1. Surprise

There Is No Such Thing As 'Forever' In This World
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What’s worse than dating a girl you hate? Marrying a girl you don’t know!! Not that I hate anyone or anything. In fact, I’ve never put any thought into dating yet! After all, I’m only twenty-two.


“Isn’t she beautiful Gikwang-ah~” My mother handed me five more pictures of her. “She’s so young too! You’re okay with a girl two years younger right Gikwang-ah? I think so~ I met her yesterday, she’s so polite! You’re babies will be cuties~ What do you think huh?”


“Uhh. Umma... I-”


“I knew you’d like her!” Sigh~ She never lets me finish. Never.


“Umma, I don’t want to marry her! For God’s sake, I don’t even know her... Looks aren’t everything to me. I promise your son will marry an amazing girl in the future. Alright?” I gave her my best smile. My smile always wins her over.


Oh? Don’t shake your head Umma. She just shook her head in disapproval... What do I do?


“Gikwang-ah, this is why you’re going on a date for her in two hours! You’ll know her at the end of the date. Go get ready so we can go pick up a little present for her before you go~ Go on,” she pushed me off the couch and dragged me to my giant room and straight into my perfect closet.


“Umma, I don’t want to,” I whined like a little kid. She has to fall for it now. Any minute she’ll say-


“Wear this!!” or not. She’s making me go no matter what.


“A suit? Seriously? Where are we going?”


“You’re going to a restaurant of course~”


I put back the elegant outfit she chose. “I’m going to wear this Umma,” I took out some comfortable clothing. A pair of red skinnies and a regular white t-shirt and my favorite striped navy blue cardigan. Just my style.


“OMO~! YOU CANNOT WEAR THAT TO A FANCY RESTAURANT!” She began to freak out a bit.


“Umma, you want me to marry her? Alright, I’m just going to look for one thing in her. She has to be a dancer,” I’m serious. If she can dance then I’ll live with her the rest of my life.


“Fine, I’ll give her a call right now,” My mom seems cool with my request. Is she a dancer? She’s probably a dancer. Now I feel excited. Girls who can dance are the beautifulest. A partner who can dance. I can’t wait to see this!!! Mother took out her cell phone and dialed a number.


“Hmmm, ----? Ah~ Hello hello~ Yes it’s me Mrs. Lee... Yes yes. For the date, Gikwang wants to meet up in a dance room. He’ll pick you up from your house... Yes.. Alright, be ready by five.” As she hung up, I pulled on my favorite pair of sneakers to match my pants.


“So?” I looked up.


“Let’s go for a quick shopping~” My  mom left my room. Probably to get her purse. Sigh.


I grabbed my car keys and headed downstairs. “UMMA~! LET’S GO~” I called from the bottom of the stairs. I hope she can hear me. Yeah she heard me hehe.


“So what are we going to buy?” I asked my mom as she walks down the stairs. “I mean can’t we send someone to buy it for us? She isn’t worth my time.”


The last part I said to myself of course. “We should buy an engagement ring. No that’s too soon. Buy her a necklace! We should find a nice necklace for such a beauty.”


I rolled my eyes as I walked out of the door. Come on now and engagement ring is crazy. And what? She’s not that pretty. Well she is but personality means more. If she can dance then she’s pretty but not beautiful. Dancing is beautiful. That’s the only beauty I see.


“Now son, remember to be nice okay? Be a gentleman and don't be too arrogant alright? Take good care of her when you two are together." She blabbered on. Who does she think I am? I'm not that bad. I'm polite right? Maybe?


"Yes mother," I kept saying.


"If she doesn't like dancing let her be! Don't be too harsh on her okay?"


"Yes mother," I said as I parked the car.


We both left the car simultaniously and walked towards the jewerly store (my mother's favorite one). She didn't speak until we entered the store. Her minds full of 'what should we buy for the beautiful girl?' questions. How do I know? Because the first thing she said when we entered the store is: "Gikwang-ah~ What should we buy?"


