Chapter 4


Dongwoon squinted at the light that encroached through the window. He rolled his face into the pillow to the block out the light. Morning had dared to come, though the light seemed clouded. Dongwoon slowly rose, with a headache, to see if the world really did remain or if it had blown up the way he wanted. A heavily darkened sky greeted him. It was no warmer than yesterday. In fact it looked worse, with angry black clouds covering the sky as if they were getting ready for an epic warring. Dongwoon sighed, deeply shutting the curtain to block out the disappointment and crawled back into bed only to be disturbed by a knock at the door.


The smell of baking tickled Cody’s nose. He was already up; he didn’t sleep, but the scent made him interested in getting up. He slowly came down the stairs to find Alex loading the dishwasher.

“Uh, sorry I didn’t mean to wake you.” Alex replied looking up at his houseguest.

“I was up.” Cody replied.

“You look”—

“Like , I know.” Cody interrupted, annoyed.

“No, no. You look good, just tired. Why don’t you go back to bed?”

“I can’t sleep.”

“Ok, then let’s eat.”

Alex brought a nice sized, oreo cake to the table. Decorated with oreos would have been a better description:  chocolate cake with a chocolate frosting adorned with oreos. Cody’s eyes beamed.

“You made this?” He asked astonished as he gazed at the near professionalism of the cake.

Alex smiled and nodded as he rummaged in the draw for candles.

“You’ll probably get another cake later, but I couldn’t sleep either and cake for breakfast is a must for birthdays.” He winked as he placed and lit a single candle on the cake.

Why are you doing this? Cody wanted to ask but was interrupted with, “make a wish.”

Cody moved closer to the cake and stared first at it then at Alex, who was half smiling and all blushing. He looked around the kitchen that was just as embellished with as much stuff as the rest of the house. He looked the candle, flickering seeming to give the only light in the dark room. It was morning but anyone would have thought there were still a few hours of night left. It was oddly dark outside. The same gloom of yesterday sat and not even Alex’s mouthwatering cake or all the candles in the world could have dissolved it, still it did dilute it mildly. Cody didn’t want to seem ungrateful, though he had no appetite for cake. He humored Alex by closing his eyes and making a wish.

I wish yesterday never happened. I wish it was all a bad dream that I’ll wake up from soon. I wish Dongwoon still loved me. He opened his eyes and was about to make blow out the candle when his eyes met Alex’s…I wish it was Dongwoon in front of me instead, he thought, feeling unappreciative. He quickly blew out the candle and swallowed back the tears that begun forming.

“Uh, I was supposed to sing wasn’t I?”

Cody shook his head forcing a smile, “you’ve done a lot already. I’m not really hungry, but thank you.”

Alex scooped a dollop of frosting and held his finger out for Cody to it. His eyes went from sympathetic to seductive. It threw Cody off, making him blush. Cody refused the offer and Alex playfully put the frosting on Cody’s nose, smiling a full smile before sweeping the cake off the table and onto the counter, while he placed it in a bag for Cody to take home. Cody examined him. Who makes a cake for a stranger?

“I know it’s my birthday, but you don’t have to entertain me.” Cody said, fearing he sounded rude.

Alex slowly turned around, leaning against the counter, taking a moment to take in the shorter, sadder guy in front of him.

“I need you to do me a favor actually.” Alex blushed.


Dongwoon ignored the sound of the door at first, hoping it would go away, but it persisted, irritatingly.

He forced himself up, leaning against it before answering.

“Why the hell aren’t you answering your phone!” Yoseop said as he let himself in the room.

“It was off.” Dongwoon said low.

“You don’t look so good. So how did it go? Did Cody buy the fight?”

“We didn’t fight. We broke up.” He said into the floor.”

“That’s even better. Cody’s going to be shocked when he sees everyone there tonight. Haha, oh man. This is great. But uh, don’t you think a pretend breakup is harsh. What if he thinks it’s real.”

“It is real,” Dongwoon said on the verge of tears.


“We’re done, over, split. No jokes and no surprise birthday. I ended things.” He paused, “I ruined everything.”


