Ma Boy Ma Girl Chapter one~

Oh Ma Boy Oh Ma Girl (Reopened)

“Touch the sky touch the sky touch the sky!” yelled TOP as he practiced for the concert on the other hand his bored partner G-Dragon sat next to him with a blank expression

“Seriously?! This again, you’ve been doing this for ages hyung” he whined knowing that TOP was the last person to ever be sensible and calm off stage.

“Alrighty guys I need you two to practice the routine for the concert okay? We’ve set up the stage already.” Shouted a member of staff who was also offstage.

GD&TOP were having a 2013 comeback and this concert was reruns of old and new songs since their 2010 collab went so well. Not only that but they were having two special guests for this comeback and these stars had never made songs let alone had performances with BigBang seeing as they were from SM and to top it all off Jiyong and Seunghyun had massive crushes on them the grown men even fangirled when they watched the girl group’s new music videos.

“Okay girls, come on in!” they heard a staff member yell whilst leading the girls slowly into the concert arena.

Jiyong’s POV

Damnit! They’re already here?! Damn! Eotteoke??! Ok Ji slow down it’s just like a normal collab right?! Just ignore the fact that you will be singing with amazing beautiful talented dancers and singers one of which you have a crush on!! Wait does my breath stink? Is my hair ok?! Do I have something on my face?!

I reached into my back pocket and unfortunately I didn’t find any mints or gum. I glanced over at Seunghyun who even though had a slightly nervous expression seemed pretty relaxed then I saw why, he was chewing something obviously it had to be minty right? When did he start chewing that? I don’t remember seeing him slip whatever he was eating into his mouth....hmmm I thought to myself zoning out again until I noticed someone shake my shoulders it was a member of the hair and makeup crew.

“Jiyong! Come on it’s time for you to get changed and do your makeup, hair and wardrobe plus the girls are coming you need to greet them, I’ll be waiting in the makeup room you and Seunghyun come when you’re ready, but don’t take too long!”     She yelled motioning to the makeup room as she spoke then left and quickly as she came.  

 Damn I spaced out again >.< I need to work on that... 

“Oh hyung!” I shouted to Seunghyun hoping he hadn’t zoned out too since he had stopped making any noise since 5 minutes ago

“Hmm?” he answered barely paying attention to anything other than the girls who were chatting and laughing sitting on the stage.

“Could I have like a mint or something?”

“Don’t have any.” He answered trying to look serious and suddenly ceasing his chewing immediately.

“Really? I’m not stupid Hyung I saw you chewing” I answered irritated.

“W-wait you did? I mean uh... N-no I wasn’t?” He is the worst liar I have ever met in my entire life. I gave him a blank look. “Fine.” He sighed handing me a packet of gum he seemed to have another two in his pocket.

“Thanks hyung you’re a life saver!” he responded with a shake of his head and a smirk then turned around again.

“Oh and Aymee said it’s time for wardrobe and everything”

“Oh good thing too I can finally get changed outta these.. Things” he answered making a disgusted face pointing to his old jogging bottoms and baggy shirt.

We then made our way to the cluttered wardrobe and were handed our outfits I was given a black jacket with red hemming with a black shirt, skinny jeans and white high top shoes and Seunghyun given a green clinging button up jacket, black shirt, black skinny jeans and matching shoes. Then both of us walked briskly to our changing room. Once we were inside Seunghyun’s calm appearance was lost and he unravelled

“OH MY GOSH! Ji they’re really here!!!! Pinch me tell me this isn’t a dream! Wait does my hair look bad we have to walk near where they are for hair and makeup..!”His eyes widened in realization and anxiety

“Don’t worry about it hyung we’ll just walk past no problem right? I mean they’ll still be chatting won’t they? I bet they won’t even notice.” I tried to reassure him even though I’m just as much of a nervous wreck as he is right now.

We both look at each other and nod in agreement and determination we are not messing this up! >:3. Then we undressed and got changed into our stage costumes and Seunghyun almost toppled over a few times when trying to pull on his jeans  How this guy look so cool on TV then be so clumsy backstage I’ll never know..

During the time I was tying my shoes I looked up to see him staring at his reflection in the mirror pfft typical while running his fingers through is bright mint hair and coming up with I swear more than a hundred different expressions before finally giving out a sigh and putting on his shoes.

