Ma Boy Ma Girl Chapter 2~

Oh Ma Boy Oh Ma Girl (Reopened)

Jiyong’s POV

“Yah! Hyung!” He shushed me and I saw his serious yet gentle expression as he watched Yuri sleep her head

“Don’t be so loud okay?” He softened his tone his gaze not moving form Yuri

“OHH sorry..” I turned back around and glanced at Taeyeon who was humming music closing her eyes, head back into the car seat, relaxing

“Jibe Gamjima Baby~” She sang harmonizing with my voice on the track, I smiled and sipped some coke.

“Hey Jiyong is it okay if I call you Ji?” she questioned me her eyes still shut

“Yeah sure why not Tae?” Her eyes opened and she looked at me hung slightly open I winked at her and chuckled “

Close your mouth you’ll catch flies” I pushed her chin up with my fingers making shut

“Oh right..” she blushed removing her earphones

“So…how far are we?” I asked the driver

“Uh about another hour or two” He answered

“Right ok…” I replied and laid back into my seat staring at the roof of the minivan and turning the lights on and rummaging in my bag finding a packet of crisps then quickly opening them.

“Hey D’you want one? They’re only salted” I offered and she popped her hand into the packet and took a handful of crisps before placing one in at a time and crunching them in satisfaction.

“mmm” Taeyeon hummed then grinned at me “They’re really good!” she exclaimed 

“Do you have any tissues?”  “Tissues? Uh no I don’t think so…but hyung might have some…” I answered turning round to see that Seunghyun had fallen asleep as well, resting his chin on Yuri’s head, Yuri snuggled into his chest.

 Oh I better not bother them then

“Nah I don’t think hyung or Yuri can get any right now haha but don’t worry I’ll check my bag” Taeyeon nodded, her eyes locked on me, she gave me a look of curiosity as I rummaged and searched through my bag before finally pulling out a new clean packet of tissues.

“Oh thanks Ji” She said her lips curving upwards slightly

“It’s no prob but you have something there…” I leaned towards her and kissed her the salt from her soft lips she kissed me back then we separated

“Oh t-thanks…” she mumbled and wiped her hands with the tissue I gave her and smiled at me.

“Sorry I-I couldn’t help myself…Wait no that sounded dirty I-I meant that I uh wanted to uhm uh ok this is getting worse isn’t it?..” I stuttered frowning and avoiding Taeyeon’s eyes which I could feel were watching me.

“No don’t worry about it and you’re cute when you’re nervous” she smiled at me again leant her head on my shoulder and continued talking

“You know… you’re really kind to me Ji thank you for treating me so well I hope you keep treating me this way….”

Keep treating her this way?....Keep treating her this way....?Heh?

 “Of course I will” I paused “I’ll always look after you Tae” I kissed her on the head and rested my cheek on her hair then before we knew it we both dozed off.

Taeyeon’s POV

“Hey wake up sleepy Tae come on we’re almost there” I heard Jiyong’s voice as he gently tapped my shoulder I slowly opened my eyes rubbing them and yawning

“what time is it?”

“it’s half 1in the morning Tae” Jiyong chuckled quietly playing with my hair twirling strands of it in his fingers I groaned and snuggled further into Jiyong’s chest clutching onto his shirt

“Hey.. . Come on haha you’re even worse than me in the morning” he laughed lifting my head up

“I thought you fell asleep too.”

“I did” He answered

“But Shin woke me up to tell me we were almost there so I thought I’d wake you too, we have about 10 minutes left we’ll be there in no time” Jiyong gave me his signature wide smile showing every single pearly white tooth he had.

“Ahh ok” I nodded and stretched out then tied my hair into a ponytail, gathered my items and packed my brush, makeup and almost packed Jiyong’s tissues

“Oh sorry I almost forgot ..” I handed Jiyong the tissues and he frowned

“What’s wrong?” I asked furrowing my eyebrows confused. 

“Oh nothing I was just hoping you would keep them I gave them to you so you can have them.” He answered looking at me with his chocolate brown eyes that melted me instantly

“Thank you very much, I’ll only use them when I need to cos they’re special.” I replied blushing at him packing the packet of tissues in the most secure pocket of my bag.