Dongwoon sighed, “Don’t ask me to explain.”


Dongwoon sat still, not answering.Did it really matter when he did it? It was over.

“I can’t believe you!”

“I’m having trouble getting myself right now, so don’t lecture me.” Dongwoon replied, wishing his friend would leave.

“Why?! You love him!”

“That doesn’t mean I’m happy.”


“We’re not ok right now. We haven’t been for a few weeks.” Dongwoon said irritated that Yoseop was making him talk about something he didn’t want to talk about.

“So what, you’re not even going to try to work things out?”

“We barely talk now. Look I just want to be alone.”

“All couples go through a rough patch. That doesn’t mean you should break up. He loves you more than anyone.”

“Just go Yoseop.”

“What am I supposed to tell them everyone?” Yoseop asked, frustrated.

“Tell them the truth. Tell them I ruined my boyfriend’s birthday. Tell them I’m an . Tell them whatever the hell you want, just leave me alone.”

Yoseop stood quiet a moment as he watched his friend wait for him to leave. He hadn’t seen any signs of strain in their relationship. There may have been an argument or two but that was normal for couples. He never thought they’d breakup, not those two.

He punched his friendly gently and told him to cut the act.

“Cody’s the one you’re supposed to fool, not me.” He teased, hoping he was right, but Dongwoon’s tears revealed he wasn’t joking. It was really over.


“A favor?” I knew it! Cody thought. I knew this guy was too good to be true. He probably wants to keep me in his cellar as his slave or rob banks with him or something. He’s probably wanted in six states and wants me to be his alibi. I knew it. The one nice person I meet all week and he turns out to be a criminal just my luck. While Cody imagined the worst, Alex moved closer. Oh great, he coming this way. He’s probably going to hold me at gun point and do all sorts of inhumane things to me.

“Can you translate this?” Alex said pulling out an email in Japanese.

Cody blinked twice, almost disappointed.

“My friend lives in Japan, his English isn’t the best and I don’t want him to think I haven’t replied on purpose. You know Japanese right?”

“Yeah.”  Cody said as he looked over the letter. He read it out, translating the Japanese parts and helped Alex reply.

“Thanks. I’ve been putting that off for days. I hate waiting for replies.” He smiled, with his too pretty eyes.

“No problem.” Cody responded, cracking a smile for feeling useful.

There was an awkward silence between them as they waited for the other to say or do something. The wind was the only noise maker and even that was softening.

Alex tapped on the table nervous, while Cody stood thinking he should get a key and go home.  He searched his pocket for his phone, remembering that he left it at the park.

“I have to get going.” He said, breaking the silence. “I left my cell and I’ve overstayed.”

“I’m not bothered having you here. I like it.”

Cody blushed at the last part, “you’ve been kind. Thanks. I’m sorry I’m in a bad mood.”

“It’s only temporary. He’ll be back and you’ll be happy again.”

“I don’t know about that but thanks.” Cody said beginning to take off the oversized sweater Alex had given him.

Alex stopped him saying, “Let me drive you to go look for it. It looks cold.”

“It’s not a long walk.”

“I want to.” He smiled, picking up the cake and rushing up the stairs and back down with Cody’s gift in hand. He led Cody out in the garage where a Chevy pickup and a Yamaha motorcycle sat. Cody eyed the bike and Alex noticed.

“You ever been on one?”

“Yeah,” He nodded.

“Want to take a spin?” Alex smiled, hoping for a yes.

“You drive one?”

Alex grinned, “it’s mine.”

 Cody declined mentioning that he should get going.

“You’re locked out remember. Come on. Even if someone comes, it’ll take a while. Why not enjoy some of your birthday?”

“It doesn’t feel like my birthday.”Cody pouted.

“All the more reason to take a ride,” He said handing him a helmet.

“Isn’t it cold?”

“I’ll get you a coat.”

Cody eyed the bike once more and smiled “ok”


Should I call him? Dongwoon wondered. He wondered what Cody was up to, if he was ok. If he was half as miserable as Dongwoon was. Maybe he was happy it was over. It had been hard for him too. Maybe he was celebrating.


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