Chapter 3

My Daughter's Nanny

                "Umma, let's go to the swings!" Miyoung yelled as she grabbed Joonmyun's hand and pulled him towards the swings. The boy chuckled and nodded, "Alright, I'm coming." The little girl giggled and let go of the man's hand and ran to the swings, Joonmyun smiled and ran after her. He noticed Miyoung wasn't tall enough to climb up on the swing and chuckled before picking her up and sitting her down on the swing. "Thank you umma!" Miyoung smiled huge, showing all her small pearly whites. "You're very welcome Miyoung, would you like me to push you?" he asks. The four year old nods excitedly, the nanny stands behind the little girl and pushed her slowly, not wanting to drop her. Miyoung didn't mind though, she was just having fun with her new nanny, no matter what they did.

                After a while of swinging back and forth Miyoung grew bored and wanted to go to the slide, "Umma, take me to the slide please!" Joonmyun stopped the swing and picked up the little girl, he took her to the smallest slide and nervously watched as the four year old walked up the steps to the top. She sat down on the top before waving at her new nanny and coming down. Joonmyun let out a breath of relief and smiled when Miyoung jumped up and down, wanting to do it over, "Can I go again umma? Can I? Can I? Can I?" she asked. He laughed a bit, bend down to her level and nodded, "Sure, but only a couple more times, then we'll go to buy groceries so that I can cook for you and your appa." Miyoung hugged the man and smiled, "Thanks for being nice to me umma." He smiled and nodded, "Of course sweetie, why wouldn't I be?" The little girl let go of her nanny and just smiled before running back to the slide for some more fun.

                Joonmyun let Miyoung play in the park for about twenty more minutes before telling her they had to go, it was currently 3:30pm, he still had to go grocery shopping, and  get back to the huge mansion to cook and clean before Yifan got home. The man had Miyoung in his arms as he walked through the crowded streets, he didn't want the little girl to walk and risk getting lost so he decided carrying her was the safest and fastest way to get to the grocery store. Miyoung looked at the people around and smiled, waving to random strangers, since she never got out of the house this was like an adventure for her.

                The two finally reached the grocery store and Joonmyun put the little girl down, he bent down and fixed her dress and smiled, "I can't carry you because I'm going to be carrying a basket, but make sure to stay close, okay? I'll hold your hand so you won't get lost." Miyoung nodded and smiled back, "Okay umma!" The man smiled and ruffled the four year olds hair, "Good girl." He stood up again and grabbed a basket, he then took Miyoung's hand and led her around the grocery store, getting all the ingredients he would need to cook dinner.

                Grocery shopping only took about twenty minutes, Joonmyun was about ready to check out when Miyoung tugged on his pants. He looked down at her and smiled, "Yes Miyoung?" The little girl pointed at the chocolate bars, "Can I have one?" He looked at the chocolates and frowned a bit, "But that isn't healthy, wouldn't you rather eat something with more vitamins?" he asks. Miyoung stares at him with big eyes and shakes her head, "I want chocolate." The nanny sighs but smiles again, "Okay, but you're only going to eat half of it." Miyoung smiles and nods before grabbing the chocolate bar and handing it to Joonmyun, the man takes it and gets ready to check out.

                After paying, Joonmyun picks up the bags with one hand and Miyoung with the other, the little girl rest her head on the man's chest and closes her eyes, she was tired after a whole day of playing with her new nanny.










                Joonmyun put Miyoung down on the bed and kissed her chubby cheeks before walking back downstairs. The new nanny picked up all of Miyoung's toys, he put them back in her playroom and then walked back out to the living room. He found the cleaning supplies and began to clean around the whole mansion, although the place was already really clean Joonmyun figured there was no harm in cleaning up a bit more. After finishing all of that he checked the clock, it was 5:30pm, he didn't know when Yifan would be home but he figured he might as well begin cooking so that he could feed Miyoung when she woke up from her nap.

                Joonmyun walked into the kitchen and began to take out all the ingredients and materials he would need to cook the dinner. The man wasn't sure what Yifan or Miyoung liked so he decided to make his best dish and hope they would like it.