After we had gotten ourselves ready we rushed out of the changing rooms my long hair was still in the fantastic baby style and kept slapping me in the face and eyes as we walked. But my hunch was wrong as we approached the front of the stage the girls were chatting, I noticed one look at us and the talking stopped then both smiled at me blushing.

Seunghyun’s POV

Oh great they’ve noticed us… OMO OMO She’s staring right at me!!!

I smiled abit at her before she looked back down to her phone and turned to her bandmate and giggled showing her a picture. Or is she? Wait is my hair a mess or something? Oh I was doing my stupid grin wasn’t i? -.- damnit why do I have to be like this all the time..?

I blushed turning completely red and the two girls jumped down from the stage and walked past and she brushed past me omo omO oMO OMO OMO!!  Gave me a wink then carried on walking in her slightly cropped top,skinny jeans and hoddie .  Finally after what seemed like a lifetime we made it to the hair and makeup department and sat down.

The stylists did quick jobs as usual my hair was parted from the left side and combed upwards and supported by gels and styling oils and Jiyongs was slightly cut shorter but still long, black , with blue tips like before.

When the stylists started our makeup there was a problem the girls were here they must have been here for a while though maybe while our hairs were being washed? But they were sitting in the seats next to me getting their hair sorted out for the performance and one glanced at me and smiled *internal fangirly scream* but I gave her an expressionless face and only somewhat smiled for 1 second before being asked to close my eyes and lean back into the chair. Then we were done that was quicker than I thought

“Okay TOP you’re done get back to the stage and you too GD while we finish with the girls”

We both nodded and shuffled awkwardly out of the room and scurried back to stage 30 minutes till the concert.. I thought staring at the ground almost as if I was examining it

“hey hyung” I looked  slightly down to Jiyong who was staring back at me and fidgeting with his buttons on his jacket

“…d’you think this will go well? what if I mess up or something?!” I heard the worry in his voice but gave him a reassuring smile

“nah you won’t trust me you never forget lyrics”

“yeah but we’re gonna be performing with Taeyeon and Yuri from Girl’s Generation you know I have a crush on Taeyeon and you have a crush on Yuri.. so what if…” his voice trailed off but I put both my hands on his shoulders and slightly shook him

“Look Ji we’ll be absolutely fine don’t you worry about it one bit okay? Otherwise I might mess up” I chuckled trying to make him feel a bit better and it somewhat worked. That was until Yuri came in from behind the curtain

“uhm.. excuse me… I never got to fully introduce myself.” I heard a voice come from behind me

“uhm… hello.. my name is Yuri from SNSD I mean I-I know you were probably told already but I just wanted to uhmm say it to you in person..”  She looked down at the floor woah she’s shy? Huh.. strange maybe I’m making her feel uncomfortable..

“Uh no its fine I think you might know but hey whatever right? Hello I’m T.O.P but you can call me TOP or Seunghyun if you’d like to, whichever one you prefer I don’t mind” I smiled at her slightly, she lifted up her head to face me and smiled sweetly

“o-ok” and she blushed wait why is she blushing so much? I don’t get it oh wait…. I realised that the only reason she lifted her head was because I had put my hand on my chin and tilted her head up

Oh uh sorry about that..” I pulled my hand away

“N-no its fine really…” she smiled and blushed even more from embarrassment.

“Okay I want TOP and Yuri onstage for mic checks!” yelled a staff member while we were pushed through the curtains onstage.

Jiyong’s POV

After TOP and Yuri left I was alone with Taeyeon.. that’s when the awkward silence set in

“So uh.. h-how are you?...”

“m-me i-I’m good..” she squeaked okay come on Ji just be charismatic like Seunghyun

 “A little nervous Taeyeon?” I gave her an open mouth smiled and she finally relaxed

“yeah I mean working with big stars like you I never thought I would ever get this kind of an opportunity it’s really amazing to be here ^.^” woah that’s deep…  I cleared my throat

“uh yeah ^.^ I think so too. what a weak reply Ji..

