두 번째 고백 (Second Confession)~

Of Aerodynamics, Blue Uniforms, and Crappy Airline Food

두 번째 고백  (Second Confession)~


1.  arestulip (n.) - another synonym for assflower

2. sadiocy (n.) - sassy idiocy

3. Kyungsoo counseling (n.)- explained later in the chapter

4. ignoramus (n.)- this is actually a legit word; an ignorant or stupid person

used-to-be-forever-hyung (n.)- a term used for the second oldest, now that another person that is older came



Jongdae shook his head, trying to fend off the pink tinting his cheeks. "You sure you wanna start? I mean, we could just chill and-"


The blond laughed. "At this point, I have to make sure I fit in as soon as possible."


"Yeah, 'fitting in'." The taller said, making air quotes, as he got off the couch.


XiuMin put his hands on his waist. "Okay, I mean, I wanna know how ed up this airplane crew is."


Jongdae sighed and grabbed his leather coverup. "Better late than never."


XiuMin rose an eyebrow. "I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing."


The chocolate-haired male rolled his eyes and dragged the other outside on the porch. "Stay here."


The shorter frowned as Jongdae jogged away, yelling after him, "ARE WE SUPPOSED TO BE GOING SOMEWHERE, ALEXANDER?!"


He wasn't rewarded with an answer until Jongdae pulled up in a silver Maserati five minutes later.


"Get in, loser! We're going shopping!"


XiuMin's eyes bulged out of his eyes. "Are we really going along with the lines of Mean Girls?"


The driver honked again. "No, arsetulip*, I just said that to grab your attention. Just get in!"


The blonde eyed him wearily. "Are you kidnapping me or me?"


*Hey, it doesn't count as if you enjoy it.* Jongdae smirked.


XiuMin shuddered before sitting shotgun and making a disgusted face. "Ew, Jongdae, that's pretty ing gross."


*, you can hear me.*


"I mean, obviously! Stop speaking your damn thoughts out loud then." The blond snapped before rolling his eyes and turning away.


"...Well, damn."


☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆



XiuMin crossed his legs as he sat on the bench. "Why did we need to go the park for this?"


Jongdae shrugged. 


The blond raised an eyebrow. "What are we doing anyway?"


The bronette sat down next to him, throwing a packet onto the newbie's lap. 


XiuMin squinted as he read it aloud. "ion Education Time Packet: Eleventh Edition"


Jongdae nodded. "This-" He paused to tap the bundle of papers. "Will help you know us a little bit better."


XiuMin skimmed through the packet listlessly, pursing his lips. "So this basically gives the information about all the members?"


"Along with important info and other things." Jongdae folded his hands beneath his head and leaned back. "Just turn the first page."




Jongdae furrowed his eyebrows. "I thought you were older than him. His birthday's the 20th of April. Isn't yours in March?"


XiuMin stared at him. "March 26th actually, but I still refuse to accept the fact that LuHan is older than Kris."


Jongdae shrugged. "I mean, we all call him 'hyung' or 'ge', anyway."


"LuHan's Chinese, right?"


          "Yup!" He said, popping the 'p' loudly. "He moved here a while ago and speaks fluent Korean, so he's all good. You'll find out more later on his pages."


"LuHan, Kris, Joonmyeon, Yixing- Huh, there's no surprise there." 


Jongdae hummed. "Just keep going."


"Baekhyun, Jongdae, Chanyeol- WAIT WHAT?!" The blond shrieked.


Jongdae winced. "Wow, that was probably the best reaction we ever got from that part."


          "WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY BAEKHYUN IS OLDER THAN CHANYEOL? WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY YOU ARE OLDER THAN CHANYEOL?" XiuMin grabbed his shoulders and shook him frantically.


Jongdae shrugged. "Baekhyun's May 6th, 1992. I'm September 21st, 1992. And Chanyeol's November 27th, 1992."


XiuMin sputtered. "But-uh-how-urg-"


Jongdae pressed his hands to the other's lips and mentally fanboyed over how soft they were, shushing him. "Keep going."


"Kyungsoo, Tao, Kai, SeHun." XiuMin narrowed his eyes. "Why is Kyungsoo only two days older than Kai?"


"Actually, they're a year apart; Kyungsoo's 1993 and Kai's 1994."


"Huh, no wonder."


Jongdae frowned. "They're still not dating yet, though."


"Ah," XiuMin scowled, "What a shame."


Jongdae nodded. "This packet is actually really really helpful."


XiuMin hummed. "Sure thing- WAIT WHAT IS UP WITH HUNHAN ?!"


