Chapter 1

Misunderstood Graciousness

Your POV 


You shot up to the sound of the alarm clock ringing on your bedside table. Usually you would just go back to sleep, but not today. Today, the result of your school examination will be revealed, and you are excited to see how you did. You studied day and night, 24 hours every day. You studied so hard that you eventually caught a cold, but it did not hold you back. You studied like you never did before, until you were satisfied. You made sure you would be able to say “I did my absolute best” when you get your result. Now, that day has arrived. It was a miracle that you slept through the night.

You literally jumped out of bed and rushed to shower. You were so hyped up that it even surprised yourself. You were never a morning person. Today was definitely special.
You hurriedly wrapped your bathrobe around your body and made your way back to your room leaving wet foot prints on the wooden floors. You quickly grabbed your school uniform, a white dress shirt and a navy blue blazer along with trousers… yes, trousers. Your school allowed girls to wear either skirts or trousers. You are not the most girlish person, so you preferred wearing trousers instead of skirts. Your school isn't the best school in the world, but it isn't bad either. Sure, it lacked some facilities…okay a LOT of modern teaching equipments like projectors and smart boards wasn’t available at your school, but what kind of school has it anyway? Only schools which are filled with rich, spoiled brats.You looked at yourself in the mirror, a petite girl with black bob hair stared back at you. As you quickly climbed down the wooden staircase, you could hear your step-mom making breakfast for your little step-sister. You grab your bag and made your way to school.

When you were very young, your mother left to marry another man, so you don’t remember much about her. From what you have heard, she was caught cheating on your father. You never bothered to find out anything about her, because you knew you would only hate her even more than you already do. On the other hand, your father was absolutely the best! He is kind, caring and funny. Not to mention, he is extremely smart as well. He is a mathematician and you actually don't know what he does at his job. All you know is that his job isn't an easy one. Nevertheless, he always made time for you and helped you in any way possible. He married Seung-Mi when you were in your 5th grade. Seung-Mi already had a daughter from her previous marriage who will be turning 11 this year. Your step-mom is nothing like how fairy tales, story books or dramas portrayed. She was always nice to you and treated you well. 

As you were waiting at the bus stop impatiently, you could feel the weird looks people were giving you, but you weren’t the least bothered about what they were thinking.


The bus arrived, and you were able to push your way through everyone to get on the bus first. You seated yourself at the first rows of the bus. You tapped your foot and shifted uncomfortably in your seat the whole ride. Your head was filled with millions of thoughts. “Ugh, I should have checked my geography paper twice! I'm sure I did some mistakes”. “Did I exceed my word limit on my essay? I didn’t have the time to count.”, “God…. I most probably failed!” You started imagining yourself in a yellow and red uniform working as a cashier at your local supermarket. Your thoughts were disrupted as the bus pulled over in front of your school.

You rushed out of the bus and ran like a lunatic all the way to the notice board, messing up your perfectly straight hair on the way. There was already a small crowd gathered at the notice board. You hardly acknowledged them and pushed them away causing them to glare at you.
“Where’s my name? Where’s my name? Where’s my name?” you repeated in your mind whilst searching through the list thoroughly starting from the bottom. “Oh gosh… I didn’t even pass?” 
Your eyes started to tear up, but you still kept on searching until you noticed something. There was a separate notice board a few walks away, with the title “TOP 50 ACHEIVERS” written in gold letters. You quickly rushed over to that notice board, shoving everyone out of the way. 
Your heart started racing, and your hands started to sweat. Your eyes widened, you raised your trembling hand to the paper in disbelief. you saw your name.

 “#2 Kim Hyun Ju : Average 97%” 

“MAY UNICORNS FLY HIGH, PUKING RAINBOWS, AND BLESSING BE UPON EVERY SINGLE LIVING CREATURE ON THE FACE OF THE EARTH. LET THE BIRDS CHIRP THEIR HEARTS OUT, AS TODAY IS THE BEST DAY EVER” you cried out loud in glee, jumping up and down. People around you stared at the sudden commotion. They gave you strange looks, but all you could think about was that you reached your target. You have done your absolute best. You had no regrets; you had successfully graduated from high school with flying colours.

“Everyone go back to your classes! Your university acceptance letters will be distributed!” The announcement was audible throughout the whole school. All the students had to apply for universities through the school. You had applied for 5 universities, but you doubted if you got accepted to any.

“Yah! Hyun Ju!” a familiar voice yelled out. You turned around to see a 6 foot giant of a friend you call your best friend, otherwise known as Min Ah. She is the most positive, cheery and down to earth person you know. When you first met her, you thought she would be arrogant and stuck-up because of her model like features. But she wasn't anything close to what you thought, and quickly made great friends. You both made your way back to your classes together and settled in your seats. The teacher came in with a bundle of letters. “I'm glad to say that one of the students of this class made it to the Seoul University.”

Lay’s POV

The rattling of the train filled his ears.


The ground started to vibrate, gradually getting stronger and stronger. The vibrations travelled through his slightly-built body. The headlight of the train blurred his vision. He put his hand across his face to block the light. His heart pounded against his rib-cage. Tears started to form in his eyes and he slowly started to cry. “MOM!! DAD!!” he screamed out.

