How foolish of me

Kept Holding on to You

I looked back.

I should have turned away.
And now I regret it.
I regret letting Kevin go.

I saw him earlier today, and he seemed happy.
That's good. It's just what I wanted. Him to be happy.
I wanted his girlfriend to take good care of him.
I just can't help but feel his happiness...

Makes me upset.

I feel empty. Incomplete.
I miss how he used to call me before going to bed.
Just to wish me goodnight.
The greetings he'd send the very next morning.
I shouldn't have looked back.
I should've looked forward.

How foolish of me.

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Oh yeah! My first ever finished fic!


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Chapter 6: Like it <3 It's perfect for this rainy day *puppy eyes*
Chapter 4: Awe, this is really cute. And like, is she like writing all of this in her journal/diary or something?^^