A big house

Falling in love with a secret spy



You walked home alone but Youngmin and Kwangmin followed behind quietly

When you finally reached your house their jaws suddenly dropped

They hid behind a bush and watched you as you entered your house

Youngmin: Wow Donghyun hyung wasn't lying. She really is the daughter of that rich businessman

Kwangmin: We have to keep a close eye on her. Maybe they're hiding some money somewhere.

They went to Donghyun's house and told him about their discovery

Donghyun: I told you she's rich. Here's your salary for today

He handed the twins an envelope with money in it

Youngmin: Hyung, you're already rich why do you still want to steal from them?

Donghyun: My father died because of them. Her father fired my father and he begged on his knees. He already knew that my father was suffering from a heart disease and yet he still fired him. I worked really hard to earn money. I want to take revenge

Kwangmin: Oh don't worry hyung we will do our jobs well. We will make sure they suffer and they come begging on their knees to you.

He ruffled Kwangmin's hair and smiled

Donghyun: I knew I could count on the two of you. Make sure no one knows about it

They both saluted and left

Outside the house, the checked the money and their mood suddenly brighthened

Youngmin: Wow I can buy a gift for my girlfriend with this

Kwangmin: How about my girlfriend?

Youngmin: We will divide the money. Make sure we get the same amount

They started counting and dividing it

At home you were pacing back and forth in your room

You: Do they really want to be my friend or do they know about my true identity?

Then suddenly someone knocked on your door

Your maid stuck out her head and smiled at you

Maid: Dinner is served Miss

You: I don't have the appetite

Maid: Why? What's wrong? You can always tell me your problems and I will listen to it

You: I made two new friends today. But I have a feeling that they know about my true identity

Maid: I doubt it. You're identity is well protected nobody knows about it. Don't worry no one will find out.

You: Thank you :D

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Chapter 45: Awww..so cute <3
Chapter 45: Ouh. What a story.. :)
kpopHOLICSheysayjump #3
Chapter 45: aaaawwwww....
kpopHOLICSheysayjump #4
Chapter 35: bcos he is kwangmin twin.. thats why u didnt stop him.. mwahhahhaha
kpopHOLICSheysayjump #5
Chapter 34: nooo.. thats not the right thing to do..bcos if u love her u must fight for her til the end..
kpopHOLICSheysayjump #6
Chapter 8: aigooo.. reading it back..again.. ^^,
Chapter 45: cute story
totorochu #8
kpopHOLICSheysayjump #9
Chapter 45: ommo ommo!! as usual sevana!! i love all of ur stories..read ur stories really make my days..omg..its really tempting me to read more og urs.... this story is afgtiolfljldld... i dont know how to explain it in words but its DAEBAK! i thought donghyun will be angry once he saw youngmin at his wife's house but he make it easier..hohoho lol..expect the unexpected then.... soooo haappyyy!!! aja aja hwaiting!!
kwangminshypika #10
Aigooo what a sweet story~♥