          The chocolate-haired male bit back a knowing grin. "Yeah, SeHun's the maknae who has the biggest crush on used-to-be-forever-hyung* LuHan."


XiuMin made a face. "Well, um, I can tell that, uh, LuHan's definitely more than a hyung to him."


Jongdae snorted. "Anybody with eyes could."


XiuMin lowered his voice. "He's not a hyung to SeHun; he's a senpai ."


That was when him and Jongdae burst out into laughter, laughing and crying and beating each other up between bales of laughters.


"Oh my god, I need to make note of that."


XiuMin flipped the page. "Ah, so does this show the order of senior employees and rookies?"


          Jongdae sighed. "Yeah, Kris and Joonmyeon started this entire thing up, then I came along and Yixing came to accompany his boyfriend. After Yixing came Tao and that was when we were blessed with sadiocy* of Baekyeol and LuHan. Then, Kyungsoo came as a freshly-graduated intern, but he was upgraded within two weeks and became one of us forever. In 2010, SeKai came together and then you came on April 25, 2014."


XiuMin let out a wolf whistle. "Wow."


"Wow, indeed. Anywho, sadiocy means 'sassy idiocy'."


"Ah, no wonder." XiuMin hummed before turning the page. 


"Wow, Kris has a lot of names."


Jongdae waved a hand. "Li Jiaheng, Wu Yifan, Kevin Wu, whatever, that stills wants us all to call him Kris."


XiuMin nodded. "Wow, Canadian citizenship with Chinese. What a combination."


"There's a lot of Asians in Canada."


"Mm~ Wait, you, him, and Joonmyeon are best friends?"


Jongdae sighed. "You see, I'm Joonmyeon's cousin twice-removed, which is why we both have 'Kim' as our surname."


XiuMin opened his mouth, but the other caught him off and answered his question.


         "For you and Kai, I have no idea. But us Kims are all Korean, anyway. Anywho, Kris was the foreign exchange student in, uh, fifth grade, so we hit it off really quickly."


XiuMin nodded. "Wow. Hm, he plays basketball? No wonder he's a giant- and woah, he can speak Cantonese?"


        "He only knows enough to get by as a tourist, so I don't count that as an entire language. He speaks Mandarin, Korean, and English perfectly, though."


"Mmmm~ What's up with him and galaxy?"


Jongdae groaned. "It's because he's, I quote, 'so exotic'. He's so weird and silly that he's 'in a galaxy of his own'."


XiuMin wiggled his eyebrows. "I could tell that he had the hots for Tao."


"Apparently, Kris used to be Tao's babysitter and yeah, crush-crush stuff."


"Wait, when did he babysit?"


Jongdae pursed his lips in thought. "Uh, I think, from third grade to the end of high school?"


"...Wow, his parents must really not trust him."


Jongdae waved a hand. "You'll find out more on his page anyway."


"Joonmyeon... Is rich?" was all XiuMin could make out after five minutes of reading the page.


Jongdae nodded. "Yeah."


"...Wow. Everything else is normal, though."




"...Oh look, it's you."


Jongdae smirked. "Go ahead."


         "Favorite color's red? Majored in music and minored in theatrical arts? Used to work in a music store? Plays guitar, sings, beat-boxes, and you can step?"


Jongdae ruffled his hair. "Aw, am I becoming more attractive to you now?"


XiuMin kept on reading, ignoring the hand in his blond locks. "Tatoo of music notes on one ear? Lemme see it."


Jongdae merely turned his head and exposed the tatoo, a few eighth notes and a staff on the inside of his ear.


XiuMin touched it. "Wow."


"Anything else?"


          "Uh, lemme see, huge anime fan-" XiuMin stopped reading and looked up at Jongdae, who was giving a half-hearted chuckle. "You're an otaku?"


"Everything in the paper is official..."


They shared a knowing grin before XiuMin cleared his throat and flipped the page. 


"Yixing is obviously Chinese... I didn't know he played guitar and piano?"


Jongdae stopped stretching. "He taught himself to play."


"You're joking."


"He can't even read music."


          "..." The blond cleared his throat out of his flustered state to stop the embarassed blush coming onto his cheeks, making Jongdae smile. "How is... Yixing a unicorn exactly?"


          The other shrugged. "He calls himself a unicorn and we can't really disagree with that because he does remind us of a unicorn. Doesn't he remind you of a unicorn?"


XiuMin considered Yixing's behavior and attitude. "Actually, he does. Plus, his dimples are the best thing on Earth."


