S.P.Y (Secretly. Passionately. Yours)


= = =

   Don't Get Caught   

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“Soo… What do you do?” Bom asked Dara while taking a sip of her Cosmo.


“Well, I am a freelance commercial model. I started when I was living in the Philippines. And earlier, I had this casting for Samsung Mobile’s new commercial, that’s why I was in a hurr-.” Dara replied only to be cut by excited Bom.


“Samsung Mobile? As in Samsung Electronics! World’s largest technology company; main headquarter located at Gyeonggi-do?” I work there. OMO~! What a great coincidence.” Bom squealed.


“Well… yeah, that’s nice. I’m still waiting for their call though.” Dara replied half-heartedly.


“Come on, cheer up! They will call you. You are like the most awesome and most beautiful model that I know.” Bom said trying to lift her spirit up. “Now come up, let’s get these hips shakin’!” she stood up and patted her hip teasingly.


“Hmmm... Shall we?” She winked and pulled herself up. “I’m grateful we met.”


For the past half hour they grinded and grooved their bodies to the rhythm of the music. Dara and Jiyong coupled away leaving Bom dancing with strangers, she seem not to care though. After a while, she felt someone tugged her, making her face the other. She’s too flustered she almost hit him. After her action-packed day which makes her alert and cautious at all instances.


 “OMO! Youngbae-ssi, I almost hit you. Are you alright?” she asked half-worried, half-smiling.


“Yeah.  Almost.  Good thing my reflexes are fast.”  He said. “Care for a dance?”


[I Need A Girl by Taeyang as this part's BM]


She squint her eyes for a moment then started dancing with him. She shook and moved her body like she was in a dance competition. Likewise Youngbae grooved his way around her with his flawless moves. They laughed after they finished dancing. Both not caring if they looked stupid trying to outdo each other on the dance floor, they had fun.


“You’re good. Where did you learn those moves?” he asked her after they hi-fived each other.


“I once worked as a back-up dancer at YG Entertainment.” She told him out of breath.


“Is that so? You could be their artist you know. I mean you’re pretty, you have a good body, you’re tall, and you can dance.” He explained.


“Me? Oh I wish my time would permit me to.” She pouted. “But then, never imagined myself doing all those idol-like stuff, you know.”


“Me neither.” He laughed. “YG Entertainment once tried to sign us, Big Bang. But to no avail, we don’t like someone controlling us, I guess.” He continued. They are now at their lounge sharing both conversation and drinks.


“Hey hey hey!” Seungri said. The rest of the guys joined them. “Noona, are you having a good time?”  He asked Bom.


“Yeah, we were. Til you in and ruin our conversation.” Youngbae told the insensitive maknae before chugging down his beer.


“Hyung, we just want to ‘have our conversation’ too with Bom noona.” Daesung continued trying to defend Seungri. Youngbae just shrugged and finish his third bottle.


“Anyway, have you guys seen Seunghyun? Haven’t seen him since we’ve gone dancing.” Jiyong asked the rest of them.


“Aish. Maybe with some girls at the other lounge.” Seungri assumed. “So noona, do you have a boyfriend?”


“Yah!” They wacked the maknae’s head altogether, annoyed.


“What are you up to now young man?” Dara shouted at him. “Can you not mess with my friend, you flirt.”


They all gave Seungri a warning glare with their ‘shut up before I kill you’ face, and then gave an apologetic look to Bom, who just kept her cool.


“Guys. Seriously? Is it a crime now to ask someone if she’s single?” Seungri shot back jokingly, then raised a brow at Bom and waited for her answer.


“Well, I really don’t have time for relationship thingy right now. And Seungri, you’re cute yes. But you’re not my style though. Mianhe (TRANS: I’m Sorry).” She told him frankly before sipping her drink.


“OUCH! My heart… my poor hopeless heart. Noona you broke it.” He said while clutching his chest acting like an idiot.


Everyone laughed at his crazy antics. They merrily chatted and drank. Too emerged on their moment they didn’t notice the time. It’s now 2AM. The effect of the alcohol slowly got to Bom’s system. Her eyelids now heavy. She felt a lil dizzy.


“Bom? Are you okay?” Dara called her.


She slowly opened her heavy eyes. Her hair slightly tousled from lying on someone’s shoulder. She slowly looked up to see who it is. She blinked a few times to adjust her vision, she then realized whose shoulder it was.


