even bigger now?

"You ruin the mood!" 

"You are half demon.."

"--And it's not often that I do that kind of drama---wai--what?" 

"Your mother is a descendant of one of the few powerful priestess..."


"Your father is a demon..."

I froze on my spot. I wasn't able to recover on the first bomb and now she dropped another one.

"W...What did you say?"

"That's the only thing I can say right at this moment master... It's no harm to tell you this, now that you already realize the danger of your power..."

As she said this, I stood there speechless beside the bed. You got to be kidding me. My father is--if you think carefully that explain why I haven't seen even a single hair of him--but my brain is vomiting the very idea that this could be real. Right now, maybe I'm just dreaming.

Or my life is just distined to be this messed up--even my head can't process what I just heard.

I stared at her expecting that her grayish black lips will move once more but it didn't came. I guess she won't really tell me anything more than that....

I sighed and was about to go back to bed when the door of the infirmary banged open and my eyes went wide--If I say triple times, you would guess how bloody stunned I am. 

In fact, Stunned would be underistimating this thing I'm seeing now.

Right at the door, a bald--one eyed monster is staring right at me. He's the biggest thing I've seen so far--he barely fit on the door. ! The door of the infirmary is twice the size of the normal classroom door.

"Mr. Park?" Shocked, I turned at the infirmary sensei who just came out of the comfort room. 

She smiled. "Do you need something?" As if answering her question, the monster looked at me--quite intensely my legs buckled.

Her smile became wider. "Oh! I forgot Kim Jaejoong is one of your assigned students..." She laughed. "Good thing you're here... I was about to go somewhere...."

No please! Tell me, you won't leave! If this thing right at the door is human to you--to me, it isn't!

"Please keep an eye out of Kim Jaejoong for me--kay?" Before I can form the words, she already came out of the door--miracuosly going out of it even though it is occupied by this... 

I forgot we're alone now... I'm so DEAD.

For a moment, he stared at me as if telling me to have a staring contest with him and then he turned to look at the side--wai--what? I looked at my side and for the first time I felt like punching myself. I even forgot the ghost girl was there because of fear--but hey! You can't blame me... from what I have experienced so far, it's natural to be afraid--

"The inu already know his existence..." WHAT THE . I just realized something...

"I am masking his aura..." The GHOST GIRL and this...this MONSTER... They can see each other... AND NOT ONLY THAT, they're talking to each other... 
What in the world is happening? Am I going crazy?

"He'll find him in no time... We can't protect him.."

And as if on cue they both looked at me. What did I do wrong to deserve this...?

I looked back at the bald--uh guy. And I realize something.....


 I know those hello kitty shirt!

And...And those baggy jeans...

"M...Mr. Park? You're a monster..?" The monster raised his only eyebrow.

! I forgot he's still a teacher. "I'm sorry sir!" I don't know why but It felt like I offended him.

"I'm a guard stationed here by the council..."


"I have long known your secret Kim Jaejoong... I wish to keep it but from what's going on now....You're in danger.."

"What are you talking about uh---sir?" I looked at the ghost girl but she only stared blankly at me.

"The level D is looking for you... he had sensed your smell..." 

"Do I smell that bad?" Before I can stop myself, the words are already out before I realize the true meaning of what the bald guy--uh--Mr. Park is trying to tell me. 
They look at me weirdly and I felt like banging my head somewhere. They are the WEIRD beings here--NOT ME--Why do I feel stupid than them?

"Onna told you that... humans who have spiritual power are basically attractive to demons because when they consume one... they become powerful--so powerful... that their rank increases..."

The ghost girl turned to look at me at her steady gaze. "When you devoured the humans master, you leaked your smell... I stopped it from spreading from other places but I wasn't fast enough to clean your smell up this place..."

"So basically, your telling me that...that someone's looking for me because I'm going to be his vegetable?" HELL! I'm not that intelligent but at least I have enough brain cells to guess that.

"To devour you..." Mr. Park added.

I felt like melting down on my position because of that... "Right! VERY COMFORTING..."

"Onna... The council needs to know this..."

I don't know what happened but for the very first time the ghost girl right at my side looked very angry. 

"I shall not allow that to happen.."

"He is much safer if the council knows----"

"You shall not interfere!" The ghost girl's pool of black eyes became even bigger and her wet hair flew from different places. 

"Wait...Wait... I can't understand anything abou---" Suddenly, the floor shook--NO. Not just the floor--it's the building--The whole place is shaking. "What's happening?--An earthquake?" 

I looked at the ghost girl and for the first time yet again, I felt her fear... fear?

Fear of what? 

She melt right at the corner murmuring things which I can't understand and basically Mr. Park--the bald guy was just the only option I have..right now..

"Sir! What's happening?" I shouted as I balance myself. Supringsingly, I didn't feel that afraid. I've been seeing so much that even an earthquake can't shake me.

"Kim Jaejoong...." He said as if in trance. "Hide.. Don't come out.. HE is hunting the inu..."

"He? Who is--" Suddenly..something made me kneel down on the floor. It's not the shaking itself but something else..something that made me sweat so bad... something that's making me anxious.