Jongdae nudged his left side. "Yah! I have a clown mouth and dimples, and I'm just as handsome!"


"Actually, no you don't. Yixing has much fairer skin than you."


Jongdae found it hard to keep the corners of his mouth from twitching uncomfortably.


          "Ah, Tao~" XiuMin turned back to the packet, unaware of the uncomfortable Jongdae next to him. "No wonder he looks so scary, he takes wushu. But he's so cute keke."


Jongdae frowned. "Since Tao takes wushu and he tends to throw tantrums quite easily, his parents made Kris babysit him."


"Oh, wow."


"Oh, he's the maknae of the Chinese members, no wonder him and SeHun hang out a lot."




"Ah, now Baekhyun... Majored in music and minored in film?"


          Jongdae sighed. "It's weird, we all went to the same college. But yeah, Baekhyun's an uncanny movie fanatic- especially towards famous movies from the past like Mean Girls and The Breakfast Club and kids movies, so he minored in film."


"Wow. 3.5 GPA? Plays piano and sings?"


"Yeah, Baekhyun is a pretty decent guy."


"But he's still a sassy diva that throws thumb tacks at things with dead-on aim."


"Ah, read about the reason he chose to use that as his weapon."


"...That's... actually... pretty emotional..."


          "Haha, just kidding, Baekhyun has a cousin in a mafia gang and he taught him how to use different weapons than everybody else, so yeah."


"...Well damn. I'm not surprised at most of his info though."


Jongdae snorted- and quite unattractively, might I add. "You'll be pretty surprised at Chanyeol's."


"Majored in music, minored in digital media arts? Plays guitar, piano, ukelele, sings, raps, and beat-boxes?" XiuMin looked up with an incredulous stare. "You're ting me."


"I am not."


"Damn... Wait, he kinda sorta used to be a model? No wonder he's tall. How did BaekYeol even come to be?"


Jongdae coughed. "That is information that I am not obligated to give you yet."


XiuMin pouted. "Did they get together recently or a while ago?"


"Like... Oh! Senior year of college!


XiuMin winced. "Do I even wanna know?"


"I doubt you actually want to." Jongdae thumbed the page before flipping it with the flick of his wrist. 


          "Wow, LuHan is pretty loaded with information... Wait, he sings and dances? Oh , and he can solve the Rubix Cube in under two minutes on top of playing soccer?"


"He's also a huge germaphobe, so watch out."

"Will do, especially after reading that his fan got stuck in someone's shoulders and had to get stitches-"

Jongdae groaned. "Poor, poor Minho..."

The blond made a face. "Ouch. Anywho, I'm actually really curious about Kyungsoo. He's so quiet."

          The senior employee chuckled, XiuMin's awkwardly shaped fohawk with his fingers. "Kyungsoo has quite the history. Just a forewarning."

         "HOLY !" XiuMin jumped up and clutched the packet tightly in his hands, eyes bulging out more by the second as he kept on reading. "Majored in music, minored in theatrical arts. Can sing, beat-box, rap, and play keyboard. Used to be supporting cast members on Broadway as he grew up?! But he also stole a car, almost got charged with assault, and got accused of ?!"

Jongdae laughed. "There's much more to us than you think, sweetie."


"Hey, you know how the U.S. is."




"Just read Kai's page."


"But Kyungsoo-"


"Read. It."


          "Majored in theatrical arts, minored in business- wait what? Business ?" XiuMin looked at Jongdae, who nodded. "Can dance and rap, used to be back-up dancers or replacements for boy bands, and used to work part-time at a pet shop? What in the world-"


          "Yeah, Kai's actually super talented in the fields of dancing and singing and performing, but now that I think about it, we all are. I mean, he's pretty much on par with Kyungsoo."


"Pet shop? Business?"


          "Kai has this weird lovey-awkward thing with animals- especially dogs. I blame his noona for that. And well, his parents wanted him to inherit, you know, family business and ."


"Oh. Wait, best friends with Kyungsoo and SeHun?! SINCE WHEN ?!"


          "Um, well, uh, Kyungsoo and Kai go way back. SeHun and Kai have that hove relationship because they've been going to the same dance academy since they were like- what, six?"




"Ah, the influence of alcohol in America. Makes you do some things, no?"


"...So KaiSoo went to U.S.A., got drunk, stole a car, and some person reported on them for assault and ?"


Jongdae waved a hand. "Kyungsoo knows English, and Kai was a minor at the time."


"...What a history between those two. It's like performing brought those two together."