                The man was so distracted by the meal he was preparing that he didn't hear when the front door opened and closed. He also didn't notice that Yifan had walked into the kitchen until the tall man cleared his throat to make his presence known. Joonmyun turned to face the taller man and smiled, his eyes turning into crescents , "Hello Yifan." The taller of the two smiled back, "It's Kris remember." Joonmyun nodded, "I remember... Kris." Yifan walks towards him and stands in front of him, "So what are you cooking Suho?" The shorter man laughed a bit, "You'll find out, Miyoung is taking a nap so you should go get ready for dinner." Yifan shakes his head, "I'll help you." The nanny chuckles, "I thought you couldn't cook." The father shrugged his shoulders, "I can't, but now is a good time as any to learn." The shorter man smiled and passed him the fruit he was currently cutting, "Then help me with this." Yifan smiled and nodded before looking away from the beautiful man in front of him and beginning to cut the fruit. Joonmyun smiled to himself and continued to cook the rest of the food.










                Joonmyun laughed and threw flour back  at Yifan. He didn't even remember how this silly food fight had began but he couldn't stop laughing when he saw the look on his boss' face.  "I'm going to get you Suho!" Yifan yelled as he began to chase the nanny around the huge kitchen. The shorter man ran around in circles, trying to avoid getting caught by the taller man. Yifan eventually caught him though, wrapping his muscular arms around the younger boy's waist and pulling him towards himself, "Caught you." Joonmyun laughed and could hear Yifan laughing too.

                Yifan was surprised with himself, he wasn't usually the type to do these silly things, but here he was, having a food fight with Joonmyun, something he hadn't even done with Sooyeon. "Just admit that I'm the winner and I'll let you go." The shorter man sighed but admitted defeat, Yifan smirked and let go of him. Before either of them could say anything they both heard Miyoung yelling, "UMMA!" Joonmyun smiled and quickly cleaned himself up a bit before running upstairs to get the little girl.

                The father leaned back on the wall and sighed happily, he didn't understand why he was happy but he just was. Joonmyun returned with Miyoung in his arms a few seconds later. The little girl smiled happily when she saw her father there, "Appa!" Yifan smiled and took the little girl from Joonmyun's arms, "Hey princess, did you have fun today?" he asked. Miyoung nodded excitedly, her ponytails bouncing up and down, "Umma and I played with all my toys, then he took me to the park and we went grocery shopping and umma read to me too!" the little girl went on and on and Yifan didn't miss the sparkle in her eyes as she spoke. He smiled and pinched his daughter's cheeks, "Appa, can umma have dinner with us?" Miyoung asked. Yifan looked at Joonmyun and smiled, "Would you have dinner with us?" Joonmyun smiled back and nodded, "Sure, anything for Miyoung."

                The three sat down and began to eat, Joonmyun feeding himself and Miyoung and Yifan smiling as he watched and ate. "Mmm umma! You make the best food!" the little girl exclaimed. Joonmyun chuckled and shook his head, "Ani. You two should meet Kyungsoo, he's the true chef." Yifan drank some of his water, "Who's Kyungsoo?" he asked. Joonmyun looked at him and smiled, "He's one of my best friends and he dates my little brother, Jongin." Yifan smiled and nodded, "Is Jongin your only brother?" he asked. Joonmyun shook his head, "Aniyo, Jongin is the youngest, then Jongdae, and then me. Do you have brothers?" he asked. Yifan shook his head, "No, but Chanyeol is basically like my brother, he's always borrowing money and never paying back. Then there's Luhan, Miyoung calls him uncle." Joonmyun nodded and smiled. "So umm... do you have anyone your dating?" Yifan awkwardly asks. The shorter man shakes his head and smiles, "No, I'm not interested in dating anyone but Jongdae and Kyungsoo are always trying to set me up with complete idiots." Yifan chuckles, "I know what you mean, Chanyeol and his boyfriend Baekhyun are always like that too." Miyoung smiles, "Appa, you should date umma because he's so smart and nice!" Yifan spit out the water he was drinking and coughed, Joonmyun laughed a bit and looked away, "Here Miyoung, eat."










                "Hey Suho, do you want a ride home?" Yifan asked the shorter man. Joonmyun shook his head and smiled, "I'll be fine, the bus isn't too bad." The older man shook his head, "But it's dangerous, and Miyoung would kill me if I let something happened to her new umma." The nanny chuckled and nodded, "Okay then, I'll take you up on your offer Kris." Joonmyun picked up Miyoung and smiled, "Let's go." Miyoung wrapped her small arms around Joonmyun's neck, "Are we going to your house umma?" she asked. The man nodded, "Yeah."

