Not young ~

[U-Kiss] Not Young (Dong Ho Oneshot)

“Hyung!” Dong ho cried out dashing towards the door of the car waiting to pick him up. Soo Hyun sat silently in the car with his arms crossed, looking out the window. “You’re 20 minutes late!” he mumbled angrily.“Ah…That is, Hyung…” Soo Hyun turned to look at him and shot an expecting expression his way. “I over slept.” He admitted feeling a little ashamed. Soo Hyun let out a quick laugh. “It’s ok. I’m used to it by now.” He joked. Dong Ho smiled, screwing his eyes up and jumped into the car next to his fellow member. “But!” Soo Hyun suddenly said very seriously. Dong Ho was all ears. “You’re taking the blame for us being late!” he said, frowning at his donsaeng. Dong Ho shrugged. “Fair enough.” He replied, pulling his seatbelt over and clipping it in. “Let’s go then!” he grinned.


He car pulled up at the destination where they were to be filming there music video. And as the car stopped Dong Ho noticed Kevin waiting with his arms crossed, just like Soo Hyun had been doing previously. And he knew this wasn’t going to be good. Kevin heard the door slam as the two of them got out. “Yah!” Kevin shouted, after turning and seeing it was them. He walked forward and stopped a few feet in front of them. He pointed at his watch. “30 Minutes!” He said simply but angrily. Kevin re-directed his glance completely to Dong Ho. “I know why you two are late. And It’s not good!” Dong Ho’s head dropped and he stared at his shoes. – There was a short silence. “Dong Ho.” Kevin said more calmly. Dong Ho looked up to see Soo Hyun had already gone. “I know it’s hard and all with school. But, you’re going to have to up your game. Otherwise it’s not going to work out for you.” Dong Ho nodded, understandingly. “I’m sorry.” He replied. “I’ll try harder from now on, Hyung”. Kevin smiled and put his arm around him. He raised his fist in front of them. “Dong Ho, Fighting!~” he chanted. Dong Ho smiled and raised his fist, too. “U-Kiss, Fighting!~”


12 hours. You think that’s a lot? The music video wasn’t even half finished. The boys went to sit outside to catch some fresh air and have something to eat. They were talking – and of course the main subject that came up in their conversations were girls. Which singer is cutest? They all had their own point of view on this. But before they could get into too much detail they were called back to finish filming. And some 16 hours later it was finally over. The 7 boys almost collapsed in one of the waiting rooms. They were completely run down. Not surprising after what they had just been doing. “Hey, good job, guys!” A pretty voice called walking towards them. “Oh! Narsha Noona!” Kevin called in delight. U-kiss had always been good friends with the brown eyed girls. Shortly after the rest of them appeared. Because of them being tired they didn’t want to Talk long. However they did have time for a good gossip. Eventually, U-kiss slowly disappeared back to the cars that were taking them home. Then it was Just Soo Hyun and Dong Ho left with the girls. But just then there manger called. “Your car’s ready boys!” Soo Hyun jumped up and said goodbye to the girls. And Dong Ho did the same. “Bye, Girls” he said winking at them. They smiled at his cuteness. “See you tomorrow.” one of them chuckled.



The next day, Dong ho made sure he woke up ready to be one time, and surprisingly he was! It was Monday so he had t spend his day at school rather then with his fellow members. But that didn’t bother him too much. He wanted to well in school so he had a better future ahead of him. He wasn’t bottom in the class or anything, but he didn’t want to get bottom in the class either. So, study, study, study! After, what seemed to be, a incredibly long and shattering day, Dong Ho went straight from school to the studio where he would meet the others and practise. Everyone of the member admired him. He was a strong boy for his age. And he coped when under so much pressure as well! “Yah! Dong Ho!” Alexander called to him. Dong ho was glaring into the mirror as he went through the dance steps again and again. “Dong Ho!” Alexander shouted a little louder. Dong Ho span around. “Yes, Hyung??” he asked dazed, obviously over tired. “Manager Hyung wants to see you.” Dong Ho nodded. “Ok.” What could it be this time? He thought walking down the stairs to his manager’s office. He reached the door and knocked.



“Come in!” a deep voice said, and Dong Ho did as he was told. The man sitting in the chair gestured for him to sit in the seat opposite him, and he did so. “Dong Ho,,,” his manager started. “Yes?” he asked a little nervous. His manager sensed it. “Don’t worry!” he reassured him. “It’s nothing bad! In fact, quite the opposite!” Dong Ho let a breath of relief out as his manager laughed. “There’s a new show starting, called ‘Idol magnae rebellion’ and you’ve been invited to appear on it. Dong Ho’s eyes widened. “Me?” he asked a bit shocked. The man nodded. “You’ve been funny on previous shows so I guess you’ve gained your popularity from that.” He explained while filing through some paper work he had on his desk. “So, It’s all good, Dong Ho.” His manager smiled. And Dong Ho did the same. “Well, off you go now and work hard.” His manager said waving him towards the door. Dong Ho bowed. “Yes, Manager!” He quickly dashed out the room and ran back to the dance studio.


Alexander noticed his happy expression as he walked back in. “Good news?” he questioned. Dong Ho grinned. “Yeah. I’m going to appear on a reality show.” Alexander looked happy for him. “Wow, you’re gaining so much more popularity!” he said clapping. Dong Ho nodded. “Yeah.”