"...Well, you don't know for sure, do you?"


          "...Anywho, Oh Sehun. Majored in computer science, minored in architecture, plays mandolin, raps and dances and sings, used to be an ulzzang, best friends with Kai- what does this have to do anything with becoming a flight attendant?"


"They're all college portfolio, but they're all true. He actually was an ulzzang. And so was LuHan."


XiuMin grumbled. "Couple with good looks, no wonder. Their skin is always immaculate."


Jongdae scoffed. "I love how we all have awesome backgrounds but we stick to this job."


"Well, it's much safier and less riskier than the business of fine arts."


"...But yeah, turn the page."


"But I already know about the Couple Line!"


          "Kyungsoo didn't, and him and Baekhyun got into a fit because Kyungsoo accidentally pecked Chanyeol's cheek." Jongdae informed.


"...Wellllllll then."


         "Joonmyeon and Yixing is a given already. And by the way, we don't like writing the entire story, so you're supposed to ask them yourself."


XiuMin nodded. "I could care less though. It'd just be them rubbing their relationship in my lonely face."


         "Though I do admit to that even though I helped SuLay get together with the help of Kris, the stories of how they got together get so much dirt on them. You can tease them forever and ever about it." Jongdae let out a satisfied smile before leaning back.


The blond nodded, scanning the page. "Boyfriend-To-Be's?"


          The taller gurgled before flailing his arms excitedly. "It's another phrase we use for OTPs around here. The royal OTPs are HunHan, KaiSoo, and TaoRis."


"...Do you never get shipped with anybody?"


Jongdae shook his head, and the older nodded. "I'm that much of a loner."


XiuMin slumped down in his seat. "Ugh. How much is left?"


"Just six more pages, bear with me please."


"So, flip to the next page. You see "The Website" as the title, right?"




          "When Baekhyun and LuHan came, they set up this website and used it as... their own hub." Jongdae paused to see XiuMin shudder in disgust. 


"That's really-"


          "It's not that bad, actually. All they do is write fan fics about their OTP's, a.k.a. BaekYeol, HunHan, KaiSoo, TaoRis, and SuLay. And when they catch someone ing, they use it to write ." Jongdae grasped XiuMin's hand and looked into his eyes. "Now, XiuMin, you know what is, right?"


"What the , of course I know what it is!" XiuMin's cheek were now tinted with fuschia, making Jongdae gurgle.


          The chocolate-haired male moved his lips. "Now that I think about, we're probably gonna be the next OTP. Anywho, let's ignore that: LuHan can write about any OTP he pleases, just never HunHan. He can even write a drabble about LuKai, when he can. Just never HunHan. It's aight though, he totally likes SeHun. And even SeHun noticed."


XiuMin furrowed his eyebrows. "Wow."


"Baekhyun writes about any OTP, especially BaekYeol. As long as he has the inspiration, he can get it done." Jongdae nodded.


"...Does anybody else use the website?"


Jongdae cackled, throwing his head back in laughter and exposing his moving Adam's apple, making XiuMin gulp nervously.


          "I'm actually the third mastermind behind the entire site. We actually all use the site under our own accounts. After LuHan and Baekhyun comes me, mainly because I don't have a life and I don't have romance. But after me is probably Yixing and Kai. Yixing is basically like a shyer version of Baekhyun that can do fan art while Kai only writes about KaiSoo and stalks the other member's fan fics."


"What in the ing world is this website?"


          "... I cannot tell you that piece of information yet, sorry. ANYWHO! After KaiXing comes Tao and Kyungsoo. Tao, per se, only reads angst while Kyungsoo reads everything and anything except SeSoo and SeKai. It's usually crack for Kyungsoo though."




          "Then, after that, Kris- actually, nevermind, Kris is on par with Yixing. You know, minus the fan art, because he ing at drawing. After Kyungsoo and Tao is SeHun, who goes to be a ghost reader of HunHan, KaiSoo, and TaoRis. Then it's Chanyeol, who is usually forced to twice a week by Baekhyun and Joonmyeon, who goes on once a month."


Jongdae nodded happily while XiuMin jutted out his lips. "What a website."


"It's awesome. I can't believe fans actually exist for it, and it's been popular since 2012."


"I feel like I should be concerned about something like that."


          Jongdae leaned over and flicked to the next page. "Attire. Okay, so you can NEVER, and I mean NEVER have more than three piercings. You're only allowed to wear ear cuffs and studs as long as they're removable. Never. Wear. Hoops. You can only tie your hair back once a week, and that applies to wearing headbands and other hair accessories too. On Themed Thursday, we all dress up according to the theme chosen for that week. Oh, and last thing is that you can only wear rainbow clothes once a week and purple twice at the most."


