Meaningless Lives.

By Your Side until the End.

Dark clouds are slowly swallowing the bright sun until its bright rays cannot be seen. Nobody ever expected for this day to rain, since 7am, the sky looks good and the sun was brightly shining above, anyways, nobody can ever expect what weather would it be for today or any day.

"...The weather is really unpredictable..."

The young lady sighed as she was lying accross her bed, head hanging at the side staring outside the window. but as soon as she had a glimpse of Lightning, she shut her eyes close,  she put the volume of her mp3 to its maximum volume, scared to hear the sound of thunder,

This is Gong Yumi, a 20 years old girl, she had just graduated in highschool, but unlike her other classmates who are busy preparing to head in college, she was just there, in her room lying and listening to music, when ask what is her goal in life, she would just shrug her shoulders- she doesnt really know what should she do in her life.


"Mr. Jung! Congratulations! the song you wrote and you composed for Sandeul, CNU and Baro became a hit!"

an old man in his late 50's approached a young gentleman, but the young man didnt even budge, he didnt eve dare to open his eyes,he just continued playing the piano, the old man realized that and just went out of the room. after a while, the young man stopped in playing the piano.

"...Its not even a nice song, the lyrics is saying nothing, there's no message in the song except from Saranghae, saranghaeyo, yet the people goes crazy because its my music, and three flower boys are singing it, whats wrong with the world today? people cannot appreaciate real music and differentiate it from a nonsense music..."

He slammed the cover of the keyboard close and left the room.

This is Jung JinYoung, a 26 years old young gentleman, who writes songs & composes music for famous singers such as Shin Soohyun, Lee Jinki, Kim Jonghyun, etc. and most especially for his best buddies, Shinwoo, Jung Hwan and Sun Woo or most famously known for their stage name as CNU, Sandeul and Baro.

JinYoung is famous for writing love songs that could touch the heart of anyone who hears his music, everybody thinks that the old JinYoung is still the same JinYoung, but his best buddies knows best! Present JinYoung is way too different from the past JinYoung, people wasnt aware but the Quality of JinYoungs music became debased, had reduced or in the exact term, his Music had devalued. He knows it himself and He is not happy about it.

And it all started when His Girlfriend for 3 years Left him for another man.

Joyful Jinyoung is now a Bitter JinYoung.


"Glaldy, you dont have any interest in going to college and worn out yourself, now your father and I could be at peace, just Live with us here in Japan, The quality and technology in their-"

"Nope! I dont want!"

"what? you'll stay there? but you dont have anything to do there..."

"then I will find something to do here."

"oh ghad..."

"I'm cooking right now mom, bye..."


Yumi put down her phone and poured the hot water from the kettle on a cup noodles, thats what she'll have for lunch.

I am running out of food in the fridge, and I cannot continue eating these MSG rich foods, it will wil only shorten my life span.

after finishing the cup noodles, she decided to head to the grocery store and buy vegetables.


"Hyung! whats gonna be our food for dinner?"

"If youre thinking of coming  over for dinner, then I guess I should tell you that I will only eat a cup nood;es for dinner"

"what? hyung? but the doctor-"

"whatever! It is still food, and I dont have time to cook."

"aigoo hyung! would you like me to bring you food?"

"no, its okay, thank you jung hwan."

"araseo~ bye hyung."

JinYoung ended the conversaton and walked towards the kitchen only to find out that there's no more stocks of noodles, he decided to go on a grocery store to buy a stock that could keep him full for a month.




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skinny gentleman <br />
lol cute <br />
ahhh I wonder what will happen next, they finally met <br />
fighting ! ;3
I like the style of ur writting kekekke <br />
jinyoung seems really old here lolol<br />
cant wait for the next chap ^^
YoruxRuki #3
Lol in this story, you made Jinyoung like 7 years or something older than he actually is. XDD Anyway, please update soon! Seems interesting so far ;P
MapleDumplings #4
This is interesting ^_^
turchiipororo #5
update !! :) looking forward to your fanfic :> ~~laa