He suddenly shot up from his sleep. “Ah, the usual nightmares.” he thought and let his body drop back on the sofa. He had yet again fallen asleep in his spacious living room while watching a movie on his 70 inch plasma TV. Still drowsy from his sleep, he rubbed his eyes and walked over to his wall-sized window to overlook the busy streets of Seoul. Just then, from the corner of his eye, he noticed a woman in about her 30's staring at him, stuck in mid-position while watering her plants. Even though he felt shy, he maintained a poker face as he did not want the woman to know that he caught her staring at him. He turned around only to notice his white t-shirt lying on the floor. His cheeks started burning as he realized he was shirtless. “No wonder she was staring, thank god I’m wearing pants!” he chuckled at the thought and steadily walked over to the side of his lavender curtains to draw them close. 

He glanced at the clock: 9:00am. As he looked at it again, he felt strange. He felt like as if he was forgetting something. He shrugged the feeling off and went over to the kitchen to have some coffee. The bitter aroma of the coffee filled his nostrils. He brought up the coffee mug up to his quivering lips and took a small sip. "Mmm." he sighed, satisfied with the warmness filling his body.

He shot a look at the clock yet again and quickly gulped down the rest of the coffee. He rushed to the shower and washed his handsome face before he brushed his pearly whites in a rush. He zoomed over to his walk-in closet and grabbed the first t-shirt and jeans his long and slender fingers landed on. Before removing his pants he took a good look around his bedroom to make sure all the curtains were drawn shut as he still felt embarrassed about the incident which happened only minutes ago. He replaced his pants with a pair of dark denim skinny jeans which clearly highlighted his thigh muscles, and pulled his plain black V-neck t-shirt over his head. He played with his dark brown hair to give it a messy yet stylish look.

 For a second, he froze in front of the full-sized mirror in a daze, looking at no particular direction. “What am I doing?” he thought. He then saw his black school bag sitting at the corner of his room. He let out a squeal and grabbed the bag, car keys and left his apartment. As he took the elevator to the ground floor from the 35th floor, he kept scolding himself for being so forgetful. “Your university entrance examination results and university acceptance letters will be given today! How can you possibly forget?”


He got off the elevator and settled in his car and drove out of the driveway to his school. It took approximately 20 minutes to reach Seoul High. There was a long queue at the counter where countless students had come to collect their letters. He joined the queue and plugged in his earphones and his iPod, but nothing played; it was out of battery. “Aish… I forgot to charge it last night.” he thought as he tucked away his earphones and iPod in disappointment.

As he waited, he saw a girl in crutches join the line. “Poor girl broke her leg.” he frowned. He couldn’t help but look at her; it must be difficult for her to stand in the queue balancing on one leg with only her crutches to support her. He felt it wasn’t right; so he removed himself from the queue and walked up to the girl. The girl looked at him in confusion. He didn’t say anything; he just held her hand softly and walked her over to the front of the line. She was puzzled about what was happening but did not say anything.

After reaching the front of the line he bowed and spoke to the lady at the counter, loud enough for the people around him to hear. “Please let this girl collect her results now. Her leg is injured and it must be difficult for her to wait in the line for a long a time. Everyone, please understand.” he bowed once again. The lady at the counter hesitantly nodded her head. Although she expected the students waiting in the queue to start complaining, none of them did. In fact, they nodded in agreement.

He could hear the students whispering to each other as made his way to join the back of the queue.

“Was that his girlfriend? She is so ugly!”

“Lay oppa is so nice!! I wish I was that girl!”

“What an attention seeker!”

He pretended not to hear them and waited patiently until it was his turn. It was almost 1 pm when he finally reached the counter.

“What’s your name?” the lady at the counter asked.
“Zhang Yixing”
“What is your student identification code?”

The lady immediately started searching through a bunch of letters and exclaimed in relief when she finally found it. She handed the letters over to him. He gave a small bow with his head and smiled, flashing his darling little dents of delight. 

He drove all the way back to his apartment without opening any of his letters. He knew that he had been accepted to Seoul University, because it was the only university he had applied to and the fact he had two letters assured him of that.

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fifi96285 #1
Chapter 6: Kai's fine~
Please update soon!!!!
Man_arl #2
Chapter 5: Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!...Finally an update :). Can't wait for the next chapter author-nim... Hwaiting ~ :D
hamskkuma #3
Chapter 5: Yey yey fluff fluff xD
immarktuans #4
Chapter 5: I love it so much OMG <3 I wonder who Angel boy is >_<
Chapter 4: Interesting ^^ Update when you have the time :D
Chapter 3: Haha! I like this chapter..while i was reading this i feel embarassed when thinking what she did to Luhan >_<
--SilentCatastrophe #7
Chapter 4: When I wasn't expecting Luhan at all.. Dang.. xD
Anyways, awww. This is going to awkwardly cute. Hopefully ouo
Chapter 4: It would be fun to have a friend like Luhan xD
I hope Lay sit with her x3
Chapter 4: Luhan was soooo funny.. hahah...
There goes Lay~ ㅋㅋ