
" hey, kai.. i want jiyeon's phone number...."


it's already at night, midnight more exactly. Krystal still awake cause she still doing her story. She also doing this when she get bored. She doesn't care that she will ne scolded by her sister cause her sister never check her up. 

1 message received.

" who are you, send me a text at midnight " she mumbled

from : jiyeon

hey, Krystal. still awake?


from : Krystal

yeah, i'm awake. why?


from : jiyeon

nothing. i'm bored..


from : Krystal

then, what should i do? i'm busy


from : jiyeon

ah, what are you doing? sorry for distrubing you. then, see you tomorrow,



"ah this girl... as cold as usual " jiyeon mumbled herself. she got an insomnia. and she have nothing to do. 

1 message received

" what's wrong with her?" jiyeon thought that the message is from Krystal, but she wrong.


from : unknown

hi :-D


from : jiyeon

who are you?


from : unknown

I'm Sehun. Do you know me?


suddenly, open and she drop her phone. " WHAT? SEHUN??! " jiyeon said in gasp

from : jiyeon

oh, yea~ ofc i know you. anyways, from who you get my phone number?


from : sehun

my friend haha


from : jiyeon

awkay, but your friend just so many


from : sehun

aha! you know me so well! stalker :p


from : jiyeon

of course i know cause my friend.....

"ah, nonono.." jiyeon said and deleted her words.

of course i know cause you're famous XD


from : sehun

oh i see... but, why not sleep? it's already 1 AM


from : jiyeon

bored, cause i got an insomnia. you?



they keep texting each other without  krystal knowing and untill jiyeon fell asleep.



" hey guys.. " sehun said happily

" what's wrong with you, hun? " kyungsoo asked

" nothing... haaha " he replied

" insane.. " kyungsoo mumbled.




" jiyeon-ah.. " Krystal called

" uhmm.. why? " jiyeon asked

" whats wrong last night? " krystal asked 

" last night? ah... i got an insomnia so i texted you, i thought you'll accompany me last night " jiyeon explained

" ah, i'm sorry,, i was very busy, cause i made my story.. sorry.." she apologized.

" oho... it's okay, pretty.. " jiyeon said politely

" but, what time did you sleep last night? " krystal asked

" about... 2AM" jiyeon said

" huh? what are you doing?" krystal asked

"i texting with..." jiyeon paused. it's impossible if she said she texting with sehun.

"with...??" krystal asked

" with my old friend! yeah.. with my old friend.." jiyeon said immediately.

" oh i see.. " krystal said and she eat her food.


" hi jiyeon " called a guy from behind. Krystal and Jiyeon turn their heads toward that guy and finally both of them eyes are like popp out.

"eh.. he..hey, se..sehun.." jiyeon with stuttering and little bit smiling. and now krystal staring at her.

" did you overslept last night? " sehun asked then left there.

" last night? you said that you texting with your old friend, don't you? hah..." krystal then left jiyeon, out of the canteen. not realized, sulli saw them then following them immediately.


" hey, Jung Krystal!! " jiyeon screamed, but there's no respon from krystal. " listen to me, Krystal-ah!! " she continued

" listen to what? your fake reason? I know, I consider you wrong! don't you dare to get closer to me, stay there! " krystal said angrily then left jiyeon for the second time.

" i know it will be like this... " jiyeon sighed. 


Krystal crying in the school's rooftop alone and didn't attend the lesson. She crying so hard now.

" why? why it must be jiyeon?! " she said with sobbed. " i thought jiyeon is a kind person, aaaaaaaakkk!! " then she screamed.

" i know it will be like this, that is the reason i can't let you to make a friendship with her " suddenly a soft voice from behind.

" sulli? " krystal looked at her, krystal looked mess. sulli just nodded. 

" i'm sorry, i should arrest you.." sulli regreted.

" no.. it's my fault. i should listen to you.. because there's no one can understand me except you...sulli-ah, i'm so sorry..." krystal sobbed then embracing sulli.

" it's okay.. it's okay, i'm here, stal.. " sulli try to calm her down. "now, tell me everything that i don't know recently.." she said.

" i don't know it for sure, but i saw sehun greeted jiyeon in front of me with a smile then jiyeon replied him. And, you know, they already texting each other since last night..." she explained with sobbed.

" but, i suggest you to listen to jiyeon's reason first..." sulli said.

" what? no.. i don't want to do it.. no way! " krystal said

" hey, hey... i know you're mad, but, just listen to her reason first... would you mind me to call her here? " she asked. krystal just silent. then she nodded. " great.. wait me up! " sulli winked. 


i'm sorry, sulli-ah

i've wasted your sincerity of your heart




" krystal, i'm sorry... " jiyeon came. " he texted me first. and i thought it was you then he said that he's sehun..." jiyeon explained.

" but why you said that you texted with your old friend? " krystal spoke up

" i just... i just afraid that you'll be mad.. " jiyeon said. krystal crying so hard again right now.

" but why you..." krystal paused and touch her forehead.

" krys, what's wrong?" sulli asked in panic. then krystal fainted. she immediately bring her to the health room in her school.


after about 15 minutes, krystal woke up. " sulli-ah.." she said with her raspy voice.

" ah.. stay still... you're still weak" sulli said

" why i'm here? " krystal asked

" you fainted in the rooftop after jiyeon explained the truth.." sulli explained.

" oh i see... but, don't you go to your class? it's Kang seongsaengnim's " she said

" are you crazy? i won't let you here alone.. " sulli said. then krystal smile.

" i know, you're the one that i can trust.." krystal said.



krystal passed her lesson then go home. her classmates know her condition and talk to the teacher to let her go home. sulli accompany her. but, suddenly, krystal refused to go home, and choose to go home accordance with the time. then after wait for 1 hour, the bell ring. the students can go home.

krystal looks pale and walking is unstable. sulli confused. how to bring her home, krystal doesn't want to call her sister, cause she knows that her sister is very busy.

sulli following behind krystal.then when they crossed the street, there's a car with a fairly fast. sulli stopped but krystal no. " KRYSTAAAALLL WATCH OUTTT!!!" sulli screamed. Krystal lying on the middle of the street with quite a lot of blood. sulli try to call jessica and there's a lot of people infest around krystal. 


" hello, jessica! it's me... sulli... Krystal hit by a car..." she explained

" what???!!!! "






hello guys.. sorry for late update. but i hope you still enjoying my story, and i'm sorry if there are words that you can't understand. but i really appreciate you if you read and comment on my story. keep reading and wait for next chapter^^! see yaa!!!


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Exose7en #1
Chapter 18: Can you update next chapter please
New reader right here
CuTeLUVie #3
Chapter 18: Fighting!!
CuTeLUVie #4
Update? ^-^ it was one year ago hahaha
shah_erys #5
Chapter 18: Author-nim please update soon ☺ I love this story.
CuTeLUVie #6
Chapter 18: f(x)'s comeback is in this month!!yay
Chapter 18: Maygatt!!! this was so CUTE!!! > . < i just don't know how to explain it! I really like the relationship between Sehun &Krystal here ~~*o* Please update ASAP author-nim>. <Can't wait for the next chapterrr ~~ :D
najiha_khairun #8
Chapter 18: I wish I can be like this with my crush
Chapter 18: I love it please update
CuTeLUVie #10
Chapter 18: Hii! No problem.. You're welcome hehe XD.. anyways thanks for the update! It has been so long.. But I'll wait for the next chapter;-) Take your time to update!^^