“infact..” Taeyeon fidgeted with her fingers “I-I’m actually a huge fan of BigBang and GD&TOP but I especially like your videos and songs” 

My eyes widened wait what? She is a fan …of me? She smiled at me and I did the same

“Woah s’cuse me guys”emerged a voice from behind a large wheeled table piled with cables,spare mics,towels,waterbottles,CD’s and snacks was being rolled past

“Oh right sorry” I said and I moved forward knocking Taeyeon backwards as she lost her balance luckily I caught her in the nick of time

“I’m so sorry Tae really oh my gosh I didn’t mean to honestly uhm are you ok?”

“y-yeah I’m fine” I pulled her up accidently hugging her as I did.

“HEY Taeyeon Jiyong ! come on your turn for the dreaded mic check!” boomed the stage directors voice the sound crew all went to work putting on our mics and earpieces on us but taeyeons earpiece was loose so I helped her out a bit..

“Oh hey lemme get that for ya” I fastened it behind her ear with the tape properly and grinned

“there ya go!”

“Thanks G-J-Jiyong.” She stuttered.  woah there what the heck am I doing?! First the hug now fastening her earpiece for her .. I cleared my throat

“uh yeah n-no problem..” I muttered looking down at my feet.

“Okay guys say anything into the mics we oughta make sure that they’re at the right volumes in concert alright Jiyong you first”

“Ok..” I mumbled


“hmm a bit louder say something to the ‘crowd’”

I nodded “HOW IS EVERYBODY DOING TONIGHT?” I yelled into the mic “how’s that?”.

“Alright perfect now for you please Taeyeon”

“Oh right ok..uhmm.. h-hello?HELLOOOO?” she giggled oomooooo aeygo :3 so much aeygo!  We all laughed me and Taeyeon teary whilst making faces and doing silly impressions wow she’s she’s fantastic baby (I had to do that x3)and so easy to talk to.. :o

“Okay your mic is most definitely working Taeyeon lets just turn Ji’s volume up a little bit….and there we go! Off you go guys do what you want we’ll call you in when it’s time for the show!” 15 minutes till the show and where in the world is seunghyun?

Seunghyun’s POV

Yuri and I walked off the side of the stage after we were dismissed

“So…what do you wanna do?” I asked strolling next to her

“hmm… Im not sure to be honest with you what is there to do?” she questioned looking up to me her brown eyes staring straight into mine

“I mean there isn’t much to do here you know Yuri so we could go outside for fresh air I guess? Uhm play on the iPads explore or just plain mess around” I suggested that’s it just act cool...she won’t notice my nerves.... just be cool...

 “let’s go outside then” she replied smiling

“come on I know the way!” when she grabbed my hand I noticed how soft they were and her slight giggle as we ran along.

Once we reached the doors to the outside grassy area behind the arena and opened it we inhaled the fresh crisp air still holding hands while looking out to see beyond the fencing hundreds of fans VIP’s and SONE’s together entering the building .

“Wow..” I mumbled…

“I know isn’t it nice here? It’s so peaceful..” she replied.

Yuri’s POV

Wow…he’s actually here I didn’t think he’d want to come outside guess I judged too quickly then.

I glanced up at Seunghyun while he wasn’t looking to admire him Woah he is so handsome  I viewed at all his features his prominent jawline, perfect neck , slightly curled soft looking lips, well-shaped eyebrows , cute ears , slim nose, perfect cheekbones ,slim face and piercing, intense dark eyes.

“Wow” his low voice rumbled

“I know it’s nice here isn’t it? It’s so peaceful..” I scanned him up and down noticing how tall he was

“hey tall are you?” He furrowed his eyebrows

“how tall am I ? Stand up and take a guess” he winked at me and smirked

I blushed and giggled a little then stood up the top of my head just about reached his collarbone and I leaned on him a bit we stayed like that for a while and he hugged me for most of it..

“oh uh sorry” I stepped back realising what I was doing

“no no its fine I liked it anyways..uh that sounds weird doesn’t it?” he chuckled showing off his dimples he has dimples? Aaaawwh so cute x3 and his teeth maybe crooked but they’re adorable ^.^ I relaxed and laughed along with him ring ring!

 “Oh one moment.” He politely excused himself walking towards the fence away from me

“Oh yeah sure fine..yeah no prob we’ll be there!” then he hung up

“time to go back Yul and don’t call me oppa give me a nick name I came up with yours now you come up with mine!~” he smirked at me again took my hand leading us back to the arena.

