The Suspects

—confessions— high school application fic ► apply open


username | character's name | age | grade + major | plotline | relationship with the victim | love interest 

#ff3333    accepted

#666666  pending

#ffcc66    rejected, fix the errors


pinkblooded | Kwon Minhee | 17 | 11 + Music | The Troublemaker | Acquaintance | Park Chanyeol 

First of all, thank you for being the first applicant! Well, I liked her personality a lot, your face claim is really beautiful, I love Naeun <3
'She's not a puppet or a robot' I really loved this and I really liked the fact she is not afraid to be herself.
And then we arrive to the part where your relationship with the victim is nothing but Acquaintance,  points for that! You know each other, you talk with each other but is not enough to being friends /thumbs up/.
Chanyeol, Chanyeol /sighs/ why so cute ah?  People mistake them as a couple? Aww that's lovely, I can already imagine some good scenes between them!  I love the fact you made them bestfriends instead of lovers, it can change since he is still not sure about his feelings!!
/laughing endlessly/ breaking windows glass? She is such an amazing character!
I like the way you answered the questions, it really seemed like you are actually talking with the policeman, and you seemed pretty calm too!
You are accepted!

Kia-chan | Gong Mijin | 17 | 11 + Music&Dance | The Troublemaker | Enemies | Huang Zitao

First of all, thank you for applying!!! Minji fits the Troublemaker positions really well, because her image is really of a bad girl ;)
The face claim looks older than 17 though s: You can change it or keep it that way, doesn't matter much since a lot of teenage girls seem older than they really are, it's not a mistake!
She really seems an amazing girl to be with, she likes to be free to do whatever she wants without being told what to do /thumbs up/.
Enemies with the victim, ohohoh, drama all the way. As an enemie, people might point a finger at her and say 'It was her, she was enemies with Sohee, I bet she was the one who killed her', but sometimes the ones that seem innocent, are the worst ones.
I liked your application, was neat and very unique, I also liked the way you answered the questions, just because you were talking with a policeman, it didn't stopped you to act like a rebel ;)
You are accepted!

nicole_b1a4lover | Yoon Jihye | 17 | 11 + Dance | The Cheerleader | Enemies | Oh Sehun

First of all, thank you for applying!!! First cheerleader yaaaaay!!
Jihye really fits the cheerleader position, idk why, she just gives me that vibe! I imagine her with cheerleader clothes and awww, so cute *^*
Maybe that's because her personality seems so girly and her style really is princess like, and she seems really a good girl to be with. 
Enemies with Sohee! Okay, i like the fact you chose it because Sohee and Cheerleaders don't really get along, despite being both really popular within the school! The fact that she was your friend but was just using you, and you want revenge for that sounds really cool.
Deep deep down, Jihye is a bit like Sohee, popular, loved by many but also a bit meany! Jihye despises ugly people ahahah, meanie!
I laughed when I read your relationship with Sehun! Both of you would really be an amazing couple ahahah!
In the questions sections, everything is fine, you just could have been a bit more detailed!
You are accepted!!

kloyola | Takahashi Naomi | 17 | 11 + Pratical Music | The New Kid | Friends | Kim Jongin

First of all, thank you for applying!!! New Kid on the block yeah /sorry, not sorry/.
Your character's name is really pretty, and I like the fact she is from another country, it really fits the New Kid position!
The face claim seems older than 17 though, but like I said in the review of other applicant above, it's not a mistake so it's your choice if you want to change it or keep it that way, it's not a mistake!
Your personality is DAEBAK!!!!! I would totally get along with Naomi!
Kim Jongin as love interest, your face claim and him fit really well, I can already imagine him 'the popular guy' having feelings for the not so popular new kid and all the other girls going crazy with it ;)
Sohee was assigned to be Naomi's guide, oh that was a good idea, since Sohee was loved by the teachers o: /thumbs up/ but yeah, she ended up ignoring Naomi, it's something that she would do, since Sohee seems to just get along with the almighty 'Untouchable 5'.
You are accepted!

KPOPxLOVER | Ellin Jung | 18 | 10 + Sports | The Bestfriend | Bestfriends | Suga

Review coming soon!

MiriLeMonster | Skye Cooper | 17 | 11 + Arts | The New Kid | Classmates | Jungkook

Review coming soon!

ChrisEvans14 | Kang Min Seul | 16 | 10 + Science | The Nerd | Friends | Wufan

Review coming soon!

nocte- | Jung Soo Ah | 17 | 11 + Dance | The Troublemaker | Unfriendly Classmates | Kim Jongin

Review coming soon!

Dryopencloud | Jung Daeun | 18 | 12 + Music | The Bestfriend | Bestfriends | Huang Zitao

Review coming soon!

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i want to apply omg o U o
Chapter 3: who can you suggest to me for the face claim? I can't think of any.. and I want her to kinda look like half Japanese.. T-T
Chapter 3: could I make her a bit older instead of changing the face claim? Because Minzy really fits my view of the trouble maker xD
Chapter 1: Applied as Jung Daeun :-))
app completed!

applied as 'the troublemaker' jung soo ah

( )

/whistles to troublemaker/
Here is my app :D hope you like the nerdie girl XD
Chapter 3: someone took suga screams i love him too
let's be friends okay ok
duviet #8
Chapter 2: My application :) ~