“So are you….” My voice trailed off hoping he understood what I had meant he gave me an even bigger grin (if that was possible) and he eyes lit up

“And you're very ticklish..” He gave me a sly look and tickled my stomach I laughed trying to wriggle away and tickled him back we both ended up in hysterics

“Wait wait stop stop hahaha I can’t breathe hahah” Jiyong laughed trying to calm himself while I continued laughing and clapping laying on his lap covering my stomach.

“You guys ok back there?” Shin sniggered at the sight of us

“You kids sure have a lot of energy” After calming down Jiyong took a gulp of water and shared the bottle with me

“Thank you Ji” I said trying not to burst out in laughter again I noticed him trying to the same and we avoided eye contact with each other for a few minutes. I turned around peering to the very back seats

“Hey how are you guys doing back there?” Seunghyun stirred for a few seconds and woke up

“Oh sorry I forgot you guys fell asleep” I apologized

“Nah don’t worry about it, hey Yul wakey wakey” he nudge her once then kissed her forehead and patted her hair until she awoke

“Yul? Is she now? Yah! Don’t you ever ,ever hurt her understand?! Or you’ll have me to answer to.” I spoke sternly looking him in the eye and he nodded with a serious expression

“Good.”. Yuri rubbed at her eyes and stretched her arms then laid back onto Seunghyun’s chest I smiled and turned back around to lay my head on Jiyong’s shoulder as he protectively wrapped his arm around me nestling his head in my hair.

Seunghyun’s POV

Yuri straightened herself up and began to gather her bags together

“No don’t I’ll carry them for you” I said picking up her bags

“Trust me it’s fine you look tired so I’ll carry them for you ok?” 

“Oh thanks Op- I mean Tabi” she smiled as I beamed at her.

“Okay guys we’re here the manager said to get lots rest and we have a day off tomorrow so make the most of it, oh and he said there was some kind of a surprise for us at the hotel?” Jiyong told us with a slightly confused expression.

“We’re here already?” Yuri asked in surprise putting on her sunglasses. Surpressing the urge to fangirl... Yuri brushed out the knots in her hair and put it up into a messy ponytail which made her look even more attractive than before. She was still wearing the cropped top and skinny jeans and her hoodie

“Aren’t you gonna be cold?” Asked Taeyeon in surprise scanning Yuri up and down with her eyes

“Yeah but I don’t have a coat I didn’t think we’d be getting back so late..” She pouted tugging at her shirt hoping it would lengthen but of course, it didn’t.

“Hey uhmm you can have mine” I interjected receiving a thankful look from Yuri and an astonished face from Taeyeon

“T.O.P from Big Bang removing a layer of clothing?! That’s unheard of isn’t it?” She snickered raising her hand to and shocked.

“Thanks Tabi but… you’re already carrying my bags I don’t want you to be cold either…”

“Nah honestly I really don’t mind doing favours for you” I smiled handing her my coat

“No seriously you know what we can share neither us have to be cold and I’ll carry one bag” Yuri replied grabbing one of her bags before I could react and covering herself and me in my coat

“Just hold the inside and we’ll have a barrier from the cold” She grinned at me and ran her fingers through my bright blue hair I closed my eyes and made a rumbling sound in my throat smirking. I opened my eyes to see the huge hotel next to our minivan and we all gathered our belongings then exited the car.

“Oh and Seunghyun we’ve already dropped everyone’s luggage here too they’re in your rooms now you just have to sign in and get the keys and sleep well!” Shin told me smiling as he opened the minivan doors for us. We exited the van and body guards swarmed us keeping a wall between us and fans that, even though it was freezing, had come out at this time in the morning and were all screaming and shouting our names. Yuri and I shared the coat making a barrier against the cold air as she had planned and wind I glanced down to see her pushing her cheeks into my coat and letting out a warm sigh.

