Chapter III

Scent of Cheese and Wine



Class ended and apparently the guy sitting next to me went by the name of Chen, his actual name being Jongdae. He was a very gentle guy who was also smart. We had the same vocal class together so he decided show me how to get there. When I got outside I was surprised to see Luhan waiting outside looking cool as ever. He perked up and saw me giving me a small smile before heading over.


“Oh. You're friends with him?” Chen said in what sounded like disgust. “Be careful. Imma head off. Get to class safely.” He said before bolting off.


Careful?  Of Luhan? But he's an angel! I thought to myself as he made his way.


“Hey.” Luhan smiled at me with that angelic presence he brought.


“Hi.” I smiled back and he took my hand, holding it. My face tinted pink at his touch. “I really like holding your hand.” He said causing my blush to deepen.


“Oh I see.” Was all I could mutter out.


“Next class?” Luhan asked politely. Unbeknownst to me he already knew my schedule but decided to be that good boy and ask. I gave him my schedule and he scanned over it. “Oh Vocal lessons. that's this way.” He said leading me down the halls. As I walked hand in hand with Luhan people gave us glances. In all honesty, it made me nervous. His pace slowed down as soon as we were away from the crowd. “So, who was that kid you were talking to?” Luhan asked.


“Um Chen. He seemed like a nice person.” I said remembering he was quite a gentleman to me in class.


“Oh I see. Is that you're type of guy?” He asked throwing me into complete shock.


“Why?” I asked quietly not really wanting to answer the question.


“Just getting to know you better.” He said with a small playful tone in his voice, yet it sounded sincere, like he really did want to get to know me.


“Oh... um well yes it is I guess. I can't really stand the bad boys.” I said quietly as my brain came flooded with the memories of my ex-boyfriend.


“Oh how come?” He asked showing genuine interest. I then took note how he was now walking beside me and looking at me.


“Um, I had a boyfriend before, ex now. He played with me. I just really liked him a lot. I then found him making out with some girl. When I confronted him he just broke up with me on the spot casually and continued to kiss the girl. I was torn because we had been dating for 3 months and it was our 3 month anniversary.” I quietly said and I suddenly gasped. I had never told anyone about that ever the true story of us breaking up.


“Oh well that's a rude thing to do.” Luhan said trying to show some concern. It was hard for him showing concern. He does this on a regular basis.


“But you seem different.” I said and a smile appeared on my face. “You're like an angel!” I giggled.


That was Luhans street name. The Angel disguised as the devil. Known for once ing 15 girls in one week.


“I am different.” Luhan said looking straight into her eyes.


It was the first time he had ever saw pure innocence in a girls eyes. All the girls he had a relationship with were impure filled with terrible intentions.


“I know you are.” A huge smile appeared on my face as they continued walking. He stopped in front of two doors and so did I.


“I'll pick you up after class.” Luhan said giving me a peck on my forehead before taking his leave.


I smiled walking into class. A seat was open next to Chen so I decided to take it. He was busy talking to another guy with huge frog-like eyes.


“Hey Chen you have a friend.” Kero eyes said.


“Oh Mia! You made it safely! You aren't hurt are you?” Chen said inspecting my face then neck. I looked at him oddly for why he was examining my neck but he didn’t see anything suspicious  and just let out a sigh of relief when he was done with his inspection.


“No I'm not. Thanks for the concern though!” I smiled brightly.


“Wanna eat with us at lunch?” He asked and this he remembered something. "This is Kyungsoo! He think he sounds cooler if you call him D.O though." Chen chuckled.


“You can call me Kyungsoo.” D.O smiled.


“Well its nice to meet you Kyungsoo! And sure I'd love to eat lunch with you.” I smiled at him. Class began and we just sang a simple C scale. I was amazed by Chen and Kyungsoo's voices. It was amazing. Compared to them, I felt tone deaf.




Class ended and I was talking to Kyungsoo and Chen when I said a familiar person waiting outside my class. This time he wasn't alone but had a flock of girls around him.


“Why is that jerk here?” Kyungsoo muttered and Chen pulled me away before I got a chance to say hi to Luhan. As soon as we reached the cafeteria Chen let go.


“Stay away from him.” Chen said directly to me.


“Luhan?” I asked confused about who they were talking about, and they both nodded at the same time.


“He's not, quite as he seems.” Kyungsoo said as we stood in line to get food. I got a salad, Kyungsoo got a sandwich as well as Chen. They led me to a table that had four other guys seated at the table.


“Chen ge! Kyungsoo ge!” A scary looking nerd said with a bright smile. He turned to look at me. His stare is intimidating!


“Who's she ge?”  He asked looking at Chen then back at me.


“Mia! She just transferred!” Chen said and motioned me to sit down.


"So I guess we'll do introductions then. I'm Joonmyun. But you can call me Suho." the gentle looking one said.


“I'm Chanyeol! You're now my new best friend!” A tall happy boy said brightly beaming at me.


“I'm Yixing.” another one with bangs that swept across said with a smile. When he smiled, a dimple appeared causing me to blush.


“I'm Zitao.” The scary one said and looked at me with an intense stare. "Imma call you Noona!" He smiled. He looked so adorable and innocent.


“So its Suho, Chanyeol, Tao and Yi ....?” I tried saying but he just laughed.


“Yixing.” He said with a gentle smile.


“I'm just going to call you Lay. Yixing is too complicated to say.” I said with a smile and he just eyed me oddly.


“Like the chips?” He asked and I nodded and pointed to the snack he was eating.


“Oh, that makes sense.” He said nodding and understanding.



(A/N: swearing below!)

“Oh, you’re here. I thought you went to go pick up your girlfriend?” Baekhyun snickered but Luhan shot him a sharp glare.


If it was anyone but his friend who received the glare they would have been petrified and seen their life flash before their eyes. As Luhan’s friends, they’ve witnessed the glare countless number of times so they were used to it.


“She’s ing around with those those lame s.” Luhan grumbled stabbing his cheese and munching on it furiously. Luhan had a salad with cheese squares on it. All of them looked up scanning the cafeteria for the group and finally spotted them. Kris furrowed his bushy eyebrows in confusion.


“Is that her?” Kris says in almost utter disgust. She looked pretty plain compared to other models girls Luhan has managed to swoon.


“Yeah.” Luhan said stabbing another salad thinking it was Chen’s face. Oh how he wished it really was that Troll’s face.


“She’s sort of cute?” Sehun said like it was a question. He agreed with Kris. She was pretty plain compared to others they have managed to snag.


“So that’s your new type? Woah, it’s like a Wolf attacking its prey.” Kai snickered. He thought she was totally not Luhan’s type.


“Have you made a move by the way?” Xiumin questioned. He thought she was kind of pretty, but not as good as other models all of them had dated.


“No, ing dumb s won’t let me near her.” Luhan said glaring right into Chen’s soul.


“Don’t worry, she’ll be yours soon hopefully.” Kai said but Luhan just stabbed the cheese that came with the salad and devoured it in one mouthful.


“Better be. I’m actually trying to be a good kid.” Luhan said and looked over towards Mia laughing freely with those lame s.




I love this story! omg. well I havent' updated this one in forever... sorry! I'm working on like 4 different stories ish. I mean, they all have stuff written out ahead of them, but I like having a ton of chapters ahead before I post. So um yeah.

Hope you enjoyed this update :) 

~Jamie <3 

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081715 chapter 17 is out~ Scent of Cheese and Wine


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