"Anything you want umma," I stood behind her as she looked at a pair of earrings.


"Omo~ these are so perfect!" She pointed to a pair of pearl earrings surrounded by a cirlce of diamonds. "I'll take these." She then told the young lady behind the display.


"Yes ma'am~" she bowed slightly as she took out the earrings and began wrapping it up.


"Those are for me," mother looked at me with a giant smile as I followed her to another row of display. This time necklaces are on display.


"Now to find something for ----," she concentrated on each set of necklace. "Which one do you think Gikwang-ah?" Sigh... I could care less.


"Which ever you want mother."


"This one?" she pointed to a pearl necklace.


"For you Umma.." I chuckled. That's clearly for the elders.


As I glanced away something caught my eye. I headed towards it. It is a beautiful, silver (white gold) necklace. Hanging from it is a heart with a little star carved out within the heart. I'd like to give it to someone I love. The heart would represent my own heart and the star would represent the girl. A star in my heart. Whack I know but it means a lot to me.


"Oh! That one's perfect Gikwang~ You have such good taste!" No. No mother no. "We'll take this one too~" She called over to the same girl.


"Okay~" she came over and wrapped it up as well.


I don't want to give this to that girl.


"What's the total?" My mother asked brightly.


The girl took out the calculator and pressed a fee numbers and replied, "It'll be $3229."


I took out my wallet and handed her my credit card along with my ID. "One moment please." She swiped the card, entered some stuff and asked me to sign. I signed and she handed back my card and ID.


"Thank you so much~" she bowed politely as we left.


"Thank you son~" My mother clung to my arm with a giant smile.


"No problem Umma~ Anything for you~ I love you" I gave her my cheesiest smile as we entered the car.


"You better still love me after you get married!" She told me. Wait what? THAT'S IT!!


"What if I don't? Umma~ I shouldn't get married~" I looked at her with an innocent puppy face.


"I know where you're going with this. Stop trying to get out of this. This is final. Hurry up and drive me home then go pick her up." My mom is so good at changing subjects. I hate this. She's so serious this time.


"I don't know where she lives mother. I need her address," I informed her; concentrating more on the road.


"Thats right!!" She ruffled around in her purse then pulled out a piece of paper with some words on it. "Here's the address."


I pulled into the driveway and took a look at the address.


"Alright~ have fun son~ oh and here's the necklace~" She left the necklace box on her seat as ahe got off.


"Bye mom~ Love you~" I waved to her.


I watched her enter the house and closing the door behind her. Then I turned my attention to the address. First I took the box with the necklace inside and hid it in the little pocket of my cardigan. Then I entered her address into the GPS in my phone and pulled out of the driveway again.


Fun here I come... I guess.


The drive wasn't too long. She lives only fifteen minutes away. I pulled into her driveway and grabbed my phone.


What do I do? How do I say 'Hello'? Why do I feel so nervous? Yah Lee Gikwang, calm your silly nerves. Don't make yourself look like a fool. Cold man. Be cool. Chill~ One glance in the mirror: "Gikwang-ah why are you so y?" I smiled at myself in the rearview mirror and left the car.


I walked on the pavement towards her house and up the few steps which brings me to the front door.


*Knock Knock*


My heart is beating so fast why? The front door opens revealing a lady in her late thirties or maybe early forties. "Well look who we have here! You must be Mr. Lee Gikwang! Hello!" She greeted me me politely. Perhaps a little jolly.


"Hello Mrs.." crap whats her last name? Uhh.. "Kwang~" There you go! I bowed slightly.


"Come in, ---- should be ready in about a minute."


"Okay, thank you," I walked in leaving my shoes with the others. The house is giant, well it's slightly smaller then mine. Mine is huge! Thanks to my lovely father~


"Have a seat! Would you like anything to drink? Tea? Water?"


"It's okay," I smiled at her.


"Alright, she'll be down in a bit." She sat down on the couch next to mine. "Her father isn't home at the moment. He's at work."


"Oh," just like mine.


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