남자답게~ (Be A Man)

Of Aerodynamics, Blue Uniforms, and Crappy Airline Food

남자답게  ~(Be A Man)


1.  Confession Circle (n.) - in which everybody gets in a circle and each person confesses at least one time; Confession Time, basically, just when everybody's in a circle
2. Uminnie (n.) - a new profound nickname for XiuMin

3. awkscooted (v.) - to awkwardly scoot away/over/to



            Joonmyeon sighed and shook his head. "Is it time now for what I think it is?"

            Kyungsoo groaned as he positioned XiuMin's head on his lap, dabbing his mouth with a lukewarm tissue. "It depends on how the new guy's feeling."

            Kris glared pointedly at Jongdae. "I thought I told you to take it easy on the vinegar injection!"

            Jongdae held his hands up in defense. "I did! I only did a half of a pump, but he took a big bite, so as the one who injects the vinegar, I can't say that it was really my fault-"

            XiuMin groaned, interrupting everybody's quarrel. "Can someone get me water, please? I would, but I have a massive migraine as of right now and my throat feels like ."

            The Korean troll wordlessly held out one of his weapon water bottles, which the victim lethargically grabbed in thanks, twisiting the cap off and squeezing the bottle-

            only for it to squirt all over his face, his chest, and Kyungsoo's lap, which caused the maternal figure to screech like a dying Banshee and shove XiuMin off his lap as he looked at his stained pants.

            The new employee groaned in pain before staring hard at Jongdae, like everybody else.

            "Wrong bottle." was all he said before Kyungsoo promptly went up to him and slapped him, sending him into a wailing mess on the ground.


☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆


            "Um, XiuMin-"

            "Don't talk to me, Jongdae." He snapped, glaring daggers at the apologetic male who sat next to him in the Confession Circle*.


            Baekhyun rubbed Jongdae's shoulder. "You really screwed up this time, bro."

            Jongdae buried his face into his hands. "Please don't remind me."

            Joonmyeon cleared his throat. "Anywho, it is time for the captivating Confession Circle!"

            Kris groaned. "What is up with you and alliteration?"

            "Don't hate 'cause it sounds better than your stupid- names." The pilot sassed, flipping his hair.

            The blond was reduced to a scowl.

            "Anywho, this is our first Confession Circle session with XiuMin, who fortunately and yet unfortunately joined us on this day a month ago-"

            XiuMin pouted. "Saying April twenty-fifth would be much shorter you know."

            Joonmyeon stared at him with a disapproving frown.

            "Sorry, dongsaeng, just saying- oh, ignore me then."

            The pilot cleared his throat again. "Anywho, first time. So don't confess something too drastic. And if you do, I have Yixing and Kyungsoo on standby for a distressed XiuMin."

            LuHan smiled. "Well, basically, how this works is that we start with Joonmyeon and we go clockwise, each confessing one thing."

            SeHun frowned. "Wasn't it counter-clockwise?"

            "Does it matter, really?" Kai snapped. 

            LuHan stared hard at his boyfriend's best friend. "Yes, yes it does."

            Kai rolled his eyes.

            Joonmyeon cleared his throat. "As always, I go first. I never wore a necklace."

            Baekhyun gasped. "You never told us this crucial piece of information, Joonmyeon!"

            Yixing turned to his boyfriend. "Does that mean you never wore the necklace I gave you last year?"

            Joonmyeon turned to the Chinese. "That was a necklace ? I thought it was a tennis bracelet!"

            Kris clapped dryly. "Wow, you go, Joonmyeon."

            Joonmyeon turned to the dead-panning blond. "Alright, Kris, now, it's your turn."

            The addressed male smirked. "I can put a on using only my teeth."

            Chanyeol looked incredulously at him. "You do realize that that's... very weird, right?"

            "I actually think it's very useful and important, thank you, Chanyeol."

            Tao pouted. "I'm scared of the dark."

            XiuMin's ears perked up as he turned to Tao. "Really ?!"

            "Yeah, so, uh, Joonmyeon, can you, like, please put the nightlight on?"

            The pilot looked at him. "Taozi, we're fine. We have a candle in the middle!"

            XiuMin bit his lip. "Well, I mean, can you please put a nightlight in, too? I'm ing scared of the dark..."

            Joonmyeon narrowed his eyes. "The eldest hyung, who is practically almost half as fifty, is scared of the dark ?"

            The new employee nodded, blushing. "Yes, now shut up! Just plug it in, the candle looks like it's gonna lose its flame..."

            Baekhyun pouted. "Since Uminnie* already confessed, I guess he'll have to wait for another turn, then. Is that alright?"

            XiuMin smiled as blue light was illuminated in the corner. "Yeah, that's much better."

