Where's Lee Joon when you need him?

The Knowledge of a non-fan


“So,” you raise an eyebrow at the two boys that have appeared on your doorstep, “Do I assume you’re both homeless or….?”


“Noona noona noooooooona wait!” the blonde one shoves his lookalike into your house, “Just listen to us please!”


You sidestep left and watch the brown haired one tumble into the living room. He gets up, gives his brother a glare, and dusts himself off. Youngmin walks in and shuts the door, already familiar with the place. You wonder why he’s even back in the first place. You do a mental check in your head. You haven’t had any weird emails or texts or calls or letters (though no one does that anymore), there are no Boyfriend products lying around and the last time you saw him he was almost in tears.


“Yes?” the reply flows out of your mouth, “What is it.”


“Ok,” he flips his twin around so that they’re both facing you. You almost have to look away because they’re both staring back at you wide eyed, “Do we look alike?”


“We’re twins,” his brother points out to Youngmin. “Of course we look alike.”


“Exactly,” you reason, agreeing with Kwangmin, “You’re twins.”


“But we have different coloured hair!”


“But it’s still cut the same way.”


“It’s styled slightly differently!” Youngmin points out Kwangmin’s slight curl at the end and his straight hair.


“Yes, but hyung,” Kwangmin beings, “The fact that-“


“Anyway,” you interrupt, glancing at your watch, “You guys probably have idol like things to do so I suggest you get a move on.”


“Then,” Youngmin surprises you by slipping his hand around your waist, “Who do you like better?”


Both you and Kwangmin give him a what-the- look.


“You’re not serious?” somehow, it feels like you’re having a conversation with Lee Joon (only it’d be okay with Lee Joon because Lee Joon is a y BAMF and you wouldn’t be listening to a word he was saying).


Youngmin smiles (somewhat creepily) and nods (even more creepily), “Of course I’m serious.”


Kwangmin just blinks several times and sits himself down on the floor, as if this happens all the time. “Just answer him, it’ll get him to go away.”


“I don’t know,” you shrug, looking at the invisible clock on your wrist as to avoid the burning stare of the boy latched onto you. “I haven’t had time to get to know you guys really.”

And you regret the words that come out of your mouth as soon as you say them.


“O-Oh,”  Youngmin grins. “If that’s the only reason then I don’t know why you didn’t say anything sooner!”


“I think I know why.” You hear Kwangmin sigh. He looks up at his brother, “Please stop, this is why we never get invited back to people’s houses and why you’re still single.”


“You’re single as well.” You point out.


“Yeah, but I CHOOSE to be single, there’s a difference.”




“True story.”


“Anyway…” You turn to the blonde one (his name escapes you). “Can you guys like…get out of my house?”


“Why?” Youngmin blinks somewhat innocently (and looks a little less creepy). “Is it because you can’t stand our….twinness?”


“That,” you sigh (yeah, he’s still creepy), “Is not a word, but if it was I would say yes.”


Kwangmin simply gets up and shoves Youngmin out the door. “I guess we’ll be seeing you then.”


“I sure hope not,” you mutter under your breath as you slam the door behind them, hoping the blonde one gets hit on his way out.

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Please update it is funny in the first chapter
1say16 #2
pls update
1say16 #3
haha omo this daebak :)<br />
<br />
<br />
update pls
OMG sooo funny!
i got heart broken when she explained why the things she bought for her bestfriend are stress relievers but it made me laugh in the end
This is cute! :) Nice job!! update soon!! :)
Aww he's so hurt when she asked him to kick them<br />
Haha so cute she thought he was Kwangmin<br />
This is so cute<br />
Good job!