

Autumn is an enchanting season. The changing of colors, sweaters, cups of hot chocolate, pumpkin flavored everything, and of course Halloween.

But perhaps, this would be the autumn that things would finally get exciting.


That comes with a heartbeat


 If there was one thing Jaemi and Yixing had in common, it was their love for fall. But perhaps the season could bloom another type of love.




╘ Kim Jaemi

A serious girl who doesn't enjoy being cute, or really feminine.
Quiet and sometimes mean, though she never means to be.
Despite never wanting to be mean, it seems if she tries to say something
friendly or funny, it comes out as sounding mean.
Fall is her favorite season, but she hates summer.




╘ Zhang Yixing

A very kind, humble boy who always works for what he wants.
Yixing is very talented, though he's overly modest about it.
Yixing is very kind, and it makes him seem almost stupid because
of how nice he is.
Just maybe Jaemi will be the perfect friend for him.




▬Author's Ramblings▬
Not much to say I guess. Don't copy the idea/translate, etc.
Hope you guys enjoy this fall romance story ^^



∞ W i l d S p i r i t ∞


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