“OMO~! Seunghyun-ssi! I’m sorry I fell asleep on your shoulder.” She shot up. Not knowing what to do, she bit her lower lip then fiddles with her finger while looking down. ‘Aish. Why? Why did I fell asleep? You stupid! I thought it was Youngbae next to me. Where the hell is he now? Why is Seunghyun beside me? WTF am I doing.’ Her mind screamed. Embarrassed she looked up only to see still Seunghyun eyeing the side of his shoulder where she laid her head on.


“Fudge!” she cursed under her breath. Mortified, she reached for a handful of tissue on the table then wiped his jacket off her drool.  ‘Oh come on now! How many times do I have to humiliate myself in front of him?’ She thought.


“Good thing it’s leather.” He smirked.


“Geez, I’m so sorry.” She apologized profusely.


“Youngbae had to bring Daesung and Seungri home so they left earlier. And you need to sober so we called Seunghyun over. Good thing he’s just around the area.” Dara explained while fixing herself. “And oh, Seunghyun-ah, can you bring her home? Bom looks a lil bit –“


“NO! It’s okay, I can go home myself. I can pretty much take care of myself.” Bom shook her head no then tried to walk, but her lower body failed her. Seunghyun caught her and aided her stand up.


*hiccup hiccup* “That was… fast.” Bom told him. “Thanks.” *hiccup*


“I guess you have to set your pride aside for now. Come one, I’ll take you home.” Seunghyun told her.


“Dara, thanks for inviting me here.” She hugged Dara. “I had a great time. Though great would still be an understatement for how I had a blast tonight. Thanks chingu.” She patted her friend’s back.


“Don’t worry. We had fun with you too. I’ll call you, alright.” Dara told her as they bid their goodbyes outside the club.


“BYEEEEIIIIEEEEE~!” Dara waved at Bom who stuck her head out Seunghyun’s car.





*crickets crickets * crickets crickets *


This very awkward moment is what I am avoiding that’s why I don’t want to be in the same car with this guy. *sigh* Aigoo, I wish my apartment is just right up the next block. Why does it feel like it’s so far right now?


*erm erm* I broke from my trance when I heard him clear his throat.


“Where do you live?” He asked with his eyes fixed on the road.


“Apgujeong. Hilltop Apartment.” I answered shortly. I am now seating here, at his car’s passenger seat, stiff as a rock. I kept my gaze outside the window, looking at the twinkling lights of the most uncomfortable night of my life.


*rumble rumble*


OH no! Not you too. Not this time. It seems that my stomach is amplified right now. Last time I checked it doesn’t growl this loud. Geez, can I please arrive home without additional humiliation on my long-list-of-shame I committed tonight? Isn’t that enough? Tummy shut it! I’ll deal with you when we reach home.


*rumble rumble*


“Are you okay? You seem pale. Are you hungry or something?” he glanced at me shortly.


“No. It’s just that my stomach wouldn’t listen. I’m always like this when I drink alcohol. You know…” I told him then bit my lower lip, trying to control my growling stomach and calming myself at the same time. I didn’t realize I bit my lip hard that now I can taste blood. Me being me, too lazy to pull a hanky from my purse, I decided to wipe it with my sleeve.


“Don’t do that, dirty.”  It’s his voice that stopped me from re-using my now stained sleeve. He pulled my arm away from my face then gently dabbed his handkerchief towards my busted lower lip, much to my surprise. “We’re here.” He said as he close the gap between our faces, and then examined my lip. I sat there frozen and gobsmacked.


He kept on talking but as if everything is on mute, I can’t hear a thing. I tried to psych myself not to look at his gorgeous face, but miserably failed. ‘This perfect nose line, these mysterious deep eyes, t-… this… teasing lips ‘*gulp*.’ Holy Grail No! What am I thinking? Park Bom, get a hold of yourself.’ My mind screamed.


“Yes. Thanks for the lift.” I said before opening the door. I was outside the car when I noticed him got out too. ‘, what is this guy up to now?’ I thought. “Yes, did you forget anything?” I said.


“Aren’t you going to give me back my jacket and my handkerchief?” he asked.


I realized I am wearing his jacket and had his hanky with me. “Oh, silly me.” I said as I take it off. “Here and as for this” I wagged his hanky in front of his face “Let me wash it first, ayt? I hate leaving traces.” I smiled at him trying to cover my agony. And by that I made an about face then run towards the elevator.


“Aish, this is so killing me.” I said while pressing my floor number and holding my stomach.


As soon as I reached my floor; I rushed towards my apartment’s bathroom…


“Interesting.”  Seunghyun muttered while eyeing Bom’s apartment from a far corner.








