Open Arms

MID-SEMESTER EXAMS ARE OVERRRR !!! -throws confetti-

One more week of class then a week of paradise in Thailand! WEEEEEEEEEE :)

Sorry for not updating since who knows when. But I was studying.





003: We sailed on together / We drifted apart



It was a quiet evening in the Xi’s household as Jessica waited her husband to come home from work. Dinner was prepared and Luhan wasn’t expected to be home till another hour, this gave Jessica some time to just relax and do the things that she loves to do. Sitting in the corner of their master bedroom on her red lounge, she rested a novel on her lap as she gently placed her head on the chair and reminisced about the past. Her mind wondered off to her wedding day. If she was to described the day it would be perfect, a fairy-tale, magical and the best day of her life. She remembered bawling her eyes out before entering the ceremony, causing the make up artist to furiously re-do her elegant make up. She remembered nervously walking down the aisle and slightly tripping on her long dress – she blushed as she looked over at her father who was trying his hardest to suppress his laughter. She smiled unknowingly when she remembered looking into Luhan’s excited eyes as she cited her vows in front of him. As if her memories were real and happening, she felt the sparks flying as she thought back to when Luhan kissed her when they were announced as husband and wife.

Jessica was thankful for having a man like Luhan in her life. Although there were times where his inner child-like behaviour came out to play, he was still able to prove to her that he was more than capable of cherishing and caring for her in their life together as a married couple. She thought back to the time when her company revealed to her that Girls’ Generation would no longer continue as a group. They were going to disband. This had affected Jessica real hard. She cried for days, refused to eat and locked herself away from the rest of the world.



Jessi honey, you have to eat something. I hate seeing you like this” She recalled Luhan’s gentle voice as he knelt beside her on the cold floor. Jessica pushed her husband away as she pulled her knees closer to her body,

Go away! I don’t want you here!” She coldly demanded. But being accustomed to her cold exterior for so many years, Luhan did not flinch and pulled her fragile body into his embrace. Placing kisses on her crown, he kept her in his arms as she sobbed uncontrollably; her warm tears soaking his expensive dress shirt. After hearing her sobs subside, he pulled apart and wiped to remaining tears off her cheeks,

I know I can’t offer you any advices to comfort you because I’ve never been through what you’re going through. But you have to understand that as your husband, I cannot let you sit here and cry your heart out and wait for death to knock on your door. You have to stop being selfish for once baby. What am I going to do without you? It kills me when I come home from work to see my wife huddled in a corner and suffering on her own. I married you for so many reasons Jessica. And one of them is to share the pain with you. So let me fulfil that promise and….”

Luhan didn’t have to finish of his sentence. Jessica knew that Luhan was by her side from the very beginning. Luhan had always been there for her, helping her overcome her troubles. It was Luhan who had brought Jessica back to humanity. She collapsed into his warmth and wrapped her arms around his neck tightly,

I’m sorry and I love you,” Jessica whispered against his skin



Her eyes jolted opens as she hurriedly got off the couch and ran towards the kitchen. Luhan was supposed to be home half an hour ago and it was her duty to have dinner ready. Frantically looking around the kitchen, she found no sign of her husband. Walking towards the bathroom she heard no sound of water running from the showerhead.

A pout formed on her lips as she sat on the kitchen stool, her face between her palms, “Luhannie is late...again”




EXO’s schedule had ended about an hour ago and Luhan was supposed to head home after dropping Sehun and Kris off at their dorm. As they approached the apartment, Luhan parked his car and turned off the engine. His fellow members gave him weird looks as they watched the married man leave the car and headed towards the dorm.

Hey Luhan! Aren’t you supposed to be going home?” Kris asked curiously once he had caught up to the latter.

Nah, I wanna hang out with you boys tonight” Luhan casually replied.

But what about Sica noona?” Sehun queried as he jumped on Kris’ back for piggyback ride. The older man grunted but felt obliged to carry the maknae into the dorm – simply because he was the youngest among them all. Luhan shrugged at Sehun’s question – the thought of Jessica waiting for him at home didn’t cross his mind.


As the trio entered the apartment, Luhan marched over to where Tao was in the kitchen and grabbed a spoonful of his dinner. The young, self-acclaimed panda agitatedly pushed Luhan away and protected his plate from Luhan who was planning on retaliating.

Tao! Don’t chew with your mouth open” Suho’s voice could be heard as he lectured Tao when his motherly instinct kicked in. Suho then turned towards the figure beside Tao and was stunned to see Luhan,

Hyung! What are you doing here? Where’s Jessica noona?”

Home… I guess” Luhan replied lazily as he peeked around the kitchen, hoping to find something edible.

Suho hesitated for a bit, “Shouldn’t you be home with her…?”