We returned to find Taeyeon and Jiyong teary eyed and laughing hysterically Taeyeon almost falling out of her seat but Jiyong catching her making them both burst into laughter even more and she calls me immature pfft x3 they somehow managed to calm down by not looking at each other whilst the styling team did touch ups again.

“People, people the fans are in the arena so let’s get ready to go shall we?” the manager shouted.

“Alright let’s do this hwaiting!”yelled Jiyong to the others as we lined up waiting for the doors to open.

GD! TOP!!!! TAEYEON!!!! YURI!!!!! G-DRAGON SSHI!!! AHHHH!!!!! The crowd screamed waving their flashing neon lights and Fan signs woah well this is gonna be tough I better not mess this up right now.. the first song was High High.

as the music began we took our places “Okay party people in the house!!! Sorichyeo areseo moseo T.O.P class I’m mister G in da club in my b-boyish stance, jnjja nol jul ounen do jedaro teojin kamsok everybody makin’ move makin’ move daenggyeojwo!” GD sung jumping around the stage while me and Taeyeon were behind him like back up dancers

“HIGH HIGH IM SO HIGH HIGH HIGH UP IN DA SKY!” we all yelled into the mics.


“G-H-E-T-T-O E-L-E-C-T-R-O! Michil ji moreujyo mallijima here we go! Go! Go! Go!Go! Aiiiiigghht!” “High high im so high fly fly touch the sky a a ah high high high high high say la la lalala high high high high high aiiiiggghhtt!” The music stopped as we were in our finishing pose and prepared for the next song…

Seunghyun’s POV

“Oh yeah oh o-oh yeah! T.O.P!” I sung winking at the camera fanservice  as usual ;)

“Oh yeah o-oh yeah GD!SNSD!Let's go!” GD Yelled into the mic stepping forward grabbing Taeyeon’s hand then walking around the stage with her

“sarangeun falling ne mal hanmadimyon nomoga! Gwisine hollin debut nol bomyon nega nomoga tinegin siljiman you rock my world ne mame gorin dedabeun hangsang oh yes girl(Taeyeon sang boy)!” Taeyeon and GD sang together skipping around stage rocking their hands about in the air.

“akyoun han madi!” Yuri sang

“salgyoreul gakkai, nol jolde silmangsikiji ana girl I promise!”I replied the mic centimetres from my mouth

“urineun dalmeunkkul nameulgwa daerun soul!”

“jiruhan sesanguel deungejio lets rock and roll!” We sang holding eachothers hand and smiling at the crowd cheerfully moving to the right so Taeyeon could do the chorus

“mm oneulchorom byori bitnaneun bame hengun-eui yegami uril burene areum daun soriro jillojwo like this like this like thiss!~” “OH YEAH (oh yeah) oh oh oh (now I’m feelin like) Oh yeah! (oh yeah jebal nal nomchuji ma) oh yeah (oh oh oh my my my) oh yeah! (oh yeah ,yeah yeah yeah!)”

“geunden style buto smile kkaji modeun ge da good~” I sang staring straight at the camera and raising my eyebrows then lifted mine and Yuri’s hands to the air

“jomjom soroege ppajyodeuneun urideul!” She responded with a grin on her face and continued to sing the lyrics that had been changed by the manager before the performance she blushed

“biwojineun naye cup!”

“ni hyanggiro I’ll fill you up!” I sung turning my head towards her and winking to her I sang.

“Oh oh oh  oh oh yeah!” I moved the mic away from my mouth and so did she as we both turned our backs to the audience waiting from our next queue

“ah that was awkward wasn’t it?” she chuckled fanning her face

“Yeah I know right? He just had to change the words to those lyrics didn’t he haha” I tried to laugh it off but we both felt awkward and stiff until we had to turn back around to face the crowd and dance.

“Put your hands in the air put your hands in the air say yeah!” she yelled into the mic beaming 

“put your hands in the air put your hands in the air say yeaaahh!!!” I chorused making my right hand cup my ear toward the audience and somehow holing my mic at the same time.

“YYEEAAH!!!!” The fans squealed, screamed,shouted and laughed jumping up and down looking so happy and excited.