Once we entered the warm building I grabbed her bags and before she could protest Jiyong and I made our ways to the reception counter

“Names please”

“Choi Seunghyun”

“Kwon Jiyong”

“Let me see….ah there you are room number 3105” the woman handed us the room keys

“Thank you” We replied and returned to Taeyeon and Yuri who were almost nodding off to sleep in the lounge area’s soft couches  

“Hey come on Yul not this again” I chuckled helping her up

“Oh sorry  I’m just so.. *yawns* sleepy…” while she rubbed her eyes I took her hand and headed for the lift

“Yah hyung!” Jiyong yelled

“We’ll be at the room if you need us!” I shouted over my shoulder two body guards followed us into the glass lift as it began to rise until we reached our floor we exited the lift and headed to our room swiping the key card I opened the door letting Yuri in first of course, then following her I noticed muffled music coming from somewhere.. a familiar tune…

“Hey Yul”

“ Yeah?”

“Uh.. where’s that noise coming from?”

“Oh uhm..” She searched her pockets to find her ipod playing out the loud music….

“Hey isn’t that…?" hmm… I remember that tune the electric guitars….and…

"Oh my goddd!" the iPod blasted out I recognised my voice she listens to MY MUSIC?! MINE?i mean yeah we did the collab performance but… Kwon Yuri listens to MY MUSIC! OMO OMO OOOOMMMMOOO!!!!!!!!

“H-hey isn’t that….OH Mom?” I asked Yuri as she blushed a crimson colour

“uh n-no what are you t-talking about?!” She lied scrambling for headphones in her pockets

“Hey there’s nothing wrong with it ahah” I chuckled slightly and grabbed her headphones from her clutch brushing against her soft hands. O.O uh say something Seunghyun you can’t kiss her again remember?! Knowing each other first right?! Yeah uh knowing each other.…  I tried to ignore the fact my heart was beating so fast

“So you listen to my music huh?” I smirked staring straight into her eyes she cleared .

“Y-yeah I do I uh found the song and thought it was sad but meaningful and I loved your voice…I mean in this song! I loved your voice in this song! Y-our singing is really good you know?” She tried to recover but my gaze may have broken her.

 “Well then thank you for listening and buying the song” I smiled at her

“It’s my pleasure I loved how you put all your emotions into to it it’s really my favourite song” She answered fidgeting with her nails.

“T-thank you” I replied staring longingly at her lips I so want to kiss her right now but no Seunghyun now is NOT the time she’s tired and needs sleep I better not keep her awake too long  Yuri yawned covering making me snap out of my thoughts and focus

“See you’re sleepy aren’t you? Come on get ready for bed” I said taking her bags from her and heading towards one of the bedrooms opening the door to find a sight I was dreading…


“Yeah Tabi?”

“There’s only one bed in here…” I replied setting her bags on the end of the soft ,foam matress of the king sized bed infront of me most definitely for two people, oh so this is what the boss said was the surprise =.= I sighed realizing that I was just as sleepy as Yuri was

“Really? How big is it?”  how big is it is that all she’s concerned about?

“How big is it?...Well it’s a king size one….” I rubbed the back of my neck and Yuri silently appeared behind me

“hmm…. Well then me and you in this on Ji and Tae in the other one all sorted right?”

“WOAH when did you get here?!!” I stumbled back onto the bed and Yuri laughed at my clumsiness (who doesn’t?)

“Sorry haha I thought you’d notice me come in oh yeah I took off my shoes you probably didn’t hear me then” Yuri laughed gathering her bags and putting them in a cupboard along with her clothes she had brought.  She picked up a towel and shampoo along with her tooth brush and bathing soaps heading towards the bathroom

“I’ll be quick don’t worry” Yuri rushed into the bathroom closing the door behind her and soon I could hear the sound of water running.

I took this opportunity to explore the rooms the other bedroom also had a kingsize bed and a view of the city below us like ours did I went to the front door again, took off my shoes, grabbed a bottle of water and a chocolate bar then had my midnight snack.

Soon the sound of water running stopped and I heard the bathroom door open to see Yuri walked out with her long jet black hair drenched and wrapped in a small towel and she hopped into some slippers wearing a towel around her and nothing more. She glanced at me for a split second and smiled then closed the bedroom door I sat down on the couch in front of the TV and turned it on surfing the channels, one even had a rerun of our performance , the title lied claiming it was a live stream which of course it wasn’t .