XiuMin gaped. "So many rules."


Jongdae laughed, ruffling the blond's locks. "Just kidding. The only things we're serious about is Themed Thursday and about the ears."


"You're an ."


"I mean, I see you're already wearing crystal studs, so you're perfectly fine."


"Whatever, Jongdae."


"Next page! Oops, skip the next few pages- Yeah! Stop at the second-to-last one!"


          "...Rules." XiuMin read. "One, must work. Two, must cooperate to Themed Thursdays. Three, must be involved in group meetings and group activities if there is no excuse as to why there would be an absent member. Four, must contribute to The Website at least once a month. Five, must not break rules otherwise you will have to be faced a Dr. Suho session, an argument with Kris, and an hour of Kyungsoo counseling*. What in the world of Kyungsoo counseling?"


Jongdae smirked. "When you stay with an irritated Kyungsoo in the kitchen. Typically lasts for an hour and a half."


"And what's so bad about it?"


Jongdae sighed. "Just... Let's just say that Kyungsoo can be the Asian Gordon Ramsay at times..."


"Damn, there is certainly more than what meets to the eye."


"And... now, you basically understand the entire crew, right?"


XiuMin nodded. "Yeah."


Jongdae smiled and took out the last page, ripping the other pages. "Sorry, but ion Education Time requires homework."


"Are you ing serious."


          The Korean troll brandished the page and laid it across XiuMin's lap. "It's not much, just make a page for yourself that way we can use it for the twelfth edition."


XiuMin groaned. " you."


"March 26th, 1990. Kim Minseok. Blood Type B. Joined April 25, 2014. Majored in digital media arts and music, minored in sports-"


           The blond inhaled sharply as he threw his left arm across his paper to stop Jongdae from reading everything he wrote out loud. "Do you mind?"


           "Yes, I do mind. Because sports?" Jongdae threw his hands up into the air. "Sports? The only person that minored in that is LuHan, and he is a ing boss at soccer."


"Heh, that makes two bosses at soccer then." XiuMin touched his chin with his pen before shrugging and continuing to write.


"Soccer? Dammit."


"Oh, I'm good at basketball, volleyball, tennis, and baseball too."


", we're all gonna lose against you two if Kris isn't there."


XiuMin smiled. "Whatever, Jongdae."


           Jongdae leaned over to his right and stretched out his face to read the other facts. "Biual, but more to the gay side." *Well, that's good news- wait what.*


The blond stopped writing. "Jongdae, we already went over this yesterday."


"...Wait, we did?"


XiuMin blushed and looked away. "Remember when we were in that box?"


          "...Oh..." Jongdae coughed, cheeks flaming, before starting to read again. "Dances, sings, raps, works out or plays soccer at least four times a week, makes apps worthy enough for Apple, and can be a stylist."


"Yeah, got a problem?"


The taller snickered. "A stylist?"


XiuMin frowned. "Don't hate because I can do hair, make-up, and clothing. I can make myself prettier than you."


The other leaned against his shoulder, waggling his eyebrows. "So you think I'm pretty, ey~?"


"..." The blond stared at him incredulously, cheeks blushing.


Jongdae pulled away and laughed. "Haha, just kidding, just kidding. Anywho, why do you wanna be called XiuMin instead of Minseok?"


          The addressed male shrugged his shoulders. "Honestly, it was a nickname that I just grew up with. At this point, I guess I don't really care what people call me."


"...So can I call you baozi?"


XiuMin sighed. "Only on occasions."


"...Hm," Jongdae tapped his chin with his finger while glancing at the occupied XiuMin. "I'll call you Minseok, then."


"Sure, whatever works. I finished the information page." XiuMin said, holding up the paper and dangling it in front of Jongdae's face.


          Jongdae snatched the paper and reviewed it, mumbling what was written. "Birth name, birth date, place of origin and descent, blood type, nicknames, majors and minors, fun facts, and brief history... Seems like you're almost set."


XiuMin tilted his head to the head. "How is it almost? It's the last page."


Jongdae flipped the paper around. "There's a back side."


XiuMin grabbed the paper and squinted. "Weapons."


         "You see, we all have weapons here. And I already know that you are extremely aware of that. But, just to make sure you can keep yourself safe, you need a weapon too." The other explained, tapping the empty line on the bottom of the page.


The blond gaped. "But I'm normal."


