Thank You for the Music


In which Youngjae; all around-nerd slash nice guy slash self-destructive introvert stumbles upon what he thinks is the almighty Jung Daehyun's soundcloud, fanboying ensues and Himchan is their no. 1 shipper.


"himchan that spit-take wasn't really necessary." yongguk said while cleaning up the mess himchan made on the cafeteria table

"yes it was and what do you mean you aren't friends with daehyun!" over-dramatic was an understatement for what himchan was but most of the time he really just wanted to make a point.

"we aren't friends, why is that so weird to you? i'm not friends with a lot of people." youngjae said with a shrug.

"yes but this is jung daehyun. you and him are practically the same person!" himchan was already flailing his arms everywhere.

"can't you keep your voice down for two seconds!" yongguk snapped, the noise was getting into his nerves but to no avail himchan snapped back as well. "No i CAN'T AND I'M NOT KEEPING MY VOICE DOWN UNTIL MR. YOO HERE MAKES FRIENDS WITH MR. JUNG" he was even more frustrated now. he'd known daehyun and youngjae for years thinking that in one way or another, they were acquictances. anyone from campus would agree that the two were similar in terms of interests and vocal ability so it made no sense, how the two weren't friends at all.

"i can't. I won't." youngjae remained calm despite the screaming going on around him.

"and why not?"

"he scares me."

"wha- why?"

"his voice."

"what?" both himchan and yongguk were confused now.

"but his voice is one of the best voices in campus why are yo-"

"that's it, that's the reason."


Hello whoever is reading this! This is really just me vomitting out words and trying to be funny while I procrastinate for my essay.


p.s. if you ever actually finish this i am 629 types of sorry

p.p.s this was supposed to be a oneshot i hate myself (i think it's going to be two/threeshot now)


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Claudine_NG #1
Chapter 1: OMG this story is so funny! Please update soon!
DaeJaeGyu #2
Chapter 1: Oh my god .. im really excited .. i will be waiting fir the updates .. plz updaye soon
Chapter 1: Hahah it was so cute and funny! poor Jae is in love with his voice!:D
DaeJaeGyu #4
Ooooooooooooh why would jae be scared of dae voice .. is it too y to hadle it alway turn him on or for other reason like you think its too good to be compared with yours ..well now will be so frustrating for appa bang and umma chan
Anyway .. sorry for my fiction ..
Plz update as soon as. Possiple