Now i've become Numb. Whatever, BYE!

We Got Married

Meanwhile, at the dorm, SHINee's manager came to inform Key about SBS interview for We Got Married. Key bluntly agreed and promised the manager that he'll be there tomorrow morning. Key was exhausted from the trip to Daegu and back to Seoul. Coming back, he went to Hello Baby recording and went back home right away. His body ached as he lied down on the bed. Somehow, he had this feeling that tomorrow would be a gruelling day. Nevertheless, he just closed his eyes and went to sleep.

Onew went back home late with chicken. Taemin woke Key up and the members enjoyed eating dinner together.

"Sorry, i came late. I coincidentally meet Seungyeon and i accompanied her back home. Anyway, she said Kara will be leaving for Japan tomorrow night. I thought it would be nice if we go to their dorm tomorrow and bid farewell. How about that?" Onew suggested.

"OK!" Taemin, Jonghyun and Minho shouted in sync. Later, minho informed "but i have Dream Team in the afternoon. I'll reconsider." When they realised that Key was silent, they sensed something wrong and stared at Key.

"I cant. I have an interview tomorrow morning. Did you guys forget about the Shimshimtapa radioshow?"

"Omo! yeahyeah. i forgot. we will go the next day then." Onew reacted.

"Whatever he does, its Onew Sangtae" the members sang.

"Kara is leaving tomorrow and you want to go the next day?! Lets just drop it. Lets just leave them a phonecall." Jonghyun explained.

Afterwards, the members finished their dinner and had a good night rest.


The next day, 9am.

Key POV 

sharks! im late! I rushed out of the dorm and went to SBS building. Fortunately, I managed to look for WGM producer and ended the interview well. Hungry, I went to the lobby to buy some food for breakfast. As I walked towards the exit with the a plastic bag full of sandwitch, I was stunned to see Nicole and Jinwoon walked pass me.

She is passing by me, getting further away, the girl that i liked so much. With her back turned, this miserable feeling is like... but i forced it down. Is the man next to you better looking than me? Even the way you look now is so different. There was never a time for us right? Since the beginning, i was only ever a convenient friend. My love was a passing thought. As you walked pass by me,getting further away, you have become more beautiful. I cant even get mad, im completely numb.Is the man next to you richer than me? So what the hell is the difference between that person and me?  Was i only caught in my thoughts?

I whispered "Have you tried thinking about me? Given any thought about me? The times we stick together like lovers flying free. I still love you. Seems like i should forget you. But when i see the pictures that we took together, i can never forget you."

What is it that i lack? I could have been better to you than anyone. You walked pass by me, tightly holding his hands, without even looking at me. I was only a convenient friend.

Nicole POV

Jinwoon accompanied me to SBS building for WGM interview. I answered the questions honestly and felt good. He sent me back home and Kara members were already excited for our stay in Japan. I switched on the radio to Shimshimtapa and heard a familiar voice. Omo! It's SHINee in the radio.

The background music played. The piano created a sweet atmosphere.

"So now, why dont you say something to your future wife? Pretend that you are already married now. Imagine that its 10 or 20 years later. To your future wife,"

"like in We got Married style.." Onew interrupted.

"Have managed to do the thing you wanted to do recently?"  Key voiced out. In the background, the DJ was laughing out loud.

Then Jonghyun interrupted, "what is that thing?" Key continued and explained,

" Even though i dont know what it is, i just wanted you to finish what you want to do. Because it is something that you want to do." He then giggled sweetly.

"Let's live happily together no matter what.Thankyou. Goodbye Honey, i love you. "

My tears fall instantly. How i wish you could have said those 3 words to me....

Seungyeon POV

I listened to the radio and recognized the voices instantly. SHINee...

I stopped packing and listened attentively. When i heard him talk,my feet didnt move. I just stood there motionlessly.

"I ....with respect for you... like this.. yes...I want to talk formally to you for the rest of my life...Why? because i love you a lot..I will always work hard so that we can live happy life together. I hope we can still live happily like this. Thank you very much. I love you."

