End of their lives

Falling in love with a secret spy



Youngmin: Hyung!

Donghyun walked closer to them

Donghyun: Can you stop bugging her

Kwangmin: We will stop now hyung

Donghyun: Come with me I need to talk to you guys

They followed him in his car and he drove them to a deserted house

Youngmin: Why are we here hyung?

Donghyun pushed them in and locked them inside

Donghyun: You two stay there and rot

Kwangmin started banging on the door

Kwangmin: Let us out hyung!

They heard the car engine and Donghyun drove back to his place

But before he left he made sure that the house was covered with gasoline

The twins smelled something burning

They realised that the house was burning

They frantically tried to open the door but it won't bulge

Kwangmin: Hyung what should we do?

Youngmin was starting to feel dizzy because he inhaled a lot of smoke

Soon he fainted

Kwangmin shook him

Kwangmin: Hyung! Wake up! We can't die here!

No response

You were in your room pacing back and forth

Then you received a phone call from an unknown number. It was actually Kwangmin calling you

You looked at it

"Who is this?" you thought

You: I won't answer it. I don't talk to stranger

In the end you just left it

But the ringing won't stop

You decided to answer it since you were getting annoyed

You: Hello? Who is this?

Kwangmin: It's Kwangmin. We need your help

You: I hate you! You lied to me! Why do you need my help for!

You hung up

Kwangmin: I guess this is how we will end our lives hyung

He looked at Youngmin whose face is getting pale

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Chapter 45: Awww..so cute <3
Chapter 45: Ouh. What a story.. :)
kpopHOLICSheysayjump #3
Chapter 45: aaaawwwww....
kpopHOLICSheysayjump #4
Chapter 35: bcos he is kwangmin twin.. thats why u didnt stop him.. mwahhahhaha
kpopHOLICSheysayjump #5
Chapter 34: nooo.. thats not the right thing to do..bcos if u love her u must fight for her til the end..
kpopHOLICSheysayjump #6
Chapter 8: aigooo.. reading it back..again.. ^^,
Chapter 45: cute story
totorochu #8
kpopHOLICSheysayjump #9
Chapter 45: ommo ommo!! as usual sevana!! i love all of ur stories..read ur stories really make my days..omg..its really tempting me to read more og urs.... this story is afgtiolfljldld... i dont know how to explain it in words but its DAEBAK! i thought donghyun will be angry once he saw youngmin at his wife's house but he make it easier..hohoho lol..expect the unexpected then.... soooo haappyyy!!! aja aja hwaiting!!
kwangminshypika #10
Aigooo what a sweet story~♥