6. I Love You Too

There Is No Such Thing As 'Forever' In This World
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"Jenna, I love you," I gently kissed her forehead, holding her close to me. I just want to pause time and live in this moment forever.

"I love you too," she whispered back, snuggling closer to me and just like that we lay there together, our bare skins touching, and just like that we dosed off into sleep.




My love for her grew more and more, but her memory of us declined more and more each day. Two months later, she no longer knows who I am. Her brain has become nothing more than that of a second grader. She doesn't know love, she doesn't know anything. Her health is now gone and she lays in the hospital bed, unaware.

It hurts.

"Jenna..." I visit her again. Her face so pale. Her eyes, barely open. "Jenna, I'm here..." my voice broke. I can't bear to see her like this. I wish I was the one in her place, I wish that I can take all her pain away. Why does it have to happen to her? Has she not suffered enough? What has she done that is so bad to deserve this?

"Oppa, are you okay?" I felt two hands on my shoulder, its ----. She's always been there for me. I complain to her, I cry in front of her, she sees how much of a mess I have been in. No matter what, she somehow manages to always be by my side and I'm thankful. Without her, I wouldn't be able to make it so far.

"Yeah, I'm fine ----."


"Meet me downstairs ----, we can take a walk."

"Alright, see you in a few." She left the room, heading downstairs first.
Still with my eyes focused on Jenna's face, I stood up. "I'll be back Jenna." I walked out of the room, wishing that I can have one more conversation with Jenna. I want to be reassured of how much she loves me. Perhaps she no longer loves me? "No, No! What are you saying Gikwang? Of course she loves you.." Instead of taking the elevator down, I decided to take the stairs.

I miss Jenna, even though I see her everyday.. She isn't aware. She's alseep everytime I visit. What if she never wakes up from this never ending sleep? Will I be able to cope with it? Rig

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