Wow how lucky are we ? amazing jobs and we get to enjoy it with fans I couldn’t ask for anything more ^.^ 

The song soon came to an end

“Oh yeah!” GD shouted

“OH YEAH!” I responded

“Oh yeaaaahhh~” the girls chorused Yuri holding my hand and leaning on my shoulder and I glanced to see Taeyeon doing the same to GD they most definitely suit each other I thought smiling to the camera and getting a squeeze form Yuri’s hand I looked down at her and she pecked my cheek as did Taeyeon to GD wait had they planned this? Is this fanservice or… wait do they mean it?  

I bit the inside of my lip then we all bowed and went back stage to get changed into our next outfits. Both me and Jiyong were given matching black sit coats black trousers and white shirts and I received and peace sign necklace while Jiyong was handed a peace ring ah Ppeogigayo must be next then and I not conscious of the girl’s still standing there took of my jacket and shirt and put my white one on and the suit coat on.

“OMO!” They squealed giggled and Yuri’s face flushed into a bright red colour

“jehsonhamida..” She apologized as she and Taeyeon grabbed their clothes and dashed to the backstage changing rooms.

“Seunghyun what the heck?! Did you even realise there were people here?! Hyung!”

“Oh what?..sorry I was just a bit.. dazed..” I answered weakly where’s Yuri? And Taeyeon?.. did they leave to get changed already? And what about that kiss on the cheek I don’t get it I’m too confused

“EARTH TO SEUNGHYUN!” Jiyong shouted I snapped out of my thoughts and blinked at him

“I spaced out didn’t I?”

“Yup.” He answered shaking his head

“What you thinking about?” Jiyong asked me furrowing his eyebrows at me

“oh nothing just the performance that’s all..”

“Well? What about the performance?”

“Don’t you remember Jiyong? She kissed me..”o.o

“what on the lips or on the cheek?”

“cheek.”I answered.

“Hmm… well that happened to me to I mean obviously it wasn’t Yuri that did it but gah you know what I mean.. maybe she likes you hyung ” He chuckled pulled his skinny jeans down and pulled the black trousers up and I did the same this time without tripping -_- Im sensing sarcasm  =.=” aishh really? He just has to get my hopes up doesn’t he.

After we had gotten dressed we walked up the backstage hall from the changing room to the back of the stage having a few snacks and water when the girls returned in tank tops and short shorts  fidgeting around especially Taeyeon who seemed to be pulling at the hem hoping for it to stretch somehow which of course it didn’t seeing as it is denim.

Yuri was in a violet tank top and black and white stone washed short shorts with black high heels with her long black hair down and messy in light curls Woah…she looks amazing O.O

“You look gorgeous Yuri” I complimented her and smiled

“You too” She answered then became flustered

“Oh I meant uh I didn’t mean you looked gorgeous I –I meant really handsome” She looked down to the ground biting her lip from embarrassment.

I was then sat down to have touch ups on my hair which was being combed upwards and sprayed with hair sprays and parted again then combed again and finally styled. After I was finished I stood up straightened out my suit coat and walked to behind the doors that lead to the stage. Jiyong ran up and joined me

“Ready Jiyong?” He nodded with a serious expression  into character already huh. soon we heard fans screaming our names as we walked to the front of the stage and the music began to play as we walked around in circles

“Peogigayo peogiga aju peogigayo peog peog~”

“Aju ppeogigayo aju peog ppeok ppeok ppeok ppeogigayo dulman bomyeon nado mollae ppeogigayo ani sogi gayo urigayo? Neon ppeogigayo~” I sang loud and clear as the crowd chanted our names as we danced and sang on stage.

Taeyeon’s POV

“Ah look at them” Yuri mumbled smiling at the monitor, at TOP who grinned at the camera.

“So what’s going on between you two?” I asked inquisitively playing with my hair.

“Oh us I don’t know  but you have to promise that you tell absolutely nobody about what im gonna say ok?” She made a stern face at me and started into my eyes



“Ok good.But I don’t know..I mean he’s nice and handsome definitely handsome and his voice is amazingly low but I doubt he’d date someone like me we’re from SM remember? Besides we only went outside for a while and nothing much happened…” She blushed

“Oh really nothing huh? Getting a bit shy thinking about it huh? Mmhmm.. nothing you say” I replied sarcastically

“Honest unnie nothing happened! We just hung out for a while is all…and when we came back we found you and GD in hysterics care to explain?”