            "Ooooookay~ Now, uh, LuHan!"

            LuHan blinked. "I like to garden in my free time."


            SeHun coughed. "When I'm home alone, I pretend to be an animal."

            "What kind of animal?" Kai asked, eyes squinted.

            The maknae shrugged. "Anything, really. The most common one these days is an ostrich."

            Tao frowned. "And why do you do this?"

            "Because it's a hobby, Tao. It's a hobby." SeHun stared hard at the Chinese.

            Kai poked LuHan. "Hey, does SeHun act like an animal in bed, if you know what I mean?"

            LuHan frowned. "Uh, no, how the would roleplaying between an ostrich and a deer work out, Kai?" He rolled his eyes and smacked the back of his head. "God, use your brain, ."

            Kyungsoo rolled his eyes and leaned on his boyfriend's shoulder. "Lay off, LuHan. It's his turn already."

            Kai pouted. "Uh, wait, do I seriously have to make the hand puppet?"

            Baekhyun scowled. "Yes, you have to make the hand puppet! It's one of the most important things for the Confession Circle!"

            XiuMin raised a hand. "So, I was to press my fingers to my thumb and move them open and closed in an according way when I confess?"

            Jongdae nodded. "I don't know why, but yet again, Joonmyeon and BaekLu started this up, so I can't really say much."

            The new employee nodded, pursing his lips and leaning against his shoulder, causing a series of sneaky coughs, more than half the crew waggling their eyebrows in a teasing manner, and Jongdae to cough, blush, and turn away, whistling to himself.

            Kai let out a snort before winking at Jongdae. "Anywho, my turn. Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I used to work at Hot Topic?"

            Tao looked at him, head whipping around faster than a lamborghini doing a 180 with full speed ahead. "Really ?"

            The younger awkscooted* closer to Kyungsoo. "Uh, yeah, but I stopped."

            "How was it working there?" The Chinese sighed, propping his chin on his hands. 

            Kai cringed. "Uh, it was nice, needless to say. I didn't even do much, really. I only restocked clothes and accessories."

            Tao smiled. "Tell me more!"

            Kyungsoo rolled his eyes. "Anywho!" He brought his hand puppet up to his mouth and confessed, "My dad's a restaurant owner."

            XiuMin raised an eyebrow. "Doesn't that mean you should be good at cooking too then, Kyungsoo?"

            The shorter coughed, blushing. "Um... Maybe..."

            "Don't lie!" Kris snapped, pointing an accusing finger to Kyungsoo. "Your kimchi spaghetti is the most delicious thing on this entire Earth, and you cannot convince otherwise."

            Kai smiled, giggling. "Well, then you've never had his desserts."

            Nine heads snapped to give a hard stare to the maternal figure of their group. 

            Joonmyeon gasped. "You make desserts ? And you've never brought them ?"

            Kyungsoo blushed darker, smacking Kai's shoulder and making him cry out. "Jongin! I told you not to tell them, you  !"

            Kai raised his hands up in defeat and held Kyungsoo's wrist in place, leaning down to peck his lips. "Sorry, I forgot."

            The shorter flicked his ear, causing the young adult to flinch.

            "Ah~ Now it is time for XiuMin to confess!" Baekhyun exclaimed excitedly. 

            XiuMin looked at his hand. "I have to make the hand puppet?"


            The new employee looked at his hand, frowning as he thought of something to say that wouldn't be too embarassing. The faces that he was making made Jongdae squeal from his cuteness, making everybody turn to him as he whistled.

            "Ah!" XiuMin straightened up. "I have one!"

            Joonmyeon frowned. "Didn't you confess to being scared of the dark too with Tao, though?"

            "..." He looked up at the ceiling in thought, and his captivating side profile made Jongdae muffle the scream escaping his mouth. "Ah! I did!"

            Kris looked at Jongdae. "Your turn."

            The Korean troll visibly flinched when XiuMin put his head on his shoulder again, cheeks coloring while his train of thought was lost. "Shoot, I forgot what I was gonna say."

            Yixing tilted his head. "I mean, there's a lot you can say, like a habit, a secret, a private thing, a secret hobby, a memory..."

            Chanyeol leaned forward and pretended to cough into his arm. "Maybe some secret feelings for someone."

            A series of coughs from Baekhyun, LuHan, Yixing, SeHun, Kai, Kyungsoo, and Tao interrupted Jongdae's retort.

            Jongdae sighed. "Alright, alright, I give up."

            "Wait, is he actually gonna confess?" Baekhyun snispered to his boyfriend, eyes wide. 

            LuHan squealed and clutched SeHun's arm.

            He smirked. "I wear women's t-shirts and v-necks."

