
Say That You Love Me Too

In Yun P.O.V

~Seulpeohajima no no no honjaga anya no no no ~

"IN YUN! WAKE UP. WE GOING TO BE LATE FOR WORK!" I can hear my friend shout from the living room but my eyes just wont open. "Err" I sigh while getting up from my bed to the bathroom.Same thing every single day. I wake up,have breakfust, go to work with my only best friend Anna and than go back home. Same old same old. I sigh again while picking some comfortable clothes to wear.

"IN YUNNN HURRYYYY!!" I can hear Anna shout when I walk to the kitchen. "Fine fine. I'm done. Let me just get my breakfust" I shake my head while eating some toast and milk. I look at Anna that is sitting infornt of me is smiling like an idiot. "What?" I say with my mouth full. "Yunnie-ah. Do u remember the handsome guy that come to the cafe yesterday?" Anna ask me. I was thinking for a moment. A handsome guy? Hmmm Oh! "Oh u mean Suho?" I saw she was nodding like a kid now. What a weird friend I have. "What about him?" I ask while drinking my milik. "Well..Hmm He kinda ask for my munber yesterday so i give it to him and...heaskmeonadatetoday" I blink a few time. Kind,Rick and handsome Suho is asking Anna for a date? I was dumbfounded. What a life. "Oh I see. When are u going then?" I ask her.

She is so lucky. She can easily get a namja with her pretty face and a pretty smile. Even the rich Suho want her. I sigh. My life will never be like her. "Today at 1pm. I will let u take over my place today. The other worker is there too so dont worry. I know today is Sunday and alot I mean alot of people come to our cafe today but plsss just this one? Like me goo??" She say while doing her puppy eye. Oh god. Not the puppy eyes ! "Errr Fine! But u have to buy lunch for me next time okay?" I say to her with my head laying on the table. 3..2...1..."AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!! YOU THE BEST YUNNI!!"Anna start shouting like theres no tmr. "Okay okay now. I have to go to work so u better get ready since ur date will come in a few hours" I smile and wink at her knowing she will get nervous after this.

As I walk to work. I can see couple everywhere. I sigh. Ever single middle school, no one really want to be my friend or even sit mate. I was left alone and ever got a single friend. But I'm okay with it since I'm use to it. But when I went to hig school. People bully me for not having friend, that lead Anna that come and say that she is my friend. I was shock. I was really shock. I did'nt really need people to stand and say things like that but I'm thankful and happy that some even one person want to be my friend. I'm happy. Really really happy.

As I open the cafe door. I was greet by alot customer. Wow I guess couple really do like out cafe. I sigh. Another tireding day of work. I walk to the back so I can change to my work uniform. After I'm done, I greet the other worker. They are also my friend. Yunmin,Molly and Hun. They are friendly and like kids. I cant imagine how I become friends with the four of tham. "Hey guys. Anna cant come today since she have a date with a rich guy" I say while giggling seeing their shock face. "She is one lucky girl" "I'm so jealouse of her" "Why can't I be her?" I giggle when I hear they saying things like that.  "Okay guys. We have alot of customer today so I hope we can work without any stress okay?" I say with a smile. "OKAYYYY!!" The three of them say than walk to their work place.

I takes all the custimer order with a smile and give them their drink with a smile too. That how working at a cafe works. Smile. That what we always have to do. "Welcome sir! May I take ur order?" I say with a smile when I saw a young man in a suit sitting on one of the table. Alot of people are looking at him since he have a baby face. "yes. Can I have a cup of bubble tea?" he say than look at me not blinking an eye. Both of us just stare at each other. I can feel my hear beating so fast. Finally I blink when I hear the door bell right. "Oh..Okay sir. One bubble tea coming" I say with a smile and walk away.