Only a few minutes later Yuri explored the kitchen area in her pj’s wearing black jogging bottoms and a white tank top her hair still soaked and slightly dripping as she combed through  it twice then plopped the comb on the sofa tying her hair into a messy high pony tail. Opening the fridge she found herself some lettuce, butter, ham and cucumber then opened the cupboard grabbing the loaf of bread then unravelling the packet and proceeded to making herself a sand which

“The manager didn’t drop off a lot of food this is all we’ve got and room service isn’t open this late.”

“Do you want one?” She continued moving round the kitchen grabbing plates and a knife.

“Yes please” I replied my lips I headed over to her and wrapped my arms around her from behind , kissed her on the head and let go

“I’ll have my bath then while you make them” parting from her then picking up my toiletries and entering the bathroom.


Jiyong’s POV

“We’ll be in the room if you need us!” and they entered the glass lift *yawn*

“so…. you tired?” I asked Taeyeon who was admiring the large open space of the hotel

“yes but… can we explore the hotel a bit? Just to see what there is….” Taeyeon replied still awed by the modern design of the building.

“Yeah sure Tae, hey uhm Whan could you take her bags up to the room please?”

“Of course Mr. Kwon” The body guard took the handbags and left walking briskly toward the lift.

“We’re gonna explore guys we’ll be back in like what? 30minutes? If we aren’t back by then give me a call.” I shouted over my shoulder grabbing Taeyeon by the hand and quickly walking out of the check in heading for the arcade.

“Woah” Taeyeon breathed out her eyes lit up looking at the array of arcade games in front of her, there was even air hockey in this large room

“This room is huge, for an arcade room at least” She added hands still clasped in mine. I smiled at her she’s cute and she doesn’t even know it

Taeyeon turned to me “Air hockey?” She asked with a grin

“Fine but don’t get sad when I beat you” I answered cockily

“Oh I’m not the one who will be crying” She teased and playfully stuck her tongue out at me and drifted to the air hockey table taking a mallet and paying the machine the correct amount of change.

“Whenever you’re ready” She teased lifting the puck and placing it on the table ready to serve.

“I’m ready when you are” I replied and with that she hit the puck at me I managed to counter hit it sending it flying back to her she whacked it again, laughing, jumping up and down when she scored.

“Oh not today Kim Taeyeon” I muttered smirked at her and hit the puck at her she tried to hit for it and missed giving me a goal. I stuck my tongue out at her then smiled ,she grinned at me

“hmmm not too bad for a rapper”

“Not too bad for a singer” I retorted and soon enough after a long match she had won. Her hits were strong definitely different from her innocent and slightly helpless image she could give off.

“Nice one!” I yelled high fiving her pulling her into a hug then we both still holding hands jumped  up and down she giggled when we stopped as a cleaner walked near the door, paused, gave a us a strange look, shook his head and carried on.

We tried to keep straight faces but burst out laughing,eventually we got carried away and I tickled her she wriggled away attempting to tickle me laughing uncontrollably and running around the room as I chased soon we were out of breath and the fact we were hysterically laughing made it even harder to catch our breath back. I squatted down covering my face with my hands laughing and trying to calm myself down.

Taeyeon knelt next to me covering her face but I could see behind her hands she was grinning and even giggled a few times before closing her eyes, exhaling , then fanning her face, clearing and turning to me

“Well seeing as I won fair and square you have to buy me something….like… ice cream!” she exclaimed smiling showing her perfect white teeth.

“Whatever you want Tae say the word and I’ll get it for you my lil princess!” I grinned at her standing up lifting her with me taking her by the hand

“Now let’s get you that ice cream!” still smiling I led her out of the arcade and to the café that was not too far from the restaurant

“Wait what’s your favourite flavour?”