“ah well..” great now I’m blushing -.- 

"See, after the mic checks me and Ji sat down for a bit talking about stuff and we happened to end up on the topic of awkward moments he told me how once he was on a japanese show where they had to go on a roller coaster and a haunted house and that off camera he kept cowering behind the staff members and trying to stay in the middle of people so he wouldn’t get scared but he screamed really loudly and sprinted out in the end” I smiled and giggled

“then we kept on laughing and falling over. He fell off his chair laughing so hard because I was laughing and then when he tried to get up he fell over again he’s so cute sometimes ya know?” I beamed at the monitor showing a rerun of Jiyong’s rap solo. Maybe I do like him.. a bit.

“Sup girls” We heard a familiar deep voice behind and turned to see TOP and Jiyong I ran and gave Jiyong a hug

“wish me luck” I said quickly moving towards the stage “

wait for me!” shouted Yuri who had just hugged TOP and gave him a smile before following me up to the stage. It was time for our collab song it was a cover of a song same dance though she better not forget the moves we practiced way too long for that  the music started

“Let’s go!” “SNSD GD&TOP! Baby stop breakin' ma heart, you heard me? No more next times I hope you got that boy!” Yuri sang sitting on one of the chairs onstage while I sat next to her and sung my part

“hey girls,it’s gonna be alright! Hey boys, you better make it right! Hey girls~”

“WE Gotcha Back got cha back g-g-g-gotcha back come on!” WE chorused

“malhaji anu dol alsu itda haet jahna nae mam eotteonji neon algo it getji geuraeseo midgo chamgo gidaryeotji~” I sang

“saran handa neun mal geuri eoryeonbni hanmadi marimyeon dweneun geol neon jakku byeonhae ga nado I jen jogem jichyeo ga oh oh”

“shigani galsurok deomoreu gesseo joha jilsurok naneun deo apeunde! Nal jom barabwa!” I sung loud and bold as the crowd cheered and clapped with the beat.

Seunghyun’s POV

“Oh ma boy oh ma boy baby!” I watched the monitor with Jiyong while Yuri and Taeyeon danced Don't body roll, don't body roll... ASDFGHJKL BODY ROLL! my eyes widened as I stared straight at Yuri and gulped

“What too much for you hyung?” Jiyong laughed at my look of astonishment with my mouth hung open like an idiot.

“H-hey you’re the one who was smiling at the screen like a ert a few seconds ago!” I argued but it was true he had been smiling at it and staring at only Taeyeon on the screen the whole time

“N-no I wasn’t!” Jiyong quickly tried to focus himself on something else but his eyes kept trailing back to the monitor.

“What’s wrong Jiyong? Too much for you?” I mocked sarcastically chuckling to myself not noticing the sound of high heels behind me

“But I don’t blame ya Ji I really like her you know? Like mega like her just don’t know how to say it…” I trailed off

“yeah I know what you mean it’s the same with me and Tae”

“Tae? Came up with a nickname have you?”

“Shut up hyung haha and besides you have to remember you keep calling her Yul” He jokingly said.

“Yeah I know haha no need to remind me”I answered and after a few seconds we were being greeted by none other than the two had were talking about.

“ah anyeonseo”

“anyeonseo” they replied Yuri walked into the room and put down her stuff and I don’t know what came over me but I made my way to her and hugged her from behind

“Good job Yul” I mumbled smiling she turned to see my face and was beaming at me

“Thank you”.

Then Yuri was sent off to get back and returned in a black and white mini dress which somewhat puffed out and the bottom her hair waved ,long and silky whereas I stayed in my black suit black skinny trousers and white shirt we went back to the stage for our duet. The heavy electric guitars played the rock like tune as we approached the mics .

“How could this happen to me but even worse…”

“….how could this happen to YOU OH my god”

“It began with a letter” Yuri sang

“That was the beginning of pain…”

“Ima tell it to you straight hey look” I finished the verse for her and carried on singing with her

“ nae sumi gappeun haru jeongsineobsi jinagago.”

“geu eonjenji cham meotjin” Yuri added

“neol mannangeon sojunghan inyeon..”

