The Knowledge of a non-fan

The Knowledge of a non-fan






Being the busy girl you are, you've gone to run a few errands for your friend's birthday tonight. The necessities have already been collected:


Life sized Taemin poster-check

x4 SHINee posters-check

CN Blue's new album-check

BEAST's new album-check

BEAST poster-check

Boyfriend poster-check

Jo Twins poster-check

x2 $30 iTunes cards (to buy B1A4's album)-check

Carton of banana milk-check


So as you walk down the street with a collection of items in your hands, you just so happen to get blocked by an amusingly tall blonde boy. His jeans are slung lazily on and the t shirt he wears seems a tad oversized.


"Well then," you nod after an awkward silence has been established, "Good bye."


Mum always taught you not to talk to strangers. Boys especially. You also take note that he seems to be skinnier than you. Not a great confidence booster now is it?


"Wait," he tugs on your wrist, causing two of the SHINee posters and the BEAST poster to topple onto the floor.


"Thanks," you scoff sarcastically and attempt to pick them all up with three fingers, "Just because I have a life, it means someone always has to mess with it."


He stoops down and gathers them up in his hands, "Where are you headed?"


"Home," you reply, focusing more on popping the posters back into your arms than anything else.


The boy continues to take the Taemin poster and the rest of the SHINee posters from you, "Then I'll just-"


"Thief," you yell, no emotion in your voice. He drops the posters surprised and you pick them up off the floor for the eighth time today.


"Wait I didn't mean to-" he leans down and touches your shoulder.


"," you cut him off nonchalantly.  People around the area turn their heads. You ignore them and leave the blonde boy gaping.


You do note, that he probably is just trying to help you, but a little voice in the back of your head screams weirdo. And the little voice in the back of your head wins.


"Wait!" he runs up beside you, "Let me help you!"


"Why?" you ask, slightly amused and slightly not-bothered-to-talk-to-this-kid-because-he-makes-you-feel-fat. Your pace increases to speed walking as if you're daring him to keep up.


"Because," he drags out the word as he struggles to match your pace, "You look like you're having trouble and-"


Your feet come to an immediate halt and the boy goes briskly past you. He stumbles to a stop and quickly runs back.


"I'm having trouble?"


"Well no," he senses the danger in your voice, "But maybe.....I just....."


You raise an eyebrow and sigh, "Ok then," you dump the Boyfriend poster and the Jo Twin poster in his arms, "Take them, it doesn't matter if you steal them or not."


"You don't like them?" he tilts his head and follows you.


"Not entirely no," you answer, wondering why the group has sparked his interest, "I mean I'm mutual."


"Oh so is this for a friend?"


"Yeah," you struggle to check your watch through the numerous items. Next time, you definitely take a bag, "She needs a stress reliever."


"So," you can see him doing calculations in his head, with no successful answer, "How are they a reliever?"


You turn and take a sharp right, which takes him by surprise, "She draws on them, rips them, you know how it is."


The lock on the house door clicks as a key is inserted. The boy follows you inside, a hurt expression on his face, though you see no reason why. The posters and albums are placed carefully on the table. You point to the table, "Just kick 'em under there."


The boy blinks a few times and holds the posters close to his chest in a protective stance.


You turn around, "Give them here," you say, after seeing how reluctant he is to let them go.


"I can't do that," he whispers.


"And why not?"


"B-Because," he stammers, "I-I'm Youngmin from Boyfriend."


Your eyes widen in shock and then it makes more sense. Kind of.


He smiles, now that you understand.


"Wait," there's something that still seems a bit off, "I always thought that Kwangmin was blonde. Oh well it doesn't matter right? You both have big eyes anyway."


And then you hear him face palm.

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Please update it is funny in the first chapter
1say16 #2
pls update
1say16 #3
haha omo this daebak :)<br />
<br />
<br />
update pls
OMG sooo funny!
i got heart broken when she explained why the things she bought for her bestfriend are stress relievers but it made me laugh in the end
This is cute! :) Nice job!! update soon!! :)
Aww he's so hurt when she asked him to kick them<br />
Haha so cute she thought he was Kwangmin<br />
This is so cute<br />
Good job!