Talk About Awkward...

It's a Teacher-Student Thing.

You – Minzy! It’s him!

Minzy – (confused) He’s who?

You - He's the guy who saved me a trip to the hospital, like a few minutes ago.

Minzy - Ohhh! Yay, now we have a hot savior as our class mate.

You – How do you know he's our class-


Your small conversation is interrupted as the principal starts speaking, and you, being the good student that you are, stop speaking to listen what the principal has to say.


Principal- Students, I'm afraid I have a bad news today. Your literature teacher, Professor Alex is very sick, so he won’t be coming to teach you for a long time.


 The principal talks and only a few people actually pay attention. And those who do listen burst with joy on hearing the news of their teacher's sickness thinking they will have one less class to attend for some time. The principal shakes his head at the expected response from the students and continues talking.


Principal - But, to save your precious time from being wasted, we have found you a new professor. Professor Taeyang.


 The principal turns to talk to the new professor in a low voice and Minzy and you continue your conversation.


Minzy - Oh. My. God. But... But he looks so young.

You - So, I just bumped into my Literature professor this morning? I hope he doesn’t hold a grudge against me for that. 

Minzy - Are you kidding me? Here's a hot guy in front of you, and you think about him holding grudges against you?

You - Dude! He is our professor!

Minzy - And what’s your point here?

You - I don’t know! He’s probably like 45 or something.

Minzy - I can bet he is no more than 25.


As if on hearing your conversation, the principal continues to talk.


Principal - This young man here is one of the most eligible people you can find around in this town. He just recently graduated from university and is only 24. But his knowledge and age have no proportion. So I hope you don’t give him a hard time here. I guess that’s all I have to say today. So you may continue with class, Mr. Tae.


 Principal gestures towards the entire class and he turns to leave. Before he walks out of class, he turns back to the class and says “Class, BEHAVE.” And then he finally leaves the class.


Taeyang - Okay, so as you all know, I’m Taeyang, and I’ll be teaching you Literature till your previous professor comes back. So let’s not waste this class on introductions and let’s pick up from where you left your last class.


 Taeyang goes through the different books lying on the table. The students groan and sigh and take out their book and you do the same.


Minzy - Okay, I like him a little less now 

Seungri – (finally throwing away the paper he has been using to paper chat with a few of his friends who aren’t sitting next to him.) I don’t like him at all!

You – (shrugging) I don’t like him, nor do I hate him. 

Taeyang - So let’s start the class….

 Taeyang starts explaining the chapter you had studied in last class for revision. You turn a deaf ear to your friends who are still talking about why they like or hate Taeyang and concentrate on the class. 


*After The Bell rings.*

 Taeyang - Okay, this is it for today. Any questions?


Taeyang puts down the book and takes off his glasses.


A girl from the back of the class raises her hand, and Taeyang motions her to go on. 


Girl - Are you single?


Taeyang gives her an amused look and then shakes his head at the absurd question.


Taeyang - Okay then, this is it for today. See you all in the next class.


You and your friends get your things together and get up to leave.


Minzy - His voice is so… velvety. It’s like music to my ears.


You all leave the class and you mentally roll your eyes at your friend.


TOP - Are you kidding me? I felt like putting a gag in his mouth so he won’t be able to speak. 

Minzy - You are just jealous the girls are all drooling over him and not you.


You shake your head at the two of them.


You - Actually Minzy, you were the only one who was drooling over him. 

Minzy - No dear, YOU were the only one NOT drooling over him. You probably didn’t notice since you were so busy listening to the lecture.

TOP – (shrugging) I have to agree with that. I really don’t get why the girls are drooling over him though.

Minzy – (frowning) Stop being jealous already!

You - That’s like the millionth time I’m hearing you two say that! Stop bickering already.


You throw your hands in the air in exasperation.


GD - Stop being so annoying you two. 

You - Thank you GD!


 You smile at him and he returns a smile bigger than yours.


Minzy (rolling her eyes) What-so-ever happened to the freedom of speech?

Seungri – (sticking his tongue out at Minzy) Freedom of speech is for people who talk rational stuff. 

Daesung – (pointing at Seungri) well, then you have no right to talk.


All of them erupt in laughter other than Seungri ofcourse who just frowns.


You - So do you guys have any classes now? 

Minzy – OH! I just remembered I have home economics! 

Daesung – (to Seungri) Oh, we have a class too right? 

Seungri - YES!


Seungri grabs Daesung by the arm and rushes to the class. Minzy sets off to her class as well after the two leave.


TOP – (pointing at you and GD.) Okay so, you two don’t have a class?”

GD - No.


 GD says tries to remember if he really doesn’t have a class and then gives a confirming nod.


You- Me neither.


 You continue walking with the two.


TOP – Man, I’m tired.

You – Too bad we can get a horse and a mare with a carriage for you to move around.

GD – How about we go to the cafeteria? 

TOP - Sure.


 TOP nods his head and the trio heads to the café.


*At the café*


You - You guys want something? I’m going to get myself some juice.


 You ask as you get up from the table you have been sitting on.


TOP - Get me one as well.

GD - Me too.

You - Okay then, I’ll be back.


You head to the beverage machine and get 3 boxes of juice. You notice that the box of juice is 

different from the ones you usually get at the café. You stare at the box and turn around to head back to your friends. But before you take a step forward you bump into something. Or rather someone.


“Do you love bumping into people or is it a special day today?”


You look up to find your literature professor staring down at you with an eyebrow raised.


You – Oh… I… uh…. You… Ahh, I’m sorry.

Taeyang – (smiling) It’s okay. You were here to get something?

You – Yeah (raising the boxes of juice in the air) I got what I needed.

Taeyang – Oh, okay.


You nod your head and stand there while Taeyang doesn’t move either. You stand there for a couple seconds and it gets awkward. So you decide to break the ice.


You – Uh, you want to join us on our table?

Taeyang – Eh, me? Oh, sure.

You – Great.


You both then head to the table you had earlier been sitting on. As you approach the table, TOP and GD who are recovering from a laughter attack look up at you and stare at you wide eyed. After a second or two you realize that they aren’t staring at you but your literature professor.  You get a weird feeling about it but ignore it. You finally reach the table and take a seat between GD and TOP while Taeyang takes the seat opposite to you. Once you are seated both your friends turn to stare at you and you decide to act oblivious to their stares.


Taeyang – I hope I’m not intruding.


No one speaks a word but GD decides to break the awkwardness.


GD – Nah, it’s alright, Sir.


Taeyang – Please! Call me Tae.

You – But you are our professor.

Taeyang – That’s in class. And as far as I know we aren’t in class right now.

TOP – Cool then.


You all look at each other hoping someone would say something and break the silence, but no one does which only makes the situation more awkward. No one says anything but you know, once you are out of the situation, your friends will surely kill you for getting them into the situation.

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potatonamja #1
omg this is the best fanfiction like EVER!!!!!
Chapter 3: wooooo Mr. Taeyang aka Taedaddy!!!
Chapter 2: Taeyang yes!! He can be my professor, GD and Top seem like they would be the funny ones. Daesung and Seungri seem cool and adorable
Please tell me Taeyang is the teacher, Tabi is my secret admirer and Seungri is my gay BFF! This is the only combination that will work in my mind, lol!
GBaby06 #5
Uuhh!! This seems interesting! Please update soon! I'm so curious...!!!