Breath the same air

This Chingu

It's been 6 years you stayed in States with your mum..After your parents divorced in Korea when you were 10 years old, your mum decided to bring you along with her to live in States because your mum already has afew of villa there and some private business to do.Meanwhile your dad, a succesful business man that having much of wealth married to another woman, a corporate woman. Yea~you can say that your family background is so damn wealthy..














Now, you're 16 years old. After your mum informed you that she need to leave out the States for a very long period, you decide to stay with your dad and your stepmum in Korea.You've wait this opportunity for the long time ...Yes! You miss Korea damn much. You miss your father after 6 years you were not meet.You miss to speak Hangul. and you really want to make friends in Korea...






"My pretty daughter Lee Su Jin, you're here~!!"


You can hear your dad scream out your name at the entrance of the airport. Yea~ Although you didn't meet him for a very long time, you still can remember your dad voice and his face...


You running immediately toward your dad and hug him tightly..


"Appa~ I thought you didn't come..." you pout.


"Hahah...I know that i'm a little bit late...anyway, I can still welcoming my pretty princess here..." Your dad put his jaw on your head while smiling warmly.


"Appa~I'm reeeeeeaallllyyy miss you~" you giggle


"me too, Su Jin-ah..auuhh~~ you're so beautiful and cute.Just same like when you were 10 years old. You didnt change~" your dad chuckle.


You release your arm from your dad waist and look to his face. "'re handsome too just same like when the last time we met..." your eyes get teary.


"Su princess, starting now you will be my daughter all the time..I'm promise ! so, dont worry okay??" your dad wipe your tears with his thumb.


"Okay, Appa~!!" you smile like a angel then.Suddenly you realize have someone stare at you and your dad while smiling.You turn your head to that person and look up at your dad again.


"Ouh~SuJin-ah, I forget to introduce you my wife..your stepmum.." Your dad put his hand on that woman shoulder. "Her name is Lee Juyeon. Honey, this is my princess Lee Su Jin.." your dad continue "Honey, is my daughter pretty??"


Your stepmum smile warmly at you and fondle your straight hair..then she answered" Of course, she is very pretty and sweet .I think I will brag about her to my friends.I will be a good mother for her....Su Jin,tell me if you uncomfortable with's ok for will take time, ok?....and you can call me Eomma"


You smile to her then you answered. "Nae...eomma...i'll try..anyway, *you bow 90 degree* It's nice to meet you~" you laugh slightly.


You have been brought to your "future home" by an elegant big-luxury car. You can say that, only a billionaire can afford to own this car.While your eyes enjoying the scenery of Seoul, then you realize that the car stop in front of a huge gate.The driver wait for the gate to open entirely until you can see a fancy, huge bungalow that surrounded with the greenery landscape behind it. Your mouth make an "O" shape when you see those things and you keep saying "woaah~" non-stop.


*Woaahh~ this place was no joke! is this a house or a castle?? it's super duper awe~some..!*


After a few minutes goes by, suddenly you realize that now, you are stepping into the house. Your stepmum come after you and hold your wrist. "This is our house Su Jin, you must can't wait to see your room right?? let me show you the room.." You following your stepmum while your dad busily ask the butler to bring your luggage to your room.


It takes 5 minute heading to your room.You must going up to your room by stairs and walking through the hallway that have 'uncountable' doors, on your left either your right..finally you guys stop at this one door..your stepmum open it for you and bring you into your room..


(A/N: i'm too lazy to describe the room, so, its depend on your imagination~ :D)


"This is your room Su jin,I hope you like, i'm sure you're tired right can rest from now on and I will ask the maid to serve you if you want something..okay..?" she stepping out from the the room but suddenly she stop. she glance at you "Hmm..Sujin, I hope you can join us dinner tonight..but if you feel still tired..take more rest ok? we not forcing you~" she smile and close the door..


You walk directly to your queen-sized bed, you lying and thinking...


*phew~ long day...anyway, i'm still feeling extra happy. I meet my lovely dad and his wife...Lee Juyeon. I thought she was an evil stepmum like in the fairy tale story..but my thought totally wrong..she is so kind and caring toward me. but, one thing that i'm still wondering...this house is too big..and just two of them (your parent) and their several maid live here?? I wonder what can i do in this huge place...*yawn* hmm...i need to rest..sweet dream Su Jin-shi~*




A/N : Hey~ I hope you like it so far....anyway, thanks to who that read this fic...I'm hoping for your comment and subscribe  :)






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xoxo_88_kiss #1
Chapter 2: please update soon!!