            Baekhyun and Kyungsoo promptly choked on their spit.

            Yixing looked at him with an incredulous face. "What ?"

            Chanyeol stared at the Korean troll. "So all the v-necks you've given me are for women?"

            Jongdae shrugged in response, smiling absentmindedly as he looked at the bored XiuMin on his shoulder. "What can I say? If they're comfy, they're comfy!"

            Baekhyun nodded, tilting his head lazily from side to side. "That's true... Huh, is it my turn?"

            "No ." SeHun sassed.

            The petite male frowned and raised his hand. "I learned French instead of Japanese during college because it was the 'language of love'." He sighed dreamily as Chanyeol threw an arm around him.

            His boyfriend pouted. "What does that make Japanese? The language of idiots?"

            "Actually, yes, now that I think about it." Baekhyun flashed a smile at him. "Kkaebsong~"

            "Well, screw you too, Baek."

            "I would if I could right now."


☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆


            After about three rounds, everybody was actually learning legit things about each other.

            And now, it was inevitably XiuMin's turn. 

            XiuMin frowned and made the hand puppet. "Confession Time~! Hm... I have never dated anybody in my life."

            The entire group gasped, Kris, Kai, Joonmyeon, and SeHun choking on air.

            LuHan turned to him with a weird face. "Wait, seriously?"

            The new employee shook his head. "Not in the entire twenty-four years I've lived."

            *Good.* Jongdae nodded in relief. *Wait, what?*

            Baekhyun pretended to cough into his arm, elbowing Jongdae in the side with suggestive eyebrows and eyes that flickered back and forth between him and XiuMin. "wink wink"

            The Korean troll shoved his head away, blushing. "Oh my god Baekhyun."

            The duo of LuHan and SeHun wiggling their eyebrows caught his attention, along with the 'sly' wink Joonmyeon gave him from across the circle, causing him to roll his eyes and blush darker. 

            "Wait, so you've actually never dated anyone?" Kyungsoo said with wide eyes.

            "...Yes." XiuMin blushed, burying his face into his hands. "Ah, this is so embarassing!"

            Chanyeol frowned. "Doesn't that mean you shouldn't have had your first kiss?"

            The new employee coughed. "Um, let's just say that I have had my first kiss."

            "Really? When?"

            "Um, let's just that..." XiuMin coughed and looked to his right, avoiding eye contact with everybody. "It was actually, you know, pretty recent."

            Chanyeol pressed further. "With who?"

            Jongdae choked on his spit.

            "Can I, uh, not tell you?" XiuMin bit his lip.

            SeHun rolled his eyes. "Did you kiss Jongdae or not?"

            He stole a glance at the choking male on his left. "It was an accident."

            And thus, Jongdae started choking even harder, cheeks coloring, as the entire room was filled with whoops of joy and random scattering of money through the air.

            XiuMin could only sigh and bring his face into his knees as he tried to calm down his racing heart and red face.

            Honestly, why did he become a flight attendant?


☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆

words; 2,041
god this was crap
but here's the kaisoo oneshot I promised to put up
and yeah
you're welcome yet again


My Brother is in... MBLAQ!?!?!? (MBLAQ with you as their little dorm mate because one of them is your brother ;D. Romcom.)
Kpop to Pokemon (where I compare your idols to Pokemon c: I need to update this too XD)
The Magnizzling and Fanterbulous Days of Kit Kat Caitlyn (a sassy Internet journal that holds the information of my cracky school life XD)

'Kik'ing Off on Kik!• EXO's Kik Accounts (it's like a cracky EXO chatroom!au ok)

unpredictable (sulay oneshot ft. babos jongdae and kris that explains the sulay story)

coup de foutre (baekyeol oneshot ft. madame tiffany, l.joe, and luhan who help them get togehter during college like it says in the story)
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KimHyunaTaeyeon #1
Please update?
Can I ask who will be the 'man' here in xiuchen relationship?
KimHyunaTaeyeon #3
Chapter 1: I laughed so hard! I loveee Miley hihi
Yaone_L #4
Chapter 24: Literally pouts at "they weren't kissing". Jongdae should just force one.
Aw, Minnie. You should be used to cart race. It's the 5th rite?
Chapter 24: Awww hahahah that was very entertaining hHhahah
Yaone_L #6
Chapter 23: Yes!~ Cart Race is a MUST.
Chapter 23: wooooow..... it's been some time ..... BUT YAAAY AN UPDATE !!! >...<
Chapter 21: Ahhh I love this way too much ! Im so happy you updated! Yaaay ! Ahh poor Jongdae ! :( bubba dont be saddddddd !!! *baby dont cryyyyy, tonight!!!!*