                All of them walked out of the house and towards the car, Yifan and Joonmyun talked a bit, laughing and Miyoung didn't miss how her dad would quickly look at Joonmyun and just as quickly look away. The little girl smiled, she had no idea what they were talking about but she was happy because her dad was happy.

                Miyoung was only four, but she was smart enough to know that a lot of women liked her father for the wrong reasons. Usually the little girl hated her nannies because they would only be nice to her in front of her dad but as soon as he was gone they showed their true selves. Not Joonmyun though, he was genuinely nice and Miyoung already knew he wasn't faking just to get her father's money. So the little four year old girl had a plan, a new mission, to get her appa and nanny together.










                "Thanks for the ride Kris, I'll see you tomorrow," Joonmyun smiled and turned to look at Miyoung, "Bye Miyoung, I'll come back tomorrow, okay?" The little girl shook her head and pointed at Joonmyun's house, "I wanna see my umma's house." Yifan looked back at his daughter and shook his head, "Princess, we have to let Joonmyun rest, so that he'll have a lot of energy to play with you tomorrow." Miyoung was stubborn, she shook her head once more and pouted, "But I wanna meet umma's brothers!" The nanny chuckles and looks at Yifan, "It's okay if you wanna come in for a few minutes." Yifan smiled back and nodded, "Okay."

                Yifan and Joonmyun stepped out of the car, after getting Miyoung out of her booster seat, the three walked up to the nice house. "I apologize in advance for my brothers." Yifan chuckled, "They couldn't be that bad." Joonmyun just smiles and unlocks the door, as soon as he opens it two guys come running up to him, "Hyung, I need help with my essay!" "No hyung, cook me food first!" The two guys argue back and forth, not noticing Yifan and Miyoung.

                "Jongin! Jongdae!" Joonmyun yells, he gets the attention of his brothers and smiles, "This is my new boss Yifan, and this is his daughter, Miyoung." Jongdae smiles and bows. Jongin just stares at Yifan. Miyoung reaches out for Jongin, he stares at her and smiles a bit. "Would you like to carry her?" Yifan asks, Jongin nods and carefully takes Miyoung from Yifan's arms.

                "So are you dating Suho hyung?" Jongdae asks. Before Yifan can reply, Joonmyun shakes his head, "Ani. He's my boss." Jongin looks at Yifan and replies, "Great, because Suho hyung isn't available."
















Sorry for not updating sooner, I had a lot of school work but I finally had some free time so I managed to write this chapter. Thanks to the people who leave comments and thanks so much for subscribing!

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I'm working on a new chapter, hopefully I'll have it up by today!


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Chapter 20: Finally Happy family.... Pls update more
2445 streak #2
Chapter 20: in a way, you can say that despite missing the completed tag, this story has ended since they finally got together... nvm Jun's stubbornness, he finally gave in to what he really feels abt Yifan and Miyoung... i believe we're just missing a few more moments of family fluff from these three so i still wanna thank authornim for this! was such a delight to read :)
2445 streak #3
Chapter 12: when Miyoung pointed at Jongin and blamed him for Jun leaving them, I FELT THAT!!! poor poor baby who only wanted her appa to be happy, but if only things worked as easily as a kid's dreams... Jun is being an idiot right now, yes, but still... how unfortunate that Miyoung, a very smart kid, had to witness everything first hand...
2445 streak #4
now this is definitely one of the fics i really wish we saw the end to... guess i just have to read it again for all the domestic fluff! it's been years since i last read this
kenlayyeolsoo #5
Chapter 20: Aaaaaaaahhhhh I want more....... It was so good..... Love it
Chapter 20: aah~ I miss this story ;; hope you update soon author-nin ^^
trymyluck #7
Chapter 2: I just love you after read the second chap... I love it...
Aqilah92 #8
Chapter 20: I love ur stories !! please update :-) can't wait xD
2445 streak #9
Chapter 20: this is abt to end right? we still need the finale...
please update soon :)
Chapter 20: Hope you update soon hehe ^^