Happy birthday [ONE-SHOT]

Happy birthday [ONE-SHOT]


Eunjae was texting her twin sister, Eunhwa, even though they’re rooms were right beside each other. However, during the time, Kwangmin ended up talking to her half the time.

Kwangmin (using Eunhwa’s phone): Thank you for letting me sleep over!
Eunjae: You’re welcome, but you’re never doing that again!
Kwangmin: Why? :(
Eunjae: Cause I won’t allow it.
Kwangmin: do you hate me? :(
Eunjae: Huh?
Kwangmin: you seem like you hate me.
Eunjae: No.
Kwangmin: Oh okay :)
Eunjae: I’m frustrated :(
Kwangmin: Why? :( tell kwangminnie?
Eunjae: cause of my phone.
Kwangmin: What’s wrong with your phone? I like it! ^______^
Eunjae: It’s so annoying.
Kwangmin: do you want Eunhwa’s phone? :D
Eunjae: Yes lol
Kwangmin: Okay I’ll give it to you!

Eunjae then heard Eunhwa screaming at Kwangmin since he was going to give her iphone to her.

Eunjae: Aw that sounded so cute. But I’m just kidding.
Kwangmin: >//////////////<… Did you like it?
Eunjae: like what?
Kwangmin: was I cuter then Youngmin hyung, Dongsaeng? :D
Eunjae: No.
Kwangmin: Aww…

That ended the conversation, and Kwangmin took his phone and texted to his older brother.


Eunjae threw her phone onto her bed when Kwangmin didn’t text her back. Youngmin looked up from his phone and tilted his head.

“What’s wrong?” asked Youngmin.

“Nothing,” muttered Eunjae as she crossed her arms.

Kwangmin bursted into the bedroom and jumped on their bed, “DINNER’S READY! Your unnie made dinner today!” and Kwangmin smiled.

“Okay,” said Eunjae and she went out of the room without a word.

The jotwins stared at each other and Youngmin asked his younger brother what’s wrong.

“Hyung, I think you should buy her a new phone!”

“What’s wrong with her phone now…?”

Kwangmin rolled his eyes and left the room, and his brother followed behind him.


Usually at the dinner table, the twins would blab away on what they did, however none of them wanted to talk since Eunjae’s horrible expression on her face. Once she was done, she picked up all her dishes and walked to the kitchen and started to wash the dishes which was unusual.

 “What’s wrong with her?” asked Eunhwa with chopsticks in , deciding on what else she wants to eat.

“I don’t know, but I think Kwangmin knows why she’s so upset,” said Youngmin and stared at his younger brother.

“Hyung, just listen to what I say okay?” said Kwangmin and his older brother nodded at him as he went to grab the last piece of chicken “buy her a new phone please?”

“What kind of phone does she want anyways?” asked Youngmin.

“I think she wants an iPhone4… white,” said Kwangmin.

“How do you even know that she wants that phone…?” asked Eunhwa, stuffing the rest of her rice in .

“I just do okay? Don’t question me!”

Eunhwa stood up and picked up her stuff and went to help her sister.


May 21, 2012

Youngmin stood outside awkwardly in front of the apple store, “aish, does she really need a new phone?” thought Youngmin before entering the store.

“Hello! Welcome to the Apple Store! I’m Susie, how may I help you?” asked the store clerk.

“Well… Nothing at the moment, but I’ll ask you to help me if I do,” said Youngmin and he smiled ever so cutely.

The store clerk blushed slightly and nodded her head and walked away while Youngmin looked at the iPhones.  “Why does she want an iPhone? Why can’t she just get an android or another slide phone…?”

Youngmin stared between the black iPhone 4g and the white iPhone 4g deciding which one was better. He picked up the phone and continued to look through it.  “Does she prefer the black iPhone or white one?”  Youngmin was so confused on which phone to get her so he looked around for that store clerk that asked him if he needed for some help earlier.

“Excuse me Susie!” screamed out Youngmin which made the half of the clerks stare at him blankly.

Susie blushed and walked over to him, “Yes…?”

“Uhm… Which iPhone do you think is better? The black iPhone or the white one?” asked Youngmin.

“For yourself?”

“No no, for my girlfriend.”

“Ah, the white one, well I prefer the white one over the black one cause it looks better.”

“May I take the white one then? And have it nicely wrapped please.”

Susie went and took out a brand new iPhone and Youngmin went to pay for it.


Eunhwa dragged her sister to a fancy, dancy restaurant and told the waiter they needed a table for 2.

“Why do we need a table for 2? Aren’t the twins coming as well?” asked Eunjae.

“Uhh…” said Eunhwa, “I’ll be right back, just close your eyes while I’m gone, don’t open them until you hear further instructions.”

Eunjae stared blankly at her sister and closed her eyes after Eunhwa left.

After 10 minutes, Eunjae started to get impatient, where is she? What if she got kidnap or something?

“Yah, Eunhwa, where are you?” asked Eunjae, “this isn’t the time to joke around!”

“Eunhwa isn’t here…”

“What?!” Eunjae opened her eyes and saw Youngmin sitting in front of him, “When did you get here?”

“I was here all along…”

There was an awkward silence and the waiter came in with the food. After he placed down the food, Eunjae stared blankly at the food, “When did you or…”

“I ordered like a ninja!” said Youngmin, “let’s eat!”


At the end of the dinner, a cake came and Eunjae got to make a wish.  Eunjae closed her eyes and then blew out the candles.

“Eunjae-ah~” said Youngmin, “This is for you.” He handed her a nicely wrapped box.

“You didn’t need to get me anything Youngmin oppa,” said Eunjae.

“No no, just open it,” Youngmin smiled, “it would make you happier then right now.”

Eunjae looked at the box and opened the gift, her eyes widened, “You got me an iPhone?”

Youngmin looked at the floor and he nodded. The next thing he knew he was on the floor with Eunjae hugging him, “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!”

“You’re welcome, I hope you like it.”

“I do! This is sort of the best gift ever! Other than that time Eunhwa dumped me in the pool and almost drowned me but yeah THANK YOU YOUNGMIN.”

Youngmin smiled and whispered in her ears, “Happy birthday my precious princess.”

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@purple136 icwudt. LOL.
purple136 #2
LOOOL coincidentally my birthday is on may 21st too :D<br />
is this a sign?
@Sevana12: HE WILL SAY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU~! ^___^ just go to s.k and than go to the fan service/meet and ask him to say happy birthday 8D. hahaha + thanks for reading~<br />
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@fanfics_addict: LOL i'm not sure if i got the right personality =w=;; but all the other personality sorta have kwangmin like older and stuff and his brother isn't LOL. + Thanks for reading~
lol, so this is because kwangmin~ thanks to him xD
I want Youngmin to whisper to me happy birthday my precious princess to me too :)<br />
So jealous LOL XD