Caramel Macchiato

Caramel Macchiato

Caramel Macchiato
(One Shot)


When my cousin asked me to fill in for one of her sick employees at the café for a few weeks, I hadn’t expected to leave with any lingering feelings for the place. I had nothing to do during my summer break anyhow, so making a few extra dollars seemed appealing at the time. The people I worked with were nice enough and I was glad to see my cousin when she popped in every so often to check up on everything, but all in all, the job was quite dull. Wiping and re-wiping all the surfaces of the shop quickly lost my interest after the fourth time around. Perhaps, it was due to the fact that I’d been covering the shifts outside of rush hour since I was a rookie.

Admittedly, within the first week, I became giddy whenever a customer came in because it meant I could practice making the drinks, which was really the only interesting part. However, even then, most customers only asked for an Americano, which was incredibly simple to make.

A particular order caught my attention one day: a caramel macchiato. I had been shown how to make it once at the beginning of my employment, but hadn’t been able to try it out since then. Happily, I picked up the metal pitcher and filled it with milk, getting to work to create this order. It was silly, but I thoroughly enjoyed the process, pouring the concoction together reminded me of Potions Class from Harry Potter.

After a few minutes, I finished my masterpiece and slid a cardboard sleeve onto the cup, placing the drink onto the counter at the end of the bar. I called out the order and a tall, milky-skinned male walked over to pick it up. He reminded me of someone whom you’d find in a drama. His gaze met mine and I was caught off guard by his warm obsidian eyes that crinkled slightly when he grinned at me in thanks. Before I could say anything, my coworker called out another order, so I just smiled and turned around to grab another cup. When I looked up again, he was gone.


During my next shift, I was wiping down the counters again out of boredom, when a deep bass voice pulled me out of my daydreaming.

“Caramel Macchiato, please,” he said. The words seemed to roll off his tongue effortlessly

I caught myself glancing over, just to make sure it was him again. And sure enough, it was. He paid, and looked up from my coworker to me, a small smile playing on his lips. He was wearing a baseball cap today, making me notice how his ears protruded a little from the side of his head. It kind of reminded me of an elf.

Ya,” my co-worker prompted, when I didn’t move.

Flushing in embarrassment, I dropped the wet rag in my hand and got to work. I repeated the steps to myself in my head, and steamed the milk, made the espresso shot, poured them accordingly, and drizzled caramel on top. I was much faster than last time, and couldn’t help but smile proudly at myself.

“Caramel Macchi—“ I stopped short as I spotted the customer already standing at the counter. He smiled at me, and thanked me as I placed it down.

“Enjoy!” I exclaimed, a little too excitedly, as I quickly returned to wiping down the counters. Something about his smile kept sending butterflies into my stomach, and frankly made me flustered.


Our encounters continued on and off throughout the few weeks I worked at the café, and each time it would be the same: he’d order a caramel macchiato and move towards the end of the bar after paying. Meanwhile, I’d practically be starting to steam the milk once I heard the ringing of the bells by the door.

We didn’t converse, but I could sense his eyes following me as I worked. Once, when I was by the espresso machine, I glanced over and caught him staring, at which point he diverted his gaze casually and pulled his cap a little lower. He looked over again when I handed him the drink, and opened his mouth to say something, but paused and just said ‘thank you’ instead. That happened multiple times, actually, and made me want to talk to him even more, however, there’d always be another order in queue or I’d chicken out.

Finally, after many thank you’s and awkward smiles, he spoke to me. I’d just finished making his drink and placed it on the table, when he reached out for it before I’d let go. Our hands touched for a moment, and I felt my cheeks flush instantly.

“Sorry,” he said, but smiled all the same. I nodded, unsure what to say back to him. The café was quiet and there wasn’t anyone else to serve, so I just stepped back slightly, into the security of the bar. “Hey, I’ve been your regular so often, but still haven’t gotten your name…”

I blinked owlishly, unused to hearing so many words coming from his mouth. His deep voice tickled my ears pleasantly.

“Chanyeol.” He introduced himself, and stuck his free hand over the counter.

“___________,” I replied, clasping his long fingers and shaking it; his fingertips were calloused, and brushed against my palm roughly. I hope he didn’t notice how I trembled in nervousness.

“Thanks again, ___________.” Chanyeol grinned widely, enough that I could practically count all of his teeth. “I’ll see you soon.” I smiled and waved back, stifling my laughter when I witnessed him almost mowing down another patron on his way out. He was cute, I decided.

