Chapter 1


It was quiet in the room as only 3 of the kings&queens are there.There were only a few students in the school because it was still early in the morning and some of them haven't even wake up yet.


"Oh,Jiyeon-ah,come here for a while," Sae said while grinning&motioning her to sit next to her after she found something interesting on her ipad.


"What is it?" she replied.




Jiyeon began to read what was on the browser and a smile appeared on her face. "This is gonna be fun,"


"What's going to be fun?" asked Seunghyun who just entered the room.


"Hyung,you're early today,"replied Minwoo who was busy doing his homework that was supposed to be handed it later at class.


"That's because i didn't sleep last night," he replied as he head towards the coffee machine.


"Oh,were you invited to that party last night?" asked Jiyeon,changing her attention from the ipad to him.


"I had attend it or my father would kill me.......and what were you saying earlier about something gonna be fun?"


"One of those high school gangs wanted to take us on," replied Minwoo.


"How did you know Minwoo-ah? I just knew that on our anti-fancafe..," the short haired tomboy replied.


"I overheard it in class yesterday,"


"Ehh? Not fair," Jiyeon replied with a pout.


"Speaking of class,did you talk to your classmates yet?" asked Sae.


"Why would i? Those guys only approach me because of my looks and grades,"


"Oh,so does that mean that we're not approaching you because of your looks&grades?" replied Sae with grin on her face.


".....Did you?" he asked with a worried look on his face.


"Aww how cute~of course not baka," she playfully patted his back.Suddenly,loud screams could be heard outside of the window.They looked outside of the window and saw a porsche entering the school ground.


"Oh,it's Kevin," said Jiyeon.


"*sigh* Poor Kevin hyung being surrounded by those girls," said Minwoo.


"Well,it's not like he hates it,"replied Seunghyun looking at Kevin maintaining his fake smile infront of all the girls that were surrounding him.


"You should instead pity the girls though,not him for being decieved by that fake smile," replied another voice.It was Mayuyu,chewing on her chewing gum like always.


"Mayuyu dear, you're here~" Jiyeon run towards her and hug her.


"Anyways,i saw Yoona-unnie while on my way and that cheesy guy is trying to make a move on her again,"


"That Taecyeon guy? The one with the big teeth and big ears?" asked Sae.


"Yes,and guess what?She kicked him in the groin," replied Kevin who just entered the room with Yoona.


"Didn't you do that to him last time too?" asked Seunghyun.


"I did and serves him right for trying to hit on me,"


"It's a good thing that you're one of the queens or you would've been killed by his crazy fans," replied Kevin.


"Uh huh,... and by the way,where's Ghun&Kiseop?"


"Kiseop hyung said that he won't be coming to school today because the girl he's sleeping with last night won't let him go and Hyun Seok-hyung? He's busy for his new club launching today," replied Minwoo.


"Ah that's right,he invited us to come to the launching event," replied Sae.


"Oh,i'm going!!" replied Jiyeon.


"Hmm..i'm free tonight so why not,"replied the blond guy.


"Kevin you're going?What if some guy tried to hit on you?" asked Sae jokingly.


"Haha,not funny.." he replied.


"So all of us are coming?" asked Minwoo.


"Yes,and Mayuyu and you must come,no excuses,"replied Yoona.


"Umm..uhh..i'm still underaged..,"replied Minwoo.


"So does we and Mayuyu..don't try to run away..." a creepy smile appeared on her face while looking at Mayuyu who's holding the door handle trying to escape.


"Uhh...class is starting so...i..have to go? Bye see you guys later!!" she opened the door and ran  away.


"You know that i always catch you Mayuyu," replied Yoona.


~The End Of Chapter 1~

Sorry that this chap is so short^^" i'll try to make th next one a bit longer

and the next chapter will have a little bit of romance in it^^.

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ZhangAoeka #1
Aww cute!!