Chapter 1


I think we should break up.

Cody stared at the text unbelieving. The cold wind nipped at his cheeks and face the way the words did at his heart. Even in July, the season of warmth the world rebelled. The unusually cold weather felt almost akin to the way Cody felt. Summer had barely begun and already it was cruel. Hands shaking, Cody sat on the park swing staring, wondering if he should even reply. He should have seen this coming.


Dongwoon stood in front of the mirror looking at the two tooth brushes side by side in the plastic cup. It’s funny how memories come back to you when you’re trying so hard to forget. Twice he reached for the brush, stopping himself. He leaned against the sink, afraid to look at himself, knowing he wouldn’t like his reflection. Again another memory trespassed in his mind. Why was he leaving someone he loved? He asked himself, knowing the answer. A set of fights, some mistaken words, and a flood of tears had made Dongwoon want to throw in the towel. He was different. Cody was different. Things were different. He sighed out and grabbed the tooth brush, leaving the bathroom before he caught his teary eyed reflection.


Cody put the cell next to him on the other swing seat. He could no longer look at it. How? Why? A dozen questions ran through his mind. He made some mistakes but break up? Dongwoon promised to love him forever. What happened to forever? Didn’t anyone believe in that anymore? Wasn’t anyone willing to try to hang on? Like a kid Cody cried on the swing as the air became even colder.


Zipping his bag, Dongwoon took one last look around the room and left quickly out of the house before second thought had a chance to settle. Nostalgia bit him like the cold wind the second he stepped outside. This was summer. Why was it so cold? He wondered. The air felt like ice. How ironic, he thought to himself. He told himself not to look back as he stepped into the cab but he did. A mistake, he knew for sure.

“Where to?” The cab driver asked.

“Anywhere,” Dongwoon replied low.

The cab driver sat, waiting for a real destination as Dongwoon looked out the window. Their eyes met in the rear view mirror and Dongwoon sighed giving directions to a hotel nearby. He hadn’t thought any further than leaving Cody and he wasn’t about the face the B2ST boys today. They’d either feel sorry for him or call him out for being a bastard. None of which he could handle. The cab drove by the park where Cody sat crying.

“Lovely weather we’re having huh.” The cab driver mentioned in an attempt to make conversation to the obviously gloomy young man in his car.

Dongwoon rolled his eyes, “yeah, it’s perfect.”               


This fic is not edited, I'm really sick and don't have the time, but one day I'll clean it up. Sorry for eany errors.

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