Chapter 17

My Daughter's Nanny

                "Let's go!" Miyoung happily yelled as she ran towards the stairs, Yifan followed her and grabbed her up before she could run down the stairs and hurt herself. Joonmyun smiled as he followed the two and he laughed when Yifan tried to scold Miyoung, only to fail miserably because it was hard to scold a little girl who had mastered the art of the puppy dog eyes. The nanny bent down to Miyoung's height, "Your appa was just worried Miyoung,  he doesn't want you to get hurt." The little girl nodded, she walked to her father and wrapped her small arms around him, "I'm sorry for making you worry appa, I'm just super excited to spend time with umma and you today." Yifan hugged her back, "It's okay princess, just please don't run down the stairs... you're going to give me a heart attack." He picked up his little girl and decided it was better and safer to take her down the stairs, with one hand he carried her down stairs and with the other hand he intertwined his and Joonmyun's fingers and pulled him down the stairs.

                Joonmyun stared at Yifan and smiled, all he could think about was his lips, Yifan's lips... with just two kisses he knew that he was meant to be with Yifan, but Yifan was meant for some else, someone better. Joonmyun was probably the hugest idiot in the history of the planet because he couldn't see how much Yifan actually loved him, he couldn't see how he was making Yifan go crazy, he couldn't see the way Yifan looked at him with such love and care in his eyes. If Kim Joonmyun hadn't been such an idiot at that time, maybe he would have realized how much Yifan loved him.

                When all three finally reached down stairs, Yifan put Miyoung down and the little girl excused herself before running to her playroom to get a few toys for the road. Joonmyun slowly let go of Yifan's hand and smiled, the older man smiled back when the nanny began to fix his collar. The younger boy bit his lower lip, "You look handsome." The CEO chuckled, "Thank you Joonmyun." The two stared at each other for a while before beginning to laugh loudly.

                Miyoung returned seconds later and was surprised to find her umma and appa in each other's arms, she slowly backed away and ran back to her playroom, just to give the two of them a bit more time with each other. She looked around her playroom and picked her favorite teddy bear, the little girl wondered how long she would have to wait for her umma and appa to stop kissing or hugging, she didn't want to interrupt their moment.

                "Miyoung! Are you coming?" Yifan finally called out from the living room, the little girl smiled and ran back out to the living room with her favorite teddy bear in her hands. Yifan smiled and picked her up; the three of them made their way out of the house, they decided to eat breakfast out before beginning to shop for Miyoung's birthday party.






                Miyoung got to pick the place and although she thought her umma's cooking was way better than any restaurant, she finally decided to on a place her uncle Luhan took her to a lot, it was pancake place that had a play area. The food was decent and there was a play area so she could go play while her umma and appa had time to themselves.

                The three of them arrived at the restaurant and while Yifan ordered Miyoung and Joonmyun found a place to seat, they sat at a table near the play area so that Joonmyun and Yifan could keep an eye on the little girl while she played.

                Yifan joined them seconds later, "Appa, can I go play for a while?" He smiled and nodded, "Yes, but come back quickly, our breakfast will be ready soon." The little girl nodded and ran to go play, Joonmyun and Yifan watched her with smiles on their faces. When they were sure she was safe, they looked at each other and smiled, "Thanks for coming with us Joonmyun." The younger man shook his head, "No need to thank me, I love spending time with you and Miyoung." The CEO scooted closer to the other and took his cell phone out, "Smile," he said before holding the phone up and taking a picture of both of them. They both looked at the picture after and smiled, "It looks nice," Joonmyun said. Yifan nods, "Yeah," he replies before changing the photo to his new wallpaper. The nanny smiles and can't help but to think they look really cute together.

                Joonmyun and Yifan began to talk about anything and everything, Miyoung watched from the play area with a smile on her face. Her master plan was working, they just needed a little bit more of a push but how could a four year girl possibly get two grown men together, shouldn't they do that themselves. She had already spoken to her umma, maybe she just had to speak to her appa and the two would finally get together.