What am I feeling? Why is my heart beating so fast? I need to calm my heart down. I shake my head and begin to make the bubble tea. After I'm done making his bubble tea. I got nervous again since I have to give him his bubble tea. That mean more heart beating fast. I inhale slowly and start to walk to his table. I can feel alot of eyes on me. I'm just giving him is bubble tea. Stop staring people! "Sir,Here is ur bubble tea." I say while placing the cup slowly and carefully down. "Thank you. Btw,What ur name?" the baby face guy ask. I can feel my cheeks become hot from seeing his face."Hmm it...Lee...I-in..Yun" I say. I can hear him laught a little.

"Dont be nervous I wont bit u" I can hear him laught more. I smile a little seeing his happy face. I kinda feel happy too. "I'm Luhan by the way. You look young how old are u In Yun?" I was shock by the name. Lu..Han? I think I have hear that name before. But where? Hmm..The TV! "OMG ! u are Xi Company new CEO??!! I say with a shock face. I hear his laught again. "Yes that me. But pls I dont want people to look big on me. I'm just a normal 23 years old guy" I blush when I see his smile. He have a nice smile. Wait? 23?"you are older them me?! " I say again shock. Oh my to many shock news today. First Anna dating Suho than I mean a baby face guy than I know his name is Luhan and he is the CEO of the XI company and now what? He is 3 years older then me? so much to take.

"Do I look at young to do?" he say while drinking his bubble tea. I just nod my head to shock to talk. "I get that alot so, how old are u miss InYun?" he ask with his sweet voice that make me blush real hard. "I'm 20 years old" I say not looking at his face."Ah I see. Well nice to meet u InYun-iss. I hope I can see u again some other time" he say while giving me a smile and walk away out of the shop. I was dumbfounded. I shake my head so I can get back to work. I take the empty cup and the money he left. But than I see a little paper. "I wish to see u again when u are out of work miss Inyun. If u may meet me at the park near ur cafe tmr at 2pm" I read the paper. He? want to meet me?

I was again dumbfounded in my own world until I feel someone pinching my cheeks. "What are u dreaming about?" say one of my co-woker Hun. Hun took the paper out of my hand and start to read it. "Blablabla bla..OMG !!! YOU GOT A DATE TMR???!" Hun start to shout that what make Yunmin and Molly to come running to her. "What what?" Both of them start asking and than I hear shouting. "OMG YUNNIE IS FINALLY FOUND HER SOUL MATE" "I'M JELOUSE!!! HE IS RICH.OMG ANNA AND YUNNIE IS DATING RICH PEOPLE"

After I close cafe. I was heading home when I saw someone walking to me. I did'nt want to put my hopes up so I just wait until the person to walk closer to me. As the person walk closer to me I was shock when I see the person infornt of me "lu..Luhan" I finally say without knowing a smile was on my face. "Hey Inyun. Are u heading home?" he ask. I just nod my head. "Where do u live?" he ask whil turing to face somewhere else. "A few block away" I say looking at my foot. "Really? I guess I can walk u home then. Let go" he say while taking my ahnd in his. I was shock but just follow on. "Hmm Luhan..Why are u being nice to me?" I finally ask him. I saw a smile on his lips. "You will find out tmr. Make sure u come okay?" he smile at me and I can feel my cheeks become hot so I just nod my head. 

We were walking side by side and hand in hand. I dont know why am I so happy to be with him? Am I feeling inlove with him? I remember when Anna told me how we feel when we are inlove. But I'm kinda greatfyl that I fell inlove with Luhan. I feel really save with him. After a few minute of walk. I can see my house from here. How I wish both of us can spend more time together. But I know this day will be over soon. "Here is my stop Luhan" I say to him. He was looking at my house then to me. "Stop calling me Luhan. Call me Oppa since I'm much older than u" I blush when I hear him say that."Nae..Oppa" I say then I saw him smile."Well then, Good night Inyun. Oppa see u tmr nae?" he say while letting hand go. "Nae Good night oppa" say and with a bow I start to walk when I feel a hand holding my hand I stop and look at Luhan. "Is something wrong?" I ask than again I saw his smile " Nothing. Night" he say then he kiss my forehead then he walk away. I was left there trying to proses what just happen...he kiss me? I shoke my head and head inside my house. What a long day.