*beep beep* I received a text from Se7en hyung (TRANS: ‘Hyung’ means older brother). I am now here at a club with my members. I sneaked out unseen, and drove to the address indicated the text message.


I arrived at a café. Funny how time changes things. Who would’ve thought that spy now meet up at cafés instead of old abandoned buildings?


*beep beep* Se7en hyung’s text message brought me back from my nostalgia. He said that he is at the far corner of the café. I parked and got out of the car. Upon entering the said place, I didn’t bother to try to look around. I immediately spotted Se7en hyung from the corner of my eyes as I stride to the counter to order.


“One tall iced Americano with three pumps of raspberry syrup and one grande hazelnut macchiato, for here please.” I ordered Se7en hyung’s drink too seeing that he haven’t ordered anything yet. There wasn’t any cue so I decided to wait for my order. Lean hour is nice and all but there is this thing I hated about it. Though I tried not to make eye contact and busied myself fiddling on my phone needlessly, I can feel them goggling over me.


I was cut from my thoughts when I felt someone slightly brushed on my arm as it lay on the marble counter of the pick-up section. “Here is your order, sssihrrr.” winked the female barista while handling me the tray of drinks I purchased. ‘Since when have they started hiring a snake woman here?’ I thought.


“Thanks.” I answered meekly and took the tray from her grasp.


I go straight to where hyung is seated. “Do you really have to call me here to buy you coffee?” I told him as I got near. “Grande hazelnut macchiato.” I said as I settled in front of him then handed him his drink.


“Thanks. And hello to you too.” Se7en smirked sarcastically and took a sip of his drink.


“Any news?” I asked him with serious face now.


“There are. And there is one especially for you, agent TOP.” He replied.


I raised a brow as I looked at him trying to concentrate on what he’s about to say before sipping my drink, with my eyes still set on him. I know Se7en hyung very well, and every time he addressed me through my codename, I know there’s something unnerving that’s going to take place.


“You in a relationship? Like are you dating someone right now or do you probably have a girlfriend?” he said while intently looking at me.


“No. Why would I? They’re just pain in the . And besides my time and situation doesn’t permit me right now.” I replied as I kept my cool and continued drinking my coffee.


“Would you have fun sometimes? There is much gorgeous gloriousness Seoul has to offer. How come you’re still spending cold summer nights alone?” he nagged leaving me speechless. I chewed on the straw of my Americano as I furrowed my brows trying to decipher where this conversation is leading.


“You need a better cover. They don’t want us to get near any suspicions from the NIS. You see, our mission is taking longer than expected. Your father doesn’t want us to get targeted. So they gave this mission to live as normal as possible. You know we’re relying on you. You’re the best agent we had and have.” Hyung explained.


I almost choke to death hearing him enlighten me. I spat my drink on my shirt. Some of it came out drooling down my nose. My jaw literally hit the ground. Gobsmacked.


“I know. It may be absurd as it may seem but they have a point. We can’t take risks. I guess it’s just a precautionary measure, you know.  So just get yourself a girl and carry on.” He continued nonchalantly as if that was the easiest thing to do.


“So… I just have to live normally with a female specie of this country? Okay.” I replied bluntly trying to hide my uneasiness.


“Yes. But there are also two things that you have to live with too.” He said earnestly.


“Don’t get caught. And don’t get caught red handed.”








I spent almost an hour in the restroom. Tell me how diarrhea can ruin you. My throat seems a lil parched, thus I made a trip to the kitchen to hydrate myself. After my second glass of iced cold water, I grabbed a can of beer and went off to my study room.


I opened my newly found book and started reading it. This is my very first book about Satellite Technology. Just by reading the pages of this book made me feel like home. The one thing that I never had while growing up, HOME. If only I can turn back time, if only I can be with them… even if I don’t grow up, its fine. You know how you can exchange anything and everything for that one thing you yearn for. My family. Maybe I am not the way I am right now if I only have them. If only…


*wakey wakey time… this is not a dream… just get you n out of bed*


My alarm resonates on my whole apartment.


“BANG!” I shouted to shut my alarm system.




“The time now is seven twenty nine AM. Thirty one minutes before you come late for work-”


*clap clap* I interrupted my automated voice time checker.