Nah, she’ll be fine. I wanted to hang out with guys for the night”

Suho was astonished. Words were stuck in his throat, as he was shocked about Luhan’s behaviour. While they were still dating, Luhan was always with Jessica. They were literally inseparable. And Suho didn’t expect it to change much after they were married.

But hyung, this is your fifth night here. That means you haven’t had dinner with noona since the beginning of the week now!”

Luhan shrugged his shoulders again and glared at the younger boy, “Like I said, she’ll manage. It’s not like she’s 5 years old and needs to be taken care off. She’s my wife anyway, why do you care?”

Kris, who noticed the tension in the kitchen, motioned Tao to leave as he tried to mediate the issue between the two.

What’s going on?” He asked the pair and glanced between the two.

Nothing” Luhan coldly replied. Suho scoffed and rolled his eyes.

I pity Jessica noona. I knew I shouldn’t have let her go to someone like you” Suho accused Luhan. The latter turned around to face Suho and pierced his fierce eyes through Suho,

What are you talking about?” Luhan gritted his teeth.

You acted like you were the best man alive on earth while you were still dating her. But once you married her, you neglected her. Her life would be so much better if she married me.” Suho answered as he returned the glare and took one step closer to Luhan who was now clenching his fist.

What do you mean? Why would you marry her?” Luhan demanded. The atmosphere was so tense to the point where Kris was feeling lost. He was confused and everything was happening to fast.

Suho scoffed once again, “Before you even came into the picture it was all about me and Sica noona. I was about to confess to her but you had to ruin it. Ever since you started pestering her during your trainee days, my relationship with Jessica drifted apart. Until that one day when she confessed to me that she liked you. And I gave up. But now that I think about… what does she like in a bastard like you?”

Luhan lurched forward and threw his fist into the leader’s jaw. The impact caused Suho to stumble onto the floor and his left hand made its way up towards his busted lips.

Luhan bent down towards Suho and grabbed onto the collars of his shirt, “Jessica is my wife and she’s your sister-in-law. If I hear you go around sprouting nonsense like this again… I will not leave you alone.”

And with that Luhan exited the dorm and slammed the door – leaving the other members confused.


After a few rounds of beers and cocktails at the bar, Luhan decided to drive home despite being under the influence of alcohol. Quickly parking the car, he made his way up towards his apartment. After making a ruckus when he was looking for the keys, he tiptoed into the apartment, surprised to find the lights were still on. He quickened his pace around the house – hoping that his wife was sleeping soundly in their room. As he entered the kitchen, a pang of guilt washed through his body as he spotted Jessica on the stool sleeping, her head rested on the kitchen counter. Beside her were two plates of untouched food. Softly pushing a few strands of her hair behind her ear, he bent down and kissed her temple.

You pabo. Why did you wait for me?” He questioned.

Carefully loading her into his arms, he carried her towards their bed. Jessica shifted in his arms and snuggled closely into his chest, unaware that she was being carried. Unknowingly, she let out a sigh and mumbled,

Luhannie oppa… I love you… we’re drifting apart…aren’t we?”

That night, Luhan sat beside his wife as he watched her sleep. He observed how her chest would rise when she inhaled and slowly dropped as she breathed out. He smiled at the fact that Jessica would softly smile when she snuggled closer to his body. His mind drifted back to the words Suho had said and could feel the tears forming in his eyes.

I’m sorry…maybe Suho is right. Maybe he would’ve been a better husband for you”


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xoxo, sicabias.

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Chapter 10: Finally happy ending. ❤
Chapter 10: I love this fic. I wish I can upvote but I don't have enough karma's but all in all I want to praise this story because it's really great. I hope I can read more EXOSica(SuSica ❤) story from you in the future. Keep it coming authornim ❤
Chapter 10: Aw happy ending <3
Thankyou for your hardwork!
Do more of this again;)
But please be hunsica kekeke
Chapter 10: Ohmygosh~~ This is so cute~~ Make more EXOSICA stories author-nim^^
Chapter 9: Wahhhhhhhhhhhh~ So Daebak!
Author-nim~!!! I choose option #1
Chapter 9: aw the last sentence is :'D
lee041991 #7
Chapter 9: I really hope u Make a sequel for Lusica You write the Best Lusica Fanfics also i dont really see how you can carry on with this one.
Ps love your story so far its amazing i hope you continue to update more often Great chapter awesome keep up to the work
SoYou__Angel #8
Chapter 9: Make another Lusica story with another song is better I think! I think your ff is done.. I really like it.., aaah They'ré finally together for good! my feels when I thought about the divorce! ahah Seohyun, this is a gift for making lusica suffer! keep writing exosica please! I love it :DF
Chapter 9: Luhan is such a protective husband, i'm so touched omg. He's such a sweet husband alive lol. Lusica ftw <333
Chapter 9: I choose Option 1 ~