          "Ah, that's what we all said when either myself or Kyungsoo showed them this." Jongdae giggled. "But we all managed to get a weapon anyway."


XiuMin eyed him warily. "How do you even get a weapon, anyway?"


Jongdae shrugged. "It depends, you either have one on you already or you get assigned one."


The shorter blinked. "All I have is citrus spray, a paperclip, a box of staples, a pocketknife, and a pair of  safety scissors."


          Jongdae shook his head as XiuMin emptied out his pockets, tsking in disapproval. "Kris already uses a paperclip. The citrus spray won't do too much. The staples would be too small of ammo. A pocketknife and a pair of scissors though, huh..."


XiuMin waved his hand in front of a deeply-lost-in-thought Jongdae. "Hello?"


          Jongdae strided over to the tree twenty meters away, mumbling and making two 'L's with his thumb and index fingers to form a rectangle on the trunk. "Hm..."


"Um, Jongdae?"


All you could hear were the awkward screeches and squeaks of white Sharpie on tree bark.


          Jongdae stepped back to reveal his masterpiece, pointing to the middle of it with a stick. "Throw either the pocketknife or the scissors to hit the middle."


"No offense... But that is the crappiest target I have ever seen."


"Shut up! Just do it!"


XiuMin shrugged before hurling the pocketknife, shoving his hands into his pockets as it landed safely into the middle.


Jongdae leaned forward and scrutinized it briefly before reaching over to pull it out.


"...Dude, it's stuck."


XiuMin smiled, taking out another pocketknife. "I knew that this back-up would be useful."


The taller shook his head. "Try the scissors."


The blond sighed before turning around and whipping it, causing it to spin horizontally before letting one leg land loudly into the trunk.


Jongdae wolf-whistled as he inspected the area. "Wow."


XiuMin sighed. "Which one?"


"Definitely scissors. Just sign your name and your weapon choice on the bottom line, and you're all set!"


          XiuMin scribbled hastily before shoving the paper to Jongdae, who folded it into his pocket, squinting at the tree. "Hey, wouldn't we get in trouble for that?"


Jongdae looked back. "Nah, they'll think that it's either a gang symbol or a bunch of birds are starting a rebellion."


XiuMin shuddered. "And this is a public park?"


"It's as public as it's gonna be."






"Now what?" XiuMin asked, checking himself in the screen of his smartphone.


Jongdae looked at his Disney watch, frowning. "We have a lot of time left. We could just chill..."


XiuMin pouted. "I'm hungry."


The taller extended a hand after standing up. "How about I treat you to some ddeokbeokki?"


XiuMin cracked a smile before placing his hand in the other's. "No thanks, I'm more of an ice cream guy."



☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆




          "Yah! What do you mean by you don't wanna have a girlfriend?" XiuMin exclaimed, hitting Jongdae's shoulder as they walked through the park.


          Jongdae sighed, allowing the shorter to latch onto his arm as he munched on a chocopie. "I mean, I am bi, so I do like girls. But, I do not EVER wanna deal with the pain of having a girlfriend on her period because all I can imagine is red liquid and random clumps pouring out of the holes where I'm supposed to insert my into." He shuddered. "There's no need to ruin my favorite color like that."


XiuMin frowned. "Didn't you say that red is your favorite color?"


"I just said that it was!"


"Then what's you favorite shade?" The blond challenged, stepping in front of his path and crossing his arms confidently.


          "The one you'd be if I threw an arm around your shoulder like I did right now." The bronette teased, throwing an arm around the blond and sending a wink at him.


XiuMin's face flushed. "You said that yesterday when we were in the box too..."


"...I did?"


XiuMin took a small of his ice cream. "Yeah, and you sounded really stupid. Just saying."


          Jongdae released the smaller male and became a blubbering mess as his cheeks flushed. "W-Well, that's b-because it sounded so much b-b-better in my head!"


"Of course it did, Jongdae." The blonde rolled his eyes and placed himself next to the taller, continuing to eat the ice cream.


Jongdae frowned. "Just think of this as a second confession then-"




          Jongdae stopped walking to judge the smaller male clinging to his arm while lapping up melting ice cream. "Did you just sing BtoB on me?"


"Can't blame a die-hard K-pop fanboy now, can you?"


Jongdae pouted. "What about Beyoncé and Ariana Grande?"




Jongdae glared at him. "Yah! Keep it down! I don't wanna get kicked outta here!"


XiuMin pouted as his mouth was finally released. "Sheesh, sorry... Don't blame me for having refined music taste..."


Jongdae flicked his forehead. "You babo."