“!” I cursed under my breath and berserkly went off my study room and prep for work. I loathed being late. Well, who wouldn’t when your superior is Song Jihyo. She maybe nice outside work but she definitely intimidates me. The one thing she hates the most, tardiness. She’ll probably eat me alive. Or worse… fire me? All hell will break loose. Scratch that! How about NO? I can’t lose this job. I’m far from done yet.




"I wouldn’t ask if you’re okay.”


‘Are you mad?’


“You look like a disaster right now.”


‘Stay mad.’


“Go fix yourself before you go to your cubicle. You’re late, again.”


‘Cause I don’t give a .’


“Neh. Good morning to you too Ms. Song.” Bom bowed and left to fix herself. It’s another day at work for her again. She vowed to herself that she will allow no more of bull for today. I think I had enough from Ms. Song.






It was my lunch break when I decided to spend it alone at the rooftop of this building; I bought a sandwich at the cafeteria and brought my laptop with me. Time for some ‘Me Time’. I adjusted my reading glass and started hacking Samsung Electronics’ Corporate Profile; let’s just say I want to know more about their history. It’s not that long since I’ve been hired here as a Mobile Programmer. I’m not bragging but I’m good at what I do. I’m not really that passionate about it cause this is not the position I’m aiming for; though it’ll do, for now at least.


“You know if you want an in-depth history about this company, you’ll need a corporate account to do so…”


Frozen I sat at the stairs when I heard someone speak behind me. I can sense him lean closer to have a better view of what I was doing, totally disregarding my personal space. I can feel his upper torso touched my back. My eyes fluttered close as I try to calm myself. Breathe in. Think Bom, think!


‘Sheezam! Did I just get caught?’ I asked myself.


Before he starts reading the screen, I immediately shut my laptop screen then jolted up to face the other.


“You better hack a corporate account or get the device containing their in-depth history at least.” He continued before sipping his cola arrogantly.


Three words to describe him. Tall. Dark. Annoying. I’m not in the mood to argue with anyone right now. I bowed politely and decided to get back to work.


“You graduated at Stanford University at California with degree at Computer Science, am I right?” he said in fluent English; which forced me to halt my steps and face him again.


“I’m sorry but do I know you?” I asked inquiringly.


“You did know me. Hopefully you haven’t forgotten about me. Or about us, perhaps?






Guess who is coming back in Bom’s life. Obviously he’s some half- half-human who also studied in Stanford CA with her. He probably changed or something which made her to not recognized him right away.


I’m sorry I haven’t update for a while.

ㅠ.ㅠ  아이구. 나 완전 바빠.


Been busy with life. hehe


Who watches Secret Love 2013? The Heirs or Potato Star? I'm back on rolling with my drama. Just this morning I bawled my eyes bigtime from watching Secret Love's EP06! And I demand for a preview for EP07! ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ


Guise guess who's coming to join the partey? hint: he made his debut yesterday on MCD. T.T omo, my hubby~ *sqeuals*


Who watches YG's WHO IS NEXT/WIN? I'm planning to make a fic with them in the near future. TEAM B or TEAM B? errr TEAM A? gahaha


Tell me what you want to happen in the next chaps. Just comment away loves~


X O X O ,



(P.S. Hi to my bestie @fayelfrida who's now in Dubai. She left me here. T.T jk. I just want to say I love you and take care Ururong~ :*)



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I'm very inspired to write, 지금. Chapter6~ Hey guys..


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when I see the casts....
I really love Joonyoung so much and YG family of course~ Thank you for making this. Hehe *subcribe*
swttwnkl #2
Chapter 4: he's adorable!
xxxusername #3
Chapter 3: ~dies!~
Is it perhaps the one I saw at We Got Married; married to Jung Yoomi? He debuted with The Sense of An Ending at MCD.???

no way. [pass me the oxygen mask!]
Chapter 3: new reader here! :D
who's that guy? omo please update asap author-nim!!
Chapter 3: who is that mysterious person????????? wuaaaaaaa
ttotapbi2080 #6
Chapter 3: Who is it?? Update soon please ^.^
Chapter 2: aisshhh, you make me gettin soooooo curious! please update sooonnn!! looking for this story!:)))
fayelfrida #8
Chapter 2: omoghad did i read something hahahaha.. authornim you keep getting better and better!! i love it!! ghaadd finally their first encounter. i love Bom's personality here and the corn lol.. hahahaha im excited for the next chap!
angelin #9
Chapter 1: nice keep writing... Cant wait for next update :-)
xxxusername #10
Authornim please write a clearer description. So your story will have some flow. Btw~ the prologue is fantastic! Fighting! update soon. Kekeke