Real Food for a Skinny Gentleman

By Your Side until the End.

Jinyoung Finally Bought what he needed, and his cart is full of Nothing but Cup Noodles. Every counter is full, so he decided to fall in line at the counter near him, pushing the cart, he stood behind a lady, he noticed that the cart of the lady was full of vegetables, meat, chicken and fruits.

"Oh! Those looks delicious..."

He told to himself, Jinyoung started to imagine foods he could cook out of those ingredients, He's thinking of making a meat vegetable soup, a chicken vegetable soup, he even started to wonder when was the last time he cooked and ate real foods.

The lady turned to look behind her and saw this young man, Jinyoung wasnt aware that  the lady caught him intently looking at the her cart, she stared at him for a while, she wasnt able to recognice him because of the glasses he wear and a worker cap, then stared at his cart, she was amazed at the number of cup noodles filling his cart, and she looked back at him.

"No wonder he look so skinny..."

She told herself and looked ahead, Its her turn to pay her grocery, but when she was about to pay, she cannot find her wallet, she checked her pocket, her bag, but she cant find it. The other people on the line got irritated because it was taking so long, she tried to remember where she had left it, Jinyoung was just looking at her, while the rest are making noises, telling her to hurry up.


Finally, She remembered.

"Ms. can I leave it here? I just remembered where I left my wallet, I'll be back soon... thank you..."

and she started to run towards the drug store where as far as she can remember she had left her wallet.

"What now? We'll wait for her to come back?" One of the woman standing on the line shouted.

Jinyoung looked behind him, Irritated with the noise those people are maiking.

Yumi finally arrived at the drug store and hurriedly asked the pharmacist if she noticed a wallet earlier, the pharmacist nodded and gave it back to Yumi, since she also recognized Yumi as the one who bought a medicine earlier. when finally had it, she hurriedly run back at the grocery store, only to find noting on the counter.

"uh... excuse me... where is-" Yumi asked the cashier and the cashier just pointed at the plastic bag at the end of the counter.

"The Gentleman next to you on the line payed for it earlier because those in the line are starting to get noisy."

the cashier explained.

"Oh..., Kamsahamnida..." Yumi thanked the cashier as she grabbed the plastic bag, she started to look around trying to find the gentleman the cashier was talking about, as far as she can remember, he was wearing a green polo shirt, a black cap and an eyeglass.

"Had he already left? Omo! I need to pay him back..., or even just thank him..." she didnt stop looking around and finally,she went outside, hoping that he hadnt left yet, she continued looking around and then finally! she saw him! but he already got inside his car, as he was maneuvering his car, Yumi halted a taxi and instructed the driver to follow the black Kia Forte Koup. They followed him to his place, and they stopped on a big building, Jinyoung owns a condo unit, the taxi followed his car down at the parking lot. Yumi immediately went out and waited for the gentleman to get out of his car. FInally outside, Yumi approached Jinyoung- who was a bit surprised.

"Mister?" Yumi tried to get the attention of the gentleman, Jinyoung was satrtled to see a young lady approaching him.

"neh?" he asked. "Thank You for paying for my groceries earlier." Jinyoung stared at her for a while, as he realized that she's the lady on the store earlier, he just sipmly said "you're welcome and walked pass her.

"erm... Mister..." Yumi called out to him again " I'm here to pay you..." Jinyoung halted and turned around, Yumi walked towards him again, she opened her wallet and took out a cash and handed it to jinyoung. "Thanks!" and he continued to walk away.

as Yumi was about to go on the otherway, something popped up in her head, she turned around "Chamkkanmanyo~!" she called for Jinyoung again while running towards him, Jinyoung stopped in his track, She stood in front of him and Jinyoung was just staring at her.

"Can I have the money back?" Jinyoung was quite surpeised. "Wae?" he curiously asked. "How about, I'll just cook something for you?" she cheerfully suggested. Jinyoung just smirked. "Well, I do know how to cook for myself, miss..." Jinyoung actually took it negatively. "Oh! but, you only only bought noodles..." Yumi said while pointing at the plastic bag he is carrying. "You know, Its not healthy if you would eat foods like that." she added. 

"I think eating real foods for dinner wont hurt." Jinyoung told ti himslef. He took out the money and handed it back to yumi, It means that he agree's, Yumi took the money back and followed jinyoung towards the entrance, and finally, at the 8th floor where his unit is located, Yumi went inside and headed towards the kitchen, Yumi was amazed of tyhe simple bachelor style of his unit,

Yumi immediately started cooking, its a Pork vegetable soup for jinyoung, while jinyoung was just at the living room, waiting for yumi to call for him and eat, Jinyoung started to feel very hungry when he was able to smell the inviting, yummy & Delicious aroma of the food beiung cooked.

Finally done, Yumi called for jinyoung and he hurriedly went to the kitchen, he sat down and let yumi serve the food, "Here's a real fod for a skinny gentleman. " Yumi said while serving, though it offeneded the skinny jinyoung, sine its true, he just let it go and started eating it. "wow! this tastes yummy!" Jinyoung Told to himself.

"Mister, I'll leave now." yumi excused herself and Jinyoung just nodded his head and finally, Yumi left the unit.


:)) wow~ 10 subscribers, Kamsahamnida, its already 4am here and this is not yet edited, so there's probably some typo's kekeke! xD


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skinny gentleman <br />
lol cute <br />
ahhh I wonder what will happen next, they finally met <br />
fighting ! ;3
I like the style of ur writting kekekke <br />
jinyoung seems really old here lolol<br />
cant wait for the next chap ^^
YoruxRuki #3
Lol in this story, you made Jinyoung like 7 years or something older than he actually is. XDD Anyway, please update soon! Seems interesting so far ;P
MapleDumplings #4
This is interesting ^_^
turchiipororo #5
update !! :) looking forward to your fanfic :> ~~laa