                The little girl saw her umma getting up and excusing herself to go to the restroom, Miyoung knew this was the perfect opportunity, she had to take this chance to speak with her appa. When Joonmyun was gone, the little girl ran over to her appa and climbed up on his lap, "Appa, I have to talk to you." He smiled and kissed the top of the little girls head, "About what?" he questioned. "Umma, you have to get together with him today appa, pretty soon I'm going to start school and umma isn't going to come to our house anymore... he's going to forget all about us." Yifan chuckled and hugged the little girl tightly, "Don't worry princess, I plan on winning Joonmyun's heart and no one could ever forget someone as precious as you." Miyoung smiled, "Well... you are right about that appa, I'm too cute to forget."






                After the three ate breakfast they made their way to mall, Miyoung immediately ran to Disney store, she wanted a princess themed party and that would be the perfect place to fine everything she would need. Joonmyun and Yifan followed the little girl, making sure to keep an eye on her so that she would get lost or talk to any strangers. The four year old girl literally jumped up and down as soon as she walked inside the store and saw all the pretty things, her eyes widen and she immediately ran to the little mermaid section of the store, that was Miyoung's absolute favorite princess!

                "Do you think you could watch Miyoung for a few minutes, I want to go buy her birthday present while we're here," Yifan whispers to Joonmyun when the little girl is distracted. The younger boy smiled and nodded, "Yeah, I'll watch her." The CEO smiled back and gives Joonmyun his credit card, "Thanks and if Miyoung wants anything just use my credit card, I'll be back soon," he turns around and quickly leaves the store. Joonmyun walks over to Miyoung and the little girl points to something, "Isn't it pretty umma, it's little mermaid napkins and plates! We have to get them for my party."






                After getting all the decorations for her birthday party, the little girl and her umma decided to go find Yifan, the nanny figured that thirty minutes was enough time for the CEO to find a gift for Miyoung. Joonmyun hadn't noticed but on that day the mall was extremely crowded, he held Miyoung's hand tightly as they both tried to make their way through the people.

                Miyoung dropped her favorite teddy bear and looked around for it, "Umma! Wait!" The man didn't hear her and kept walking, the little girl let go of her umma's hand and ran back to her teddy bear, she quickly picked it up and looked around for her nanny, "Umma?" She quickly began to run towards the direction her umma had been walking while hugging her teddy bear tightly, "Umma! Where are you?"

                Joonmyun noticed Miyoung let go of his hand and quickly turned around to pick her up, his eyes widened when he saw that the four year old girl wasn't behind him, "Miyoung!" he yelled at the top of his lungs. He pushed his way through the crowd of people and repeatedly called out Miyoung's name while looking for her in every direction.

                After a while Joonmyun began to grow more and more worried, tears came to his eyes and he didn't know what to do. He had lost Miyoung, she was probably scared and Joonmyun didn't even want to imagine how angry Yifan would be. He knew he couldn't avoid Yifan, so he decided to go find him and tell him what happened, even if Yifan became mad at him and hated him, he thought two people looking for a little four year old girl was better than just one.











YAY! It didn't take me a freaking month to update this time!


Thanks so much for the comments on the last chapter, I appreciate it, and sorry for this totally unedited chapter.



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I'm working on a new chapter, hopefully I'll have it up by today!


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Chapter 20: Finally Happy family.... Pls update more
2446 streak #2
Chapter 20: in a way, you can say that despite missing the completed tag, this story has ended since they finally got together... nvm Jun's stubbornness, he finally gave in to what he really feels abt Yifan and Miyoung... i believe we're just missing a few more moments of family fluff from these three so i still wanna thank authornim for this! was such a delight to read :)
2446 streak #3
Chapter 12: when Miyoung pointed at Jongin and blamed him for Jun leaving them, I FELT THAT!!! poor poor baby who only wanted her appa to be happy, but if only things worked as easily as a kid's dreams... Jun is being an idiot right now, yes, but still... how unfortunate that Miyoung, a very smart kid, had to witness everything first hand...
2446 streak #4
now this is definitely one of the fics i really wish we saw the end to... guess i just have to read it again for all the domestic fluff! it's been years since i last read this
kenlayyeolsoo #5
Chapter 20: Aaaaaaaahhhhh I want more....... It was so good..... Love it
Chapter 20: aah~ I miss this story ;; hope you update soon author-nin ^^
trymyluck #7
Chapter 2: I just love you after read the second chap... I love it...
Aqilah92 #8
Chapter 20: I love ur stories !! please update :-) can't wait xD
2446 streak #9
Chapter 20: this is abt to end right? we still need the finale...
please update soon :)
Chapter 20: Hope you update soon hehe ^^