I smiled. What is that? Did he have to start out with a gag? How i wish i was brave enough to say those 3 words to you...

Nicole POV

His grandma words haunt me again. I didnt know why but i decided to go to the rooftop to reminisce those times again. I took out my handphone and saw Jinwoon's message.

-I've been looking for you. Where are you now?-

I replied.

-Just for now, i'll be away. Dont look for me, arasso? Dont worry i'll be fine.-

Then i clicked the phonebook contacts and scrolled down until i reach -Keybum bby-

To: Keybum bby

-I need to tell you something , can you meet me at the rooftop? -



I felt numb looking at that message. What was she thinking? She didnt even notice me in the morning. Then i felt angry, angry at myself. I recalled the day when i almost confessed my true feelings. The day when she left with him. When she chose him over me. I have made a promise to myseld to erase you but i cant do it. erasing you is like swallowing poison.My heart becomes weaker, trying to forget you.its a habit. i cant do it like i thought i could.  My heart is filled with love pain. Since there are memories left in that thoughtful place, i'll be searching for you. eventhough i know that all you give is the scar of not being able to have you.


I headed towards the rooftop with the notebook and jacket that i wanted to give her. I'll do what i have planned to do. I'll do exactly what she did to me. Not as a revenge, but as a friend's wake up call that she has become so different. It might hurt me to say those words but i'll do it. Please forgive me Nicole, just this once, forgive me.


"here you go! i wanted to give this to you all this while..but you had to leave so urgently right? remember that day?!" I raised my voice.

"I actually wanted to throw it or donate it but... i could make good use of it. take it!"

Nicole POV

I reached out my hand and looked inside. I smiled. "stop joking around.. i have something important to tel.."

"Wait! before really sorry for coming late. I just came back from the radio station. And and..what was it....yeah! i have to meet a friend later..opps! now actually... so, can you make it fast?" Key interrupted.

what the he being sarcastic?! I shook my head. What is he trying to do... I looked at him again and realised the anger in his eyes.

"saying those just want to hurt me right? Do you really think it will hurt me! "

"Of course! It hurts, right?! Good! " His face turned serious and he put his hands on his hips.

"Do you have anything else to say? If not, i'll leave now" He stood there waiting for me to say something.

I remained silent, but it was probably too long. He took a step backward and walked away. I had to say something.

"I'm leaving for Japan tonight!" i called out.

"I know! BYE!" He shouted with his back turned against me.

"You should say we will meet again next time!" I shouted back. He was already so distant. He still didnt stop.

"Whatever! BYE!" From where i was standing, i could here those words clearly. My tears fall. He didnt mean it. I know him well. I saw him waving his hand and he then disappeared from my sight. I cried and cried.


Look what you've done. I kicked and punched the wall again and again. Now, forget about her!! You left her those painful memories. You've hurt her so much. You promised to be bff there, at that rooftop, and you broke that promise there. You did well Key. Now ive become numb. i'll forget!! I punched the wall as hard as i can. It felt as if i had fractured my knuckle. My fist soon turned red and bled profusely. Love pain, everybody knows it hurts. 






** i took the eng translations of SHINee's song GRAZE and LOVE PAIN. you should listen to them. its really heartbreaking.

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Chapter 4: I know it's really early in the fic, but I love it so far!!! I like the sort of theme of calling each other :3
Maneuverish #2
Update pleaseuuuuu~ :3
syasoneshawol #3
oh man.... ive been leaving u guys hanging for almost a year? damn im so sorry... gonna update this soon!! wait for it! :)
HyunJane #4
update please~!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh my god....more!!!! please update more! i'm loving this!
Miinii #6
love your story<3<br />
Please update soon again!<br />
syasoneshawol Hwaiting!!!
Eliano #7
Pls update soon
new reader~update soon ^^,
Electric09 #9
wow the update is so fast! :D<br />
hahaha hwaiting!<br />
will they be back? :(<br />
great story!hwaitingg! :D
KaiserKawaii #10
Oh wow. You update really fast! <3 Yiiii... SO now it's back to the foreword.