~Seulpeohajima no no no honjaga anya no no no~

I wake up when I hear my alarm. I remember that today I will meet again with Luhan..but I have to tell Anna first. What will she say? I ask myself. I sigh then go to my bathroom to wash up. After I'm done with all my duty, I walk to the kitchen and saw Anna cooking omelt. "Good morning~!" I say to her while eating my omelt. "Good moring to u too. You up early today?" she say than took a sit with her omelt. "I kinda feel like it. So how was ur date with Suho? I ask than I saw she was blushing. "It was good and we are finally a girlfriend and boyfriend" she say while a big smile on her face. "Chukkae Anna" I smile and I saw she was happy. "Oh and I hear from Hun that u be getting a boyfriend urself? Who is it?" she ask while eating."Hmm..We are friends for now..I think..He is..XicompanyCEOLuhan" I say then start to eat my omelt.

I saw that Anna have stop eating and was staring at me like I was killed. "Xi company? Ceo? OMG! YUNNNIEEE YUNNNIEEE!! LUHAN THE SON OF THE XI FAMILY? OMG OMG LUCKYYY!!!" i hear her shouting like theres no tmr. "When is ur date? huh? huh?" she ask while blinking her eyes. "Today at 2pm. Can I take the time off?" I say to her trying to do a puppy eyes " muhahah. Of cuz Yunnie. You know it always been my dream to see u holding hand with a guy. You never date anyone before so having this chance you can never let go. I will give u a day off today. And since Hun is pretty good with cloths I ask her to make u look good okay?" she say in one breath. She really talk alot. I just nod my head since I know I cant fight with her.

It was 11am when I hear that door bell rign. I walk to the door to see Hun with alot of dress and make-up. Wow my eyes was wide (like D_O). "What all this?" I ask Hun while helping her with the dress. "To make u look pretty okay? We have alot of work. We have an hours to go. You ready? she ask. I can just nod my head and sigh. It going to be along hours.

An hours have pass and it say that it 1:45pm right now. I should get going. I was really amized by Hun. The dress was pretty and my make-up was not alot on my face. I was really happy to go and meet Luhan today.As I was walking to meet him. I was thinking what do he wnat to talk about to me.

I was looking around the park then saw Luhan at one of the swing. "Luhan Oppa" I call while walking to him. I saw he stand up when he hear his name than his eyes wide maybe cuz of my dress. "Did I make u wait long?" I ask smiling."Umm no. I just got here" he say eyes still not away off of me. 

"So what do u want to tell me?" I say then sit on one of the swing. I saw his eyes change to something. I think sad? but why? I can feel my heart hurt. Something bad is going to happen. "Inyun. I know this is to soon but I want to tell u that....I love u. I love u ever since the day u help me when the group of guys come and bully me. I love u and I want to show u how much I love u but I never get the chance. I know now I already tell u how I feel and I really want to u to be my girlfriend but..." I did'nt let him finish when I hug him with tears in my eyes.

"But what oppa?" I ask. I know there something that bad will happen when I feel his tears come down his cheeks. " I have to go to the US to study for 2 years but I cant let u go. When u are not mine. But I want to make u mine. But now..I dont wnat u to wait for me. I just want to tell u how I feel.." "I will be ur girlfriend oppa" I say. He was shock when he pull from the hug. "Really? But..u have to wait for me for 2 years?" he say with worry. I just smile and hug him back " I can wait oppa. If u really my soul mate. We will meet again after 2 years" 

I can feel him smiling. "Thank you InYun. Thank you. I will be back and I will make u mine when I'm back" he say. I just nod my head. "I will wait for that moment" I say than I feel his lips on mine.

It was my first kiss and I have to wait for 2 years to get more.
I will wait for u Luhan...I love u too 


-The End








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