XiuMin pushed the taller away. "Yah! What's that supposed to mean?"


The senpai senior employee braced himself against the railing. "Yah! Don't push me so hard! I don't wanna break a bone!"


The blond rolled his eyes. "At least I have upper-body strength."


Jongdae frowned. "Yah! Don't run away from your sunbae! Come back here, you noob!"



☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆



"Truth or Dare?" Jongdae asked, casually leaning against the railing.


"Careful, you might fall into the lake." XiuMin warned.


"As if I care. I was gonna go skinny-dipping anyway." He rolled his eyes. "Truth or Dare?"


The blond bit his lip. "Truth."


"Tell me the weirdest ual you've ever had." Jongdae said, never batting an eyelash.


"...What?" XiuMin blinked.


"Tell me the weirdest you've had." Jongdae repeated.




"If you don't tell me, you have to do a dare." The bronette warned.


"Give me the goddamn dare then."


Jongdae grabbed his arm and pulled him close, bending down to whisper into his ear. "Come skinny-dipping with me."


Immediately, XiuMin's cheeks became tomatoes and he shoved Jongdae away. "...W-What?!"


"Come skinny-dipping with me."


          " that!" The blond exclaimed. "I'd rather tell you my weirdest story!" *He's assuming that I have one. He's assuming that I'm not a , haha jokes on him.*


"No take-backsies, sweetie!" Jongdae cooed, winking at him as he started taking off his leath coverup.


"Oh my god... You little ing  !"


"Hey! You didn't wanna tell me, and that's your fault!"


XiuMin blushed crimson. "How are we supposed to go skinny-dipping anyway? Aren't there people around in this public park?"


          Jongdae laughed as he started to unbuckle his belt. "This lake is a private lake that can only be accessed by the members of our airport crew."


XiuMin blushed harder than ever. "Oh my ing god, Jongdae, please don't make me do this!"


"Too late, sweetheart!"



☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆



"See? It's not so bad, is it?" Jongdae mused, floating on his back.


XiuMin covered his red face in his hands. "God, this is so embarassing I am never gonna live this down-"


"Chill, bro, chill."


The blond whipped around to glare at the happy bronette. "Dude, if anyone catches us-"


"And nobody will catch us. Minseok-ah, I wouldn't do this if I knew we'd get caught."


XiuMin swatted Jongdae's shoulder when he swam by. "It's hyung to you, ignoramus*."


The addressed male frowned. "But you look so much younger!"


"That's supposed to be a compliment, right?"


"Uh, sure. But like, still, Minseok, why?"


"Hey, don't call my name weird, Chen ssi. At least, isn't that your nickname?"


Jongdae winced. "Chen and XiuMin both sound pretty Chinese, don't they?"


XiuMin raised an eyebrow as he tried to ignore the discomfort his balls were feeling underneath the water. "Huh."


The bronette swam next to XiuMin, leaning back. "Mm~ Come on, Minseokkie!"


"Listen boy, respect yo elders-"


"Minseok-ah! Just keep swimming, just keep swimming~"




"jUsT kEeP sWImMiNg~!!!!!!!!" Jongdae shrieked.


"YAH! YOU ER!" XiuMin screamed as he tackled Jongdae down.


And before they knew it, eyes were wide, hands were on hips, bodies were touching, and lips were smacked on lips.



☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆




Instantly, both pairs of cheeks flared up, burning with the heat of a thousand suns.


          Jongdae blinked, seeing if he was actually kissing the Kim Minseok with his hands on his hips, completely in the middle of a lake.


          XiuMin, who came back to his senses two minutes late because of his pounding heart that escalated to about 134 heartbeats, used his hands on Jongdae's chest to push him away. "Oh my god."


Jongdae looked at XiuMin's hands, still placed on his chest, and his hands on his waist. "Oh my god."


They both sprung away, cheeks burning up and becoming even darker while their heart rate increased without the other knowing.


Kissing was one matter at the moment.


But the fact that they could feel the other's  while kissing was another.


Jongdae cleared his throat. "I'm, uh, sorry..."


          XiuMin's cheeks never changed color. "No no, it's my fault..." He turned aroud, exposing his pale back to Jongdae. "I'll just, um, go change now."


The bronette laughed (painfully). "Yeah, you go do that... I'll be here..."


XiuMin nodded before emerging from the lake, entire body dripping with water.


As soon as he was no longer in sight, Jongdae screamed in agony before punching the water.



☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆



          "God, did that really happen?" XiuMin pretended to slide down a tree, but actually didn't because his would feel very uncomfortable against the tree bark. 