“OH MOM eottokkaehaeya haeyo mom bulboda tteugeoun igisimeun nareul georphine Oh my God!”

“Oh mom yaksokhalgeyo mom eojjeomyeo jonnayo ljen ni ijen oh my god oh my god!!!” We chorused.

On the final chorus we were laying on the stage with our cheeks touching as we lifted our mics to our mouths to give the last few ‘Oh moms’ we had left. The crowd roared at the performance.

Afterwards we were exhausted to find Taeyeon and Jiyong singing with each other on a karaoke app on the iPad so we let them be.Yuri tended to my face dabbing it with a towel and using the same one on her face, to cool us both down we drank ice cold bottles of water and laid on the soft couch in the lounge area.

“Thanks for that by the way” I shyly said

“You were really good in the performance too you know” I said hoping to get a reply

“It’s my pleasure and thanks but honestly I love your singing voice” She replied smiling at me she blushed and looked down and avoided my eyes

“hey what’s wrong?” I asked cupping and tilting up her face in my hands.

“Oh uhm nothing but I – I came up with a n-nick name for you..” she stuttered and curled stands of her hair around her fingers

“Okay what is it then?” I questioned furrowing my brows

“Tabi.” She answered biting her lip after

“D-Do you like it? I can change it if you want I mean you don’t have to-“

“No its perfect I love it” I interrupted smiling at her.She laid her hands on my shoulders and pushed them down slightly and kissed me. I felt a rush whizz through my body Ok Seunghyun keep calm just a kiss right? I closed my eyes and leaned into the kiss and she ran her hands through my hair I pulled her close then we broke apart when we heard footsteps

“S-sorry I don’t know why I did that” she mumbled looking at the ground again and backing away

“No wait stop its fine honestly…”

“It’s not that I don’t like you I just wanted to talk to you more but now I’ve rushed it haven’t I?” She asked me frowning

“Don’t be silly so what if we already kissed? Yes I do like you very much but that doesn’t mean we can’t get to know eachother right?” I comforted her squeezing her shoulder and pulled her in for one more hug

“Okay.. let’s start now.” She answered me burying her head in my collar bone.

“Hey you guys!” Jiyong yelled at us he an Taeyeon had finally finished singing the almost endless list of karaoke songs.

“Yeah Jiyong?”

“Boss says for us all to head to the hotel room but we’ll see you in the car we’ve already packed up our stuff so yeah see you in a bit”

“Yeah see ya” I answered turning towards Yuri who had her hands full with her bags, water bottle and snacks

“Now this isn’t gonna work” I chuckled at her pouting trying to balance all of the items she had

“Here lemme help” I took her two bags so all she was left with was water bottle after she had eaten her snack

“Thanks but I can carry-“Nope don’t you worry about it they aren’t heavy I’ll be fine I don’t want you to have aching shoulders after today so come on Jiyong and Taeyeon are waiting for us.”

I carried both bags easily in my right hand and held Yuri’s hand with my left as I led her to the car she leant on my arm as we walked out of the building to see fans screaming she hid half behind me covering her face

“Don’t worry about it they know it’s us anyways” I chuckled when she slowly crept out from behind me

“YURRII!!!! TOP OPPA!!! AAAHH!!!!” Fans screamed our names and Yuri politely smiled and waved before opening the door of the large car and putting her bags inside then we hopped in Yuri sat right next to me and rested her head on my shoulder I lifted my arm and wrapped it round her playing with her hair with my fingers .

Soon enough her breathing became heavy  oh she fell asleep already must have been tired then

“Yah hyung!” Jiyong said turning round to see us in the very back of the car

“Shhhhh!!” I hissed as Yuri stirred I shut my mouth and prayed she wouldn’t wake up thankfully she’s a deep sleeper.

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gtaelovers #1
Chapter 3: I like long chapter..but your's really make me read so offense ok..please write this in paragraph what i mean is when they talked.
only few who wrote yuri x top
i like the story but can you divide 1 pov into several paragraf so it will be easy to read
thx for update
I really like the story ^ ^ They are so shy and cute > < I'm dying to know what will happen between Tae and GD <3

Please update soon ^^
Chapter 1: Hey could i have some feedback please I was going to carry this on if you guys like it