Unfortunately, that was also my last week working at the café. I didn’t get to tell him, however, as I didn’t see him again for the rest of the week. So, with some lingering disappointment, I left my temporary job at the café.



Two weeks later, I was walking my neighbour’s adorable white Pomeranian at the park. I had been enjoying the rest of my summer vacation as classes would start up again soon at the university.  Mostly, I spent my days browsing the library and trying (but failing) to read ahead in my courses, or hanging out with my friends and be the end of the summer. I hadn’t gone back to the café since, but thoughts of the freakishly tall and grinning elf would pop up once in a while. I kept our little interactions as a secret to myself, as I figured it was just a summer crush… besides, my friends would probably tell me that there’s better prospective when we returned to campus.

I was lost in my own thoughts when Sommie, the pom, yipped happily by my ankle before running ahead. Startled, I was dragged by the energetic pup down the path, and couldn’t get him to stop.

“Sommie, heel!” I shouted, but he didn’t even twitch an ear and continued running full speed towards a squirrel he’d spotted at the foot of an oak tree.

Too focused on the rampant puppy, I only vaguely heard a shout of, “Watch out!” In an instant, someone yanked me off the path and I let go of the dog leash at the same time. Out of the corner of my eye, I caught a glimpse of a cyclist whiz by us on the asphalt.

My world was still spinning when I realized I was lying on top of another body, both of us breathing hard from the adrenaline rush. I tried to sit up, feeling embarrassed that I was on top of a total stranger, but my vision still hadn’t settled, making me plant my hands on the grass in an attempt to balance myself. The stranger got to his knees and gingerly held me steady.

“Are you alright?” The familiar bass tone brought me to my senses, and I looked up to see those same obsidian eyes staring worriedly at me.

I open my mouth and gaped, before stuttering, “It’s you…!”

He seemed to find my shock humorous and guffawed, unable to contain his laughter. His behaviour was really confusing to me.

“What’s so funny?” I asked, slightly miffed

“Sorry.” He quickly sobered up but still had that huge grin on his face. “I just didn’t expect to see you here, and judging by your reaction, it’s the same for you.”

“Ah, I see.” I quickly got to my feet, and he did the same. His incredibly height allowed him to easily tower over me. “Well, thank you for saving me from being run over.”

“It’s no problem,” he responded easily. I nodded, and turned to find Sommie, who’d run off in all the commotion. Darn pup obviously didn’t really care about his babysitter. It’s a good thing he’s adorable. “Hey, _________?” I perked up at the sound of my name, surprised that he’d remembered it.


“Can I see you at the café again?” The way his question was worded threw me off-guard, as it sounded like he was indirectly asking me out. I was probably overthinking things though. He looked at me expectantly, a hopeful smile on his face. However…

“Sorry,” I answered and paused in amusement when I realized his face fell dejectedly. “No, I don’t mean anything against you, Chanyeol. The café thing was a temporary job, as a favour to the owner. I don’t actually work there.”

“Oh.” He seemed to brighten at that realization. “Then –…” He was cut off by a bark, and you both turned to see Sommie being held by another male, who had some leaves stuck in his hair and was smiling sheepishly. Knowing Sommie, this stranger had probably gone to great lengths to try to catch that little rascal.

“I believe this is yours?” He held the pom out towards me, and Sommie immediately leaped into my arms. He yipped and at my cheek in excitement, making me giggle as I took the leash back from the stranger as well.

“I’m Baekhyun, by the way. Since Chanyeol here decided to rescue you, I went to rescue the dog,” he said cheekily. I nodded and thanked him as well, glancing briefly at Chanyeol who had stepped closer to play with the dog.

“He’s cute.” Chanyeol scratched Sommie behind his ears, and the Sommie was instantly enamoured, trying to jump out of my arms and towards this new friend. Chanyeol held his arms out, so I let go and had to laugh when Sommie outright tackled the poor guy, who ended up on his again, laughing uncontrollably as Sommie his face in content.

“Did you wipe your face with a piece of steak this morning?” Baekhyun teased, laughing at his friend.

“Apparently it was a juicy one too,” I added, crouching down to pick up the hyperactive canine, who barked happily in response. “Okay, Sommie, it’s time to go home. Your owner is going to be back soon.”

“Sommie isn’t yours?” asked Baekhyun.

“Nope, just doing a favour for the neighbours.” I let Sommie back on the floor, as he was being restless, and he pawed at Chanyeol’s leg, who had just stood up.

