I'm regretting

Kept Holding on to You

It's been almost a year since I broke up with him.

I hope he's doing better now.
I hear he's got a new girlfriend.
And that she's really pretty.
Probably a lot prettier than me.
But I'm happy for Kevin. That he was able to move on.
I don't want him to cling onto any memories of me.
I'm happy for him.
But is he happy?

It makes me upset thinking he's happier without me.
That someone else is making him happy.
I'm missing him already. And I think I'm regretting.

But I can't. I can't let myself regret.

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Oh yeah! My first ever finished fic!


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Chapter 6: Like it <3 It's perfect for this rainy day *puppy eyes*
Chapter 4: Awe, this is really cute. And like, is she like writing all of this in her journal/diary or something?^^