

Dear readers/subscribers/upvoters

This is very important. I will re-write this one-shot again, making it longer than this and hopefully better. There may or may not be a sequel depending on the ending of this one-shot. 

The reason for me to re-write this one-shot again was because after reading it again and again, I detest it. It's not descriptive enough and I cannot tolerate the abrupt and sudden ending. That's basically why I came to having the re-writing idea.

Before I end off, I would like to thank all my subscribers and upvoters for your love and appreciation. Please do look forward to a better one-shot written by yours truly.

This is Melinda, signing out.

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natalidya #1
aw interesting <3
Looking forward to it!!!
Eleenluvu #3
Okay. Goodluck! ^_^
Eleenluvu #4
Chapter 2: Okay. Goodluck! ^_^
FerozakhAE #5
Looking forward!
Eleenluvu #6
Chapter 1: Very good ;) write more stories like this
bambipink #7
Chapter 1: It'd be great if you could write a sequel ^.^
Chapter 1: i read this one shot on your shop. and for a 17 years old writer, for me this is good. :) though it has a lot of dialogue compared to scenes, your story makes me think.

i'm not good with comment but i just want you to know that i love the story ^^
keep it up and i'm waiting for the sequel :D
runningman21 #9
Chapter 1: Hello authornim! That was intense, but ur right we should think before we speak. I think you did what a oneshot is supposed to do, tell a short story but still let the reader feel as if they know the characters. To me, Kris seems more spiteful with his words especially the last comment. If you do write a sequel I hope she doesn't just forgive him and either finds another guy or realizes she doesn't need a man to feel special, I hope you show us a better, stronger Bora in the sequel (with or without a man!) hopefully my comments were helpful!