“Do you always do favours for people? First the coffee shop, now dog walking…” Chanyeol remarked.

Bakehyun blinked. “Coffee shop? OH! You’re that ___________! Chanyeol always ta--…” He was quickly cut off by Chanyeol clamping a hand over his mouth and was put into a headlock by the taller boy.

…talks about you? I finished the sentence in my head, and blushed. “Um… Okay, I think I’m going to go.” I mumbled, tugging on Sommie’s leash. “It was nice to meet you Baekhyun, and I’m glad to see you again, Chanyeol.” I turned to make a quick exit but Chanyeol caught my arm.

“Wait, ________!” he exclaimed, and then quickly dropped my arm when he saw the surprise on my face. “Sorry. Uh, can I walk you?”

I hesitated for a moment, wondering if it was a good idea, but then remembered how he’d floated around in my mind for the past few weeks… was I willing to go that step forward or keep wondering about what could have been? Smiling slowly, I nodded.

Baekhyun mentioned something about practice and waved at us, saying, “Have fun walking _________ walk Sommie.” Chanyeol just shook his head and watched his friend go.

We walked out of the park in an awkward silence, with Sommie trotting ahead of us. I glanced over at Chanyeol, who looked troubled now that we were alone again. He seemed…nervous.

I finally spoke up. “Do you actually like caramel macchiato that much, Chanyeol?”

He chuckled softly, as if grateful for the change in atmosphere. “Truthfully I didn’t even know what it was until the first time you made it for me. and I only ordered it because it sounded cool.” He gave me a sheepish look.

“Really?” I asked, raising a brow. “How come you kept ordering it then?”

“Ha…” He rubbed the back of his neck. “It’s because you seemed really happy making it the first time, and it didn’t taste too bad either.”

It was my turn to laugh. I didn’t realize that my excitement of making something other than an Americano had shown through.

“You don’t think it’s weird?” he asked.

“Actually, yeah, it is pretty weird, but kind of endearing at the same time,” I replied honestly. “You could’ve just order something you actually like, you know, not something that made me happy.”

“But you’re cute when you smile…” He said, and quickly averted his gaze. I blushed and sped up slightly, hoping he wouldn’t see it.

“Sorry,” he apologized. “I tend to speak without thinking. I didn’t mean to make you feel uncomfortable.”

“No, no, that’s okay,” I quickly replied. “Thanks for the compliment. I just wasn’t expecting you to say something like that.”

“I’m lucky the other guys aren’t around, they’d have scolded me for not filtering my thoughts.” He caught up to me in one long stride and was walking next to me again.

“No worries. Honesty is a plus, in my books,” I assured him, and caught the grin that spread practically to his ears. Without realizing it, we’d already reached my house, so I stopped and turned to Chanyeol.

“Well, this is me and Sommie,” I said, gesturing towards the houses behind us. “Say ‘bye’, Sommie.” I nudged the Pomeranian forward, and Chanyeol bent down to pet him one last time. As he stood up, I gathered my courage and asked, “So, I guess I’ll see you around?”

Chanyeol grinned widely in response, like the first time he’d asked my name. “Yeah! How does Tuesday sound?” I had to do a double-take, not expecting him to ask that. He hadn’t been kidding about the ‘no filter’ thing.

“Sure.” I nodded. He pulled out his phone and we exchanged numbers quickly.

Finally, we said our goodbyes and Chanyeol went back down the street, leaving me to wave and Sommie to bark as we watched him go. I briefly wondered what was in store for this loud, adorable, and unusually tall boy, and myself. What had started off with a simple interaction at my temp job that I had no hope of blossoming, and frankly had given up on, resulted in a second chance at meeting. I just shook my head, scolding myself for thinking too much. Whatever was to come would be as bewitching as the magical elixir that was a caramel macchiato: warm, rich and inviting.


That night, as I was getting ready for bed, my phone chimed with an incoming text. I read it and didn’t even try to stifle my laughter. That silly elf…

‘Hey, let’s go to an ice cream shop on Tuesday… I’m kind of tired of coffee. – Chanyeol’

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Chapter 1: so cuteeeeeeee
Chapter 1: ewlahgisfdlhjdgflaskj
Chapter 1: Aww pls do a sequel. Wanna read more
S-sone21 #4
Chapter 1: yay to your cute story! :) enjoyed reading it. thumbs up!
p0tchi #5
Chapter 1: chanyeol is so cute :3
Meep_13 #6
Chapter 1: Aww this story is so cute!! Love it!!