Chapter 3 - Team Yifan vs Team Luhan

Inside : EXO's Dorm [HIATUS]


Before I start to focus on my studies, I wanted to upload this chapter. This is NOT the last chapter. I’ll be going on hiatus for 4~5 months and comeback on August or September, and hiatus again until December.
I actually already typed this chapter before but because of a silly mistake, I didn’t save it. It might not appear as funny as the first one.
I’m deactivating my account on mid February. If anyone wish to talk to me or make friends, I’m available on Wechat (ID – AzeanMajelan).


Since EXO’s living room is quite spacious, they decided to turn it into the battle arena for the annual Nerf war. The managers and male stylists helped to arrange the setting.

(they do have a lot of pillows ._.)

Battle 1 : Team Wu Yifan vs Team Luhan

Both given are given 15 minutes before the battle starts. Sehun, who is cheering for Team Yifan keeps on sneaking a look at Luhan who is currently planning out his strategies with Baekhyun.    

          “Shouldn’t you be sitting there?” Zitao asks.

          “I don’t want to be too obvious. I want to maintain our relationship.” Sehun replied.

Zitao laughs and shakes his head.

          “Look at Jongin. Happily cheering for Kyungsoo.” Zitao says.

          “K-Y-U-N-G-S-O-O!! YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!!” Jongin shouts while jumping around in a cheerleader uniform (where did he get that) and a pair of hot pink pom-poms.

          “And Chanyeol-hyung.”

          “B-A-E-K-H-Y-U-N!!!! FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!” Chanyeol shouts on Team Luhan’s side. Baekhyun hits him with his gun. He looked very embarrassed.

          “They are both stupid people. I want a complex relationship.” Sehun states.

        “I don’t know what you mean by complex relationship and I won’t ask you for an explanation.” Zitao says and plays with his phone.


Yifan puts on his safety helmet (it was just a bandana) and checks his weapon regularly.
          “Hyung, are you sure we’ll win?” Kyungsoo asks.

          “Of course. I bet you my fics collection.” Yifan says.

Kyungsoo looked so disgusted and turns away to put on his gears.


Junmyeon is observing Yifan from Team Luhan’s spot. He seems to know something about Yifan’s plan.

          “Hyung, they are betting out which team will win! Put on your stake now!” Jongdae says. “I bet 10000 won that Baekhyun will be today’s hero!”

Junmyeon gladly dumps in his gold card into the wage box.

          “I bet for Team Luhan.” He says.

          “REALLY?!!! But there’s a lot of money in your credit card!” Jongdae screams.

          “I trust Luhan. He’s witty and he can plan out ways to defeat Yifan. We’ll see.” Junmyeon says and sips his green tea.

Yifan heard Junmyeon and smirks.

          “Junmyeon…you underestimated me.” He murmurs.


Two weeks ago…

          “Hyung? What are we doing in a suspicious looking field?” Kyungsoo asked after Yifan dragged him to the ‘suspicious looking field’.

Yifan put down the luggage he’s been carrying after the manager dropped him and Kyungsoo by the road. Kyungsoo was surprised after Yifan ped the luggage.

There were two ing Nerf guns.

          “I’m going to make you a man, Kyungsoo.” Yifan said.

          “ME?!” Kyungsoo yelped. “Shouldn’t you pick Luhan-hyung?”

          “Luhan is already manly. He just doesn’t show it too much because he’s afraid that he’ll be manlier than Sehun. He wants to be the ultimate uke.” Yifan replied.

Kyungsoo cocked his head to the left because he doesn’t really understand what Yifan is saying.

          “Why are you going to make me manly?” Kyungsoo asked.

          “You see. The annual Nerf war is in two weeks, and I have done my maths. You’ll becoming my partner and we’re gonna win it.” Yifan tried to assure Kyungsoo.

          “Are you sure about that?” Kyungsoo asked.

          “Yes.Now, ‘Mission : Man-up, Kyungsoo-ya!’ will now start!”



          “First battle between Team Yifan and Team Luhan will now commence! The first team to shoot both opponents will win!” Manager K announced and starts the game.

Baekhyun shoots aimlessly towards Kyungsoo but Kyungsoo swiftly dodges all the bullets.

          “Baekhyun-ah! What are you doing? Don’t waste your bullets!” Luhan shouts.

          “Kyungsoo is too fast!” Baekhyun yells.

Kyungsoo giggles and shoots a bullet at Baekhyun. His shot surprisingly hits the target. Baekhyun is out.

          “Byun Baekhyun, out!” Manager M announces.

Junmyeon facepalms and bites his lower lip. Jongdae and Chanyeol keep on cheering for team Luhan.

          “Hyung, the training did me good!” Kyungsoo squeals as he hides behind one of the pillow fortresses.

          “I told you, right? Look, Jongin is so proud of you.” Yifan says.

Kyungsoo peeks at Jongin from his position and sees that Jongin is crying. Kyungsoo feels so happy and also cried.

          “I feel so accomplished!” Kyungsoo says and sobs.

        “Stop crying. You’re a man. Now, watch me beat the crap out of the human deer.” Yifan says.

Luhan glares at Yifan for calling him a human deer and grips his gun tighter. His initial plan failed after Baekhyun made a mistake earlier. He needs to somehow shoot at Yifan, but for that he needs a miracle.

Luhan glances at Sehun. Their eyes meet each other for a few seconds. Sehun says something but Luhan can’t hear it (because Jongin were too loud, cheering for Kyungsoo). Luhan manages to read Sehun’s lips.

          “I don’t mind if you lose. I’ll win the game for you.”

Luhan blushes and mouths an ‘I love you’ at Sehun. Yifan takes up this split second opportunity and shoots Luhan right in his cheek.

          “Right in yo face, Luhan! Hahahaha! The victory belongs to me!” Yifan yells.

          “! Yifan, you tricked me!” Luhan shouts.

          “Luhan, out! Team Yifan wins!” Manager K announces. “Next battle, Team Junmyeon vs Team Yixing!”



Kyungsoo runs over to Yifan for a hug but Jongin jumps in first and Kyungsoo ended up hugging him instead.

                “You’re great, hyung!” Jongin says.

                “Yifan-hyung helped me to. You should thank him.” Kyungsoo replies.

                “What if I ended up playing against you for the finals? You are so strong, I’m afraid I’ll lose.” Jongin asked.

                “What are you talking about? I’m not strong…” Kyungsoo says and blushes.

Jongin giggles and flicks Kyungsoo’s forehead.

                “But your love for me is strong, right?” Jongin asks.

Kyungsoo turns red and pushes Jongin away to talk with Yifan. Zitao grabs a pillow and throws it at Jongin.

                “Move away, lover boy! Stop your cheesy act. It’s my turn to shine.” Zitao shouts.

Jongin rolls his eyes and follows the others who are leaving the ‘arena’.


goodbye and see you in a few months

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Chapter 4: I just realized you had every little comments, so I'm gonna spam you with a long one. Damm you, you made me hungry again. But thx for updating, and lols but the one he wants to read like wu fan, which couple is it?
Chapter 3: OMO! XDD wahahha YEHET!
Chapter 2: awww.... it's so cute ^^
hope u do well on ur exam and update soon!