“Oh uhm….. Strawberry!” She exclaimed brightly its sweet just like her

“hey me too! ” I beamed at her and took out my wallet removing my card from it. While I struggled to balance both things Taeyeon slipped the wallet from me

“I’ll hold it for now until we get the ice cream”

“Thanks Tae”

“No prob Ji~” She cooed still grinning at the fact we were going to get ice cream.

I stepped forward with Taeyeon and ordered the icy dessert “Thank you” I said to the man at the till his work crew stood frozen stiff with mouths gapping open in shock.

“Here ya go Tae!” I gave her the ice cream which was in a small cup.

“Thanks Ji” I glanced down to notice she didn’t have my wallet in her hand anymore….

“Where’s my wallet?” I asked panicking

“Don’t worry Ji its in my front pocket see.” I motioned to her pocket and thankfully there it was.

“Do you want it back now or when we sit down?”

“When we sit will be fine.” I replied letting go of her hand and wrapping my arm around her shoulder.

We found ourselves a nice spot in the almost deserted café and sat on comfy seats I scanned the room noticing the red a pink hearts on the walls and the heart shaped desgins for the back of the chairs yep a couple café

“Hey Ji isn’t this a- “Yeah it is” I interrupted her gazing at her cute expression

“What do I have something on my face or are you just creeping on me?” She asked playfully flicking my hair

“Heeellllloooo? Mister one of a kind? G-D Jiyong Ji!” She prodded my arm until I snapped out of my daydreams

“Sorry aha I was just looking at you…. N-not in that way!” I answered flustered I took a quick scoop of my ice cream avoiding Taeyeon’s eyes

“I’m sure you were” She replied winking and eating her ice cream.

After a few minutes we finished and stood up to leave. A waitress quickly came and wiped the table down of any small drops of ice cream left. Taeyeon grabbed my hand this time and skipped out of the café humming ‘BadBoy’

“Come on its getting way too late we should catch up on sleep.” She beamed at me as we crossed the large reception to the lifts on the other end and quickly jumped into a lift that was about to leave which opened its doors again letting a body guard or two in. Taeyeon yawned and stretched still holding my hand

“You tired then?”

“Yeah” She replied barely leaning her head on my arm she is really so small for her age I mean I’m short and she’s tinier then me…. O.o  ‘Ding’ Taeyeon glanced up slightly dazed hesitated for a moment but then exited the lift with me and the bodyguards

“This way” He motioned towards the direction of the room and we followed him

“I wonder what Yuri’s been up to then alone with TOP” Taeyeon laughed nudging me I chuckled “

Who knows I mean he is the ‘player’ right?” We both snickered catching the attention of the guard

“We’re here” She said I slid the key card through the slot and opened the door leading Taeyeon inside.

As soon as we entered we saw Yuri and Seunghyun lounging together on the couch watching TV Yuri was curled up in a ball snuggling into Seunghyun’s strong body resting her head on his chest while he wrapped his arms around her protectively twisting the loose strands of hair falling from her ponytail with his fingers.

“Ah anyeon”  he greeted us he never looks so chilled out hyung is always rushing around or smoking a cig when he’s stressed or drinking sometimes he even just sits alone staring into space but now he looks like he is actually happy again with her. Hyung treat her well so you don’t lose her, please.

“aneyeon” I answered for both Taeyeon and myself while we took off our shoes then headed to the room on the right

“That’s our room.” Seunghyun quickly interjected before we came close to the handle

“oh what us two? Ah okay I’ll jus- “No Jiyong its mine and Seunghyun’s room see” Yuri added smiling at me

“Ohhhh okay but then where will I sleep?”

“With Taeyeon of course” Seunghyun chuckled whispering something in Yuri’s ear making her laugh and poke him.

“Uh… hey Yuri are you sure you want to share a room with a boy?” Taeyeon asked with a slightly anxious and confused expression

“Yes I’m sure I made the arrangement after all” She laughed

“Woah you did?!” Taeyeon questioned eyes wide

“Nice one then Yuri you go girl!” Tae jokingly added giving Yuri an over exaggerated thumbs up and wink which Yuri copied her adding even more of a ridiculous look to the wink. Seunghyun chuckled covering his mouth. Yuri poked his side(Seunghyun is extremely ticklish) causing him to break down into slight giggles aish really hyung your manliness just went down the drain right there and then *facepalm*

“Come on Ji lets leave them to it” Taeyeon brought me to the room at the end of the short hallway opening the white modern door.

