

Scarlett is abused. Abused by the only person she has left. She turns to music to help her enjoy life. But when her father disapproves of her passion, she leaves. Only to run into Luhan. Scarlett has never heard of EXO. So when Luhan takes care of her, her entire life turns upside down. Living with 12 hot guys is not easy.Especially when your psycho maniac of a father is after you


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Chapter 8: hope you can update this story again
Chapter 8: Hope you get the results you want ^^ I took PSLE in 2010. I am 15 this year :) Taking the N Level exam next year (:
Chapter 3: Hi! You are 12 right? Psle is over though! I hope you get into the secondary school you wanna go! I have took psle last year so I'm 13 this year^^
Exoticfan2244 #4
Chapter 8: Please update soon! I love thissssss
BlueBerryBubbleGum #5
Omg please update soon!!!! ^^ i <3 this story
A awsome story!!! I luv it soo much... thanks authornim... update soon!! ^~^
Chapter 4: I really like this story please update soon :)