The end of the day was drawing near and it was starting to get dark. The members left in a positive mood as they normally did. Laughing and joking. Suddenly, Dong Ho paused. “Oh!” he shouted shocked. The others looked at him. “What’s the matter?” Kevin asked. “I forgot my cell phone!” he laughed. “I’m gonna run back and get it. I’ll catch you guys up in a minute.” They all mumbled the odd word and then carried on walking. Dong Ho jogged back to the dance studio. Just before he was about to go in he noticed the Brown Eyed Girls were in there. “Practicing this late?” he thought. “They must be really hard workers!” He was just about to push the door open when he over heard something they were saying. They were talking about him! Him and his fellow members. He had to listen in, even if it was rude.


“Can you believe that boy!” one of them joked. “he must think he’s about 20 by the way he talks to us!” The all laughed. Dong Ho looked down at the ground. How embarrassing! “I mean, if he really thought he had a chance with one of us, don’t you think he would have spoken up by now?” The girls chuckled again. “He’s still a young child!” Dong Ho walked in the door, not wanting to hear anymore. All the girls turned shocked. He grabbed what he left and went to leave straight away, not even looking at them. “Hey, Dong Ho!” one of the girls called. He stopped and looked in their direction with a non-interested expression. “Isn’t it rude to intrude on us while practicing and not apologise or even talk to us!?” Dong Ho sniggered. “Isn’t it rude to talk behind people’s backs? I don’t see you apologising. Hypocrite!” The girls stared, open mouthed, wide eyes. Dong Ho left it there and walked out the room. He’d handled it coolly. Not childishly. That proved them wrong even more. But it still hurt Dong Ho deep down. Is that what they were thinking about him all along?



He jogged out to the car, feeling upset. He ignored all those who asked him what was wrong. He just wanted to calm down. He was under enough stress as it was. Then one of them made a mistake. As Dong Ho was about to get in the car one of them called “Ya Dong Ho~ Stop being stressy and acting like a kid!” That sentence just seemed to make Dong Ho click! Not only did the girls think he was too young, but everyone else too? He moved away from the car and started to run. He kept running even though the other members and manager were calling after him to come back. Once he was out of site he slumped down onto the ground and put his head in his hands. “Why does everyone think of me like this!” He tried to stop the tears that were starting to slide down his cheeks but all seemed to fail.


“Ummm….excuse me.” Dong Ho looked up suddenly to find a girl peering down at him, looking worried. “A-are you ok?” Dong Ho wiped his eyes and pulled himself off the floor. “Yeah, Yeah. I’m fine.” The girl didn’t seem too convinced. “What are you doing out here so late?” she continued. “I just came for a walk.” He lied. “What about you? You must be about 12! Why are you out alone?” The girl frowned at him. “I’m 14. I’m looking for my phone. Dropped it earlier and my parents are going to kill me of I don’t take it home with me!” the girl looked worried. But for some reason her worry seemed to calm Dong Ho. She didn’t think of him as a little boy. She talked to him with real respect. “Do you want me to help?” he asked innocently. The girl smiled. “Thanks.” “What’s your name anyway?” “Shin Dong Ho. You?” “Kim Soo Ki” “Nice to meet you.”



Dong Ho was helping her look around when his own phone rang. He answered without looking at the caller only to get Kevin’s voice yelling down the phone. “YAH! HOW DARE YOU DO THAT!? COME HOME RIGHT NOW!” Kevin’s angry tone didn’t scare Dong Ho, he was used to it. “I’ll helping a friend. I’ll be back soon.” Soo Ki looked at him. When he ended the call she asked him. “So, I’m your friend, now?” she teased. He laughed. “Of course!” Looking down, Soo Ki let out a shy smile. Dong Ho saw and smiled, too. “OH!” Soo Ki jumped down on to her knees and pulled something from under a bush. “My phone!” she said happily holding it up to show Dong Ho. But before he had a chance to reply the phone vibrated. “Oh, It’s my dad.” She said a bit scared. She pressed the button and placed it against her ear. “H-hello?” Dong Ho was standing quite a bit away yet he could hear her father yelling. He must have been really angry. He heard her mumble back. “No, I’m not alone. I’m fine. I’m coming home now, ok?” Dong Ho walked over to her. “Do you live near? I’ll walk you home.” She smiled. “Dad, my friends going to walk me home, don’t worry about me!” she said before hanging up. She shook her head. “He’s going to REALLY kill me when I get home. They both laughed. Walking home in the dark was entertaining for both of them. Every now and again Dong Ho would trip on something and make Soo Ki laugh so much it started to hurt. But when they reached her house their spirits dropped. “Thanks for walking me home.” She said sadly. “Well, bye” she didn’t know what else to say before walking away from him. “No, Wait!” Dong Ho grabbed her wrist. She looked at him. “W-what is it?” Dong Ho paused. “I-I want to see you again!” suddenly he lowered his head and kissed Soo Ki lightly on the cheek. At first she seemed shocked before starting to smile. She held her hand out. “Phone.” She instructed him. He reached into his pocket and handed it to her. She typed in her number and gave it back to him. “See you soon.” Dong Ho was surprised. “Y-you don’t think I’m too young?” he asked shocked. She giggled. “Dong Ho, I’m 14, remember? I’m younger then you. And personally, I think you don’t act like a child. You’re grown up and manly. I like it.” Dong Ho smiled. “Not young.”

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HatrednAshes #1
Nice story :)
OnlyYours #2
Yay! Dongho is finally a man!kyaha...