
That four-letter word called LOVE. [H I A T U S]

It was already showcase night. Many people came and the rest of the participants were busy preparing for their performances backstage. Jung Hee, Chanyeol and Kyungsoo were at one corner. Jung Hee was so nervous when she saw all those people who went to watch the showcase. She got more nervous seeing the judges' faces.


Chanyeol and Kyungsoo noticed Jung Hee clasping her hands together out of nervousness.


“Yah! Are you nervous?”, asked Kyungsoo.

“Why? Aren't the two of you nervous?”, she asked.

“A bit.”, said Chanyeol.

“I'm not nervous at all.”, said Kyungsoo.

“Yeah, yeah! You're confident as always!”, said Jung Hee.


Chanyeol started giving Jung Hee pats on her back which caught Kyungsoo's attention.


“Yah! Stop patting her back! She might lose her voice!”, said Kyungsoo as he grabbed Jung Hee's hand pulling her away to his side.

“What? Lose her voice? What the hell, Kyungsoo.”, said Chanyeol while giving out a laugh.


Kyungsoo who was still holding Jung Hee's hands felt how cold her hands were.


“Yah! You're hands are cold!”, said Kyungsoo.

“I told you! I'm nervous!”, said Jung Hee as she takes her hand away from Kyungsoo's

Kyungsoo grabbed both her hand again and said, “Just let me warm your hand then.”

“Yah! Yah! Let go of it!”, said Jung Hee.

Chanyeol then grabbed her other hand and said, “I'll hold your other hand so that your nervousness will be gone.”


Kyungsoo rolled his eyeballs as he saw Chanyeol holding Jung Hee's other hand.


“What is wrong with both of you? Just let go of my hands!”, said Jung Hee.

“Just stay still and stop complaining!”, said Kyungsoo.


Jung Hee just sighed as she looked at the two.


Jo Kwon who was with the rest of the teachers noticed Chanyeol and Kyungsoo holding Jung Hee's hands.


Jo Kwon whispered, “Jong Suk, look at those two. Holding Jung Hee's hands.”


Jong Suk quickly took a glance. Jung Hee was smiling brightly at him but he quickly looked away.


“What is his problem..”, uttered Jung Hee to herself.

“Who?”, asked Chanyeol.

“Mr. Lee.. He just gave... Nevermind.”, said Jung Hee with a sigh.


Chanyeol looked at Jong Suk whom he just saw taking a glance at Jung Hee.

After a couple of hours waiting, the showcase started. Students from other schools performed their best. Sulli and Baekhyun made all the audience and judges' heart flutter when they sang 'Maybe' together looking like a real cute couple. During Soolji, Bomi and Naeun's performance of Loving you, the audience especially the males kept cheering for them. Sungjae and Youngjae also performed very professionally, singing the song like they were already real singers on stage.


When Youngjae and Sungjae's performance was almost to its end, Jong Suk came to the three.


“You two are still not letting go of her hands?”, said Jong Suk.


Chanyeol and Kyungsoo just made a smirk.


“Stop holding her hands now.”, said Jong Suk as he removed Kyungsoo and Chanyeol's hands from Jung Hee.


Jung Hee started staring at Jong Suk who was acting so grumpy while Kyungsoo and chanyeol were holding their anger against Jong Suk.


“You better be the best out there.”, said Jong Suk.


The three of them went on stage. Chanyeol and Kyungsoo glanced at Jung Hee, who was in between them, before the music started. Jong Suk, standing at the side of the stage was focused on them with arms crossed. E was actually focused on Jung Hee.


Baekhyun and Sulli were murmuring behind Jong Suk as they also watched the performance.


“Yah... I think Kyungsoo and Jung Hee's voice match so well!”, whispered Sulli

“Yeah. But, I think Chanyeol and Jung Hee has chemistry on and off stage.”, said Bakhyun.


When Jong Suk heard the two, he was jealous.


He turned to them and said, “Yah! You two!! Shut your mouths!”


The two covered thir mouths as they giggled.


“He's jealous.”, whispered Sulli.


After all the performances, te participants were asked to stay in one room together with their teachers to wait for the results of whom the agency will pick as trainees.


Jung Hee was nervous of how the results will go but she wasn't expecting to be chosen as a trainee. After a long wait, a representative called out names.


Among all the many names being called, Younjae, Sungjae, Bomi and Naeun were the ones only being called by the representative.


The representative, “those names that were mentioned are the only ones chosen to be trainee.”


The room was full of murmurs after the announcement. Almost everyone not being called were disappointed.


“What the! I'm the only one not being chosen from the group?? I don't get it!”, complained Soolji

“Sulli... We weren't chosen. Is it my fault?”, asked Baekhyun as he started pouting.

“Good that Younjae and Sungjae were chosen.”, said Kyungsoo.

“Yah! Aren't you even regretting transferring to Jung Hee and Chanyeol's group?? If you sang with Sungjae you could have been chosen too!”, said Soolji.


Jung Hee gave Soolji a look as she felt like Soolji was blaming her. Kyungsoo quickly noticed how Jung Hee reacted.


“I don't think so... You were with Naeun and Bomi but why didn't they choose you?”, said Kyungsoo.


Soolji suddenly felt embarrassed. She decided to just shut . Baekhyun and Sulli smiled at each other as they wanted to laugh at Soolji.


“Maybe it was because of me that you guys are not chosen.”, said Jung Hee

to Chanyeol and Kyungsoo.

“Yah! That's not true!”, said Chanyeol.

“Don't think about it. I didn't want to be a trainee of them anyway.”, said Kyungsoo.


Jung Hee sighed. The teachers finally came to them.


“I think this wasn't for the six of you.”, said Jo Kwon.


The six of them sighed as they looked at their teachers.


“Stop being disappointed about it guys. You still have more opportunities to come. At least you guys already had this experience.”, added Narsha.

“We'll just congratulate those four. Let's just be happy for them.”, said Ga In


Jong Suk was just standing there with them not saying anything. He just kept looking at Jung Hee who was avoiding his gaze. Kyungsoo noticed it so he quickly poked Jung Hee's cheek trying to make Jong Suk jealous. Jong Suk immediately looked away just like how he did earlier when Chanyeol and Kyungsoo held Jung Hee's hands.



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vikaexo788 #1
Pleaaaaase update !!! This story is daebak
Chapter 57: Chapter 57: It's getting more interesting, update soon pls!
Chapter 57: update soon!! :D
Chapter 57: that smirking kriseu ;AAAAAAAAAA;
Chapter 56: "Uhm... Namsan Tower?"

Chapter 56: JONGDAAAEEE <333333
Chapter 55: "Oh.. He called to tell me his cousin is coming. Remember Kris?", said Mrs. Choi.

"Kris?", asked Jung Hee.

Chapter 54: channie already kissed her twice but jung hee didn't even know ahahah