 “Wow it’s so nice in here and airy” Taeyeon let go of my hand and twirled around playfully poking me and giggling to herself

“Yeah it sure is huh?” I chuckled shaking my head at her cute performance. Our luggage was already set up for the mini field trip we were going to have and tomorrow was going to be the only day off -other than today of course Taeyeon emptied her bags unpacking makeup and makeup wipes ,shampoos ,hair oils, creams and shower gels.

 “I’ll have a quick shower” She said darting into the en suite. I unpacked all my hand luggage and just as she promised Taeyeon was quickly out of the bathroom already changed into her Minnie mouse pj’s her strawberry blonde hair in a bun dripping.

“Alright my turn then” I entered the marble white bathroom and undressed leaping into the shower until I was splashed with nice hot water.

After I had finished I dried myself and pulled on some track suit bottoms then grabbed a mickey mouse t-shirt and yanked it on, opened the door and took my old clothes to my suitcase I ped it and placed the dirty clothes in a bin bag that was already pre packed. I looked around the room to find it empty she must of gone to the living room for something to drink I thought as I padded to the kitchen area and there she was wearing her Minnie pj’s she rushed towards me and gave me a hug

“Missed me?” I teased she rubbed her head into my chest.

She lifted her head up to face me and pecked my lips then turned round pulling my hand and sat down on the other end of the sofa I sat down next to her. Taeyeon then lifted her feet onto the couch and leant on my side placing one hand on my chest she laid her head on my shoulder then lifted it so I could cuddle my arms round her.

Yuri’s POV

30 minutes passed since we had all sat down together to watch the TV but we all knew none of us were watching the programs we just loved the atmosphere and wanted to stay here like this for longer and longer but soon the yawning increased it was obvious we were all pooped from all that singing and dancing. Seunghyun picked up the remote and switched the TV off but of course nobody protested I stood up breaking out of Seunghyun’s protective yet warm embrace he gave me a look of slight sadness. 

“Hey Tabi don’t be sad we can go to bed now come on” I reached out my hand and he took it standing up with me and we walked past Jiyong and Taeyeon who were starting to get up as well and got to our room.

Seunghyun opened the door for me letting me walk in first and I took the kind gesture entering the room as he closed the door behind us he was oddly quiet I was still holding his hand leading him to the bed.

"Hey Yuri... what was the kiss onstange for?"

She winked at me and led me to the edge of the matress.

We got into bed, I laid down facing the wall and Seunghyun lay next to me hugging me from behind. I clutched onto his hands that were wrapped around my waist I felt his warm body cover me,keeping me heated until we fell asleep. Everything turned black as my heavy eyelids finally closed. I think I know who I want to be with and…… that person is you. 



A/N : 16.3.14

Oh dear God. What did I write?! What was I thinking?! Oh my gosh I'm just cringing at how mushy this is.

I mean come on.... sure it was my first fic, but didn't I re-read it at least once?! Arrrghhhhh it's making me cringe...!!! Eeeeeeek. 

I mean sure it's fluff but still.... Jesus... what in the world...

Sorry about this folks, the next chapter is gonna be completely different.

I left this fic for a few months and this chapter was made in like September... Yeah long time this was how bad I was....-cringes again- yeeesssh. My toes are curling...

Anyways, Baiiiiii Lurrrve Chuu Ma TabiYuli Babiess<333

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gtaelovers #1
Chapter 3: I like long chapter..but your's really make me read so offense ok..please write this in paragraph what i mean is when they talked.
only few who wrote yuri x top
i like the story but can you divide 1 pov into several paragraf so it will be easy to read
thx for update
I really like the story ^ ^ They are so shy and cute > < I'm dying to know what will happen between Tae and GD <3

Please update soon ^^
Chapter 1: Hey could i have some feedback please I was going to carry this on if you guys like it