
Picture This

For the first time in his life, Taemin manages to cook something satisfactory. At least to Minho.

Jonghyun watches the taller male incredulously as he showers the box of scrambled eggs and rice with relentless commendations on its presentation. For example, Golly Taemin The Yolk Is A Fabulous Yellow or Why It Smells Unbelievable.

Jonghyun scrutinises the poor-thing-that-was-flattened-and-sentenced-to-turmoil; he wouldn't quite classify that thing to be an egg, lest edible. The edges are crisped with black, it's releasing a putrid stench, and it doesn't look all that appetising.

Minho seems to believe otherwise, however; he's pointing at parts of the lunchbox's contents at random, a lopsided grin punctuating his words of praise. And Taemin is blushing furiously, so he punches Minho's arm in a tacit form of gratitude. 

"Ouch - oh, and the rice is - well, if I must say, such a unique colour -"

"If you like it so much, why don't you try it then?" Taemin suddenly suggests zealously, and gestures widely at his ambrosia, as Minho deigns to name. 

Minho's smile falters. "Well... sure, Taemin," he demurs, "anything for you."

Jonghyun proceeds viewing the scene in mirthful detachment, sliding his plate away to find Key at the opposite end of the table. Minho is forcing a painful swallow and glances at him in terrified desperation. 

"You called for it," Jonghyun mouths, and returns his attention to his food.


A/N- Fluff! But this drabble is actually pretty old. I discovered it while digging through old notes. Hope you liked it!

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Chapter 7: this one was really adorable ;;

i love your drabble collection even though i don't read angst often~ keep up with the good work! <3
Chapter 7: Ahh, perfect drabble is perfect. I love quirky pieces like this. :3
Chapter 7: Nawww the denial is strong in this one eheheheh
I love how I can just feel Taemin's frustration through the words. That text message tho - I laughed at it more than I should have I mean Minho, is it really that hard for you to be nice in a normal way LOL
Thanks for the update!
Chapter 7: You are a really good writer! I'm a fan of good drabbles myself and you write them extremely well. The angst is nice and the details are amazing. Definitely one of my favorites on here. :)
pikasquad #5
Chapter 7: This is so wondrously adorable I love it so much ^^
poppykisses #6
Chapter 7: This is cute in the most ridiculous way possible.
Chapter 7: Ehehehe I like it <3 it's so cute <3
Chapter 6: Wow, I've enjoyed them all so far (even though your angst hurts me) and I really love your style of writing.
That last one though :( y u do dis
I really liked then last sentence - for some reason the part "and a much deeper red than before" really stuck with me. Quality writing!
Chapter 6: Nononono I HAVE FEELS YOU CAN'zT just—

Chapter 5: All of these are so perfect!
I don't even have the words to explain how amazing all of these are~