          He groaned while burying his pink face into his hands. "Oh my god, why is my heart going doki-doki? It was an accident, Kim Minseok. An accident."


The blond shook his head wildly before blinking.


*You're joking, right?*


He blinked again and moaned in despair.





☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆



          Jongdae stuck his head out from the tree, trying to shield his from XiuMin, as he squinted to see his car in the parking lot. "Hm..."


XiuMin sighed, leaning to his right. "If I had my glasses, I would give them to you."


The bronette sighed. "Alright, I have good and bad news."


"Come right at me, my is twitching with discomfort."


          "...Good news is that I found our clothes and they're in the car. Bad news is that the car is locked and we're gonna spend a load of time-"


That was when XiuMin screamed "YOLO" and ran full-speed towards the silver car. 


"DUDE WHAT THE ?!" Jongdae soon found himself running towards the car, laughing at the blond when-




The bronette's nuts just hit the headlights of the car, causing Jongdae to collapse into a crying heap on the gravel. 


          "...Huh, I didn't know your car had a sun roof." XiuMin stated, calmly taking out his clothes and throwing his set to the sobbing mess on the ground.


"!" Jongdae cried, looking at the clothes he had on. "MY CLOTHES ARE WRINKLED!"


XiuMin groaned, furrowing his eyebrows. ", I JUST PUT THIS IN THE LAUNDRY TOO!"


"...." Jongdae sighed before climbing into the driver's seat. "Want some food?"


The blond smiled, making Jongdae melt yet again. "You already know what I want."



☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆



"Wait wait wait, hold up," Kris raised a hand, almost smacking poor Tao in the face. "That's it?"


XiuMin nodded. 


"So you have no idea what the happened to your clothes?" Joonmyeon inquired, raising an eyebrow.


Jongdae shrugged. "Some kid tried to pull a prank I guess."


          Kyungsoo made a gurgling sound out of nowhere, before slapping an embarassed hand over his pink mouth and composing himself. "Sorry, that just sounded like something I would do."


Kai leaned in and nuzzled his nose before pecking his lips. "Don't apologize, babe."


The shorter blushed profusely before pushing Kai's face away. "Not in front of the crew, Jongin."


"Sure, honey."


"See, at least they know when to use the bedrooms!" Kris snapped, glaring at Baekhyun and Chanyeol.


"You're just upset that Tao can't ride you." Chanyeol huffed, bending down to Baekhyun's ear.


That was when Tao started choking on air and Kris started blushing and becoming a hot mess.


          XiuMin sighed as he saw the mixure of amusement, fury, embarassment, and apathy flitting across everyone's faces as the conflicts began to grow stronger.


Yeah, this was really the life he chose.

☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
ok im so late sorry ;;
and just because kris might leave exo doesn't mean that this story will be discontinued
i continued it for the purpose of kris to be there, so he will be there
see ya soon~ *~*
p.s. i'm working on the oneshot for baekyeol and how they got together :3
p.p.s. i'm sorry for the lack of vocabowow i'm too tired and ugh
My Brother is in... MBLAQ!?!?!? (MBLAQ with you as their little dorm mate because one of them is your brother ;D. Romcom.)
Kpop to Pokemon (where I compare your idols to Pokemon c: I need to update this too XD)
The Magnizzling and Fanterbulous Days of Kit Kat Caitlyn (a sassy Internet journal that holds the information of my cracky school life XD)

'Kik'ing Off on Kik!• EXO's Kik Accounts (it's like a cracky EXO chatroom!au ok)

unpredictable (sulay oneshot ft. babos jongdae and kris that explains the sulay story)
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KimHyunaTaeyeon #1
Please update?
Can I ask who will be the 'man' here in xiuchen relationship?
KimHyunaTaeyeon #3
Chapter 1: I laughed so hard! I loveee Miley hihi
Yaone_L #4
Chapter 24: Literally pouts at "they weren't kissing". Jongdae should just force one.
Aw, Minnie. You should be used to cart race. It's the 5th rite?
Chapter 24: Awww hahahah that was very entertaining hHhahah
Yaone_L #6
Chapter 23: Yes!~ Cart Race is a MUST.
Chapter 23: wooooow..... it's been some time ..... BUT YAAAY AN UPDATE !!! >...<
Chapter 21: Ahhh I love this way too much ! Im so happy you updated! Yaaay ! Ahh poor Jongdae ! :( bubba dont be saddddddd !!! *baby dont cryyyyy, tonight!!!!*