Not good. This days if I feel anxious... that only means, DEADLY things will happen. 

And DEADLY things--it will.

"FOUND YOU!" Laughter---not just laughter... a sound which made my hair all over my body stand. A broken voice which vibrated on the corners of the room.

"Kim Jaejoong.. ran!" ...that was Mr. Park... but no.. I can't move. What's happening? I'm---Wha--wha--

Laughter. "I need you Kim! Now... Those demons can't toy with me anymore!" I can't hear anything. Everything is slowing down--even as I turned around. Even as the glass window broke--even as pool of blood eyes came on me--even as bared fangs inched on me. I just stood there like a statue looking at the features of once a teacher now a..BLOODY monster.

"Onna! Mask Jaejoong!" A voice came--but it was so slow...

Why do I feel so tired?... Everything's so blurry. I'm getting dizzy.

I hear the ghost girl screaming--wait--what? Screaming? That's also a first. How amusing. 

Oh then the red eyes... So this teacher's going to devour me? Should I be glad that I will not feel anything soon?'s better if I were dead....

"Level D bow down and take your sentence..." A cold voice--but despite that it was beautiful. A voice which made everything back to normal.

Wai--what!? I came back at my senses and I literally pissed on my pants for realizing that I am close to this monster. I was about to scream but someone practically pulled me off the monster's grasp who is right now focused on something? The level D, as they call it is turning its back on us..

"Jaejoong...Get out right now.." I recognize Mr. Park's voice. I raised my face and I saw the ghost girl--she was so scared. I can't understand. She wasn't that afraid when I met that level D, the first time... or she wasn't afraid of the level D but something else?

"So? You already catch up on me now huh?" The terrible voice coming out of the monster echoed down the room.

As if my eyes were pulled by a magnet--it went pass on the monster and suddenly to the two person at the front. One was standing right beside the broken window and the other was outside---literally outside. What the ? How can that happen? We're on the third floor!

But as I analyze that--he looked at me... Jet black eyes--calculating and cold pierced on me. I don't know how many minutes passed--the monster kept ranting about something but I can't hear it clearly--only that person eyes was all my brains can engulf. 

And as if something was broken, the person beside him talked.

“Kami... He can see us...”

What? When I notice that the person with blonde hair which is right beside of the guy with a cold piercing gaze was referring to me, I panicked. No! I can't see you! 

And then supringsingly, the blonde man looked pass me. "You are the guard, aren't you? Do you know what's the punishment for letting a human see you in your true form--and involving the said human in this mess---"

"--You!!! IGNORING ME? You're going to pay--ugh!" I gaped at what suddenly happened. With just one swift blow by the blonde, the teacher turned monster was on his knees.

"I didn't tell you to speak!" Said the blonde guy. The monster whimpered on the floor.

And he turned at us again. "Guard, you're going in the Jar with the level D." 

The two at my back are demons themselves.. the ghost girl and Mr. Park, but somehow.. I can feel their fear...

"That's enough..." My eyes shot up right on the person who is now inside the room. I can't help it... Why the hell are those eyes---it felt like their pulling me in...

The blonde guy turned. "Kami... The human saw us... What do you want to do?"

He was quite tall... the guy in which the blonde was referring to--and black hair same as his eyes---wai--what? Seriously, Jaejoong! Stop right now! It's no time to be describing about someone's look!

His dark eyes stared emotionless at us... As if measuring us... calculating us... and  after awhile he turned his back. “Jar the Inu...” He jumped right out of the window.

“Yes Kami...” And then after the figure vanish, the man in front of us did as well after doing something weird--which made the teacher slash monster disappear right in front of my eyes.


“C..Can someone explain what happened?”





a/n: Did I ever tell that I would love your comments? ;D

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Chapter 7: Just when Jae thought his life couldn't get any weirder, it somehow does. Thanks for sharing!
ningagirl #2
Chapter 7: Please update soon,nice story
jjiwon #3
Chapter 7: Lovee your story!!! Please update soon~~
artart #4
Chapter 7: Jaejoong is soo cute here. Lol, love that yunho can read his thoughts. Makes it easier to win over his brides heart.
Please update quickly!
Elrhumy #5
Chapter 7: WHAAT Yunho's bride! is that mean YunJae was each other mate?!? And if Yun is a demon council someone finally can protect Jae *<* Aaaah cant wait for more update Author-nim :D :D
Elrhumy #6
Chapter 6: Wow i hope that guy is Yunho €<€ Jae look like instantly attracted to him..
Elrhumy #7
Chapter 5: Ah so demon can pretend to had average human life! and if bodyguard!girl cant protect how Jae defend himself then..
Elrhumy #8
Chapter 4: Aish this girl made me jumpy too by her creepiness lol.. but if she's Jae's guardian wonder what her name..
Elrhumy #9
Chapter 2: Waah did his mom's necklace hid this side of Jae..
Elrhumy #10
Chapter 1: Hmm wonder too where Jae's father was.. Aah this going tobe interesting haha..